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2007-01-18 7:15 PM
in reply to: #659896

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL

I get paranoid about getting sick this time of year as our biggest ski races approach.  I try not to shake other people's hand if I can avoid it (they usually laugh when I tell them why), I don't touch anything in the bathrooms at work without using a paper towel as a germ guard, and I stay away from sick people.  Come to think of it, maybe I shouldn't be reading your posts if you all are sick

Hope everyone recovers soon.  Don't over-do it.

2007-01-20 9:14 PM
in reply to: #630115

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
Hope everyone is feeling better and having a great weekend. I did a 2hr trainer ride this morning (thank God for DVD's) Tomorrow calls for a 1:30 run early AM suppose to be 17degrees can't wait. Hope it is a little warmer in your neck of the woods.
2007-01-20 10:02 PM
in reply to: #662014

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
Minus 8 degrees at our house this morning.  Had to get up early to drive to a 17km x-c ski race.  Finished 13th overall (small race - about 125 but some good skiers present) and won my AG.  Still not in peak racing shape yet, but the big race isn't until Feb. 24
2007-01-21 6:34 PM
in reply to: #630115

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
Ok- I was reading the post in TT aboutt Negative splits (which I am NO good at ) and was just wondering what your thoughts are on this?
I have a friend I run with sometimes- who really likes to do this in his races- and he is a pretty fast runner. I would think an even pace and maybe a fster last mile would be better??

2007-01-21 8:26 PM
in reply to: #662598

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL

tripletmom01 - 2007-01-21 6:34 PM Ok- I was reading the post in TT aboutt Negative splits (which I am NO good at ) and was just wondering what your thoughts are on this? I have a friend I run with sometimes- who really likes to do this in his races- and he is a pretty fast runner. I would think an even pace and maybe a fster last mile would be better?? Tammy

Why does  your friend "like" to do negative splits?  Has he/she experimented to KNOW that the negative split strategy results in a faster time?  Or is it just a psychological thing that may or may not result in a faster time?

I read Ken Mierke's (a supposed running expert but I don't know much about him) comments on even splits and how he thinks it gets harder and harder to do an even split pace as the race goes on.  Frankly, I think that is a ridiculous argument to use to advocate negative splits.  I think every mile in a race gets harder and harder regardless if you're doing even or negative splits.  So, to ask  your body to go FASTER in later miles seems ridiculous.  Obviously, this applies to longer races.  I guess someone could argue that if you start off reeeeallly slow and then pick up the pace you will be stronger later in the race. But, maybe you'll give up so much time in the early miles that its a wash by the time the race is completed.

I prefer to keep things simple.  In every one of my 10 regular marathons and my IM marathon I attempted even splits.  That doesn't mean I was able to keep that pace for the last 6 miles in every race, but I'm not convinced that doing negative splits would have resulted in a faster time.  Having said this, I admit that there may be some courses (such as the Boston Marathon) where the topography may play a role in your pacing so that you may try to do some sections (uphills/downhills) at a different pace and then make up for the change in pace somewhere else on the course but this is a rare example. 

Since you are focusing on 5k races right now, I don't even think this is an issue to worry about.  A 5k race is literally fast from the starting gun all the way to the finish.  If you are trying to beat a certain person are you willing to attempt negative splits and let that person get away in the early section in the hopes that they get tired and fall back to you later in the race?  Not me.  I'm staying on their shoulder the whole race.   If you're going for time only (sub 22!!!) then I still advocate even splits.  The race is just too short to try to stick to a complicated set of negative splits. 

Finally, here is what Pete Pfitzinger says in his book "Road Racing for Serious Runners" :

"Running an even pace is the most effective way to run the fastest time because it uses oxygen most economically and keeps lactate accumulation to a minimum.  Most distance world records are set by running at an even pace."

I think your idea of even splits and trying to run the last mile faster (or at least the last quarter or half) is a good idea.  Stick with your intuition.

2007-01-22 1:22 PM
in reply to: #630115

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
I had a full weekend and wasn't around much. I had a night of drinking on Friday night. It was kind of accidental, but I had a good time. I was out until 5 a.m. so I missed my Saturday brick. I don't think that will happen again as this was a very special occaison.

As for the negative splits. For a 5k, there is no way. That's practically a sprint. I do try to use negative splits in my 10k and longer races. And when I run my 'slow' miles, it is a matter of 15 or 20 seconds slower than my max pace for the first 30-40% of the race. I think this helps me save energy for a strong finish and I don't notice as much fall off.

