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2014-03-04 12:36 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
David, I personally like spreadsheets. One might say that I'm bit of a spreadsheet junkie. That being said, however, I'm okay with doing whatever the majority prefers to do.

On another note, I did a 5km run, 1500m swim and a strength workout at the gym yesterday. Today I did 60 minutes on the trainer. Feeling a little worn early in the week but the rest of today is slotted for reading and relaxing so I should be recovered for tomorrow. One More week followed by an easy recovery/testing week and then real training starts with my first base period.

2014-03-04 1:14 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
I'm good with either for for the goals as long as we do something. Maybe keep it here so we don't have to go somewhere else and it stays in one place.

I'm back in the mix. Joined a gym to help with the rehab of my ITB. I can get a better workout and on more muscle groups to try and balance things out. Plus I get to work on my core to get some speed. Mental note that I made on Monday....swim BEFORE I lift. I did my core and leg workout in the morning then proceeded to swim 2650y at tri practice...holy cow that was hard. Today I got 20 min on the bike. I plan to keep the bike at 20-30 min low effort until I am 100% and done with my PT. She suggested that to keep loose.

Soccer starts Wed night and falls on both of my tri group swim nights. That's why I took the groups advice and got Sheilas kick a$$ workout cards! I start that tomorrow.

Training will look like this until the run comes back. Mon/Wed/Fri - swim and weights, Tues/Thurs/Sun - easy bike.
2014-03-04 3:59 PM
in reply to: Burd

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Easy day today with 45 min spinning, hope weather gets better for riding outside, spinning -regardles the music- is such a different story....
2014-03-04 8:39 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Good Evening BDAASers! Just wanted to point out that Juan's post put us into third place in terms of the number of posts so far this winter. Feels damn nice to be on the podium. Keep it up by supporting each other!
2014-03-04 8:40 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Qua17

Good Evening BDAASers! Just wanted to point out that Juan's post put us into third place in terms of the number of posts so far this winter. And we started more than a week after the other two! Feels damn nice to be on the podium. Keep it up by supporting each other!
2014-03-04 9:03 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
I went to my PT for my weekly appointment and this time my PT's mentor worked with me. She was this tiny french canadian woman in her mid 50's and while she was kind, I got the impression that there was a serious athletic working with me. Anyway - she spent more than 90 minutes trying to figure out what has been ailing me. Unlike my PT who thinks a lot of my issues might be a result of muscle imbalance (and I think he's right), this woman believes that my issues are because 1) my hip is out of alignment - which makes it seem like my hamstring is tight, and 2) that my body is not coordinated in that muscles that should be firing aren't and therefore other muscles (like the ones in my back and those in my hip) have had to do the lion's share of the work. Hence the soreness. So, she gave me two new exercises to do involving reflexology - one where I roll the inner part of my heel on a Lax ball - which causes my toes to become more powerful which will help my strike and landing. She also has me rolling the sore parts of my back and then doing single leg bridges to get my left glute to fire.

God, I hope this helps. Today I went for a 2 mile run and my hip still ached...

To thank them for their help, I'm gonna brew a 3 batches of homebrew and bring them some every time I come to an appointment. If I were to give them a beer for every mile of the IM - that would be 15 gallons of beer. If I brought in two growlers each week (a growler is just a bit more than more than 4 beers) , it works out to nearly the same number of weeks of training I have to prepare for my ironman.

2014-03-04 9:11 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by kevinbe

Originally posted by SportzVision

I apparently was not specific when I said I wanted my last year in my 40's to be epic....this is redic! It comes in threes right, first the infection that almost hospitalized me, my dog died and now...I found a lump on my breast! No news yet, saw the doc..the good thing is she found two lumps so it may just be inflamed tissue. But she sent me directly to radiology, hoping they could see me that day. I have a mammogram and ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday. From there we will learn more.

By epic I meant:
Swim with a dolphin
white water rafting
stand under a waterfall
hike Tahoe Rim Trail
Be an Ironman!

