BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL! Rss Feed  
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2008-08-04 11:41 AM
in reply to: #1361748

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
I'm so jealous Beth. I haven't had a 'vacation' in forever and am really looking to my 'mini' one coming this weekend. I have even scheduled in my training which is new for me.

2008-08-04 11:41 AM
in reply to: #1361748

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
so today i actually paid attention to how far i swam-1250 yds. i know that i am no speed demon in the water, but it is getting easier. i feel relaxed in the water. have a great week of training everyone.
2008-08-04 11:49 AM
in reply to: #1575137

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
TriAya - 2008-08-01 12:40 AM
Will: is starting to look better and better naked. (Ha! You don't think I stalk you guys in other threads, too? Mwah ha ha ha ha)

yes that is one of my goals.....hey yanti it is always great to have you back. plus you can stalk me anytime.
2008-08-04 12:48 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Erin and Yanti, I took your collective advice and signed up for another sprint tri in three weeks! Knowing I want to do better than my last flailing attempt at 1/4 mile, I have been OWSing twice (and getting hit by a bike while running to toughen up!).

Jeff Your daughter is so cute and loved the pic off the platform.  Frankly, that kind of scares the crap out of me, but she obviously handles it with ease. 

Beth Welcome back!  Clue us in on how fab your vacation was so we can begin the drooling fest! Oh, and where is my pic?  I kind of miss MP. 

Hi to the rest.  Here is to a good week!

2008-08-04 7:15 PM
in reply to: #1361748

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

First day of Oly training is in the bag!!!  Tomorrow's training is up in the air due to Tropical Storm Eduoard so it might have to be something that I can do inside, like the bike or strength. 

Happy Monday everybody!

2008-08-04 11:10 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Jeanneatte: Congrats on Day 1! And good for you signing up for an oly.

Suzy: That's fantastic that you've signed up for another sprint. Nothing better to get you back in the water (and it looks like it's already working). Yay! Not so yay: Getting hit by a bike. Yikes. It sounds like your OK, but man, that's scary.

Beth: We've missed you!!! We definitely need more details. Or I guess I could just check your logs...

This is my first week of marathon training, which I'm super excited about. I kicked things off with my first-ever standalone 5k yesterday -- and was very pleased with the results (sub-8:00/mile). I picked a somewhat aggressive training plan mostly because I want to keep my weekly mileage somewhat high and so many of the beginner plans start you off at, like, 15 miles a week. Of course, once I get back into the tri-training groove I may regret picking a tougher plan. *g*

2008-08-05 12:50 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Hi there - taking a quick breather at work - whew!  it's tough coming back, even though I was only gone a few days!

Terri! - it is so good to see you and it sounds like you have a great plan for how to approach training!  You will do great!

Will- you are making excellent progress in the pool!

Jeff - awesome job on the volume!  that must fee wonderful

Melissa - awesome job on your race!

Mila - glad you popped in, and we hope to see more of you as life settles down

Suzy - congrats on signing up for another race!

Jeanette - you have been one busy lady! 

Yanti - hope things are going well  


2008-08-05 12:51 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

from my blog (i'm lazy like that

Vacation Recap - it was awesome!


  • Left for Minnesota at the crack of stupid - overslept, made it to the airport with just minutes to spare - whew!
  • Flights were all on time!
  • Dad was there to meet me - we stopped and had some breakfast and had a nice chat
  • Drove to the lake (it's about 2 hrs) - had to pull over so we could both take a 10 minute nap - LOL
  • Arrived at the cabin - hugs, hugs, and more hugs!!!
  • unpacked
  • put on my swim suit and hit the beach!!!
  • the water was perfect for skiing -
  • the girl's still got it, I got up on one ski!! w00t w00t!
  • went for a really nice ride with E in the fishing boat, we took a little tour of all the lakes-it was a beautiful evening


