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2012-01-31 11:07 PM
in reply to: #4021665

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-01-31 4:06 PM

Foot doc appt. today.  6 more weeks of the boot and 1 cortisone shot.

My January goal of getting rid of my PF is now my February goal.  Its looking like my tri season is in danger.


2012-02-01 12:03 AM
in reply to: #4021007

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2012-01-31 1:04 PM

This is awesome!

Tuesday Smack Talk:   So, I start the day with a swim!  I did a Pull Set since I was late getting out of bed and needed to get to my new job on time.

Rounded out the evening with a 70 min Run/Tempo Set:

w/u:  10 Min EZ

m/s:   10 x [ 3 min @ 10K Pace, 2 min Walking Rec]

c/d:    10 min Moderate

I must say, "I KILLED IT!"  For me that is... pace was 5.5 MPH/ 10:58 min/mile for the 3 min efforts!  <-- unheard of for me since 2010!  Heart Rate was mid 140's... crept up to low 150's at the very end.

Moderate Effort was at 5.0 MPH/ 12:00 min/mile!  <-- unheard of again!   I usually run at 4.7 MPH and that's usually a stretch!

Legs are tired... tender from hilly run on Sunday and Monday's Power Intervals!

Next Up:  Another 60 min Run and a 50 Min TT Set on the Trainer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2012-02-01 5:00 AM
in reply to: #4022405

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Nice job backing up the talk ladies!
2012-02-01 5:00 AM
in reply to: #4021746

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
gator22 - 2012-01-31 6:45 PM
CyborgQueen - 2012-01-31 1:20 PM

 The October race that I really want to do is a month after my wedding. I'm a little bit concerned about not being able to get in the workouts, especially at the peak.  I may be able to get in some swims (no public pools, and the closest one is about 40 minutes away for $12 per visit), can still do OWS, but will be VERY cold.   Runs I definitely can get those in.  Bike, probably not.  My hometown and surrounding areas are NOT bike friendly, and too expensive for me to ship my bike.   I most likely will be in NJ for 12-15 days. 

I figure that I can treat the wedding time as recovery weeks, focus on run distance/speedwork. When I get back I can lower the volume on the run, and focus on the bike, and get back to swimming.  I'm not TOO concerned about lack of swimming because I'm the same speed as I was when trained for last year's triathlon my speed hasn't  changed, the endurance yes, but speed no. I can easily do OWS in Vegas.    The October HIM is 5 months after my Olympic planned tri...plenty of time to train.  I will only have one or two potential run races (5k and 10k or HM) in August) during the 5 months, *maybe* one club tri (treat as a C race, brush up on transition skills/pacing/etc).

Basically my question is....will this work?  Or will the wedding time count against me?

Thanks for any input. 

It will "work" if you want it to, but it is your wedding. It's okay to relax and enjoy it too.
I agree with Kirk on this one. I would probably get up and get my long run in early before the ceremony so I am not the best one to get advice from. But I do think if you get your training in strong before heading out for the big event, you can get by and still have a successful race. Getting some solid running in will go a long way. I would suggest finding a way to get at least a couple of swims in, I find swim fitness goes away pretty quick for me.Good luck!
2012-02-01 5:03 AM
in reply to: #4021665

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-01-31 6:06 PM

Foot doc appt. today.  6 more weeks of the boot and 1 cortisone shot.

My January goal of getting rid of my PF is now my February goal.  Its looking like my tri season is in danger.

Boo! That's too bad Robin. I would suggest looking into aqua jogging, I know it isn't the same, but it is close and may allow you to run some races assuming this next month with the boot works.I hope this solves the problem!
2012-02-01 5:05 AM
in reply to: #4022405

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-01 1:03 AM
abake - 2012-01-31 1:04 PM

This is awesome!

Tuesday Smack Talk:   So, I start the day with a swim!  I did a Pull Set since I was late getting out of bed and needed to get to my new job on time.

