BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed. Rss Feed  
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2013-03-30 6:42 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Pam - great job stepping up and getting it done. It's obviously a mental sport and getting it done is an accomplishment

2013-03-30 6:55 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Congrats Pam and Brian.  Finishing an HIM is a HUGE accomplishment!!!
2013-03-30 7:06 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Brian, WooHoo on your finish!!!!!!  What a killer time!  So happy for you on accomplishing all of your goals.  Wow, I'm amazed.  And enjoy the beer; it will help.  I'm into my third glass of wine and I feel so much better than I did 4 hours ago.Laughing

Thanks precious Kate for the congrats.  I want to freely admit something to all of you here.  My swimming was awful for lots of reasons and then my biking was atrocious; that was expected but it is still painful to find yourself suck so bad.  I almost turned around on the bike at mile 2 but then I thought of this group - specifically Jay who would love to be out there and Kay who kept going for over 8 hours.  I was not going to come back and tell ya'll that I gave up because I was tired, doing bad, and shivering.  So thank you to this group because you were there with me.

2013-03-30 7:28 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Wow, I step away for a few hours, and come back to awesome news!

Pam, congrats on facing your race head on and getting it done!  In my 2nd OLY race I was literally the last person to head out on the bike course, so understand what it takes mentally at that point just to keep going.  I'm so proud of you for persevering!  Now carry on with the relaxation

Brian, sounds like you had a great day!  Way to blow away your goals.  Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures.

Happy Easter! 

2013-03-30 7:59 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Awesome job everyone. You guys are incredible.
2013-03-30 9:54 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Sorry, I've been out sick the last few days.

Congrats on the races. 

Pam, way to stick it out.  It's a great success finishing a race with feeling like that.  You'd feel a lot worse with a DNF.  These groups certainly do get in your head at the right moment.  I would love to be able to race anything right now as well!

Brian.  I did IM Cali last year on my broken foot.  Added to that I had 3 flats on the bike!  It's nice to hear you had a great race.  Maybe I'll see you there next year!  Unfinished business.

For me, I've been really sick and no training for the last few days.  I am feelin overall pretty good.  The foot is holding up and my body feels ready to build a little bit.  I'm thinking of an OLY in July then a HIM in Sept.

2013-03-31 3:35 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Yang Min Shan, T'ai-pei
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Brian and Pam - Great job!  It is an excellent feeling to see all the training culminate in a finish.

One short question, how does one get three flats in a single race?  Was the guy in front of you dropping tacksSurprised?

2013-03-31 6:17 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Congrats to Pam & Brian!!! Nice job!!!

Just finished off 1:45 on the trainer (wanted 2:30, but I slept too late!!). Managed 28 miles while doing the Sufferfest's "Blender" video which is essentially 1:45 of time trials & sprints. Ouch. Feel great when I'm done though.

Off to the beach for our annual Easter AM service, then a big 'recovery' breakfast at my in-laws house. A nice 1 hr run/walk later today, too

Happy Easter, everyone.

2013-03-31 8:43 AM
in reply to: #4680521

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
TK - 2013-03-31 1:35 AM


One short question, how does one get three flats in a single race?  Was the guy in front of you dropping tacksSurprised?

Good question!  Turns out that my liner was torn up.  I was very lucky that day as I only had 1 spare tire.  I was lucky enough on the second one to have a very nice guy stop and give me his spare.  The the third time I just happened to go flat right where there was a maintenance car!  And I'm not the most handy guy either so I'm very lucky to not have DNF'd.  Lots of adversity leading up to and the day of on that one!


BTW, I think that they mentor groups will be ending and a new season starting.  I'm going to continue with Steve if he has another group!

2013-03-31 11:44 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Yay MRI tomorrow.  My exercise yesterday to dismantle my wooden sunshade that collapsed.  Life is moving pretty fast, turning in some job applications (love 30 pages of paperwork per application, sometimes scanned, sometimes paper, etc. ), work pretty um chaotic.  

