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2007-01-17 6:04 AM
in reply to: #625457

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
I had a run and bike scheduled last night. I threw up halfway through the run. I decided against the bike. I've been feeling like a cold was coming on so it was probably the right choice, but it does make me feel lazy.

2007-01-17 7:27 AM
in reply to: #657296

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

MSIronman - 2007-01-17 7:04 AM 

but it does make me feel lazy.

I know the feeling.   Make sure you get healthy before you go breaking down your body again. 

2007-01-18 3:16 PM
in reply to: #625457

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
I'm sick. I don't have a fever so I worked out this morning. Easy run, hard bike. It was fine while I was doing it. Feel pretty crummy now. We will see how I feel tomorrow.
2007-01-22 4:25 PM
in reply to: #625457

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
Had an ok weekend. Had a special occassion on Friday night and was out and didn't get home until 5 a.m. That was unexpected and I missed a brick workout Saturday morning. Otherwise, the weekend went well. I am mostly over my cold. Back to working hard.
2007-01-22 5:01 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

Hey crew - sorry for the lack of inspires or participation lately.  Life has been a little crazy.  How is everybody doing?   What is going on with your training?  Any stories to tell? 

My training volume was extremely light last week and will be again this week.  Things will settle down for me in the next couple of weeks and I should be ready to begin full-on IM training on Feb 5.  In the meantime, I am just trying to keep my fitness level even.  I am running a half marathon on Feb 3 and that is an annual race where I always seem to PR, so I will be looking for sub 1:40 if all goes well.   

How about YOU? 

2007-01-22 6:44 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Extreme Veteran
Williamsburg, Virginia
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
Things are well here, just trying to keep plugging away and get my miles in. I fell like I am doing pretty well, as long as I can keep on schedule I will be happy. I will start getting back in to triathlon training after March 18 (Shamrock marathon) . A buddy of mine in GA is trying to talk me into coming down to do a race with him. I have the weekend off, but I have to wait and see how a few things play out.
I did see that they are going to be doing a HIM here in Williamsburg in September so I am going to give it a shot. It should be travel.

2007-01-24 6:47 PM
in reply to: #664019

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
Ohhh, I am jealous of the marathon. I still have trouble with the whole, i'm a runner/i'm a triathlete thing. I like the cross training of the tri stuff but I long for 50 mile weeks on the road.

I have been having a pretty good week after a suspect weekend. My shoulder 'popped' while swimming and then I couldn't pull it out of the water correctly. I stopped pulling and did some kick drills but I didn't use my arms anymore. I iced it when I got home. I think it will be fine by my next swim workout.

I have a 5k next weekend. I am looking forward to it.
2007-01-24 6:58 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Extreme Veteran
Williamsburg, Virginia
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL


Bel aka Outbackgirl

Paul aka Jungledoc


If seen please notify any member of captantony's group

2007-01-29 2:40 PM
in reply to: #625457

Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
Hey guys

I hope everyone is doing well. It was another good week for me on the weight loss side. I lost another pound to get to 14, which is good since my eating was bad the last week or so.

Workouts slowed a little but I got some in. I went to the gym this morning to get the routine going, and it felt good and I am glad that I did.

In a couple of weeks the Y I go to is doing a 4-week Indoor Triathlon which I am signing up for this week. There is Olympic (Swim 2, Bike 56, Run 10) and Ironman (Swim 5, Bike 112, Run 4) and Ultra (Ironman in two weeks). I will try for the Ironman. I really see no reason why I should not get it.

Well, I hope everyone else's training is going well and I look forward seeing and hearing more about the rest of the group.

2007-01-30 9:40 AM
in reply to: #625457

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

Ok gang - how is everyone doing???  Bel is still MIA.   Paul has been found - he is just tied up at work.

How is everyone's training coming?  Honestly, I've fallen off a little lately.  My travel schedule and other things in life have taken some of my IM motivation away.  If you see me slacking, please call me out!  I haven't run a race in quite some time (and I LOVE racing), so I am hoping that this weekend's half mary helps get me on track. 

What are your February goals - training, weight loss, or personal?  List them here and let's make sure we keep each other accoutable.  I will get mine posted today or tomorrow.  

Safe training everybody!

2007-01-30 12:46 PM
in reply to: #625457

Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
February Goals:

Hard to say. I want to continue to build a base til the formal 20 week Olympic program begins the first weekend in March. I will be signing up for the Ironman Indoor Triathlon which will have to be done over the course of 4 weeks, which is Swim 5 miles, Bike 112, and Run 40)

Weight: I would like to get into the 280s, and to 280 if possible.