  • after a really rough night of tossing and turning, got up to go on a bike ride with my mom
  • we rode 30 miles, it was nice, only tough part was I'm faster this year and she's slower, so it was a little tough for me to stay at her pace, but it was worth it
  • my dad met us when we were on the way back - he and I rode together for about 10 miles then I split off and rode in alone
  • we took the boat out and E drove for lots of skiing and tubing (I even went tubing - that is harder than skiing I think)
  • took C to the emergency room - little accident during tubing - turns out he ruptured his ear drum - poor guy
  • went to the logging camp for dinner


  • Slept a little better than the night before
  • went for a great run!!
  • ate some lunch -
  • took the pontoon out for a nice leisurely ride around the lake
    • E drove
    • C and his friend fished off of the back of the pontoon
    • K read
    • Dad napped
    • Mom chatted
    • I soaked up the sun
    • J stayed at the cabin (party pooper - lol)
  • Went to the Woodtick theatre - it was a riot, I haven't laughed that hard in a LONG time! - sorta got off to a rough start thanks to a mom who thought it was cute to let her child crawl up on the stage - (yeah, I couldn't believe it either)



  • Slept like a rock - OMG it was great
  • Went for another bike ride with mom, it was a perfect morning for a ride 
  • went into Dorset for lunch MMMMMMMMMMMM
  • hit the beach for more swimming and skiing and tubing
  • a fantastic game of air golf!
  • chatted with long time lake friends
  • went to Dorset for dinner - we ate a lot on Saturday!
  • Watched home videos from previous summers and laughed until we cried



  • Mom made a fabulous breakfast (thank goodness!)
  • Fam left for NE
  • Mom and Dad took me to the airport - we left late (of course)  somehow made the 2 hr drive in 1 1/2 hrs
  • made it to the airport with minutes to spare
  • no time to get anything to eat  - that's ok, it's only 45 minutes to Minneapolis..........ha!
  • hugs, hugs goodbye
  • went through security
  • boarded the plane (as I was boarding, I hear someone on the intercom say - "so, is anyone going to tell these people that the plane is going nowhere?", I hearing things? - must be - they continue to board us........and close the door..............and try and push away.............and tell us we are going nowhere - I guess I wasn't hearing things after all.................
  • really long story short I finally landed in Philly at 11:30 pm

Back to work!

2008-08-05 12:58 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Great report! So I guess you're glad to be back to work so you can really get some rest? LOL
2008-08-05 12:59 PM
in reply to: #1582877

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

MrsUSMC - 2008-08-05 12:58 PM Great report! So I guess you're glad to be back to work so you can really get some rest? LOL

LOL! that's the truth - it was so awesome and relaxing

2008-08-05 8:10 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

wow, I must have put everyone to sleep with my vacation report


2008-08-05 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

so I know the group loves pics

pics from the race

walking to the race


K and me b4 the race

In the transition area before the race

the swim start

K and S - my very special fan club!

2008-08-05 11:20 PM
in reply to: #1584069

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
lastcall2003 - 2008-08-05 6:10 PM

wow, I must have put everyone to sleep with my vacation report

Haha. Hardly. I think everyone's just really jealous and pi$$ed that you had such an awesome vacation. Or maybe that's just me.

I love the photos! I especially like the one of you walking your bike -- you look very strong and athletic and all kinds of cool. Which one are you in the swim start photo?
2008-08-06 12:15 AM
in reply to: #1361748

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Hi everyone,

All about me:  (I promise I will catch up on blogs soon, I will, I will!!)

Sorry I have been AWOL, summer's been insanely busy!  I have been training, though.  Not enough bike time this week, but overall am keeping up.  I am now officially registered for the Rock and Roll half marathon in June here in Seattle!  A whole bunch of my BT/real life friends are doing it, and it should be great.  I am already thinking of a costume.  There will be sequins and a wig, I promise.

