General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open Rss Feed  
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2015-01-18 9:32 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by WebFootFreak It's Sunday again... 260 flat. While that puts me down 3.5 this week, but still 3.5 behind my goal. I had a big "why" moment yesterday. 3 of my 4 kids bowl in Sat morning leagues. I was busy following #4 around (too young to participate, hehe) and got a glimpse of myself in a window. Not a pretty sight. I look at what I do and I honestly don't feel as big as I am. The straight-on shot in the bathroom mirror is also a huge lie . For me it was 50% soul-crushing and 50% conviction hardening. I'm trying to focus on the latter. Not a great week training-wise, but I'm getting back up to full steam: Swim: 2 sessions in the pool. 2750 total yards between distance swimming, kick drills and sprint drills. I tried pull buoy drills, but I kept sinking. Also gave kick flips another try and hit my head on the bottom of the pool... twice... Next Fri I'm going to talk to the head of the swim class and see how that works because I need more focused training. Bike: No... This is bothering me. I'm planning on getting out this afternoon *crossing fingers* Run: Planned 4 runs, managed 3. Same 1.62mi loop around my neighborhood. For me this is the weakest of the 3, by a huge margin. I'm still in Run/Walk phase. Made the loop in 24:03, 24:27 and ended with 23:06. The plan is to be able to run the full distance, then start adding more on Saturdays (long run) and adding speed on the other 2 days. I walked both of my sprints last year (May: injury, Sept: burned out on bike). I need to correct this. I'd also like to be at a sub-12:00 mile.

You are making slow but sure progress in your workouts and that is the best way. It can be frustrating, but you gain without injury! I hear you on the reflection. I feel much smaller than I am till I see myself in the freezer section windows at the grocery. I have the same emotions you do!  Keep on keeping on. Oh, and 3.5 is a GREAT loss for the week!

2015-01-18 12:46 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
End of week update for me.

Training, I met my target, 2 hours and 16 minutes running for the week. 1 more than I had aimed at. Still many short runs rather than fewer long runs, but overall volume is the main thing, so happy with that.

Weight, down 1.76lbs this week, and about 6lbs overall this year. Which is better than I expected, as it was my mother in-law's 50th birthday on the weekend, so bbq and restaurant meals all weekend, which aren't good for the diet.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with my weeks work. Definitely feel that I'm moving in the right direction again.
2015-01-18 12:47 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by ceilidh

Sunday update for me. Weight down a pound! This weeks goal is a minimum of 2 pounds!

I missed lots of my training, mostly for not feeling well enough. Dammit, it has been over a month!!! I am way behind. I hope to feel well enough to get it all in this week. If I can, I think I can still pull a HIM off. I mean, all I am trying to do is beat the cut-off time. So, I got my long swim and my long run in. Today will be long bike but I missed a swim, a run and a brick!!

Nutrition was great! I prepared salads and took them with me while traveling. Ate them all three days. Had an emergency and had to eat fast food. Had a salad at Subway. Dinners were pretty darn good.

This week should be pretty good (fingers crossed). My long run will be the Hot Chocolate run in Atlanta. The only problem may be getting my long bike in on Sunday due to travel time.

How is everyone doing?


Down a pound, and great nutrition? Awesome week for you! Well done
2015-01-18 12:56 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by WebFootFreak

It's Sunday again...

260 flat. While that puts me down 3.5 this week, but still 3.5 behind my goal. I had a big "why" moment yesterday. 3 of my 4 kids bowl in Sat morning leagues. I was busy following #4 around (too young to participate, hehe) and got a glimpse of myself in a window. Not a pretty sight. I look at what I do and I honestly don't feel as big as I am. The straight-on shot in the bathroom mirror is also a huge lie . For me it was 50% soul-crushing and 50% conviction hardening. I'm trying to focus on the latter.

Not a great week training-wise, but I'm getting back up to full steam:

Swim: 2 sessions in the pool. 2750 total yards between distance swimming, kick drills and sprint drills. I tried pull buoy drills, but I kept sinking. Also gave kick flips another try and hit my head on the bottom of the pool... twice... Next Fri I'm going to talk to the head of the swim class and see how that works because I need more focused training.