Rounded out the evening with a 70 min Run/Tempo Set:

w/u:  10 Min EZ

m/s:   10 x [ 3 min @ 10K Pace, 2 min Walking Rec]

c/d:    10 min Moderate

I must say, "I KILLED IT!"  For me that is... pace was 5.5 MPH/ 10:58 min/mile for the 3 min efforts!  <-- unheard of for me since 2010!  Heart Rate was mid 140's... crept up to low 150's at the very end.

Moderate Effort was at 5.0 MPH/ 12:00 min/mile!  <-- unheard of again!   I usually run at 4.7 MPH and that's usually a stretch!

Legs are tired... tender from hilly run on Sunday and Monday's Power Intervals!

Next Up:  Another 60 min Run and a 50 Min TT Set on the Trainer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great work! Always a positive experience when we see fitness gains and performance improvements!

2012-02-01 6:55 AM
in reply to: #4020864

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-01-31 1:20 PM
CarlaLThompson - 2012-01-30 9:18 PM

abake - 2012-01-30 8:13 PM Got my short trainer ride in tonight. Did 30 minutes of the Sufferfest video "A very Dark Place". 

Late entry... but... "WHO's YOUR DADDY!??????!!!!"   Post up those Garmin Stats!

Warm Up:
Main Set:


OMG Carla!! I LOVE IT!! Your HR and intervals are amazingly on track! Can I "steal" this workout? I wanna try...:-) I don't have a PM.   My HR is always really I'm curious if I do the same workout you do, the HR will have similar course you do. 


BTW....I know where you live. If I see you slacking off, I'm gonna get my BB gun and make you dance. :-P Get 'er dun!

THink I need a guidebook to translate....

2012-02-01 6:58 AM
in reply to: #4020877

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2012-01-31 1:24 PM
kenj - 2012-01-31 8:20 AM

Swim clinic last night!  Bike and insanity this morning!  I am whooped! But in a good way.

We did a lot of drills last night at swimming.  One arm drills, ankle tied drills, closed eye swimming.  All designed to build awareness to body position (and to make me look silly).  The last new drill last night was one arm with ankles tied.  I think if you can do that with proper body position and no sinking hips you might have a shot at the olympics.  Me, I have road rash on the top of my feet from them dragging on the bottom.  But it is all good, when we went back to straight swimming I am still seeing gains! 

How is this even possible? This sounds Fear Factoresque

I think it sounds cool! Tongue out Best one-armed drills I've done though were the other night with one paddle... sets of 150's, alternating which hand had the paddle - so for example, RH paddle set: 50 left arm by the side, then 50 right arm by the side, then both arms. (All sans bondage however). Was much more effective for me in focusing on upper quadrant motion & whole stroke than the standard one-armed drills...and so cool to see how the un-paddled arm mimicked the action of the other....

2012-02-01 7:07 AM
in reply to: #4021665

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-01-31 6:06 PM

Foot doc appt. today.  6 more weeks of the boot and 1 cortisone shot.

My January goal of getting rid of my PF is now my February goal.  Its looking like my tri season is in danger.

So sorry you're healing's going slowly...reckon you can just take it one step at a time (hmmm, pun intended?)... and see how things progress? Don't know what kind of shape you're in physically, or how competitive you are, but I truly had the most fun last year at the races for which I was least prepared / injured and just focused on finishing & ambiance, rather than my own personal goals about finish times & performance levels....even when walking the entire run of my first oly race....though this time last year, and much of the spring, I was pretty frustrated & not terribly optimistic....

2012-02-01 7:15 AM
in reply to: #4022123

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2012-01-31 9:47 PM
kenj - 2012-01-31 10:28 AM

BTW, how did everyone do with their January goals, since it is the last day of the month! Smile

I had a goal to lose 10 pounds, as of this morning I am down 8.5 so although I didn't get 10 I am good with that.  Considering my travel schedule for the month I am happy with the training goals.  I keep forgetting to check my body fat percentage in the evening when I am better hydrated, but looking at the morning results, I didn't do well with that goal.  I was hoping for 3 or 4%, but I think it is going to come in under 2% decrease. 

