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2007-12-22 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1114217

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: Let's talk about MOTIVATION

jsnowash - 2007-12-22 6:50 AM

So, just curious -- do you have a coach who designs your workouts for you, or do you do it yourself? If you self-coach -- do you have any pointers for the rest of us on how to structure a training program? I think part of my problem with motivation at the moment (aside from the hectic nature of the season) is that I'm NOT really following any specific plan at the moment... I've been working on developing my training plan for the year, but that's gotten pushed to the back burner recently. When I get it more or less finished, I will try to post it for some feedback from the group.

Jenny, I have had several excellent coaches over the years, including Lorraine Moller who was a 4 time Olympic marathoner.   Right now I am coaching myself.   I am struggling a bit because all of my training (and the coaching I have received for it) in  the past has been devoted to a very specific goal race and time, usually a marathon.  For the 4 or 5 years prior to my break a year ago, I was a runner who was focused on peaking at one or two key races a year.  The training plans were long (usually 6 months), periodized  (base, strength, speed) plans meant to culminate in one or two PR race performances a year.   Right now I am in a bit of a flux. I am not sure whether I want to continue as a marathoner, and I am not sure how the triathlons are going to fit into the scheme.  So, for right now I am on what I consider a general all-purpose plan, which is much different than the periodized approach I would use if I was a bit more focused in my goals.

Since I already have a good solid year of base training under my belt, I am in a holding pattern right now where I do (or try to do) three key run workouts a week:  a long run (which I am currently stretching to 2 hours), an LT workout, and some easy intervals to keep my speed up.  I fill in the rest of my workouts with aerobic or recovery runs and biking.  This type of training assures that I can produce decent run performances at the local races from 5k to half marathon that are coming up, but it is unlikely to produce anything stellar.  I am also in the off-season for triathlon, so my only tri related goals are to keep building distance and speed in the bike so that when I settle on a training plan for next season, I will be ready. 

As soon as I decide what my goals really are, then I can create a better program that will be focused to a distance and periodized properly.  I believe strongly in the idea of building a solid aerobic base, doing strength work with hills (which is really difficult in FL by the way), and then moving to speed in the end stages before a key race.  I use several books for reference, including  Friel's Triathlete's Training Bible  for the triathlon stuff.  My approach to run training is not what is popular today.  I am a disciple of the 70's type of training, especially as presented by the great New Zealand coach Arthur Lydiard.  It involves higher mileage and faster training paces than are popular today.  (You wouldn't know it, though, from looking at my training logs right now )

As for pointers on self-coaching, I would say that in the beginning it is a very good idea to follow a pre-prepared plan, such as the ones on this site or in any of the good training books (maybe making small modifications to fit your individual parameters, but within the overall predesigned program).  I did that for the first year or two that I ran.  I began with Galloway's run/walk plans, did Hal Higdon, and several others at different points.  ALL of the reputable training programs work -- if you stick to them and are consistant. 

After a person has some years of experience, knows what works and doesn't for him/herself, and has read some training resources, such as Friel's book, then one can begin designing plans for oneself, if he/she wants to, but it is not easy. 

The key, though, is to have clear goals because the training plans vary with the goals, both in terms of whether the goal is a distance (i.e. Oly vs. Ironman) and in terms of the goals for performance (i.e. have fun and finish, place in the age group, improve the bike time, or win the race).  Other factors to consider are the realities of a person's life in terms of training time.  Loftier goals usually involve bigger time commitments, which is not always possible in reality. 

I am not sure how helpful all this is.  I spend a lot of time studying, thinking about, and agonizing over training plans.  Anyway, that is my 2 cents -- for what it is worth.

2007-12-22 11:59 AM
in reply to: #1114219

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

jsnowash - 2007-12-22 6:58 AM On a non-training related note, though -- I really do love the Christmas season, despite how busy it can be. My kids are just about to explode! They just can't wait for Tuesday. I love seeing how excited they are, and how much they love picking out presents for each other and other family members ("Oh, she's going to LOVE this!". It's just all so much fun for me! They're growing up so fast -- it won't be long before they won't have the same excitement they do now, and I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts!!!

You are soooo lucky to have kids that age!!  You have the right attitude for sure -- enjoy it!!  I am in that no-man's land -- grown children but no grandkids yet.  Christmas is just not the same without kids to enjoy it.  It is a lot less hectic for sure, but it is a lot less fun too. 

2007-12-22 12:07 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: Wierd laundry-related question
I have a wierd question for everyone.  Does anyone besides me have problems getting the sweat smell out of training clothes?  Some of my tops come out of the dryer smelling not much better than when they went into the washer.  Does anyone have any suggestions on this?  It is embarrassing when I go to races or run in groups...
2007-12-22 12:51 PM
in reply to: #1114382

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Subject: RE: Wierd laundry-related question

hey Lori.. if you are talking about technical clothing (the wicking stuff) make sure you aren't using fabric softener (liquid or 'bounce' sheet type) as it renders the wicking properties ineffective.  It's best to wash the items and hang to dry, (they dry fast), or wash and dry them without fabric softener.    I'm a big time sweater and don't notice any sweat smell on my clean workout clothes.