My epicness did not include this other junk but it will make it all much more meaningful!

Clearly someone's just fu'cked with the wrong person! You are an Epic person. Prayers to you.

Jesus Cynthia - while I will be praying for you, I pity those lumps. They clearly don't know who they are messing with.

Seriously, when you hear back from the doc and feel comfortable sharing the info - please let us know because I want to keep you in my prayers.
2014-03-04 9:50 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by kevinbe

Originally posted by SportzVision

I apparently was not specific when I said I wanted my last year in my 40's to be epic....this is redic! It comes in threes right, first the infection that almost hospitalized me, my dog died and now...I found a lump on my breast! No news yet, saw the doc..the good thing is she found two lumps so it may just be inflamed tissue. But she sent me directly to radiology, hoping they could see me that day. I have a mammogram and ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday. From there we will learn more.

By epic I meant:
Swim with a dolphin
white water rafting
stand under a waterfall
hike Tahoe Rim Trail
Be an Ironman!

My epicness did not include this other junk but it will make it all much more meaningful!

Clearly someone's just fu'cked with the wrong person! You are an Epic person. Prayers to you.
Damn Skippy! Find out more tomorrow... should I swim before or after is the question?
2014-03-05 9:36 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed


Check out this video. Pretty Funny Its titled "S@#$ Triathletes Say"

2014-03-05 10:04 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Qua17

I went to my PT for my weekly appointment and this time my PT's mentor worked with me. She was this tiny french canadian woman in her mid 50's and while she was kind, I got the impression that there was a serious athletic working with me. Anyway - she spent more than 90 minutes trying to figure out what has been ailing me. Unlike my PT who thinks a lot of my issues might be a result of muscle imbalance (and I think he's right), this woman believes that my issues are because 1) my hip is out of alignment - which makes it seem like my hamstring is tight, and 2) that my body is not coordinated in that muscles that should be firing aren't and therefore other muscles (like the ones in my back and those in my hip) have had to do the lion's share of the work. Hence the soreness. So, she gave me two new exercises to do involving reflexology - one where I roll the inner part of my heel on a Lax ball - which causes my toes to become more powerful which will help my strike and landing. She also has me rolling the sore parts of my back and then doing single leg bridges to get my left glute to fire.

God, I hope this helps. Today I went for a 2 mile run and my hip still ached...

Sorry to hear that you're still having problems. I don't want to think about how frustrating this process is for you.

Have you thought about going to a running-specific physical therapist or medical program? Some googling brought up Boston Running Center, which seems like it might be more in-line with what you need.

My thoughts go that way because you've been struggling for a long while now, and it doesn't seem like you've made significant progress. Second, going back to your cadence issues - that seems like something I would have spotted, as a lay-runner, in about 6 seconds as a major "okay, that's pretty clearly wrong . . ." and I don't have any real training or expertise in the manner, or than just being an informed and knowledge-seeking athlete. The fact that it took like what, six months or longer for someone to tell you "hey, you've got a major cadence problem and are over-striding like you're running hurdles on track team" makes me wonder what is going on with your PT program.

Third, not to say that those things are truly bunk, but when PT start talking about stuff like "muscle imbalance," "muscle firing," "reflexology," or "hip misalignment," I start thinking hokum. Things like foam rolling, ball-in-the-foot, and stretches aren't the primary exercise or goal - they are recovery aids. If you spend an hour stretching and whatnot after a 25 minute run, there's something else going on.

And then there's the question of a PT's specific knowledge and experience - are they triathletes and distance-runners, used to the demands and abilities of folks like us, or are they trained more generally. What rehab my 62-year-old mother-in-law went through after she slipped and fell for her knee is not going to be what someone like me needs.

Not to be unduly blunt - but if you can't run 2 miles without pain, then there is probably something fundamentally *wrong* with whats going on.

Good luck my friend.
2014-03-05 11:12 AM
in reply to: ervaller

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by ervaller


Check out this video. Pretty Funny Its titled "S@#$ Triathletes Say"

I was quite amused. I almost sent the link to my wife to see how many of these things I've said and then realized that it's that kind of thing that the video is making fun of...