It's really reallly hard to run with negative splits during a race because I just want to go go go. It's up to you, you may want to give it a try sometime. It probably doesn't help during a 5k. I'm no expert, that's for sure. Just my opinion.

2007-01-22 6:24 PM
in reply to: #630115

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
agree, especially when you are going for a time, even pace is the way to go
2007-01-24 3:21 PM
in reply to: #630115

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
Curious about swimming and if it comes natural or everyone really has to work at it. I took some lessons this winter and it seems to be getting easier but still relitively slow IMO. Is basing your 100 split time for a pool workout comparable for an open water swim. Obviously there are not many lakes with cement walls every 25 yards and you won't stop every couple hundred yards for a rest.

Just curious on everyones thoughts!
2007-01-24 8:04 PM
in reply to: #666731

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL

Shermbelle - 2007-01-24 3:21 PM Curious about swimming and if it comes natural or everyone really has to work at it. I took some lessons this winter and it seems to be getting easier but still relitively slow IMO. Is basing your 100 split time for a pool workout comparable for an open water swim. Obviously there are not many lakes with cement walls every 25 yards and you won't stop every couple hundred yards for a rest. Just curious on everyones thoughts!

I'm sure that it comes natural (or nearly so) for some people, but not me.  I'll show you how much my swimming sucks.  Lake Waconia triathlon this year my run split was 1/41 in my AG, bike was 2/41 in my AG and my swim split was 23/41 in my AG.  Guess what my limiter is?  

I broke down and started taking lessons because I had no clue about swim technique.  I literally had no idea what a proper pull was like.  I took one lesson/week for a while and then every other week for several months.  Worth every penny.  My problem was that I spent a lot of time on technique and not on trying to get faster.  I'll take more lessons this winter/spring but start focusing more on speed also.

Your pool split will always be faster than your OW due to pushoffs.  It's important to get OW swims in so that you can get accustomed to swimming without the black line on the bottom of the pool, choppy water, wetsuits, and sighting.

2007-01-24 8:21 PM
in reply to: #630115

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
Natural??-Ha- not me either I wish!!
My run and bike splits are always top of the pack and my swim is maybe top of the bottom of the pack!
But I got a swim coach - I only get to see him once a month- but man has it helped. I think a lot of it has to do with being comfortable in the water- which I think I finally am- at least in the pool- throw me out in lake right now and probaly wouldnt be so pretty (especially since they are frozen ) My goal is to get under 2:00 per 100- in open water ... gonna take a lot of work. Running and biking are great cuz I can kind of space out sometimes- do that in swimming and Id drown
You are definitly not alone

2007-01-24 10:07 PM
in reply to: #630115

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
Yeah good to no I am not alone, I swim with a group on Friday mornings (only 2 times so far) and it seems to be helping getting use to chasing someone. The girl who gave me lessons and is the coach says I will be a great swimmer but I think she is blowing smoke you know where.

2007-01-25 7:39 AM
in reply to: #630115

New user

Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
Well, good news. Got 2 B9 results from the doctor, so it looks like you are stuck with me for the duration!

I took a brief break from training, but was able to run a couple days after surgery. I was finally allowed back in the pool yesterday. Unlike others in the group, swimming is my favorite event, so it's been a tough week and a half to go without. I'm currently looking for a coach to help me get faster.

Since we have been buried under snow and ice for the last couple weeks, my new bike hasn't gotten much use. I bought a trainer and will be setting up today. Still need a heart monitor but my wallet is feeling pretty light after the bike purchase.

Thanks to those that offered kind and supportive words while I was gone. It meant a lot.
2007-01-25 9:19 AM
in reply to: #630115

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
BeStill, I'm glad things went well!!!

I have been getting better at swimming but I prefer the run and the bike. Breathing is something I LOVE to do and I struggle with proper breathing when I swim. My coach is working with me on it, but still have issues.
2007-01-25 12:51 PM
in reply to: #667228

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL

BeStill - 2007-01-25 7:39 AM Well, good news. Got 2 B9 results from the doctor, so it looks like you are stuck with me for the duration!

That is great news!  Yesterday we found out that my father in law has bladder cancer so it really brought things close to home. 

Hope you can get on that bike soon!

2007-01-25 2:27 PM
in reply to: #630115

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
I am so happy everything is OK

I sure wish I was a swim lover- you need to give the rest of us a little of that!!