I have heard of a special laundry detergent for workout clothes I think.. not sure what it was called (or maybe it was just for getting the chlorine smell out).  I'll try to do a search for it.

Found a couple threads to check out:

Keep in mind that people have lots of different opinions about what works and what doesn't .  Hope this helps

Edited by cathyd 2007-12-22 1:00 PM
2007-12-22 2:28 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
I've taken to doing a "soak" cycle with just oxyclean on my tech fabrics before washing them, then I wash them with a very small amount of detergent, and add an extra rinse cycle (I have one of those fancy high-efficiency front-loading machines, not sure if it would be different with a top-loader or not...). That seems to have done the trick for me. I was having the same trouble with clothes holding on to less-than-pleasant odors... I think one of the keys is making sure that the detergent gets completely rinsed out of the fabric. If it doesn't, then I think it tends to hold onto that funky smell. Also best not to but tech fabrics in the dryer - I just hang them to dry.

2007-12-23 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: Merry Christmas !!!

The countdown to christmas is really on now.  I'm heading out for last minute shopping today. Monday will be prepping for xmas dinner on Tues.

Hope everyone enjoys the holiday. 

I'm in the middle of a week off work but will pay for it after xmas as I work 8/11 days starting Dec 27, so I'll have limited training for the next 2 weeks.   I'll post the summary thread early as may not get online Monday.


2007-12-23 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: Dec. 23- weekly summary and goals

How did you do last week?  Did you meet your training goals?  What are your plans for the next week?

I'll start - I did 3 bikes, only 1 run 2 runs, and 2 core workouts..  didn't eat any ice cream,  and did work out every day off work (that's assuming I do something today which I haven't yet but will update this later  updated)  so i missed my goals but I'm ok with that .

Plans for next week... hmmmm... I'll do something Mon, Tues and Wed.. Friday work days so that'll be a rest day.. Sat work nights so I'll train that day and Sunday also... just not sure what I'll do each day.. if the weather cooperates will do some runs outside... and try for core every day.

Now I'm off to shop !!

Edited by cathyd 2007-12-23 5:38 PM
2007-12-23 2:46 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

hello all.  I've been kind of awol - combination of lack of access to BT and some recovery (I hurt my hip a couple weeks ago, overuse mostly)

I'm motivated right now by a few things - an aggressive tri schedule for '08, including my first oly, good natured competition with my husband AdCo, and a big bet about the local thanksgiving 5K for next year.   Oh, and I'm sick of being fat.  There's that.

So now, I just pull one of those out when I'm tempted to skip... the hardest for me has been making myself take it easy for now until my hip gets better.  Took a few days off, and now I'm raring to go.

I don't have a completely formal plan yet for when I'm back to full stregnth.  I have a lifting plan to build some muscle, I have a running plan (higdon's 12 week novice) for when I can run again), but I'll need to figure out how to fit biking and swimming into that as well.  I think for now I'll start by taking a spinning class at my gym on weekends - I work harder that way than on the stupid gym bikes, and I am without a real bike right now.  Swimming starts tomorrow.

2007-12-23 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1114447

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Cathy and Jenny,

Thanks for the ideas about the laundry.  I will definitely need to get some Oxyclean, as lots of people recommend it.  Those links were great, and I got several other ideas to try.  Hanging clothes up to dry is a big problem down here most of the time, which is probably part of why the clothes stink.  It is so humid here that nothing gets dry most days.  I take off my running tops, rinse them with fresh water, and then hang them up to dry.  Eight hours later, they are still wet and stinky on top of it.  I had to move the hanging rack and laundry hamper for my running stuff to the garage because I hated the smell in the house.  They will dry if I hang them in the sun, but then there is that whole sun problem with breaking down the lycra.   I will let you know if any of the things seem to work.  Thanks for the help.


2007-12-23 8:24 PM
in reply to: #1115022

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Monica,  It sounds like you are ready to go.  Take it easy on that hip when you start back to running.   The swimming may help loosen it up some.  Good luck with getting back on track.

2007-12-24 7:17 AM
in reply to: #1090940

Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Hello all

My week was fine though I do not recall getting injured being part of the plan. Monica, right there with you with a hurting hip - no dx on mine yet - now the cascade of questions: too much? too soon? did the new shoes cause it (same model as always just a new pair)? the pavement (been adding paved surfaces to my runs in prep for the half-marathon in Feb)? is it a stress fracture? etc etc.