2014-03-05 3:00 PM
in reply to: 0

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Drove to the gym at lunch ready for what looked to be a long swim workout. Get into the gym locker room and open up my backpack, unroll my towel only to find I left my swim trunks at home! So much for a swim

Fortunately all was not lost. I drove back to work, threw on some extra workout clothes I had in my office locker and did something I have not done in quite a long time: Power Disc Golf! Near my office is a 9 hole disc golf course and when I was first getting into running a couple years ago I would run the course in between throws and do push-ups at each tee. This was actually the activity that got me thinking: "hey, running isn't so bad... maybe I can do a 5k or something". The rest is history!

Edited by MOlsen 2014-03-05 3:27 PM
2014-03-05 7:03 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Today I did an 8km run, the furthest I've run since the Hamilton Marathon back in November. I scheduled a short 500m swim so as not to be too exhausted during the run. One thing I have noticed since starting IM training is that my run pace is slower than normal. I'm thinking it's because my body is in a general state of fatigue throughout week since it is still adapting to the combination of running, biking and swimming, sometimes two activities per day, but this has me a little concerned.

I ran the 8km/4.97miles at a 12:15min/mile pace. My fastest pace last summer was 7:40min/mile, my slowest was 10:41min/mile with an average pace of 9:04min/mile for the entire season (July - November). I can't figure out where my speed has gone. I've even lost weight since last summer. I eat better now. I know more about recovery nutrition etc. The only other thing I can fathom is that the the 1500km I logged on the bike between April and June last year developed the base fitness and muscle endurance for speed when I started marathon training in July. Hopefully in the next few months I see an increase in running FT and can get my pace back up to where I'm used to it being.

Do any of other more experienced Tri folks have any input on this phenomenon?
2014-03-05 7:16 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by adempsey10

Today I did an 8km run, the furthest I've run since the Hamilton Marathon back in November. I scheduled a short 500m swim so as not to be too exhausted during the run. One thing I have noticed since starting IM training is that my run pace is slower than normal. I'm thinking it's because my body is in a general state of fatigue throughout week since it is still adapting to the combination of running, biking and swimming, sometimes two activities per day, but this has me a little concerned.

I ran the 8km/4.97miles at a 12:15min/mile pace. My fastest pace last summer was 7:40min/mile, my slowest was 10:41min/mile with an average pace of 9:04min/mile for the entire season (July - November). I can't figure out where my speed has gone. I've even lost weight since last summer. I eat better now. I know more about recovery nutrition etc. The only other thing I can fathom is that the the 1500km I logged on the bike between April and June last year developed the base fitness and muscle endurance for speed when I started marathon training in July. Hopefully in the next few months I see an increase in running FT and can get my pace back up to where I'm used to it being.

Do any of other more experienced Tri folks have any input on this phenomenon?

A few more longish runs will clear the rust out of the gears. Don't sweat it.
2014-03-06 9:13 AM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Oh, the joys of soreness.

Tuesday, master's and strength / core - all upper body/shoulders. Yesterday, threshold run test. This morning, more swimming! Oh yes, the bestest set in the world - pyramids with paddles! 4x25, 4x50, 4x100, 4x200, up and down . . .

The following muscle groups have contacted their representative unions and are threatening strike: triceps, biceps, delts, traps, shoulders, pecs, obliques, abs, quads, hamstrings, ITB . . . I think about 85% of my body is sore right now.

Threshold run test is yet another endeavor in the oddity that is the human body . . . held sub-7:00 for 10:00min, then clicked down to around 7:10 for the next 8:00, and then clicked back up to sub-7:00 for the last 2min. The last 5 minutes were just suffering. Average heart rate of 179, with a majority of the last few minutes sitting around 185, and a momentary 187, which notches just 1 bpm lower than the highest I have ever actually seen. The last few minutes, I just wanted to quit, but after finishing it up and walking for 3min, I was back jogging around 10:00/pace without issue. The human body is an odd thing.
2014-03-06 10:19 AM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Seatposts? I am a bit to stretched out on my roadie and it is causing me to sit to far forward on my seat. The seat is darn near all the way forward. It's a set back seat post and looks like it's pretty big of a setback. Can I flip it around and use it forward or do I need to buy a zero setback seat post?