For February I am going to continue to work on the weight loss, with a goal of 6 pounds.  I will continue to focus more on the paleo in an effort to drop body fat and maybe even exceed the weight loss goals.  My travel schedule for February (so far) is a lot better than January (for training that is).  So the focus will be on the bike and swim and continue current level of running, plus strength training.

How did everyone else do with their January goals and what are you thinking of for February?

Great job Ken on the weight loss..

For January I was able to log my food every day but lost no weight at all(very disappointed). Completed the half mary and got in some great strength training workouts..Focused on a lot of core work..My running slacked off some but still moving.

February goals: Try to lose some weight at least 10 pounds find something that works diet wise...Start my tri training and really start to focus for my race in April..Finalized race schedule.. Continue to support all our members in our group..

You're doing better than me... I logged my food one day, but thanks for the reminder that it's a new month, Ken - I can start TODAY Also may return to jenny craig for the month to help jump start me..

I joined the Gold's challenge, and have a 12 week (now 11 weeks) goal of reducing body fat, pounds & inches, but for me my primary goals are to ramp up strength training in a huge way, while slowly building my running base....and to try to lose weight, which should happen if everything else is in place, with a total of 30#, minimum, to go...So in a perfect week that's Mon=hour of strength/core, Tues=track, Wed=short run (+maybe some strength stuff?), Thurs = short run+swim, Fri = spin + 30 min core, Sat = long run, Sun = spin+swim....but it's been a rare week I've gotten both swims & both spins in....and also need to try to sleep more than 6 hours/night most nights....

2012-02-01 12:55 PM
in reply to: #3943039

New user
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

I'm certainly gald to see that Carla most definately seems to motivated this last week.  Keep training like that and you'll do great at your next IM.Laughing

I'm happy about my January training.  Probably the best month I've had in all three since I started training.

Bike - 210.89 miles  (Missed my training goal because I had a fever Monday and missed my long ride)

Swim - 24225 yds (Best month by over 10,000 yds.  Master's swim is really paying off)

Run - 58.2 miles (Not my biggest month but I did finish my first HM)

I lost 9 pounds and feel great!  I'm using the same app as DJ (Lose it).  Not sure if it is exactly accurate but it keeps me accountable.  The first 4 months of the year are by far my heaviest work load.  If I can keep this up and do well in May (Florida 70.3), then I think I will be able to do much better than originally thought I would in Nov.(IMFL)

February goals are to stay on track with my training program and weight loss.  I want to be at 180 by Florida 70.3.  I'm right at 200 now, so I this rate I'm going to be right where I want to be. Training program calls for 17,750(swim), 272.4 miles(bike) and 68.8miles(run).

2012-02-01 6:07 PM
in reply to: #4023497

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2012-02-01 1:55 PM

I'm certainly gald to see that Carla most definately seems to motivated this last week.  Keep training like that and you'll do great at your next IM.Laughing

I'm happy about my January training.  Probably the best month I've had in all three since I started training.

Bike - 210.89 miles  (Missed my training goal because I had a fever Monday and missed my long ride)

Swim - 24225 yds (Best month by over 10,000 yds.  Master's swim is really paying off)

Run - 58.2 miles (Not my biggest month but I did finish my first HM)

I lost 9 pounds and feel great!  I'm using the same app as DJ (Lose it).  Not sure if it is exactly accurate but it keeps me accountable.  The first 4 months of the year are by far my heaviest work load.  If I can keep this up and do well in May (Florida 70.3), then I think I will be able to do much better than originally thought I would in Nov.(IMFL)

February goals are to stay on track with my training program and weight loss.  I want to be at 180 by Florida 70.3.  I'm right at 200 now, so I this rate I'm going to be right where I want to be. Training program calls for 17,750(swim), 272.4 miles(bike) and 68.8miles(run).