2007-01-30 7:13 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Extreme Veteran
Williamsburg, Virginia
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

For February I plan on still just pounding out the miles and getting ready for the Shamrock marathon. I have been feeling pretty good still except the last 2 days I felt like I was running hard and the times showed slower than I felt. Today I felt like I was pushing harder than my pace ended up being. Now I did run some hills on todays course so maybe that was it. I may run a 5K this weekend I am working on Friday evening and would have to get up early to get down for registration.


2007-01-30 9:33 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Extreme Veteran
Cary, NC
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

Hard to believe February is almost here.  My January goals went well.  I beat my running goal by 10% plus, and although I didn't meet my swim and bike goals, they were set arbitrarily to keep my mind set on tri training, although my primary focus was the MB half mary.

My February goals are as follows:

Weight - Lose another 5 pounds or so to get to around 205.  Although weight loss is not my primary goal, I want to get down to 185 or so by September so I do not beat up my joints so much while training.

Racing - MB half marathon on 2/17.  I hope to go somewhere around 2:00:00 to 2:05:00.  I ran an equivalent of a 207 last Sunday, but I do not know what my limiters are yet as I am only 4-5 months into running seriously.  I do know that my Sunday run cannot affect how fast I start the race, but will give me some confidence during the last half of the race to pick up the pace and get a better time. I am going to try to run the first 6.55 miles at a 9:30 to 9:45 pace and then let my system tell me where to go from there.

Training - I am starting my mileage countdown to the race, so my miles will be dropping.  I plan a 10 mile long run this week and an 8 mile long run the Sunday before the race.  After the Marathon, I will start into an Oly plan for a June 3 Olympic distance race.  I will be doing 2 sprints during that training plan.  One on 3/31 and one on 5/5.  But due to the separation in time, I took Dougs advice on doing a training plan for the Oly.

By the way,  thanks to all of you for the inspiration and support.  My January training was most excellent, and I believe the comeraderie and accountability of this group had alot to do with it.


ps.  I still owe you some of my bike porn, and will post it soon.

2007-01-31 9:45 AM
in reply to: #625457

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Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
Hi all!
Great job all of you. Watching all of your progress has certainly kept me motivated!

Well January has come to an end and here in Michigan it has brought some pretty cold weather. So for me outdoor running is not an option just yet. I know... STOP BEING A SISSY AL! Put on those fancy running "snowshoes" and get to it!

For the past 3 weeks I've been suffering from some back trouble, primarily in the lower back.
So for the past month I've been concentrating on my swimming and bike time. I feel that in both of these areas I'm doing fairly well. The times are getting lower and the distance is increasing so that's all good.

As I've mentioned before I've registered with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society "Team in Training" program, and will be doing an Oly late in June in Philly. Tonight is the Kick off meeting. So there should be some additional training time.
So far I've raised approximately $600 which is a great start, but my donation goal is $4500, so I've got quite abit of work to do.

If any of you would be interested in helping me in the cause drop me a line and I'll gladly get you all the info.

So anyway here's my goals for this month.
1) Continue working hard on swim & bike
2) Get my spine back in shape and make a concentrated effort to stretch more.
3) Stay healthy
4) Use an elliptical trainer in place of treadmill or road work.
5) Lose 2-5 pounds

2007-01-31 10:58 AM
in reply to: #625457

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
I have never really broken it down to month by month goals. I just want to work hard and improve. I know I made gains in January. I just want to make gains in February as well.
2007-02-03 6:10 AM
in reply to: #625457

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
For those of you who don't read my training is my embarrassing story for the year (I hope):

A word to the wise....drinking 3 quarts of water in 35 min isn't a good idea.

I didn't really mean to drink that much that fast, it was just an oops. I normally drink a lot but I ended up drinking a lot very quickly and ended up with a small case of water poisoning. I had to go to urgent care. The whole thing was quite humiliating. I felt absolutely ridiculous. However, the whole thing is quite real and can be the urgent care doctors told me.

I have no clue how I did it, I just wasn't thinking. Anyway....just a heads up because if you don't think about it.... well, I'll just leave it at that.

Oh yeah, I was told not to exercise at all on Friday since I needed to keep all the electrolytes that I could IN my body until I regained my balance.

2007-02-10 10:39 AM
in reply to: #625457

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Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
OK everyone, I feel like I'm going through DETOX or something. Why you ask? Well, it's really a simple thing. After this group was started everybody was quick to post alittle bit about ourselves and I really got to looking forward to reading what was going on with my "team mates".

