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2007-02-06 10:31 AM
in reply to: #681000

Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Good news Kelly! Congratulations. That race looks quite challenging, especially the swim, but you'll do great!

I don't have much planned this week, other than to rest and study. It seems as if I'm battling a cold again. I only have a Cirque du Soleil concert to look forward to on Saturday. I hope everyone else is doing well.

2007-02-06 10:54 AM
in reply to: #625440

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Extreme Veteran
Olathe, KS
Bronze member
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Alcatraz! Awesome!!! I was just reading some race reports from that yesterday. It sounds amazing. Dave and I went there last May and wow, I can't really imagine swimming the bay. I'd like to do the race sometime, but it sounds really tough all around! I'm glad you made it- I'm sure you'll do great!

So is this going to change the rest of your planned races? I hope you'll still be doing SoR, but I can imagine that you might not want to do the other half now. Let us know what you decide.

As for me, this week, I'm just planning on running and swimming more. I'm so glad I'm finally getting back into swimming. I really enjoy it. Now I just need to get a bike trainer! I still don't have one, but really need to get one, since it is still way too cold for me to consider biking outside!
2007-02-06 12:36 PM
in reply to: #625440


Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
How’s Tuesday coming?
Thanks for all of the well wishes, I am really enjoying my bike, I had completely forgotten what a new bike feels like. I’m currently sitting at my desk waiting for peak hour at the gym to be over so I can go and work out… and I thought I would enlighten you all – seems like the board have picked up a lot of steam lately which is great.
Sounds like people had a pretty good weekend. Mine was fairly uneventful – a spot of biking and otherwise domestic duties; I now have a lovely clean room and a bunch of flowers to brighten my day. was thinking I would do a long ride over the weekend (nice weather here – cold but clear) but they’ve now forecast snow! Bugger…

Sanjana; have a great time with your sister, having family visit is great even if it does mess up the daily routine; including training. Congrats Kelly, Alcatraz looks like fun - but a hell of a lot of work we'll look forward to the race report. Are you enjoying the tampering or have race nerves start to set in? Linda; I’m glad the dizzy spell seems to have been a one off J that is great news- do take care of yourself.. how’s Grace doing by the way? Kristin: you never cease to amaze me; you’re training so hard – I wish I had your self discipline. Jennifer; thanks for the kind words of my blog, how was the walk yesterday? I hope you’re well?  

By the way does anybody know where Cindy is? She’s logging away (good work btw) but no posts lately J  
2007-02-06 6:17 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
I pm'd Cindy so hopefully if she has a chance we'll hear from her soon.
2007-02-07 3:33 AM
in reply to: #681000

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL

OMG Kelly, this is so great! Wild! I'm so excited for you!

I'm sure you will enjoy every step/stroke/etc. of it!!

2007-02-08 9:58 AM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
I know it's early, but I just wanted to get on the forum and wish Kristin good luck at her race this weekend (in case internet access was limited or you just wouldn't be on-line).


Based on how fast you are I don't think luck will have anything to do with it. I just like to say it anyway.

You'll be awesome.

2007-02-08 6:48 PM
in reply to: #625440

New user

Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
I'm here - just a little slow....

I've come down with a nasty cold the last couple of days. I'm a little bummed because I haven't worked out for 3 days. Any suggestions on how to get rid of this thing really fast??

2007-02-08 8:31 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Hey y'all!

Thanks for the well wishing this weekend. We'll see how it goes.

On another note - I got my bike!!!!!
2007-02-09 4:31 AM
in reply to: #625440


Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Good morning ladies,

Good luck on Sunday Kristin, keeping my fingers crossed - we are looking forward to the race report. Oh, and congrats on the bike – that’s super exciting. What did you get? Let’s hear the specifics and we are expecting to see some bike porn pronto  

Cindy, great to have you back – see, a bit of gentle poking does wonders I’m sorry about the cold - that sucks! I normally find that a combination of Lemsip and Tylenol keeps me functioning until I can spend a day or so in bed, nothing really beats a couple of sleeping marathons, unfortunately 

2007-02-09 11:53 AM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Hello everyone,

Cindy, I'm hoping you feel better very soon.

Kristin, again, good luck at your race this weekend. Definitely post some bike porn if you would. I haven't salivated over a nice quality bike since Stine put up pictures of hers.

As for everyone else, what do you have planned for this weekend? I'm doing nothing particularly exciting myself (sigh).

Hope everyone's having a great Friday.


Edited by kmarzano 2007-02-09 11:54 AM
2007-02-09 7:44 PM
in reply to: #625440

New user

Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Well, I'm hoping to work out this weekend. I have sleep on my mind, but I haven't worked out for 4 days. I think I need to sweat this cold out of me!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

2007-02-09 10:33 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: BIKE PORN
You asked for it...hee hee. See attached.

Edited by kmharrer 2007-02-09 10:44 PM



Bike3.JPG (67KB - 17 downloads)
Bike4.JPG (80KB - 32 downloads)
2007-02-09 10:38 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: BIKE PORN
Hee, hee...

Pictures attached ladies!