Great work in January Wesley.Keep up the great work..I'm debating on doing Florida 70.3.Question for you how many Kcal are you consuming a day? What are you finding is helping with your weight lost....I'm hovering 195 and can't seem to get the weight to move off so I'm curious what is working for you..Thanks in advance for the advice...Goal weight 165 -170...

2012-02-01 6:25 PM
in reply to: #4023497

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2012-02-01 1:55 PM

I'm certainly gald to see that Carla most definately seems to motivated this last week.  Keep training like that and you'll do great at your next IM.Laughing

I'm happy about my January training.  Probably the best month I've had in all three since I started training.

Bike - 210.89 miles  (Missed my training goal because I had a fever Monday and missed my long ride)

Swim - 24225 yds (Best month by over 10,000 yds.  Master's swim is really paying off)

Run - 58.2 miles (Not my biggest month but I did finish my first HM)

I lost 9 pounds and feel great!  I'm using the same app as DJ (Lose it).  Not sure if it is exactly accurate but it keeps me accountable.  The first 4 months of the year are by far my heaviest work load.  If I can keep this up and do well in May (Florida 70.3), then I think I will be able to do much better than originally thought I would in Nov.(IMFL)

February goals are to stay on track with my training program and weight loss.  I want to be at 180 by Florida 70.3.  I'm right at 200 now, so I this rate I'm going to be right where I want to be. Training program calls for 17,750(swim), 272.4 miles(bike) and 68.8miles(run).

What a great month you had... training wise & weight wise - nice!

2012-02-01 8:22 PM
in reply to: #4022405

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-01 12:03 AM
abake - 2012-01-31 1:04 PM

This is awesome!

Tuesday Smack Talk:   So, I start the day with a swim!  I did a Pull Set since I was late getting out of bed and needed to get to my new job on time.

Rounded out the evening with a 70 min Run/Tempo Set:

w/u:  10 Min EZ

m/s:   10 x [ 3 min @ 10K Pace, 2 min Walking Rec]

c/d:    10 min Moderate

I must say, "I KILLED IT!"  For me that is... pace was 5.5 MPH/ 10:58 min/mile for the 3 min efforts! 

Moderate Effort was at 5.0 MPH/ 12:00 min/mile! 

Next Up:  Another 60 min Run and a 50 Min TT Set on the Trainer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oooh, very nice workout!!!! I did not kill anything today but I think I maimed my lunchtime swim. Then had a bizarre trainer workout tonight --- I had to move my bike/trainer around a bit and the tension seemed off.  IT was like I was pedaling through deep sand the entire time! Decided to treat it like a hill climbing session.

On tap for tomorrow - 5 mile run

2012-02-01 8:28 PM
in reply to: #4022552

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2012-02-01 6:58 AM
abake - 2012-01-31 1:24 PM
kenj - 2012-01-31 8:20 AM

Swim clinic last night!  Bike and insanity this morning!  I am whooped! But in a good way.

We did a lot of drills last night at swimming.  One arm drills, ankle tied drills, closed eye swimming.  All designed to build awareness to body position (and to make me look silly).  The last new drill last night was one arm with ankles tied.  I think if you can do that with proper body position and no sinking hips you might have a shot at the olympics.  Me, I have road rash on the top of my feet from them dragging on the bottom.  But it is all good, when we went back to straight swimming I am still seeing gains! 

How is this even possible? This sounds Fear Factoresque

I think it sounds cool! Tongue out Best one-armed drills I've done though were the other night with one paddle... sets of 150's, alternating which hand had the paddle - so for example, RH paddle set: 50 left arm by the side, then 50 right arm by the side, then both arms. (All sans bondage however). Was much more effective for me in focusing on upper quadrant motion & whole stroke than the standard one-armed drills...and so cool to see how the un-paddled arm mimicked the action of the other....

I think it's the bondage aspect that sounds daunting...

2012-02-01 10:41 PM
in reply to: #4024406

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Morgan Hill, CA
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

I love reading all the smack talk -- and the results. Great stuff! Keep it up, you guys!