2014-03-06 1:09 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Speaking of soreness, I did a handful of push-ups yesterday during my improvised workout. First time I've done push-ups in a long time and I'm feeling it in my shoulders. For those who did the push-up challenge in January, how did the soreness affect your swim, or did the soreness lessen as the challenge progressed? I'm thinking about re-introducing them to workout regime but don't want them to impact how my shoulders feel during swim workouts.

2014-03-06 1:17 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by MOlsen

Speaking of soreness, I did a handful of push-ups yesterday during my improvised workout. First time I've done push-ups in a long time and I'm feeling it in my shoulders. For those who did the push-up challenge in January, how did the soreness affect your swim, or did the soreness lessen as the challenge progressed? I'm thinking about re-introducing them to workout regime but don't want them to impact how my shoulders feel during swim workouts.

I do situps/crunchs, pull-ups and push-ups after every time I bike or run. I also just do them randomly throughout the day when I need a quick study break/stress reliever. I don't find my shoulders are affected during the swim by doing the push-ups. Your muscles will get used to it fairly quickly.

Edited by adempsey10 2014-03-06 1:43 PM
2014-03-06 2:57 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Burd

Seatposts? I am a bit to stretched out on my roadie and it is causing me to sit to far forward on my seat. The seat is darn near all the way forward. It's a set back seat post and looks like it's pretty big of a setback. Can I flip it around and use it forward or do I need to buy a zero setback seat post?

One of my good friends made a suggestion that I like - fiddle with it until it feels better. Worst case is that you make it worse, and then you switch it back. Flip it and see what happens.

A couple other notes though - your bike may be too big for you, or your stem too long. I would probably start by putting the seat to the stops and then adjust from there. It also depends on your saddle - for example, on my Adamo, sitting on the nose is how the saddle is designed to be sat upon. A short stem, especially with clip-on aero bars, can lead to twitchy handling. Reversing the seat post will also effect the load balance, so be careful on your first few descents until you get used to the change.

And then, there's always the thought of long, slammed stems for an aggressive, aero position, even on the roadie.
2014-03-06 3:25 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Originally posted by Burd

Seatposts? I am a bit to stretched out on my roadie and it is causing me to sit to far forward on my seat. The seat is darn near all the way forward. It's a set back seat post and looks like it's pretty big of a setback. Can I flip it around and use it forward or do I need to buy a zero setback seat post?

One of my good friends made a suggestion that I like - fiddle with it until it feels better. Worst case is that you make it worse, and then you switch it back. Flip it and see what happens.

A couple other notes though - your bike may be too big for you, or your stem too long. I would probably start by putting the seat to the stops and then adjust from there. It also depends on your saddle - for example, on my Adamo, sitting on the nose is how the saddle is designed to be sat upon. A short stem, especially with clip-on aero bars, can lead to twitchy handling. Reversing the seat post will also effect the load balance, so be careful on your first few descents until you get used to the change.

And then, there's always the thought of long, slammed stems for an aggressive, aero position, even on the roadie.

I think the bike is a tad on the large size. I should be on a 53-54 (depending on the make) and it's a 55. After doing some research I found out that it is common practice to use a zero setback post to get a larger bike fit correctly. If needed you can get a shorter stem. My problem is my torso is long compared to my inseam so I don't think the stem will be an issue. The zero setback should bring me forward as much as I need since riding on the nose is a perfect fit but makes me numb. When I focus on sliding back and sitting on the saddle correctly I have no issues but I feel like I'm too far back and almost kinda reaching to pedal. When I had the Adamo on and was sitting forward on the nose the bike felt felt perfect size wise but that saddle didn't agree with my tush so I swapped it out.