My plan was to ease up over the holiday anyway as we will be traveling to visit family in New York, so this way I ease up a little early. Better ease up on the fruitcake, too. Today I get in the pool for a swim and then a water aerobics class. It's a great alternative to pounding away on aching bones - BTDT when my patella-femoral syndrome was an issue a few years ago.

Oh, you Black Bear HIM ladies - our trip up north takes us through Allentown so I'll get on over to the site of the race and check out the bike course.

Happy holidays everyone, Barbara

2007-12-24 7:32 AM
in reply to: #1115406

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Oh, you Black Bear HIM ladies - our trip up north takes us through Allentown so I'll get on over to the site of the race and check out the bike course.

If the hills are scarey big please lie to me barbara, wait until after I register then tell me the truth!!!

Enjoy your holidays.

2007-12-24 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Merry Christmas everybody!!!!  I hope you all have a wonderful, safe, and joyous holiday.
2007-12-25 5:49 AM
in reply to: #1114911

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: Dec. 23- weekly summary and goals
cathyd - 2007-12-23 11:53 AM

How did you do last week?  Did you meet your training goals?  What are your plans for the next week?...

Last week I didn't meet all my goals because of those two missed days.  I only got 24 miles running (trying for 30) and 1 bike workout (shooting for 2-3).  The long run went well, which is good. 

Probably the best thing that happened last week is that Jenny helped me realize that I need to get a more focused goal so that I can plan my training accordingly.   So one of my new goals is to find an Oly to focus on and make a training plan related to that.   I think it is too late in this running season to put together a proper training plan for a running race, but I can focus on a tri and make a coherent plan. 

My goals for this week are pretty much the same as for last week in terms of training: get the key running workouts in, get 2-3 bike workouts in to start building a base, and get my running mileage up over 30.

2007-12-25 12:58 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Merry Christmas everyone!

I'm unable to write on a daily basis, I'm spending Christmas with my folks some 650 miles away from Toronto.

As far as training goes, I was unable to do so but I will get some done once I'm back in Toronto this coming Saturday. I'm feeling much better now and it's about time!

Gotta go for now... I have to help my mom get the big bird ready!

2007-12-26 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: Dec 26 discussion topic -TRAINING OBSTACLES

Holidays can be a big obstacle to getting in your training; other obstacles could be work, family commitments, illness and injury... the list goes on.

What have been your biggest obstacles in the past? How about now? What do you foresee causing you problems  in 2008? How do you deal with them?  Part of your training plan should include how you will work around things so your training doesn't suffer, so lets try to identify what could cause you problems, and if you have ideas to help your mentormates - post it here.

I'll start... the main obstacle in my life that can negatively affect my training is my job.  My job involves working 12 hour shifts and a 25 minute one way commute, so 13 hour days.  At the end of a day shift I am beat and find it hard to do anything except hit the lazyboy chair for an hour before bed.  Night shifts all I want to do with my time off is sleep.  I deal with this by scheduling rest days on the days I work, and on my sleep  days between night shifts. I also design my training schedule around a 9 day cycle because that's how my work rotation is - 4 on, 5 off. 


2007-12-26 12:18 PM
in reply to: #1090940

Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Well I've recently acquired a new injury that will require some re-jiggering the training plan. That's OK, I feel like I got where I wanted to go, or close enough, with running, and do need to get in more biking, so the timing is not bad. Optimistic that I will be back on the trails in a reasonable amount of time. That is the beauty of multi-sport - this would have devastated me a couple years ago, but now I've got two other disciplines to cross-train in while my hips heals.

And in July I become a productive member of society again. This prospect filled me with anguish a few weeks ago as I contemplated getting in training time, but I have been inspired by you all who manage to do it while working. I plan to train in the early am - good thing I am a lark, and rise early raring to go. Best time of day to train, too - temps are cooler, traffic is less.

So I am all positive thinking today - this is the new Babs :-)
2007-12-26 5:38 PM
in reply to: #1116809

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: Dec 26 discussion topic -TRAINING OBSTACLES

The biggest obstacles in my training have always been the "significant others" in my life.   There has always been impatience and varying levels of resistance for the amount of time, energy, and money which go into my training.  When I miss a day of training, it is almost always because someone wants me to do something "first thing."  If I don't get my training done first thing in the morning, the chances I will do it later in the day are pretty low.  This is a horrible thing to say, but my recent separation and impending divorce will probably be good for my training.

Injuries have been a limiting factor for me in running training in the past.  However, multi-sport seems to be helping with that.   

My job (college instructor) has always been one that has allowed maximum flexibility for training.  I am starting a new job in Jan., though, at a private college. I have been warned that they treat it in a more "business-like" way, so I am a little worried that it may cut into my training time.  Also, I am going to be teaching 6-10 at night, which may interfere with my propensity for early morning runs. Right now, that looks like my biggest worry for my upcoming training. 