Bike: No... This is bothering me. I'm planning on getting out this afternoon *crossing fingers*

Run: Planned 4 runs, managed 3. Same 1.62mi loop around my neighborhood. For me this is the weakest of the 3, by a huge margin. I'm still in Run/Walk phase. Made the loop in 24:03, 24:27 and ended with 23:06. The plan is to be able to run the full distance, then start adding more on Saturdays (long run) and adding speed on the other 2 days. I walked both of my sprints last year (May: injury, Sept: burned out on bike). I need to correct this. I'd also like to be at a sub-12:00 mile.

3,5lbs in a week is huge, well one. But does 3.5 behind your goal mean you're aiming at 7lbs a week weightloss? That's a huge number to try and maintain.

Good work on your workouts too. Don't forget, most of your runs should be nice and easy, it sounds a bit like you're racing your previous times on your running loop. Doing all your runs at full speed is a recipe for getting injured... Be careful
2015-01-18 12:58 PM
in reply to: dborradori

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by dborradori

NAME / username: Dante / dborradori

STORY: Several years ago I got into ultra distance cycling (100/200 miles per day) and at the same time started dabbling with tri. Dabbling led to becoming more tri focused and I was all the way up to doing HIM distance events. My wife got sick and I started working two jobs to make up for the loss of her income. That killed my competing and eventually my workouts too. Chronic fatigue combined with poor diet led to the return of the 70 pounds that I had lost. In October, I was able to quit the second job as my wife has finally been able to return to work fully. Right after I quit, I was in an accident that left my motorcycle and knee pretty totaled. Finally, after 3 months of crutches and multiple visits to the ortho doc, I am finally working to get off the crutches. I started back in the pool and weight room and that got the fire lit. I am starting to drop the weight and distances are going way up. I have now cleared to start dry land training too. It is like an addiction that is coming back really quickly. I will be only participating in AquaBikes from now on though. Trying to put off the total knee replacement for a while longer.

FAMILY STATUS: I have been married for 17 years to my wonderful wife. We have 3 sons total, 2 together. We have been blessed with one grandson and a 2nd on the way.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently swimming and/or lifting 5-6 days per week. Swim workouts vary from 30-60 minutes in length. I also have water aerobic classes to help with the knee rehab. I have begun some stationary bike and hope to back on my real bike by Valentine's day.

2014 RACES: None

2015 Plans: Overall goal is to be strong enough for the Big Kahuna Half-AquaBike in September. There are a few shorter races near home in between.

WEIGHTLOSS: Yeah, I've got a long ways to go. Currently at 340lbs. (6'3") down from 375 last year. Looking to make 250. Disappointed that I didn't lose more, but hoping this year is my year. I need to work on staying motivated, and need to be better about diet. Currently tracking calories on MFP because that's what I need to do to hold myself accountable!

Welcome to the group Dante.

Another person with a story that make my reasons and excuses for getting fat and loosing my fitness seem totally trivial. Good on you for getting back on the horse after what you've been through. Very impressive.
2015-01-18 3:28 PM
in reply to: #5083547

Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Welcome Dante! Great job on your efforts this week everyone! I like all the activity on here lately. It helps keep me motivated throughout the week when I hear what everyone else is doing.

Okay week for me. 2 runs, 2 swims, 1 bike, diet was okay but not great. Down 1.5 lbs though. Need to get more rides in, but it just didn't work like I wanted to get to ride my bike in to work. This week will hopefully be better for that. The flip turns didn't happen on Thursday like I thought. We did learn proper technique for open turns though. The coach said something about learning proper turns that I kind of agree with: he said that proper turns have nothing to do with open water swimming, but we're not in open water, so me may as well swim like pool swimmers.

Goals for the week: at least 2 bikes, 3 runs, and 2 swims. Need to step up a little bit and get a couple more workouts in. Also, I need to do a better job of stretching. I had a great run on Friday that got cut short because my legs were so tight. Also, better on the diet than last week.

What are others' goals for the week?

2015-01-18 4:50 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by bulfrog
3,5lbs in a week is huge, well one. But does 3.5 behind your goal mean you're aiming at 7lbs a week weightloss? That's a huge number to try and maintain.

Good work on your workouts too. Don't forget, most of your runs should be nice and easy, it sounds a bit like you're racing your previous times on your running loop. Doing all your runs at full speed is a recipe for getting injured... Be careful

I was up 6 last week. I'm aiming at .5lb/week so I should be down to 256.5. So technically I'm 3.5 behind where I should be at this point.