Ok...the truth might be I'm just a nosie old fart but what the heck, I really am interested in what you guys are doing and reading about your progresses and what is working for you. And truth be told after reading the post I start to feel a connection with all fo you.

I know we're all real busy, but do ya think we might all be able to spend a quick minute or two once a week, just to give a shout out?

Hope ya all have a great week!

2007-02-10 10:54 AM
in reply to: #686237

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Extreme Veteran
Cary, NC
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

I am with you.  I have been feeling lonely without the communication.  I can't complain, because I have been away from the site except for a few minutes here and there to update my illness, but I will be better about it from now on.  Effort in = Desired Results out.

Thanks you for saying something about it.

2007-02-10 11:45 AM
in reply to: #625457

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

Sorry guys - I have not been a very good mentor lately.    Work really has gotten the most of me over the past month.  Nice post Al and I agree that at least once per week we should check in here to tell each other what is going on.

So, for me - my first week of IM training is ok.  I was in Los Angeles for much of the week and got in some good runs.  Now that I am back home, I got in some much needed time in the pool and on the trainer.  Today, I had my longest run in quite some time and it went pretty well.  All in all with a couple of 20 mile runs, I will be ready for the Shamrock Marathon in March.  Honestly, I feel good about my base for the upcoming IM training, but I am SCARED how I am going to find the 20 hours per week necessary to train in April and May.  I will figure that out when I have to. 

In other news, work continues to be busy, but I expect some changes in my job over the next 6 months.  Overall, things should calm down, but travel will remain the same.  On the personal front, I see my kids lots and they are doing well.  The other real positive is I've met a wonderful woman who supports my triathlon habit.

Ok - what about everyone else???

2007-02-10 12:55 PM
in reply to: #686265

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Extreme Veteran
Cary, NC
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL


I thought for a moment that you met a woman that supports your triathlon habit.  No really, what's that. Wow!

2007-02-10 1:27 PM
in reply to: #686300

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

Keith, she's a triathlete - go figure.

Oh and for clarification purposes, I am not talking financial support. 

Edited by captantony 2007-02-10 2:23 PM

2007-02-10 7:10 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Extreme Veteran
Williamsburg, Virginia
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

Well here is what is going on with me......Work, running, sleep and nursing a one eyed dog. As you know I am focusing on running right now till the Shamrock marathon in March. After that I will get in Tri-training. When that starts I will feel good about my running and my swimming. Yes swimming is not to much of an issue for me. I cant wait to get back on the bike. I do not have a trainer and it is cold for me to bike right now. When it warms up a little I will start back on the bike and some open water swimming.

Now for an update on the little dog, he is doing OK, the swelling has gone down. His vision in the one eye is very poor so he is having a tough time getting around, but I am taking care of him.

Hope the rest of yall are doing well and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

2007-02-11 11:59 AM
in reply to: #625457

Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
Hey guys

I agree. I like it when there is activity.

Things here in CO are good. The weather is finally nice enough to do some stuff outdoors. Did a bike ride yesterday and riding on some real hills felt good. Of course, on the way home, a cable on bike got tangled and stretched and now I cannot switch gears, so in the next two weeks I will take for tune up and fix.

Planning wise, I have three things right now. On Sunday, the indoor triathlon at the gym starts so I will work to achieve Ironman status in that over 4 weeks. On March 11th, I am running a 7k St Paddys race, and on the 14th I head out to the rugby tournament in Savannah, GA. I will be playing with my club from London, and it should be a blast. So those are the things on my horizon.

2007-02-12 4:53 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
Hi All,

Well, I finally broke down and bought some clipless pedals (105's) and shimono shoes with the graphite soles. used them on the trainer. Man it's going to be tough to get used to clipping in & out. LOL...I can feel the road rash now.

TNT practice went well sunday. On the trainers we were spinning for 45 min. at approx. 18-20mph, then did a 2 mile run then core work.

My knees and ankles hurt so I may need to do some adjusting with the pedals.

Gotta tell ya, I slept really well last night.

Have a blessed week!

2007-02-14 12:54 PM
in reply to: #625457

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
i admit that I haven't been super great at checking in either. I'm working hard. I just want to be VERY ready for IM CA....only 44 days to go.

give the clipless pedals a week or two, after that, you will wonder how you ever went without them. clipping in and out will become second nature.

Hope everyone is doing well and working hard....except for CT who is working hard and getting no time to train.
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