Jim- sorry about your dad

MSIronman... hee hee.... me too- about the love to breathe thing. When I first started swimming I thought it was pretty much like running while holding your breath

2007-01-25 7:25 PM
in reply to: #630115

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
BeStill Glad to hear everything is going to be ok

2007-01-26 8:35 AM
in reply to: #630115

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
On wed, I was swimming and felt my shoulder 'pop' and then I couldn't pull my arm out of the water. After a day of rest and ice it feels better but I hope it stays that way.
2007-01-26 8:10 PM
in reply to: #668709

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
MSIronman - 2007-01-26 9:35 AM

On wed, I was swimming and felt my shoulder 'pop' and then I couldn't pull my arm out of the water. After a day of rest and ice it feels better but I hope it stays that way.

Hope you feel better. It seems are whole group has had one thing or another. I have been sick, it seems Birkierunner is a little under the weather, BeStill has had her share.

Lets make a pact. Everyone gets and stays healthy and injury free during February
2007-01-26 8:54 PM
in reply to: #630115

New user

Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
Given the way my headcold feels right now, I may take drastic measures:

Let me know if anyone else is interested. We maybe able to get a bulk discount.

2007-01-27 6:27 AM
in reply to: #669460

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL

BeStill - 2007-01-26 8:54 PM Let me know if anyone else is interested. We maybe able to get a bulk discount.

In the next 6 weeks I have business trips to Austin, Denver, Chattanooga, Portland, and WV.  Gotta love that airliner recycled air.  I'll take 100 of those face masks.

Edited by Birkierunner 2007-01-27 7:16 PM
2007-01-27 7:21 PM
in reply to: #669559

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
10 k x-c ski race today  (28:13)   Not bad for being sick a good part of the week.  There were tons of Olympians, Olympic hopefuls, college, high school and us old guys in the race today.  It was part of the U.S. Super Tour Series.  The winners of the series get invited to ski in the last few races of the World Cup in Europe later this winter, so its pretty competitive.  I was about 7 minutes behind the winner (an Olympian) but I treated it more like a speed workout today in prep for ski marathons next month. 

2007-01-28 4:07 PM
in reply to: #630115

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
Hey great race. Do you find the xc skiing keeps you fresh for tri training the rest of the year? I have read a lot about Deena Kastor saying she primarily xc skis in the winter and she finds it rejuvinating and a great workout.
2007-01-28 4:10 PM
in reply to: #630115

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL
Hey Birkierunner

Curious do you have a powertap and if so is it a permanant one in your everyday wheels, race wheels or what? I have been looking at them for my new bike whenever I end up getting it probaly next month or early March. I see Zipp makes them built in and is only a couple hundred dollars more than a regular set of wheels. But I'll always want them wheels on then if they are built in. Opinions?
2007-01-28 7:29 PM
in reply to: #670549

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL

Shermbelle - 2007-01-28 4:07 PM Hey great race. Do you find the xc skiing keeps you fresh for tri training the rest of the year? I have read a lot about Deena Kastor saying she primarily xc skis in the winter and she finds it rejuvinating and a great workout.

x-c skiing builds great legs.  Also, upper body strength is important with x-c and that carries over to swimming in my opinion.  For all around fitness x-c is hard to beat - and you don't have a lot of pounding on your body like you do with running.  Just finished a 1.5 hour workout in 3 degree temps...and tomorrow morning I have to fly to TX - it will be a shock to the system.

2007-01-28 7:40 PM
in reply to: #670552

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's Group - FULL

Shermbelle - 2007-01-28 4:10 PM Hey Birkierunner Curious do you have a powertap and if so is it a permanant one in your everyday wheels, race wheels or what? I have been looking at them for my new bike whenever I end up getting it probaly next month or early March. I see Zipp makes them built in and is only a couple hundred dollars more than a regular set of wheels. But I'll always want them wheels on then if they are built in. Opinions?

Hi.  I have an ErgomoPro powermeter on my bike.  The Ergomo actually replaces the bottom bracket on your bike.  Therefore, you can use any wheel setup you want without having to lose your powermeter.  I went this route because I wanted to have flexibility with training and racing wheels without losing the ability to measure power.  If you build the powertap into a racing wheel you are stuck with using that wheel if you want to measure power during normal training.  I'm not going to risk training on a $1800 pair of Zipps (or at least the rear wheel).  Also, there have been reports about the Powertap not dealing with rain very well - see:

You can learn more about the ErgomoPro at Rich Strauss' site, where I bought mine.  Rich also has good guidance for using a powermeter to pace your Ironman race 

What kind of bike are you looking at??

Edited by Birkierunner 2007-01-28 7:40 PM
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