Sorry you have to keep wearing that friggin' boot, Robin... I really like Ken's idea of running in the pool. There are a lot of injured runners who have used that approach with great success. I'm not sure it'll work with a bike, though. Foot in mouth

Congrats on the weight loss for January, Ken. Also, thanks for sharing the details on your swim drills. I don't have quite such a sophisticated drill set -- sorry, no bondage for me. I'd drown in a heartbeat.

Nice month of workouts, Wesley! Losing 9 lbs is awesome. I didn't shed a single ounce of weight this month -- I might have even gained a bit. I guess the weight will leave my body when it's good and ready.

January goals ... mine were all related to improving my swim. I wanted to go to bed every night smelling like chlorine -- or better yet, a fish. I hit the pool a total of 20 times for the month. I also had 4 sessions with a coach, and learned a ton of new things I never would have picked up on my own. It's taking a while for everything to come together, but I'm progressing. Endurance-wise, I've taken a temporary step backwards. BUT I think my new stroke (and kick) will pay big dividends in the long run... errr, I mean, swim. Cool

Anyways, here are my January totals (with heavy skew towards the swim):

Bike:        17h 33m 01s  - 308.35 Mi
Run:         12h 20m 15s  -  82.41 Mi
Swim:       16h 00m  -       27650 Yd
Strength:   5h 30m

- Steve

2012-02-01 10:43 PM
in reply to: #4024397

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2012-02-01 8:22 PM

Oooh, very nice workout!!!! I did not kill anything today but I think I maimed my lunchtime swim. Then had a bizarre trainer workout tonight --- I had to move my bike/trainer around a bit and the tension seemed off.  IT was like I was pedaling through deep sand the entire time! Decided to treat it like a hill climbing session.

On tap for tomorrow - 5 mile run

Wednesday SMACK Talk!!!    Ok... to be honest... my legs are "Smack Talking" back to me with all this "Power" stuff!  Geezus!  I am a "Hurtin' unit!"

HOWEVER... I did get in my 60 min Treadmill Run - Zone 2 (9/1 Run Walk Intervals) at a new speed for me!  (4.8MPH - 12:30 min/mile pace - was running a 4.7MPH so slight "Speed Bump!")

Moved Cycling TT Efforts to the morning because "who are we  kidding!???!???!"

Marla - What translations do you need

Nice Half Mary PR!!!

Would love to respond to everyone but I am "Smashed Crab" and need to go to bed!

Lights out here! (in more than one way!)  !!!!!!!!!!

2012-02-02 12:55 AM
in reply to: #4020221

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-01-31 6:20 AM

Swim clinic last night!  Bike and insanity this morning!  I am whooped! But in a good way.

We did a lot of drills last night at swimming.  One arm drills, ankle tied drills, closed eye swimming.  All designed to build awareness to body position (and to make me look silly).  The last new drill last night was one arm with ankles tied.  I think if you can do that with proper body position and no sinking hips you might have a shot at the olympics.  Me, I have road rash on the top of my feet from them dragging on the bottom.  But it is all good, when we went back to straight swimming I am still seeing gains! 


I missed this one...until someone mentioned it.  I'm surprised that some people have difficulty keeping their legs afloat.  Me, I don't kick (I tried, but it feels weird, and it feels like I slow down more when I goal for swimming is to improve my kicking skills) my legs are easily floating on top.   Is it because someone is much more muscular than me that their legs "sink"?  I have flabby fat legs, so I have more fat in my legs, and I float to the top easily.  Advantage? :-P

2012-02-02 1:04 AM
in reply to: #4024175

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2012-02-01 4:07 PM 

Great work in January Wesley.Keep up the great work..I'm debating on doing Florida 70.3.Question for you how many Kcal are you consuming a day? What are you finding is helping with your weight lost....I'm hovering 195 and can't seem to get the weight to move off so I'm curious what is working for you..Thanks in advance for the advice...Goal weight 165 -170...

I don't know if it's true, but muscles are heavier than fat, so you could be losing the weight, but gaining the muscles.  Yes I know one pound of muscle= one pound of fat, but the density is very different between the two.

