General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Florida : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2012-10-10 5:19 AM
in reply to: #3589984


Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Oh boy.......I thought my training plan called for a 3 month taper. No wonder I've felt so refreshed.

2012-10-10 6:59 AM
in reply to: #4447554

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I believe FL sold out in 16 minutes this year. I volunteered to get my shot. Someone else asked about volunteering earlier in this thread. It was a great experience. I highly recommend "catching" at the Finishline if you can still get a spot. You have to sign up ahead of time. I think we signed up several months ahead. We got in line to sign up for this year really early the next morning. It was freezing! Bring a blanket and a chair if you can. There was a huge cue that formed so I am glad we got there maybe an hour and half before sign ups were to take place. Also, Check the rules about how you can pay. I called my credit card company before I left to tell them about this transaction. I didn't want them to deny my card because it was an out of state transaction. Good luck!
2012-10-10 6:59 AM
in reply to: #4446725

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
15step - 2012-10-09 2:03 PM
bgraboski - 2012-10-09 1:34 PM

There is nothing finer than seeing the Dawgs get neutered!

Hey now, them's fightin' words..... (UGA grad here)

Should have told the football team to fight instead!  Cool

(USC season ticket holder here, wife is USC grad)

2012-10-10 8:02 AM
in reply to: #4447321

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Tri Fit - 2012-10-09 8:03 PM

Thank you Socks!!!  I'm trying to keep a list of helpful hints for this race.  I'm really nervous about waves as well. Have done plenty of OW lake swims in training, but no ocean nearby! Just have to have faith that I know I can do the distance, and the salt water + wetsuit will keep me up! 

On another note, I have a slightly nagging muscle pull in my right quadricep muscle right now.  NO idea what I did!  My coach told me to take a couple of days off and rest it.  Really nervous about not training yesterday and today, but hoping it won't make a huge difference in the big picture?  I am soooo close. 

Tri fit I had the same problem back in August and I can tell you what helped me.  My wife is a home healthh therapist and every night for about 1.5-2 weeks she would put a estim machine on me and I have felt fine since.  I never stopped training during this time either.

2012-10-10 9:11 AM
in reply to: #4447611

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I am one of those that got in before the 16 minutes were up.  It's possible but I would not risk. I actually volunteered last year and didn't want to do the race.  I changed my mind on the way back home to Atlanta on Sunday morning and decided to give it a shot to sign up online.  As fate would have it, I got in.
2012-10-10 10:24 AM
in reply to: #3589984

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Not sure who posted the original question about getting a spot for IMFL, but I was on my computer at 1pm Eastern (12pm noon local) last year and got a spot for this year's race.  Perhaps I was lucky...

For those of you who are thinking about registering via's not that hard.  Just be ready to go 5-10ish mins ahead of time and keep clicking on the registration button until it opens up.  There's a bunch of questions on the form, most of which aren't necessary so ignore those.  Make sure you answer the required ones, have your credit card info ready and move through the form with good speed.  That's about it.  Good luck.


2012-10-10 11:05 AM
in reply to: #3589984

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

So what are thoughts about Dramamine in case of major chop?

All I can say is 11:59:59 or less

2012-10-10 11:27 AM
in reply to: #4448124

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
KTpitbull - 2012-10-10 11:05 AM

So what are thoughts about Dramamine in case of major chop?

All I can say is 11:59:59 or less

I would prefer to not fall asleep on my bike is what I would say.  The chop doesn't bother me.

Edited by Socks 2012-10-10 11:28 AM
2012-10-10 11:43 AM
in reply to: #4445887

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Wesley12 - 2012-10-08 8:28 PM I saw earlier where someone said a a good time estimator would be your HIM time x 2 plus 30 minutes.  Has this been close for anyone?  This is my first and I'm trying to figure out what might be a realistic time goal.  My main goal is to finish.  Other than that I was hoping for no more than 14 hours.  I did 6:11 in Augusta. 


For my first IMFLA, my 70.3 time earlier that year was 5:23 and my 140.6 time was 11:41. 