I'm not pushing the runs at all. I'm just trying to get back to where I'm running the whole distance with no walking. One I'm able to run my basic loop again, then I'll start adding in the other segments around the neighborhood. Hopefully I'll be over 4mi without stopping (regardless of speed) by May... Which is when my fun starts for the year.
2015-01-18 7:03 PM
in reply to: #5084649

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Vega Alta , Puerto Rico
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Pretty good week for me. Down 7 pounds from the start of training. 3 runs and 2 rides, one of them my first "long" ride of 10 miles. Been pretty consistent with logging my food through MyFitnessPal which has helped immensely. Swimming starts next Tuesday. Hope everyones is doing well and training hard.
2015-01-18 8:48 PM
in reply to: #5084706

Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
How do you like the new bike so far?
2015-01-19 7:00 AM
in reply to: #5084740

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Vega Alta , Puerto Rico
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Loving it so far! It's such a different experience from the bikes I'd ridden up to now and while its still early, I'm loving riding on the days after I run. It serms tohelp the legs.
2015-01-19 11:18 AM
in reply to: uziel5000

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Down 1 pound from last week and that puts me 2 above my goal spreadsheet.  I have been only working on the drainer and the dreadmill with pushups when I want to get off of the bike and need to get back on.  I am going to be putting in more hours and worry less about mileage.  I have also started tracking my water intake, because I am still not getting enough water into my system according to my urine color.  I also know that my water intake is low during the winter when my hands get really dry and start to crack.



2015-01-20 7:54 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Managed to get on the bike for the first time this year. Happy I was able to get out to ride, ticked at myself for waiting this long with a perfectly good trainer and Netflix account sitting in the living room. Only 10.77mi as I was crunched for time. I also averaged a weak 14.7mph. This is what happens when you don't put the work in. I need to be back striving to break the 17mph (avg) barrier before May. I've also ordered the first 2 upgrades for my WalMart special. The first being an FSA square taper BB as the one on the bike currently is starting to click and grind... plus when I'm on the trainer I can see that my cranks do not stay straight . I also figured that since I was swapping the BB, and the crankset that came with the bike uses an unconventional attachment (not square, isis, or any other style I can find), I'm going to swap from the mt. bike style triple to a more road-friendly, lighter and toothier double.

I also understand that throwing parts at my bike is... questionable... I have 2 reasons. First and foremost, this is giving me experience wrenching on my bike. I may be an ASE certified auto and medium/heavy truck tech, but bikes seem to require a different... touch... if you will. Plus it's fun to do the work myself and gives me an excuse to buy more tools. Secondly, the plan is that when it's time to upgrade, I can spend my budget on a frame and BB (as this one is a weird size) and move most if not all of my other gear over and end up with a nice ride. Now, if I do all this work and I end up finding a complete bike that I like within whatever budget I have, then I will end up having a solid back-up/bad weather ride... so win/win!
2015-01-20 4:27 PM
in reply to: uziel5000

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Bakersfield, California
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Thanks for all the welcomes.

I am realizing that my goal of getting back to Half Distance this year may be a bit ambitious. Continued my workouts in the pool and weight room. I even added 2 water exercise classes to continue the rehab of the knee. It is definitely going to be slow. It hurts today, but in a good way. Still hoping to be on one of my bikes by Valentine's Day.

The weight went down a couple this week. Swim suit is getting a bit big. It is hard enough to find a bigger suit, let alone in January.

I got all of my apps and devices synced up and will be looking for you guys of Myfitnesspal and Endomondo.

user name for MFP = dborradori
2015-01-21 6:08 AM
in reply to: dborradori

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Can I join in too

NAME: Kate

STORY: Started doing Triathlons in 2007 working may way up from Novice to Half Ironman. I started all of this with the desire to compete in Advenure Racing but realised that I preferred triathlons. It's been my escapism but I have a challenge with consistency - I travel a lot for work, end up doing long hours and my life descends into chaos until I start again. I'm hoping to make a change to that this year!

FAMILY STATUS: I'm single (my ex husband left a couple of years ago). Having spent a couple of years unsuccessfully dating I've decided to focus on upgrading me rather than trying to find a needle in a haystack as i figure I've got a better chance of success Oh and i have an adorable feisty cat called Tirpitz

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm a member of a triclub but have to admit that at the moment I'm a little scared to do much club training as I'm carry a lot of excess weight.