Do you feel like you are more muscular? Then you are losing the fat.  At least that's how I see it.   Lose It is basically a calorie calculator. It's pretty accurate, but sometimes the foods can be a little off. It keeps you in check. Every week, the calories that you are allowed daily goes down a little bit.  So, what is someone else's calorie take will not be the same as yours...

A very muscular guy will look very fit, but can be pretty heavy, I think. 

2012-02-02 4:23 AM
in reply to: #4022552

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2012-02-01 7:58 AM
abake - 2012-01-31 1:24 PM
kenj - 2012-01-31 8:20 AM

Swim clinic last night!  Bike and insanity this morning!  I am whooped! But in a good way.

We did a lot of drills last night at swimming.  One arm drills, ankle tied drills, closed eye swimming.  All designed to build awareness to body position (and to make me look silly).  The last new drill last night was one arm with ankles tied.  I think if you can do that with proper body position and no sinking hips you might have a shot at the olympics.  Me, I have road rash on the top of my feet from them dragging on the bottom.  But it is all good, when we went back to straight swimming I am still seeing gains! 

How is this even possible? This sounds Fear Factoresque

I think it sounds cool! Tongue out Best one-armed drills I've done though were the other night with one paddle... sets of 150's, alternating which hand had the paddle - so for example, RH paddle set: 50 left arm by the side, then 50 right arm by the side, then both arms. (All sans bondage however). Was much more effective for me in focusing on upper quadrant motion & whole stroke than the standard one-armed drills...and so cool to see how the un-paddled arm mimicked the action of the other....

I havent had the paddles out in a few months, maybe I will try the one armed drills with a paddle.  She put them on our "homework" again this week! 

The Golds challenge sounds like a good plan to get the season started!

2012-02-02 4:23 AM
in reply to: #4023497

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2012-02-01 1:55 PM

I'm certainly gald to see that Carla most definately seems to motivated this last week.  Keep training like that and you'll do great at your next IM.Laughing

I'm happy about my January training.  Probably the best month I've had in all three since I started training.

Bike - 210.89 miles  (Missed my training goal because I had a fever Monday and missed my long ride)

Swim - 24225 yds (Best month by over 10,000 yds.  Master's swim is really paying off)

Run - 58.2 miles (Not my biggest month but I did finish my first HM)

I lost 9 pounds and feel great!  I'm using the same app as DJ (Lose it).  Not sure if it is exactly accurate but it keeps me accountable.  The first 4 months of the year are by far my heaviest work load.  If I can keep this up and do well in May (Florida 70.3), then I think I will be able to do much better than originally thought I would in Nov.(IMFL)

February goals are to stay on track with my training program and weight loss.  I want to be at 180 by Florida 70.3.  I'm right at 200 now, so I this rate I'm going to be right where I want to be. Training program calls for 17,750(swim), 272.4 miles(bike) and 68.8miles(run).

Great work Wesley!

2012-02-02 4:25 AM
in reply to: #4024596

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
sdswriter - 2012-02-01 11:41 PM

I love reading all the smack talk -- and the results. Great stuff! Keep it up, you guys!

Sorry you have to keep wearing that friggin' boot, Robin... I really like Ken's idea of running in the pool. There are a lot of injured runners who have used that approach with great success. I'm not sure it'll work with a bike, though. Foot in mouth

Congrats on the weight loss for January, Ken. Also, thanks for sharing the details on your swim drills. I don't have quite such a sophisticated drill set -- sorry, no bondage for me. I'd drown in a heartbeat.

Nice month of workouts, Wesley! Losing 9 lbs is awesome. I didn't shed a single ounce of weight this month -- I might have even gained a bit. I guess the weight will leave my body when it's good and ready.