Edited by LSUfan4444 2012-10-10 11:44 AM
2012-10-10 11:53 AM
in reply to: #4448124

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
KTpitbull - 2012-10-10 11:05 AM

So what are thoughts about Dramamine in case of major chop?

All I can say is 11:59:59 or less

Dimenhydrinate may cause side effects.

  • drowsiness

  • excitement or hyperactivity (especially in children)

  • headache

  • new or worsening dizziness

  • blurred vision

  • ringing in the ears

  • dry mouth, nose, or throat

  • problems with coordination

  • fainting

  • dizziness

  • nausea


Some side effects can be serious. If you experience the following symptom, call your doctor immediately:

  • fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat

2012-10-10 11:54 AM
in reply to: #3589984

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Anyone who has done the race the last two years, didn't they switch the rooms that were used for transition?  Meaning, in 2011 didn't the guys get the larger of the two rooms (the one the women used in 2010)?

2012-10-10 12:34 PM
in reply to: #4448124

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
KTpitbull - 2012-10-10 12:05 PM

So what are thoughts about Dramamine in case of major chop?

All I can say is 11:59:59 or less


My thoughts are that I would feed the fish as I swam. Money mouth

2012-10-10 1:06 PM
in reply to: #3589984

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
for those who have done IMFL the past few is the water typically? is it rough/choppy?
2012-10-10 1:11 PM
in reply to: #4448494

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Usually calm as the wind comes out of the north.  You can check you tube videos and just do a search for Ironman Florida Swim 2011, 2010, 2009, etc.

There have been a few rough years, but that is the exception, not the norm.

2012-10-10 1:17 PM
in reply to: #4448251

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

LSUfan4444 - 2012-10-10 11:54 AM Anyone who has done the race the last two years, didn't they switch the rooms that were used for transition?  Meaning, in 2011 didn't the guys get the larger of the two rooms (the one the women used in 2010)?

they brought us inside and then there were dividers between the mens and womens rooms......I didnt' see the inside of the mens tent area   I thought it was the same

Edited by Socks 2012-10-10 1:19 PM
2012-10-10 1:47 PM
in reply to: #4448540

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Last year we took a peek at the mens transition room and it just seemed bigger to me than what it did in 2010.  Could be because it was empty, but it just looked bigger.

I hope no women take offense to this, but I really think the men need a bigger room simply because there are just more men participants.  In 2010 there were over 1800 men participants compared to less than 600 women.  If there were more women I would say the same thing, but doesn't make much sense to me that both rooms would be the same size.

2012-10-10 2:32 PM
in reply to: #4448605

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
LSUfan4444 - 2012-10-10 1:47 PM

Last year we took a peek at the mens transition room and it just seemed bigger to me than what it did in 2010.  Could be because it was empty, but it just looked bigger.

I hope no women take offense to this, but I really think the men need a bigger room simply because there are just more men participants.  In 2010 there were over 1800 men participants compared to less than 600 women.  If there were more women I would say the same thing, but doesn't make much sense to me that both rooms would be the same size.

never having been in  the mens side I have no idea how big that area is   People complained about it being tight last year too.  Form the outside it looked like men had 2/3rd the area and woemn about 1/3 of the area.  I wasn;t really concentrating on how big each space was in the middle of my transitions

2012-10-10 3:14 PM
in reply to: #4448124

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
KTpitbull - 2012-10-10 11:05 AM

So what are thoughts about Dramamine in case of major chop?

All I can say is 11:59:59 or less

In 2010 we had a fairly major storm pass through a couple of days before the race.  If I remember right, at practice swim on Thursday, we had about 3 foot surf and 3 foot swells.  Pretty big water, I thought.  I'm prone to sea sickness.  We swam and played in the waves.  Sue taught us how to body surf.  How fun.   Anyway, with the cool water, and excitement and action of swimming I felt no sickness coming on.

In both 2008 and 2010, there was some swell but the seas were fairly flat.  I was fine.  One little exception,  in 2010 around the second turn buoy the waves were coming in just such a way that it rolled me back a fourth.  Stomach got a little queezy, I decided I would be fine, and just kept swimming.  It was fine.