LAST YEAR'S RACES (2014): I did 1 and 2/3rds last year (someone ran the last part of the second one for me as I was injured).

2015 Races: I have the Devilla off road 5k, Caledonian Etape, Bishopbriggs Sprint and 2 HIM races planned. All before July.

WEIGHTLOSS: I started the year at the heaviest I've ever been I think I spent the last year giving up on me a little so am now embarking on regrouping and making sure I look after myself. Loosing weight isn't that much of a problem (I think! I've done it successfully in the past) but it's maintaining the consistency that will make a difference hence with this will help.

2015 GOALS: Get to my goal weight, comfortably complete my HIM, achieve consistency in my training.
2015-01-21 7:04 AM
in reply to: Kate_r

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by Kate_r Can I join in too NAME: Kate STORY: Started doing Triathlons in 2007 working may way up from Novice to Half Ironman. I started all of this with the desire to compete in Advenure Racing but realised that I preferred triathlons. It's been my escapism but I have a challenge with consistency - I travel a lot for work, end up doing long hours and my life descends into chaos until I start again. I'm hoping to make a change to that this year! FAMILY STATUS: I'm single (my ex husband left a couple of years ago). Having spent a couple of years unsuccessfully dating I've decided to focus on upgrading me rather than trying to find a needle in a haystack as i figure I've got a better chance of success Oh and i have an adorable feisty cat called Tirpitz CURRENT TRAINING: I'm a member of a triclub but have to admit that at the moment I'm a little scared to do much club training as I'm carry a lot of excess weight. LAST YEAR'S RACES (2014): I did 1 and 2/3rds last year (someone ran the last part of the second one for me as I was injured). 2015 Races: I have the Devilla off road 5k, Caledonian Etape, Bishopbriggs Sprint and 2 HIM races planned. All before July. WEIGHTLOSS: I started the year at the heaviest I've ever been I think I spent the last year giving up on me a little so am now embarking on regrouping and making sure I look after myself. Loosing weight isn't that much of a problem (I think! I've done it successfully in the past) but it's maintaining the consistency that will make a difference hence with this will help. 2015 GOALS: Get to my goal weight, comfortably complete my HIM, achieve consistency in my training.

Do the best you can every single day, and when a day doesn't go your way for eating or for exercise, try to make the next day a better day.  Some is better than none.  Good luck with everything and I would like to achieve some consistency also.

2015-01-21 7:16 AM
in reply to: flip18436572

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Consistency.... I have heard of that word.

2015-01-21 7:36 AM
in reply to: amy mutz

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
I'm Clutha_R on my fitness pal in case anyone want to add me? Kate
2015-01-21 12:18 PM
in reply to: Kate_r

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Fairfax, VA
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by Kate_rI'm Clutha_R on my fitness pal in case anyone want to add me? Kate
I just added you, welcome to the group! :-)
2015-01-21 1:22 PM
in reply to: Kate_r

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Bakersfield, California
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Welcome, I added you. Remember, that if you fail today, tomorrow is always a chance to do it right.
2015-01-21 10:15 PM
in reply to: #5084805

Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Mid-week update: one run, one swim, three bikes, and a snowshoe. Diet has been okay. Trying to balance the diet and working out. It seems like the days after hard workouts I get REALLY hungry, and no matter what I eat, I'm still hungry. If I stick to a normal diet, then I don't have any energy. Is this something that will go away?
2015-01-22 8:04 AM
in reply to: DBGlobal

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by DBGlobal

Mid-week update: one run, one swim, three bikes, and a snowshoe. Diet has been okay. Trying to balance the diet and working out. It seems like the days after hard workouts I get REALLY hungry, and no matter what I eat, I'm still hungry. If I stick to a normal diet, then I don't have any energy. Is this something that will go away?

I'm not a nutritionist by any stretch of the imagination, but I do have a question. When you get than hungry, are you craving anything in particular?

2015-01-22 9:37 AM
in reply to: #5085873

Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Nothing in particular, anything will fit the bill. I try to load up on veggies and drink a lot of water on those days. I don't eat meat much, so I eat low fat dairy and humus or beans for protein. Plus I will follow a hard workout with a protein shake. Hopefully it is just something that I will learn to deal with or get over entirely.
2015-01-22 1:14 PM
in reply to: DBGlobal

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
This week hasn't been as good as the last 2 for me.