So my 12th grader did a 5:10 minute mile yesterday and my 9th grader ran a 5:24 minute mile.  For the 9th grader that is a 40 second pr over the previous week... oh to be young.  

Glad everyone is moving along, healing, training getting it done.  If anyone wants me to look at their training regarding upcoming races, let me know.  I know I am not as active as last go, just harder to get here as often this go with so much going on in RL. Don't let that get in the way of getting any information you need. If I miss it when cruising posts send me direct message. 

Anyway Happy Easter, enjoy your families, spring is coming, warmer weather and such.  

Ken if you are feeling rested and ready... its about time to start your IM build.... 

Edited by Baowolf 2013-03-31 11:47 AM
2013-03-31 3:30 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Brian, amazing race, you done good.  

2013-03-31 5:47 PM
in reply to: #4544229

Blairstown, NJ
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Pam - Way to tough it out. Glad we could

Brain - Very cool on the top 50%. Congrats!

Steve - Hope they can find something for you on the MRI tomorrow. Today I noticed the HR monitor was reading a bit lower today, avg 136 where most runs were 164or so. Figure this is partly due to the more consistent training because I felt like I pushed it some. Pace numbers are about where I would figure a steady state run should be. Being new to the monitor, thought I would get your feedback on this.

Ok end of month and for me it was a very nice month of training. Got a but lost on the bike Friday and ended up with a nice long 27 mile ride. Then finished the month with an Easter morning run for 4.1 miles. Getting ready for Jerseyman May18. This is a new monthly high for bike totals yeah...

March's totals:
Bike:9h 08m 44s  - 130.31 Mi
Run:7h 33m 09s  - 44.47 Mi
Swim:5h 29m  - 12000 Yd


2013-03-31 6:03 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Mike - I hear ya on turning a corner. I would agree with you from my own journey perspective. Sorry to hear the doc report, but it sounds manageable.

Carol - So glad your bike group is hitting the road successfully even with bad weather. Welcome back to S/B/R.

Pam - nice job on the crunch challenge. I bet I would like the abs you are getting, but I would hate the work to get there

ken - I empathize with you feeling bad about not posting. I've never been as bad as I have been this year. Great to hear from you even if it's quick.

Brian - Your race time is awesome. Grats to you for beating your goal!

Pam -The race prep turned out to be a real adventure for you this time, but glad you finished..

Anthony - I've had a similar experience when wearing a helmet while skiing. Started having the worst headache in my life, and as soon as I took the helmet off it went away. Hope that bike was a nice ride outside.

Steve - I hope RL continues to have doors open for the good. Looking forward to hearing about the MRI results. I hope you find a new job that sets you up for success.

There is so much happening in this group and I love reading about it.

I find recovery weeks end up being catch-up on the rest of life week, which then leads to minimal amounts of training. Training has been tough for me in ways I havent expected. I'm fighting all kinds of fears about different different aspects of it all. I looked at the mileage I've logged so far and am not pleased with what I see and wonder if I'm gonna make it. I'm at the halfway point now and my resolve to get it all in is high; I just hope I follow-through.

I am very happy with what I have been doing though. My swim is getting so much better. I did a 41 mile bike today on the actual IM course and my pace was over 15mph, which kinda blew my mind. All the climbing has the payoff of getting to go downhill. I didn't get to swim at all this weekend because the gym closed the pool. I went on friday to get one in bceause they said the pool would be open til 6pm and it was only 4pm, but they decided to get a head start. Not real happy with the new gym owners; this isn't the first time I have felt they could care less about their clients. Oh well.

I applied for a new job at the hospital, I bought a new car and joined a local triathlon club.

Happy Easter!

March's totals:
Bike:23h 51m  - 364 Mi
Run:11h 42m 47s  - 57.42 Mi
Swim:8h 02m 36s  - 18400 Yd


2013-03-31 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Happy Easter everyone!  I have to admit that I'm very happy to see a lot of the group getting back to posting!