Come to the practice swim.  I think you'll be fine, and enjoy it more than you think.  There's something about swimming that is much different than being on a boat.

Mostly the water is pretty calm there.

Look at the web cam on Schooners. It's just down the beach from the start.

2012-10-10 3:23 PM
in reply to: #3589984

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

That web cam is cool!!!!


2012-10-10 3:41 PM
in reply to: #4448705

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

I wasn;t really concentrating on how big each space was in the middle of my transitions

I didn't eiher, but I did go look the night of the athlete meeting, (it's right on the other side of the curtain that seperates the large conference room from the transition rooms - stage right).

The room I saw definitely looked bigger than the one I changed in 2010, but hopefully a guy can shed some light on the subject.

2012-10-10 5:37 PM
in reply to: #4448605

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Windermere, FL
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
LSUfan4444 - 2012-10-10 2:47 PM

Last year we took a peek at the mens transition room and it just seemed bigger to me than what it did in 2010.  Could be because it was empty, but it just looked bigger.

I hope no women take offense to this, but I really think the men need a bigger room simply because there are just more men participants.  In 2010 there were over 1800 men participants compared to less than 600 women.  If there were more women I would say the same thing, but doesn't make much sense to me that both rooms would be the same size.

Wow, ladies the odds are in our favor! Maybe I'll meet a guy! LOL

2012-10-10 5:47 PM
in reply to: #3589984

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Oh yeah one other Doc Socks tip.  I HIGHLY discourage wardrobe changes.  I know people are afraid of being cold and being wet and cold  but if you are considering this try putting your tri kit on after a shower and see how difficult it is esp if you are a woman and you need to put on  sports bra.  I wear the same kit all day,  I have never felt like I was cold from being wet from the swim but I layer up for the bike.  I'll be sweaty in 10 minutes anyway and be wet again.  I've read a lot of IM race reports and I've never read one where the author was happy about making a full change
2012-10-10 6:29 PM
in reply to: #3589984

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Really Socks?  I planned on putting on bike shorts instead of just tri shorts for the bike, but don't want to swim in bike shorts!  I've never tried that distance on a bike with tri shorts.  What did you put on to layer for the bike???  Windbreaker? Arm warmers?  I was going to stay in my same sport bra from the swim, throw a bike jersey over it.  Are you discouraging it due to time spent in transition?

Edited by Tri Fit 2012-10-10 6:29 PM
2012-10-10 6:41 PM
in reply to: #4449058

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Tri Fit - 2012-10-10 6:29 PM Really Socks?  I planned on putting on bike shorts instead of just tri shorts for the bike, but don't want to swim in bike shorts!  I've never tried that distance on a bike with tri shorts.  What did you put on to layer for the bike???  Windbreaker? Arm warmers?  I was going to stay in my same sport bra from the swim, throw a bike jersey over it.  Are you discouraging it due to time spent in transition?
Because I think its nearly impossible to put a sports bra on when even slightly damp in the comfort of my own bathroom never mind in front of 100s of my new best friends when I am trying to hurry.  I actually never owned bike shorts until recently and I only use them on the trainer so the whole fear of biking long in tri shorts I don't really get.  Do what you like I'm just saying its difficult to put on tight clothing when you are wet/damp. I use arm warmers, a bike shirt and those $1 walmart gloves

Edited by Socks 2012-10-10 6:42 PM
2012-10-11 7:35 AM
in reply to: #3589984

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

I wear tri shorts for the swim and bike.  I like them better than bike shorts.  heck the only time I wear my bike shorts is on the trainer now. 

Anyway, last year I did throw on long sleeve top under my bike jersey.  Didn't seem too bad to get it on.  Also had arm warmers, jacket, gloves and running tights.  Yea, I didn't want to get cold and that explains a very long transition time.  I took my jacket off at SN but otherwise didn't remove anything until T2.  Never got warm.

As for swim chop.  Thursday and Friday last year was cold and we had a good amount of chop in the water.  Practiced in it so I would have been OK.  But come Saturday morning the water was like glass.  Great swim.


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