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2007-02-01 8:04 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)

ok boys and girls, I am back with renewed vigor!! I am so happy to see that we have all made it through our first month of the New Year together with some pretty good results. Everyone is finding more ways to workout than excusses to become a couch potato again. Pretty soon you will notice your body will not appreciate multiple days off. Instead, it will crave the endorfin rush from your workouts!! I must say that there is nothing quite like a natural high from a workout!

 Keep up the good work, keep checking in on each other, and please feel free to bounce anything you want off the group or me. ENJOY YOUR TRAINING!!

2007-02-01 9:38 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Everyone great job keep up the good work. Also any one up for a group challenge among ourselves. I think that may help push us all a little more. I don't know about ya'll but I am a bit on the competitve side. So what do ya think up for a challenge?

2007-02-02 8:42 AM
in reply to: #633464

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
I'm in. That's just what I needed to get my butt in gear, I'm very competitive too. What are the rules of engagement? Let's go for it.

Amy in Indiana - this is a much needed boost.
2007-02-02 9:47 AM
in reply to: #633464

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Florence, Arizona
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
I'm up for a challenge weakness is the weekend workouts, so I've skipped quite a few longer much needed bike rides & runs....strength training too is a part of my exercise routine that is NON existent. So I'd like a challenge that gets my butt going in that direction??? I'll go with whatever the challenge is though....

Hope everyone is well!

PS...can I whine a little bit? It's -30 here....with the windchill it's -37 celsius (-40 f)....I'm dying to run outside again. Brrrrrrrrrrrr.

2007-02-02 2:41 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
ok, lets say we have a 5 week period for first challenge, we are on the honor system here so our word is our bond. I will challenge anyone with a weight loss goal, i need to lose 20, i guess we should do a inches loss and a weekly workout goal too. let's get the rules together this weekend and go for it.
everyone through out some rules then we can define them:

weekly weigh in.
measure last day of contest
person with least off days gets to add points to their total weight loss at end of challenge, everyone must take one day off per week, say person with least off days gets to add 20 to their weight loss and inches lost.

so we add total inches, weight and least days off to get our total.

or anyone who has a better contest let us know...I'm ready for this to get rid of the winter blues. then we all will be ready for spring....
2007-02-02 3:46 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
just so you guys know, there is a challenge group in the threads that start each month. In the past they have focused on a Swim month, bike month and a run month. Figuring what you want to achive and getting as close to it or exceeding it. I will let you know if I am in once I get a chance to realy figure out my numbers

2007-02-02 3:54 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
I'll be honest I really need to focus on my run for the next six weeks, because I got talked into a 1/2 mary at the end of March up in Cooks forest state park in PA.

2007-02-02 4:38 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Florence, Arizona
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Running has been a weak point for me lately (because I gained weight I think)....and I used to be good at I'm up for a running challenge. Running also helps me maintain/lose weight more so than the other, I'll do the 5 week weight challenge with you, with the least days off, and a running challenge at the same time????

How do we do a running challenge of we are at different levels though???? Number of minutes?

2007-02-02 5:35 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
What has been done in the past is each person takes there plan of time/milage for the month and guesses at what they think they can achive. You have your choice of miles or time, it dose not realy matter. That way for instance I can pledge say 45 miles of running, yet someone else can say 450 minutes. For me they would be about the same. The idea is to come as close to the goal as you can.
2007-02-02 5:39 PM
in reply to: #633464


Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Sounds like a great challenge...

I have a 22 BMI and a healthy weight. I need to gain 10 to 15 lbs (of muscle) and eat twice as much as I do now.

I am lucky when it comes to being skinny, but it is not healthy as I thrive on caffeine and stress...

Lately, with the increased workouts, I have also increased my appetite.

I like challenges though …
2007-02-03 7:18 AM
in reply to: #633464

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Ok Helen you can do the weight challenge against me and anyone else that's interested. This is going to really encourage me to do good at my weakest point which is eatting in the evening, and proabably to big of portions. Let's try to log our nutrition everyday so we can see what the other is eatting. My weight loss goal is 20 lbs, but for 5 weeks 12 would be good I think, then we can do another 5 week after that if we want.

I'm going to watch my daughter today run a indoor track today at SIU, I will check back in tomorrow so we can have everything lined out for Monday...

Wooo Hoooo I'm excited!

Have a great weekend.


2007-02-03 7:22 AM
in reply to: #633464

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Everyone re-evaluate your goals for the next 5-6 weeks and post them here, then we can have us a good old fashioned challenge.
Desty you could just gain instead of lose...if you want...lucky you.

I'm off to track meet, that always gives me a boost watching those totally fit and awsome college kids run like the wind. I admire them for their determination and commitment.

Later guys...
2007-02-03 1:38 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)

put me in for - 5 lbs. I know it probably seems concervitive, but I know that would be a lot for me at this point. So from 231-226 is the goal for me in weight.

As for my time goals, this month is calling for 20.5 hours on the drainer, and 12 out running in the cold. My goal is to get as close to those numbers as I can, espcialy since I am not in the water right now. If I get into some major snow plowing, all bets are off, but I throw the gauntlet down with try to meet the goals of at least one sport in this months plan you are following!

Edited by Ontherun 2007-02-03 2:47 PM
2007-02-06 1:56 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Well I am going to be out of town for a couple of days, another funneral. But there is a Y there, so just to relax and forget about all that is going on I will most likely go work out. I may also put is a solid brick in. Well to be honest just to show off a little. My nephew doesn't believe me when I tell him I am training for a tri. So I may put him up to the test and prove it to him.