Bike6.JPG (64KB - 17 downloads)
2007-02-09 10:38 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: BIKE PORN

Edited by kmharrer 2007-02-09 10:43 PM



Bike2.JPG (97KB - 13 downloads)
Bike5.JPG (88KB - 16 downloads)
2007-02-10 8:30 AM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: BIKE PORN
Oooh. She's gorgeous. Sleek looking. Nice components. I thought of a couple of comments about how you should ride her, but I think I'd be taking us way overboard on the porn metaphor if I went there, so I won't. Instead I'll just stick with telling you to enjoy her because she looks like a nice ride (And even that sounds a little too dirty now).

When do you think you'll be able to take her outside and put some miles on her? I'm excited to hear how it goes.
2007-02-10 2:26 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Ha, ha - very funny.

I actually took it out yesterday afternoon - for like 45 minutes. Then my tri-team had a ride this morning at 10am - we went for two hours, 40 miles, in the rain. Sweeet.

I hope everyone's weekend is going well!

2007-02-10 6:13 PM
in reply to: #625440

New user

Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Nice bike! She's a beauty! I can't wait to get rid of this cold I caught and get my bike out of the garage.

Kelly, I'm so happy you will be competing in the Alcatraz event this year!!
2007-02-14 1:18 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Hello everyone,

I head out to South Carolina tomorrow and I'm not sure how much internet access I'll have so I thought I would post today. I hope everyone's week is going well. Cindy, it looks like you're feeling better since you're back to training. Kristin, we haven't heard from you since last weekend so please let us know how your race went. I'm anxious to hear. Everyone else, I hope things are well with you.

I'm starting to get ready for my trip and my race. I ended up calling in sick today because I've had a merciless headache for two days now. Hopefully it will go away by tomorrow. I'm also not sure what to do about the weather. It will be upper 20s to start the race and upper forties to finish. Clearly I would dress very differently for the two different temperatures and I'm not sure what to do just yet. Hopefully I'll have a better sense once I get there.

I hope everyone is well. Let us all know what you have planned for the weekend!

2007-02-14 7:20 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Oh yes. And happy Valentine's Day ladies!!
2007-02-16 12:13 PM
in reply to: #691113

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL

Hello ladies!

I can't access my blog for some time now. Although there is not much to blog, besides lots of stress and lots of walking. It was not the best time to instill new habit.

2007-02-18 3:19 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Hello everyone,

I survived my marathon this weekend and have put the race report up if any of you are interested. I hope everyone's weekends have gone well (I'm looking at all of your blogs now to see what you've been up to).

I'm hobbling around at my sister's now. I fly out tomorrow and I'm hoping warmer weather will be there to greet me. It was cold when I left and it followed me here for the marathon.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and if you have tomorrow off for President's day, enjoy that too.


2007-02-21 9:33 AM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Happy Wednesday ladies. Thought I would get in a mid-month check to see how everyone feels about their training, any races they are considering doing, life in general.

Does anyone have something they feel like they need to work on? Something they've been very good about and want to brag about? Questions? Comments? Any races you think you might be interested in? Is there anything I/we can do to encourage anyone?

I hope all is well.

2007-02-22 3:40 AM
in reply to: #697906

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL

Kelly, just being in this group is immense source of encouradgement for me! My training? What to say, besides I'm glad that I'm back and stressful 2 weeks are behind me so now I can resume my traning.  Races? Today's 5k race is postponed for the next Thursday. It is start of local running league I plan to attend religiously.

I've decided that main thing to work on during the Lent is getting up earlier in order to get some excercise before work or do whatever else is needed to be done in order to start the day peacefully.

Something to brag about - I joined 3 club at their annual meeting and I'm so happy to meet nice people there who accepted me so nicely, they approched me and congratulated me, it was so great!

Congratulations on your marathon!

2007-02-22 2:23 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
Hey Y'all,

I've been out of town since last Wednesday on a ski/snowboarding trip. It totally threw a wrench in my training. To be honest, I feel super slow and fat this week. Oh well. Everyone needs a break, right?

Oh, and the race last Sunday was fine. 4 miler in 28:33 or something like that. I did a 13-mile marathon training run on Saturday, so I didn't chip-in b/c I really didn't care about the time. I just clocked myself. No big deal.

On another note, my iPod is broken. I have a two-hour training run on Saturday morning. HUGE bummer.

Hope all is well!

2007-02-22 3:03 PM
in reply to: #625440

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: kmarzano's Group - FULL
KRISTIN!! Welcome back. I was so worried. I'm glad to hear you're well.

Wow. AWESOME time on your four miler. And with a 13 mile training run the day before to boot. Was there smoke and flames coming out behind you from being so fast?

I'm glad the ski/snowboard trip was fun. You probably just feel slow because you're not flying down a mountain, but in reality you'd be passing me like I was standing still.

Sorry about the iPod. I actually purposely don't run with mine so I can train my brain to tolerate super long runs without distractions. Also the one time I tried to wear it for a track workout (yes, stupid, I know) the headphones kept coming out, my hand was sweating so it was hard to hold it (I can't stand the thingy on your arm) or else it was bouncing around in the pocket I put it in. I almost threw it on the ground and stomped on it during the recovery jog. That's the point when I decided my iPod and I will always love each other but we like each other a lot better when we don't train together.

I'm glad you're back.

Edited by kmarzano 2007-02-22 3:16 PM
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