Edited by wyldrunner 2007-12-26 5:39 PM
2007-12-28 2:30 AM
in reply to: #1116809

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Dec 26 discussion topic -TRAINING OBSTACLES

I, too work 12 hour shift.  Midnight - noon.  I have NEVER been a 'morning' person, so working out when I get up is usually tough, unless I'm doing something WITH someone else. i.e. riding/running.  I like to work out when I get off work.  My legs are shot (usually about 12,000 steps carrying 18 lbs of gear), but I just consider it a 'brick' session.   When I've been off for a day or two, my legs really come alive.....sorry, I've digressed...  training obstacles should be non existant since I live alone (now), but I am my biggest obstacle.  I have always crammed for events in my life-college finals, research papers and athletic events.  I seem to always put things off-then have to walk a tight rope of intense training v. injury or overuse.  That was  easy at 35, however 45 brings a whole new challenge.  I have come to the realization that I should STAY in shape and not always try to GET in shape.  (I'm a freakin genius).   Maam, yes Maam-NO OBSTACLES!!! 

2007-12-28 8:53 AM
in reply to: #1119847

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: Dec 26 discussion topic -TRAINING OBSTACLES

jeffnboise - 2007-12-28 3:30 AM   That was  easy at 35, however 45 brings a whole new challenge.  I have come to the realization that I should STAY in shape and not always try to GET in shape.  (I'm a freakin genius)...

That is a great point and part of why I am so consistent.  It hurts a lot more to try to get back into shape at 45 than it did at younger ages.   Fear of having to go through all the soreness and agony of getting back into shape if I let it slide gets me out the door.   That is also why I am having such a dang hard time getting a weight program going.  I get so sore from the first day at the gym that I don't want to go back even though I know it is what I need.   Getting old is hell!!!!Cry

2007-12-29 6:47 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Well, for me, it's a combination of life just getting in the way, and, like Lori, my tendency to sometimes wind up skipping my workout if I don't get it done early in the day. So, near the holidays, I wanted to get out and get all of my shopping/errands done as early as possible before it got too crazy "out there" in retail-land. Result? When I got home I would often end up either skipping a workout or cutting it short. Same thing if I need to do something at the kids' school in the morning or other stuff comes up early in the day.

And, of course, this time of year there's always the odd cold or flu-type bug that rears it's ugly head. When I get my training plan set up, I will likely begin the plan a week or two early, to allow for life/illness/injury to get in the way of following the plan as laid out.

I would have a tough time with getting workouts in if I did shift-work like some of you guys... My hat's off to you!!

2007-12-29 2:06 PM
in reply to: #1121714

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Jenny... my shiftwork is nothing compared to having young kids at home - I don't know how you parents do it.
2007-12-30 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: Dec 31, 2007 Weekly summary and goals

Ok everybody, the week is over as is the year 2007.  How was your week?  Did you meet your goals? 

Looking back on the year how did you do?  Can you identify your strengths?  Areas you need to work on for this season?

What are your goals for January, and for the first week in particular?

Everybody try to visit your fellow groupee's training logs and leave an inspire - to motivate, congratulate or just say hi.

I work on Monday then going out after work so may not be here again before 2008.. everyone enjoy your New Years Eve !!


2007-12-31 5:47 AM
in reply to: #1123575

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: Dec 31, 2007 Weekly summary and goals

I had a great week last week.  I finally got a week in with all planned workouts and the running mileage is finally up over 30. It feels like I have been working on that forever.

2007 was a good year for me in terms of running and triathlons.  I had taken 2006 off, so early 2007 I got back into running.  Then in the summer I discovered triathlons (and  BT thankfully) and did my first three of those.  I managed to stay mostly healthy and uninjured through 2007, with just one minor groin strain slowing down the training for a week or two in late spring.  My biggest strength is probably the consistency in my training, and I will try to maintain that in 2008 (but now with juggling a job in there too).

My goals for January are to get some running races in, continue training for the Sarasota half marathon, and to continue building my cycling base for next tri season. 

This first week, I am taking it a little easy because of the trail race on Sunday.  My goal for the week is to get in all planned workouts and to start Simplefit.  (Thanks Cathy and Jeff for motivating me on that)

2008-01-01 6:53 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Happy New Year, everyone!!

Well, the holdays are over, the kids go back to school tomorrow, and I'm ready to get back to the business of training! I will officially begin my HIM training plan next week. The remainder of this week I will continue with just basically trying to maintain some level of fitness through whatever I can fit in. I still have a few holday returns to take care of, but it should be easier for me to get back into the swing of things now, and I'm looking forward to it!

One of my goals for this year is to do a better job on my nutrition. I have a bit of a tendency (like many people, I suspect) of justifying eating too much junk because of "all the calories I'm burning training".... So, I'm going to try to eat better this year. We'll see how that goes...

Looking forward to training with you all in 2008!!
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