Pam/Brian: Congrats to both of you on your finishes!  Brian, I hope the beers taste sweet and Pam, I'm truly honored that I actually crossed your mind during a race!  To put things in perspective, endurance athletes are a small group of hard working/special people and many people wish they could show the dedication that we do.  So, although the race wasn't what you hoped Pam, even finishing puts you in an elite group.  I believe only 2% of the population will ever finish a single marathon...I've got to imagine its even smaller for a HIM.  I try to remember these things myself when my Garmin (Magellan when I get healthy!) doesn't show the time I wanted.

Samantha: It sounds like RL is cooking up for you!  As far as training, you sound a lot like my friends who finished the B2B last November.  There's nothing like time creeping up on you to get motivated

Mitch: I'm with you about Steve's group.  I guess the only question left is whether Steve is willing to pony up again or not!

Steve: I'm sending you my best for the are so overdue for some good news!  Those are some great times those youngins are putting up....40 second improvement in a week...good grief lol.

Tomorrow is back to business for me.....back to the gym and back to dieting hard.  The cheat days never live up to what you imagine...I'm ready to eat cleaner and feel good again!

2013-03-31 10:07 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Got in a 6 mile run tonight at 11:33mpm pace. Good pace for me considering my earlier bike ride, and that bike ride was my first since my HIM that had major hill climbing. Very pleased and a little tired

Jay - Glad you're getting back at it, and you are right about time crunch being a good motivator.

2013-04-01 5:57 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Quick post before work.

I want to clarify something - Brian did the HIM and I only did a sprint.  He is the stud!

Race report is at  Can't wait to read Brian's.

Crunch Challenge: I did every day!  At least the minimum and usually more.  Total crunches thus far is 6,400 for the year.  I'm going to continue a modified version where I have to do at least 500 week.  Anyone want to join me?  And Samantha, no, I don't have great abs now.  They say abs are made in the kitchen and I'm still protecting my abs with some insulation.Laughing

March's totals:
Bike:9h 45m  - 130.3 Mi
Run:8h 06m  - 40.15 Mi
Swim:2h 40m  - 3806 Yd
Strength:10h 08m

Have a great week everyone!

Edited by Pink Socks 2013-04-01 5:59 AM

2013-04-01 7:43 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Good morning everyone. Great work happening on all fronts here!

Steve -- good luck with the MRI. Hope everything comes out clean. And your kids are fast, fast, fast!!

New swim instructor today, and some new faces in the class, and a thorough butt kicking. I lost track of how many yards we did, but after class we figured it was about 3000. Nothing more than 100 yards at a time, though. Can you say lots of 25/50/100 sets? fast? Funny to look up and think "This dude is a world champion...".  I think everyone in class was showing their stuff as our timed 100 sets were clocking in at 1:35 and under for everyone, which didn't happen at all in our prior class. I managed a couple 1:25 100's, and I'm ready for a nap .

Brian & Pam - hope you are feeling good today, and well on the way to recovery.

2013-04-01 9:52 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Steve - Hope the doc has good news for you after the MRI! I love your positive attitude with all RL has thrown at you lately, but you could really use some good news once. Nice running by the kids too! Impresive times!

Pam - Way to push through adversity! Last is definitely nothing to be ashamed of, and I can't imagine anyone gets mad at the last person taking too long and making them wait. If there is someone like that, then they have bigger issues and are  an a.h. I'm glad you decided always to be cheerful and thank people as you race. Life is too short to always be pissed off and miserable.

Brian - sounds like you had an awesome race. You put up an awesome time and hopefully you and the fam had a great time!

Mike - Nice swimming! 1:25/100 is a great time. Wish I could keep up with that. Sounds like the guy is really pushing you all to swim fast and hard for those short sets.

Samantha - Keep up all the exellent work! Every time I tell someone I am training for a triathlon their eyes get big and they ask if its a full. I say no and say its about a quarter of an Ironman. Just shows that people really have respect for the race and amount of time and energy you all put into training. Or they think you are all crazy Laughing. Anyway, to me just the amount of time management that goes into training is impressive, let alone the accomplishment on race day. Keep up the great training!

