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2007-05-18 11:13 AM
in reply to: #802336

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Did an easy ride this morning, FLAT TIRE made me cut the ride to 20k (40k was planned). Fixed the tube, but the hole was too big for the patch and the for the rest of the ride the tube was leaking. When I got home the thing was practically flat!
Interesting thing - the tube exploaded into the "deep dish" rim, because there was not enough padding between the tube and the rim, just one layer of rubber. When I put 100psi+, the tube bulged into the hole for the spoke and BANG. Need to put some tape there... And get a new tube...
Does any of you guys know a way to avoid that in the future?
Seems I am getting my share of flats finally - for the last 3 years, believe it or not, only had 1!!!
(I ride about about 40miles/week on the average in season)

2007-05-18 11:15 AM
in reply to: #806583

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2007-05-18 11:17 AM
in reply to: #806583

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

markz - 2007-05-18 12:13 PM  Does any of you guys know a way to avoid that in the future? 

Yes! Use Velox rim tape.


2007-05-18 11:20 AM
in reply to: #806592

Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
I am going to the LBS now to get one, Thanks Jim.

Kiley- you will get your share eventually, just ride more!

Edited by markz 2007-05-18 11:24 AM
2007-05-18 11:31 AM
in reply to: #806601

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Edited by Bopper 2007-05-18 11:32 AM
2007-05-18 11:45 AM
in reply to: #802336

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2007-05-18 12:08 PM
in reply to: #806017

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
I did that years ago to kind of assess my turnover. I ended up to be consistently at about 170 per minute. Took me about one training season to get it up to 180. I have felt much more comfortable and I feel like I'm putting out less effort
2007-05-18 12:39 PM
in reply to: #802336

Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

I had a flat changing tutorial when I bought my bike and then recently attended a "roadside repair" clinic put on by my tri club.  It definitely made me feel more confident.  I'm hoping I'll actually be able to remember it all when the time comes (I ride a lot and have been very fortunate).  I figure this is a good backup plan if the batting of the eyelashes/looking helpless approach doesn't work.  I'm fairly certain it won't at Iron Girl .

2007-05-18 12:45 PM
in reply to: #806767

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2007-05-18 2:54 PM
in reply to: #806782

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Bopper - 2007-05-18 1:45 PM

ALWAYS have a back up plan... very very wise.

And a cell phone...

2007-05-19 10:03 AM
in reply to: #802336


Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Okay - I need some help with motivation this morning... I have not done a single work out in 3 days! With tons of research papers to grade before Monday and supervising a school dance last night I just haven't felt like I have the time to devote. How do you stay motivated when times get busy?

2007-05-19 10:58 AM
in reply to: #807842


Rapid City, SD
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Well, one of the things that I do to make sure I get my workouts in is that I run/ride with friends.  It makes it more of a social thing instead of just a workout.  Aside from that, I know I sleep better after I workout and I'm less stressed out.  So, while you may feel like there isn't enough time, a short workout can really work wonders.
2007-05-19 11:10 AM
in reply to: #807842

Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
AimeeTeach - 2007-05-19 10:03 AM

Okay - I need some help with motivation this morning... I have not done a single work out in 3 days! With tons of research papers to grade before Monday and supervising a school dance last night I just haven't felt like I have the time to devote. How do you stay motivated when times get busy?

I too had no motivation this morning but it was due to my legs still being overly tired from yesterday's run/swim brick. I have a planned ride tomorrow with a friend so I know i'll get that ride in... my other problem is my husband likes to ride also and we don't have funds for 2 bikes this year, so he rides my bike... I have to "book" my time with my bike before he decides to get up and ride it.
2007-05-19 11:35 AM
in reply to: #807842

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2007-05-19 1:07 PM
in reply to: #802336

Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

Aimee... there will be times when you have so much on your plate that it's tough to find time/motivation to train.  Sometimes you have to skip a workout because life simply gets in the way, and you need to be able to forgive yourself that and look towards the next day/workout.  As a former educator, I know how crazy the end of the year is!  I also believe lacking motivation can be due to overtraining and it's your mind's way of telling you that your body needs a break.  It is always important to listen to that and schedule recovery days. 

With that said, once you are training consistently for four to six weeks or so and have a training schedule that works, it is likely that you'll find it's a hard habit to break.  I always say that I'm an endorphin junkie... and that rest days are tough for me because I miss my fix when I don't get it.  Working out has become an integral part of my daily routine.  I don't think I'm alone in that but it absolutely takes time and consistency to get there... and get there you will

2007-05-19 3:18 PM
in reply to: #802336

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
You can grade papers at night, go train.  In all reality, just get on your running shoes and start going away from your house.  Once you really get out there, you will keep going and get it in, feeling fantastic.  Just run away from your house.