I've discovered that going from nothing straight to 2+ hours running a week is a bit tough on the old body. I've been feeling very tired and worn down, especially in the legs. So I'm going to take a slight backwards step this week. My 2 1/2 hours planned is going to be about 2, with the weekend totally off. To give myself a bit of a rest.

Nutrition-wise, the week started well, but the last 2 days have been a regression. Poor planning ahead means we've ended up with nothing organised for last nights dinner, or this mornings breakfast. That results in take-away junk food. I've got to be better organised, if the foods in the house, ready to go we make good, healthy food. But any excuse (i.e. no meat defrosted ends in junk food)

We're heading away for the weekend, to visit my wife's sister. She's a bit of a dieter, so the nutrition should be ok, and after 2 days of no running teh legs should be nice and fresh to push on and get up to 2.5 hours running next week.
2015-01-22 1:17 PM
in reply to: Kate_r

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by Kate_r

Can I join in too

NAME: Kate

STORY: Started doing Triathlons in 2007 working may way up from Novice to Half Ironman. I started all of this with the desire to compete in Advenure Racing but realised that I preferred triathlons. It's been my escapism but I have a challenge with consistency - I travel a lot for work, end up doing long hours and my life descends into chaos until I start again. I'm hoping to make a change to that this year!

FAMILY STATUS: I'm single (my ex husband left a couple of years ago). Having spent a couple of years unsuccessfully dating I've decided to focus on upgrading me rather than trying to find a needle in a haystack as i figure I've got a better chance of success Oh and i have an adorable feisty cat called Tirpitz

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm a member of a triclub but have to admit that at the moment I'm a little scared to do much club training as I'm carry a lot of excess weight.

LAST YEAR'S RACES (2014): I did 1 and 2/3rds last year (someone ran the last part of the second one for me as I was injured).

2015 Races: I have the Devilla off road 5k, Caledonian Etape, Bishopbriggs Sprint and 2 HIM races planned. All before July.

WEIGHTLOSS: I started the year at the heaviest I've ever been I think I spent the last year giving up on me a little so am now embarking on regrouping and making sure I look after myself. Loosing weight isn't that much of a problem (I think! I've done it successfully in the past) but it's maintaining the consistency that will make a difference hence with this will help.

2015 GOALS: Get to my goal weight, comfortably complete my HIM, achieve consistency in my training.

Welcome to the group Kate. What Half Ironmen are you going to be doing? 2 before July is a big goal so good luck! Remember that before I let myself go, I completed a HIM back in 2013, so as you get closer to race date fire away any questions I can help with.
2015-01-22 1:32 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by WebFootFreak

Originally posted by DBGlobal

Mid-week update: one run, one swim, three bikes, and a snowshoe. Diet has been okay. Trying to balance the diet and working out. It seems like the days after hard workouts I get REALLY hungry, and no matter what I eat, I'm still hungry. If I stick to a normal diet, then I don't have any energy. Is this something that will go away?

I'm not a nutritionist by any stretch of the imagination, but I do have a question. When you get than hungry, are you craving anything in particular?

How hard are your hard workouts? There is a good chance that your hunger is, at least partly, psychological. For example I start to feel hungry at 3:30 in the afternoon, that's because over the last year I got into the habit of having a snack on the drive home. As that habit is broken the hunger starts to disappear. If you're eating after every workout then you're training your body to expect food, so you feel hungry after every one.

That said, if you're working out for over an hour at a time, you will need some nutrition. Try a gel/muesli bar etc. every 20-30 minutes of your workout if going for over an hour. The amount you can eat whilst exercising is limited but 2-300 cal/hour should be easy. That will help you fuel up before you feel hungry. Also drink tons of water, its important to stay hydrated, but also fills your stomach. So helps with the hunger.

Final thing, and I'm sure you're already doing it, monitor your weight closely. If you're not loosing weight at 1-2lbs/week you are eating too much after your workouts, so cut it out for a week or 2 and see how the weightloss changes.
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2007-08-16 1:45 AM Iron_Gus
date : February 13, 2005
author : JeremyLikness
comments : 9
Losing fat is not difficult. So why does this continue to be an elusive goal for so many people, who “struggle” just to lose a few inches?