Stu - 5 more weeks. March was a bit better for me for training volume, but I definitely need to build a bunch in the next 3 weeks. Hope your training is going well.

March totals for me.

swim - 8400 yds - 25 mins

bike - 110.80 mi - 7h53m18s

run - 42.75 mi - 5h26m31s

Edited by Antwonathon 2013-04-01 10:01 AM
2013-04-01 11:46 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Here are my totals.  Pool has still been closed but I'm happy that I was able to train this month.  Start to build soon!

March's totals:
Bike:3h 45m  - 76.37 Mi
Run:6h 59m 51s  - 48.57 Mi
Strength:1h 30m


2013-04-01 2:12 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.


March's totals:
Bike:21h 50m  - 302.25 Mi
Run:19h 41m  - 89 Mi
Swim:6h 50m  - 19100 Yd
My April totals will prolly be dropping off as I am going to do a bit of off season maintenance.  I'd like to focus a bit on strength and a bit of interval training to work on speed. I've been going at it hard since last October and I need to do something else for a bit. 
2013-04-01 2:31 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Here are my numbers.  I really fell off the last two weeks.  

March's totals:
Bike: 7h 09m 45s - 128.26 Mi
Run: 10h 59m 12s - 87.1 Mi
Swim: 5h 51m 28s - 14950 Yd
Strength: 1h 00m


2013-04-01 2:39 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Here are my March #'s.

March's totals:
Bike:10h 01m  - 164.88 Mi
Run:5h 37m 29s  - 32.87 Mi
Swim:3h 14m  - 11650 Yd
Boxing:1h 00m
Core Training:2h 00m

Thought this was going to be waaaay behind what I did last year for March, but it turns out its rather close. My swim is behind this year by about 3 workouts, which is what I missed in March for work/family reasons. My bike this year is nearly TWICE what I did last March. And my running is 6 miles behind what I did last march. If not for the hamstring thing I'd have surpassed my 2012 figures. Never would have though that in a zillion years. Thought this March had been a struggle, and I was way behind. Guess not so much. April/May will really get these figures up there.

2013-04-01 2:42 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hey all, just a hit and run type post here after a busy weekend.

Steve, glad you are getting that MRI today...guessing there will be a wait for results, but what's another week?

Still thinking how proud I am of Pam & Brian on their races.  You both went out and faced fears and did things that you didn't think you could do.  That is what makes you both winners! 

Mike, geez...I'm glad I'm not in your masters class.  You guys are smoking fast!

March has included a lot of down time for illness and recovering the foot.  But I'm happy to be getting back to some semblance of balance of S/B/R instead of just R.

Bike:14h 55m 37s  - 211.37 Mi
Run:5h 52m 21s  - 30.92 Mi
Swim:2h 50m  - 6200 Yd


2013-04-01 8:50 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Steve, please let us know when you know about the MRI.  Really hope that the news is good.
2013-04-01 9:17 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Joe, your low HR is likely low due to fatigue, unlikely that you are running the same pace at 30 bpm slower in less than 4 years of running pre post.  You might want to take a close look at how much/fast you have been building and see if you need an extra rest day. 

Pam, looks like a tough race, but you finished it.  Now you know what it takes to finish... a little more training and you will cut some serious time off that.  

Samantha decent base swim stronger than bike, bike stronger than run.  Time to start the serious build part of your build now.  Bike and run will be the hardest to build, you will be where you need to be in your swim.  

MRI results.... did't find anything significant.  Doc gave me a choice of exploratory surgery or hope that even though things haven't improved in 4 months that maybe in another 4 months things will come around.... Oh well time to shell out some $$ and have him go in and look.  He said that when he goes in he will fix anything he finds at the same time, made a lot of sense to me. MRI was interesting, sit still without twitching while the machine vibrates your muscles and such.  I guess the silver lining is that there is nothing hugely wrong... also no fix yet. 

Mike, just wow can only dream of swimming that fast. 

Edited by Baowolf 2013-04-01 9:42 PM
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