2007-05-19 3:21 PM
in reply to: #802336

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
I went to the tri transition clinic at all3sports today.  It was fantastic and I recommend it if it is offered again.  It is amazing how you can trim 2 minutes so easily.
2007-05-19 5:05 PM
in reply to: #807927

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
I'm an endorphin junkie as well. It took a stress fracture to make realize that I'm not superwoman and I need to force a day off AT LEAST once every ten days. But you're right...once a training schedule is established and you have been working consistently it is very hard to NOT get out there and do the workout. It's a freaking drug!!!!

If I'm having difficulty getting motivated I do what was mentioned before...schedule a workout with a friend. Misery loves company, right? Also, I remind myself how GREAT I feel after the workout! That ALWAYS does the trick for me even when I'm so freakin' exhausted from either other workouts or just life.

But, as someone as mentioned, your body could be telling you something like you need a break, physical or mental, whichever. That's when I look back at my logs and determine if a rest day is actually needed or not.

Get out there!!! he he

Have an awesome day either way
2007-05-19 6:10 PM
in reply to: #802336


Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Okay - I read everyone's comments and then went for a run! I turn 30 next Saturday and entered my first 5K for that day... my goal is to finish in under 30 minutes... So I jumped on the treadmill and did 3 miles in 29:54! yeah! I think I will be able to pull off my goal next week - and hopfeully not feel too old Thanks for all of the great advice! (Oh - and I was able to grade papers this afternoon too, leaving time to train tomorrow and spend the day on the lake wakeboarding!) Thank you, thank you for the encouragement!
2007-05-19 7:08 PM
in reply to: #802336

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Good Job on getting the workout completed. As a former classroom teacher. I feel for you. There always seems to be one more thing to do to get ready for the day or the next week. I only did one year of classroom teaching but I would go for a walk before tackling grading papers. I think a good walk can be just as good as a run most of the time.
You should be fine for your 1st 5k. Your treadmill workout proves that. If possible check out the race course. Know where the 1st, 2nd & 3rd mile markers are, if there are no splits given. know what your splits should be to achieve your time. Run with someone who has a similar goal time. When you start to feel the pain from your race effort. Get your mantra going to pull you through the finish line. Good Luck.
2007-05-19 7:23 PM
in reply to: #808099

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2007-05-19 7:25 PM
in reply to: #802336

Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

Yay for Aimee!!!  Good for you for getting a run in and at a nice pace, too! Congrats on signing up for the 5K (which is it?).  Having a race as a goal is a very good training motivator.  And... thirty is not old... it is a great age.

Psssst... it was a beautiful day today... why the treadmill?  If you're not used to running outside just be aware that you may notice a difference in your treadmill vs. outdoor running pace.  Mine happens to be faster outside but lots of folks find the opposite to be true.  It was a great suggestion to check out the 5K course you'll be running to see what the terrain is like and how the splits look. 

2007-05-20 2:11 PM
in reply to: #808099

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
30 isn't old. I recently turned 30 ha ha Attitude is everything, right? he he The good thing about turning 30 is...NEW AGE GROUP and NEW PRS!!!!

Good luck on your 5k!!! next week???
2007-05-21 6:09 AM
in reply to: #807842

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

AimeeTeach - 2007-05-19 11:03 AM Okay - I need some help with motivation this morning... I have not done a single work out in 3 days! With tons of research papers to grade before Monday and supervising a school dance last night I just haven't felt like I have the time to devote. How do you stay motivated when times get busy? Aimee

For me, the key is to get your wrokout in firs thing in the morning, that way you don't build up excuses during the day for not training. Also, scheduling and planning is a must (like I need to tell a teacher that!).

Oh...and *great* run on Saturday!

2007-05-21 6:12 AM
in reply to: #808078

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

carrie1 - 2007-05-19 6:05 PM  ...I need to force a day off AT LEAST once every ten days.

Once every 10 days? Uh...Carrie? We need to talk...

BUt serisously, you can get away with training more than you could if you were only running, since swimming and cycling are non-load-bearing sports, but really, if  you consistently go 10 days in a row without a break, you are going to totally burn yourself out, and also be overtired ANd maybe injured.

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