Hubby just got approved for the last week of August off, so hopefully we can sneak away for a couple of days in Portland or something, in addition to the weekend rodeo in eastern WA.  Stay tuned for that one.  Tonight was National Night Out, and I, as (ahem)homeowner association president, rallied my inactive, antisocial, shy, nonparticipatory neighborhood and had probably 75-80 or more people show up tonight at the park for a fun evening of barbeque and meeting everyone.  It was AWESOME and I am on a high from that.  I didn't know if anyone would show and I think we got at least 60% of homes, so that is very good.  I had a great time and hope everyone else did. 

Jealous time,  y'all....tomorrow I get to attend Moms Day at the Beach, No Kids Allowed.  My mother-in-law is hosting some of us, starting out with lattes and breakfast, laying on the beach, jet skiing, boating, swimming....whatever....trashy mags....a fancy lunch, more lattes, more sun.....did I mention no kids?  AND she's paying for my sitter ALL DAY.  Heaven! 

PT is going shoulder is already feeling much improved--maybe I will be able to do these long runs after all??  I am signing up for another half mary this Oct.....who would have thought I'd EVER do that???  It's nuts.  I'm nuts.  Please cross your fingers that my mom will take my kids for a few days this week.  That will be icing on my happy cake.


2008-08-06 3:25 PM
in reply to: #1584372

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Fielding - 2008-08-05 11:20 PM
lastcall2003 - 2008-08-05 6:10 PM

wow, I must have put everyone to sleep with my vacation report


Haha. Hardly. I think everyone's just really jealous and pi$$ed that you had such an awesome vacation. Or maybe that's just me. I love the photos! I especially like the one of you walking your bike -- you look very strong and athletic and all kinds of cool. Which one are you in the swim start photo?

I like that one too

I'm the one with the bright jersey - sort of red and orange - on the outside

2008-08-06 3:31 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!


thanks for checking in!   Sounds like you are having a full and fabulous summer!  can I come to the beach with you?  I'm  a mom - LOL

Glad ot hear PT is going well also!

2008-08-06 7:14 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
As some of you have noticed, I signed up for my first marathon yesterday. Yay! I'm super excited about it (training officially began this week). But I need a little bit of reassurance.

I always read in these forums about the high mileage the "real" runners recommend. In my extremely limited experience, I agree that high mileage is the key to getting faster and stronger, but sometimes I think the great runners here forget what it's like to be a newbie. Like, they'll say you shouldn't do any speed work until you hit something like 35 miles a week. Today, someone wrote that in order to have a good marathon you should be running 50 miles a week. That seems crazy to me! When I was looking at training plans, I ended up skipping over several novice plans (even though I'm 100 percent novice) because they only had three or four days a week of running, and the mileage for the first several weeks was lower than what I'm doing now. I feel good about the plan I picked (Hal Higdon Intermediate 1, it starts off at about 20-25 miles/week, with a max of about 40-45 miles/week.

That's enough, right? I wouldn't mind doing more, but I've only been running regularly for a little over a year and it's my first marathon -- I don't want to kill myself in the training. I do have goals: I'd like to finish under four hours, just because I think I can. So just give me some reassurance, mentors and mentorees!
2008-08-06 10:42 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Erin, DH is a *runner* first and foremost. He's been running for more than 27 years (he's 51 and can run a 5K in under 20 min.), anyway, I asked him and he thinks you should be running a minimum of 30 miles per week.
2008-08-06 11:16 PM
in reply to: #1584069

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
lastcall2003 - 2008-08-05 6:10 PM

wow, I must have put everyone to sleep with my vacation report

ARE YOU KIDDING?! For one thing, you KNOW we looooove multicolor and pics and cartoons! I am so jealous you go to go waterskiing ... I haven't been in forever.

Did you post a link to a RR of your tri? The pics are wonderful--you are so gorgeous, so fit, and of course your Exhibits are just like you.  

2008-08-06 11:18 PM
in reply to: #1584398

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-08-05 10:15 PM

Hi everyone,

All about me: (I promise I will catch up on blogs soon, I will, I will!!)

Don't think you're exempt from the jealousy, Miss Jet Ski . Congrats on signing up for ANOTHER half-mary. You are a very strong runner and you will have great fun training for and doing it. BTW ... did you manage to get the kids lifted off your hands a bit this week? 