My Challenge is to increase my running distance to about 15 miles by the begining of March. In preperation of a 1/2 mary at the end of march. I just have to be careful not to push to hard, so as not to injure myself trying to make that distance.
2007-02-07 11:31 AM
in reply to: #633464

Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Hi all,

So sorry I have been missing in action. My internet has been broken for three days. I have been going out of my mind. Anyway it seems to be working again so I am back with a vengeance.

I am happy to join in any challenges planned. I guess I am not so clear on what we are doing though. I'm gonna go back and read the posts here to see if I can figure it out.

I would love to do both a weight loss challenge and some sort of exercise challenge.
2007-02-07 11:33 AM
in reply to: #633464

Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Ah ok. So my weight loss goal is to get down to 140.

I am currently at 148.5, but still think that would be manageable in the next 4-5 weeks, losing 1-2 lbs per week.

As for fitness I want to make sure to get at least 1 workout on bike, swim and running each week, plus want to add strength training. Not sure how much more concrete people are being.

2007-02-07 3:10 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Tiffin, Ohio
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
I thought I missed out on the challenge but amy hasn't even logged in for 4 days...

I think if we are going to do this we need to be a bit more organized. We can't hold each other accountable if we can't figure out who is doing what and when they are supposed to do it.

How about a re-start date of Sunday, Feb 11th? A 5 week challenge would end on Saturday, March 17th. Everyone could list a goal for each of the following categories:

Weight Loss/Gain
Swim Time
Bike Time
Run Time
Strength Time

So, my goals for the 5 weeks would be:

Weight Loss/Gain: -5lbs
Swim Time: 7hrs
Bike Time: 15hrs (spinning)
Run Time: 5hrs
Strength Time: 5hrs
Other: 10hrs yoga

Then we can check in here every Sunday or Monday and post or progress.

What do you think?
2007-02-07 3:14 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)

my goal is rather simple for 5 weeks

-5 lbs

bike 20.5 hours

run 12 hours.

that is what my plan is calling for. I have been no good at strength work, so I will not start now. I do not plan on any water time until April right now, so I am just trying to meet the goals of my 1/2 IM plan for the sprots I am doing right now.

2007-02-07 5:06 PM
in reply to: #633464

Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
My goal for the next 5 weeks are as follows:

weight loss: get down to 140 lbs in the next 5 weeks.

swimming: 8 hours
running: 8 hours
biking: 8 hours
other cardio/classes: 4 hours
weight training: 2 hours

I actually have no idea how realistic those are or possibly too easy, but I will start there.
I believe that works out to 30 total exercise hours
or 6 hours/week which seems close to ideal at this point in my process.

So while those are my breakdowns I will also have the
30 hours total of exercise goal, such that I can compensate for lack in one area by more hours in another.
2007-02-08 8:39 AM
in reply to: #633464

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Haven't disappeared. But been very sick. Today is my first day back to work and first day out of bed. Got sick Sat. and haven't been this sick for years. Then I had a problem with my eyes yesterday, they called it a binocular migrane, your eyes first act as if you have walked out into the bright sun and you can't see, then you see a silver water fall effect, and then you can't read, it looks like a jigsaw puzzel. It is very scarey.

Thank you for concern.

I pasted the above note to Joe for everyone. I am feeling much better and can start back slowly to reach my goals. Can we start the challenge Sat. I haven't even read everything here yet, I will catch up tomorrow because I'm very behind at work too. So I'm dedicating today and tonight to catching up on work then I will be ready to catch up with you guys tomorrow and hopefully we can start challenge Sat... Let me know if it's ok. I will be back here tomorrow and check in, but for now work has to get caught up.

Thanks much,
Amy in Indiana
2007-02-08 8:55 AM
in reply to: #633464

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Tiffin, Ohio
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Welcome back Amy.
I have had migraines with blindness and auras. I know how scary they can be. I used to get migraines almost once a week. I cut out caffiene and they went down to twice a month. I started working out and eating right and the went down to once a month, then once every over month. Haven't had the blindness or auras in about a year now. Find your triggers and you can control this.

As for the challenge, I proposed we start Sunday.

2007-02-08 3:17 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)

Amy, glad to here you are doing better. I did not realy think you ran away from us, unless it was for a good 5k As for the challenge, I have a suggestion. For Febuary, set your personal goals, and do the best you can. We can start with March with an actual challenge, bike, run whatever! We could also check the challenge me threads and see if we can jump in there for March, or at least use there formulas as a template for ours. This will allow everyone time to get up to speed at the same time, and keep us all moving in the mean time. Let me know

Keep up the good work.

2007-02-09 3:36 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
I would like to thank you all for joining my group. I love the challenge idea, and needed it. I am falling off of where I want to be right now, but am still striving for a realy good month. There is nothing quite like a good reason to push yourself when it is 20 outside, and the drainer rides just keep gettting longer. Keep up the good work!
2007-02-09 8:40 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
I was just flipping through Inside Tir mag, and I saw the Moosman in there. Sound like a good race, I may put that on my calander for next year. Keep up on the training, it is hard to meet the goals at times, but continue to push on toward the goal.
2007-02-09 10:43 PM
in reply to: #633464

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Ontherun's Group -Full, off and running :)
Made due anyway today. Got in 2.5 hours of drainer time that was supposed to be 3 hours on Sunday, so I will take it. Probably could have gone the whole 3, but I need to take the home made aero bar composit off the bike and get a safer one that my knees do not hit
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