Long story short I found a used carbon zero setback on ST for $20 shipped. It will be here Monday Gotta love the classifieds!

Edited by Burd 2014-03-06 3:29 PM
2014-03-06 3:28 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by adempsey10

Originally posted by MOlsen

Speaking of soreness, I did a handful of push-ups yesterday during my improvised workout. First time I've done push-ups in a long time and I'm feeling it in my shoulders. For those who did the push-up challenge in January, how did the soreness affect your swim, or did the soreness lessen as the challenge progressed? I'm thinking about re-introducing them to workout regime but don't want them to impact how my shoulders feel during swim workouts.

I do situps/crunchs, pull-ups and push-ups after every time I bike or run. I also just do them randomly throughout the day when I need a quick study break/stress reliever. I don't find my shoulders are affected during the swim by doing the push-ups. Your muscles will get used to it fairly quickly.

Good to know, hopefully I can stick with regular push-ups as I'm terrible when it comes to exercises like that.

Today I went for a good 6 mile run. Pushed my pace a little bit out of the comfortable zone 2 and into the uncomfortable zone 2. Over the next couple of months I'm going to work on adding a little speed now that I have my distance.

2014-03-06 3:33 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by MOlsen

Originally posted by adempsey10

Originally posted by MOlsen

Speaking of soreness, I did a handful of push-ups yesterday during my improvised workout. First time I've done push-ups in a long time and I'm feeling it in my shoulders. For those who did the push-up challenge in January, how did the soreness affect your swim, or did the soreness lessen as the challenge progressed? I'm thinking about re-introducing them to workout regime but don't want them to impact how my shoulders feel during swim workouts.

I do situps/crunchs, pull-ups and push-ups after every time I bike or run. I also just do them randomly throughout the day when I need a quick study break/stress reliever. I don't find my shoulders are affected during the swim by doing the push-ups. Your muscles will get used to it fairly quickly.

Good to know, hopefully I can stick with regular push-ups as I'm terrible when it comes to exercises like that.

Today I went for a good 6 mile run. Pushed my pace a little bit out of the comfortable zone 2 and into the uncomfortable zone 2. Over the next couple of months I'm going to work on adding a little speed now that I have my distance.

I hear ya about having a hard time sticking with exercises like that. I had a simple 4 exercises to do for my PT and ended up joining a gym to get them done because I couldn't take the time to be bothered with them Spending the coinage on a gym is enough motivation for me to go and get my PT in.
2014-03-07 11:56 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Went to Physio this morning and the the PT was impressed with the improvement to my knee. It's going to take a long time to build up to long distances but that's better than no running at all.

Heading to the pool this afternoon for a 1500m swim.

120min on the trainer tomorrow morning and then a relaxing night of beer with the wife.

If I get through the swim this afternoon and the ride tomorrow I will have completed all of my scheduled training sessions two weeks in a row.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!
2014-03-07 1:40 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Got into day 3 of Sheilas SSS workouts. Did the She Ra workout today. 4000 yards total. I do believe she is a devil woman that loves to see people suffer I am dead after that. 1:51:43 in the water. I was surprised how many drills were in the workout. It was actually a fun workout though with all the drills.
2014-03-07 2:50 PM
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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by MOlsen

Drove to the gym at lunch ready for what looked to be a long swim workout. Get into the gym locker room and open up my backpack, unroll my towel only to find I left my swim trunks at home! So much for a swim

Fortunately all was not lost. I drove back to work, threw on some extra workout clothes I had in my office locker and did something I have not done in quite a long time: Power Disc Golf! Near my office is a 9 hole disc golf course and when I was first getting into running a couple years ago I would run the course in between throws and do push-ups at each tee. This was actually the activity that got me thinking: "hey, running isn't so bad... maybe I can do a 5k or something". The rest is history!


Edited by ervaller 2014-03-07 2:51 PM
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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