January goals ... mine were all related to improving my swim. I wanted to go to bed every night smelling like chlorine -- or better yet, a fish. I hit the pool a total of 20 times for the month. I also had 4 sessions with a coach, and learned a ton of new things I never would have picked up on my own. It's taking a while for everything to come together, but I'm progressing. Endurance-wise, I've taken a temporary step backwards. BUT I think my new stroke (and kick) will pay big dividends in the long run... errr, I mean, swim. Cool

Anyways, here are my January totals (with heavy skew towards the swim):

Bike:        17h 33m 01s  - 308.35 Mi
Run:         12h 20m 15s  -  82.41 Mi
Swim:       16h 00m  -       27650 Yd
Strength:   5h 30m

- Steve

Nice work Steve!  I keep threating myself with a swim focused week or month, but then I talk myself out of it! Embarassed

2012-02-02 4:26 AM
in reply to: #4024175

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2012-02-01 7:07 PM
Wesley12 - 2012-02-01 1:55 PM

I'm certainly gald to see that Carla most definately seems to motivated this last week.  Keep training like that and you'll do great at your next IM.Laughing

I'm happy about my January training.  Probably the best month I've had in all three since I started training.

Bike - 210.89 miles  (Missed my training goal because I had a fever Monday and missed my long ride)

Swim - 24225 yds (Best month by over 10,000 yds.  Master's swim is really paying off)

Run - 58.2 miles (Not my biggest month but I did finish my first HM)

I lost 9 pounds and feel great!  I'm using the same app as DJ (Lose it).  Not sure if it is exactly accurate but it keeps me accountable.  The first 4 months of the year are by far my heaviest work load.  If I can keep this up and do well in May (Florida 70.3), then I think I will be able to do much better than originally thought I would in Nov.(IMFL)

February goals are to stay on track with my training program and weight loss.  I want to be at 180 by Florida 70.3.  I'm right at 200 now, so I this rate I'm going to be right where I want to be. Training program calls for 17,750(swim), 272.4 miles(bike) and 68.8miles(run).

Great work in January Wesley.Keep up the great work..I'm debating on doing Florida 70.3.Question for you how many Kcal are you consuming a day? What are you finding is helping with your weight lost....I'm hovering 195 and can't seem to get the weight to move off so I'm curious what is working for you..Thanks in advance for the advice...Goal weight 165 -170...

I found an interesting article on timing of nutrition and its impact on training and weight loss on face book.  It was a link from LAVA magazine on the IRONMAN page.  I will see if I can find a link and post it here.

2012-02-02 4:28 AM
in reply to: #4024657

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-02-02 1:55 AM
kenj - 2012-01-31 6:20 AM

Swim clinic last night!  Bike and insanity this morning!  I am whooped! But in a good way.

We did a lot of drills last night at swimming.  One arm drills, ankle tied drills, closed eye swimming.  All designed to build awareness to body position (and to make me look silly).  The last new drill last night was one arm with ankles tied.  I think if you can do that with proper body position and no sinking hips you might have a shot at the olympics.  Me, I have road rash on the top of my feet from them dragging on the bottom.  But it is all good, when we went back to straight swimming I am still seeing gains! 


I missed this one...until someone mentioned it.  I'm surprised that some people have difficulty keeping their legs afloat.  Me, I don't kick (I tried, but it feels weird, and it feels like I slow down more when I goal for swimming is to improve my kicking skills) my legs are easily floating on top.   Is it because someone is much more muscular than me that their legs "sink"?  I have flabby fat legs, so I have more fat in my legs, and I float to the top easily.  Advantage? :-P

Not sure why, but my legs are like a couple of anchors!  But my rotation and core position is improving so they are getting out of the way.  Plus my kick is improving.  I don't kick much in a wetsuit during OWS, but thats ok as the suit keeps them up in proper position.

2012-02-02 4:39 AM
in reply to: #4024694

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
I had a pretty good month in January. I lost nine pounds. I really want to add swimming and running this month. I think that I have to break up the day around my work schedule into two or three separate sessions for s/b/r and strenght. I have copped out the last two days just rowing at home before work. It is a good cardio session but won't help me anywhere in a tri. It is just such a pain bringing a suit and my whole life with me to the YMCA and then right to work in the morning!
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