2008-08-06 11:24 PM
in reply to: #1586608

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Fielding - 2008-08-06 5:14 PM As some of you have noticed, I signed up for my first marathon yesterday. Yay! I'm super excited about it (training officially began this week). But I need a little bit of reassurance. I always read in these forums about the high mileage the "real" runners recommend. In my extremely limited experience, I agree that high mileage is the key to getting faster and stronger, but sometimes I think the great runners here forget what it's like to be a newbie. Like, they'll say you shouldn't do any speed work until you hit something like 35 miles a week. Today, someone wrote that in order to have a good marathon you should be running 50 miles a week. That seems crazy to me! When I was looking at training plans, I ended up skipping over several novice plans (even though I'm 100 percent novice) because they only had three or four days a week of running, and the mileage for the first several weeks was lower than what I'm doing now. I feel good about the plan I picked (Hal Higdon Intermediate 1, it starts off at about 20-25 miles/week, with a max of about 40-45 miles/week. That's enough, right? I wouldn't mind doing more, but I've only been running regularly for a little over a year and it's my first marathon -- I don't want to kill myself in the training. I do have goals: I'd like to finish under four hours, just because I think I can. So just give me some reassurance, mentors and mentorees!

There are a gazillion mary training plans out there, many of them appropriate for first-timers even though they aren't billed as such. The two most popular mary programmers for newbies are Jeff Galloway and Hal Higdon, and as such thousands (in JG's case, hundreds of thousands) have done their first marathon very successfully with their programs.

Average weekly mileage for Galloway plan: 15-16

Average weekly mileage for Higdon newbie plan: 25ish

You will do very well with the Intermediate plan. Stay on top of how you feel. If it's getting too much, drop back to the Beginner's plan. Higdon also notes that you may have to walk some, and if you're finding in your long runs that you are having to slow down or even walk, then you should consider putting short walk intervals in from the get-go.

But let's cross that bridge when we get there.

The real key is consistency, and you have been an amazingly dedicated, consistent runner, and it shows.  

2008-08-07 12:48 AM
in reply to: #1586968

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
TriAya - 2008-08-06 9:18 PM
Medusa_Ann - 2008-08-05 10:15 PM

Hi everyone,

All about me: (I promise I will catch up on blogs soon, I will, I will!!)

Don't think you're exempt from the jealousy, Miss Jet Ski . Congrats on signing up for ANOTHER half-mary. You are a very strong runner and you will have great fun training for and doing it. BTW ... did you manage to get the kids lifted off your hands a bit this week? 

I was too lazy to even jetski today, although I did a major double brick tonight so I made up for that.  The kids are heading to my mom's tomorrow!  Until....drumroll....Sunday!  The noise you hear is me fainting.    More in tomorrow's blog about my plans for the days which will go fast!

2008-08-07 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1361748

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
so today was one of those morning when you wake up and think that you can conquer the world. so i did a 4 mile run 15 mile bike ride made it to the pool and swam 2000 yards. went home showered and was at work by 8:30 am. one of those work outs where everything felt good and smooth-especially in the water. have a great day everyone.
2008-08-07 11:28 AM
in reply to: #1587757

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

wplummer - 2008-08-07 9:26 AM so today was one of those morning when you wake up and think that you can conquer the world. so i did a 4 mile run 15 mile bike ride made it to the pool and swam 2000 yards. went home showered and was at work by 8:30 am. one of those work outs where everything felt good and smooth-especially in the water. have a great day everyone.

That is so great! I love days like that....hope the buzz lasts and lasts!!!  You must have been on the bike by sunrise?

2008-08-07 11:57 AM
in reply to: #1361748

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
i am starting to enjoy these early morning sunrises more and more. i was out on the bike at about 5:20. no traffic, nice temp, and i havent been on my bike for about 3 weeks(life happens). so i have my work cut out for me to hit 220 miles for my august challenge. thanks for the encouragement and motivation-that is one of the great things about this site.
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