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2013-08-31 8:15 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Long day 118+ mile bike ride and 5 mile run brick. So didn't want to do the run brick. Ok here are my final build month stats:

Swim: 17h 56m 30s - 42100 Yd

Bike: 57h 41m 46s - 950 Mi

Run: 30h 43m 18s - 194.08 Mi

Looks good to me, hoping tomorrows 18 mile run feels solid then it is taper time.

What I learned about bikes... k so most bikes come with a 54/39 up front and 11/25 in back. This setup is decent for flat to rolling hills with no more than a 4 percent ish grade. However if you are doing long hills of 6+percent grade over 10 miles or 10+ percent grade for hill repeats this is not gona cut it. It will tear up your calf muscles as you try to muscle your way past the bad gearing. (What the guys who sold me the bikes should have asked (what type of roads are you going to be riding/racing on?). So what I will try to get for my bike in the middle of nowhere where there are lots of hills, 50/34 up front and 11/30 or 11/28 or 12/30 in back. Have to do more research but 11/30 I think would be ideal but it may only come in 12/30. The cost, speed on the flats and downhills.

2013-08-31 9:27 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Curious Steve, why not switch to a triple in front? Glad your build has gone well, and that you are almost to taper. Hope the new gearing will help reduce the stress on the calf.

Last run along the Embarcadero was delightful this morning. Got out before sunrise and was passed by 4 of the guys from New Zealand America's Cup team (on bikes). Ha, that does not exactly happen here in TX. Also talked to a guy with a Dolfin Club shirt on....turns out you can swim there (protected area in the bay) for a $7.50 drop in fee. They think 60 degree water is much too balmy for a wet suit. Ha, maybe next time. Meanwhile, arrived back in TX to 105 degrees and an air quality advisory. Sigh....
2013-09-01 12:04 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
A triple would mean a whole new derailer and shifter etc. They are kind of out of vogue for triathletes not entirely sure why. Perhaps because most IM don't have 11% grades in them...... and have flat stretches where you need to be able to make up time with mid to upper gears. Oh well have to find a mechanic or tools or something first.
2013-09-01 12:04 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
A triple would mean a whole new derailer and shifter etc. They are kind of out of vogue for triathletes not entirely sure why. Perhaps because most IM don't have 11% grades in them...... and have flat stretches where you need to be able to make up time with mid to upper gears. Oh well have to find a mechanic or tools or something first.
2013-09-01 8:09 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Good Morning everyone! I'm back from vacation, and trying to catch up on what everyone has been up to. Ken - SO sorry about the IM. That is such a drag. You going to give it another shot in the future? Steve -- seems the only issue you may have at this point is the possibility of fires in Tahoe? Great build totals!

If there were a gold medal given out for eating, I'd have been a multiple medal winner the past week or so. Just had my fill, and then went back for seconds . A great time had by all. I did attempt to be active a couple times, not including walking to and from the buffet, either. Did a couple of bike rides at the gym on the worlds most uncomfortable bike seats (10 mi each) and even took a yoga class which showed me I have all the flexibility of a steel beam. And I did participate in a 5k run with my girls, which amounted to a slow 5k walk with my girls, and we crossed the line in 43 minutes .

Today is unpack & readjust to real life day. Will get on my bike for a ride tomorrow, and get back into the swing of things this week. Still no plans on running, and will begin Steve's suggested plan come later in September, assuming I feel OK. My only remaining 'race' is a 1 mile swim across Boston Harbor on Sep 21. Will now start thinking about next season, and what races I'd like to do. Have already committed to a couple folks I'll be back at the June HIM near me, and I may take another shot at Timberman 70.3 since I'd like to actually run this time. Will look for a couple of Oly distance races. Really enjoyed the NYC race this year and liked the distance. Probably a half mary in the spring as well as a goal for my running rehab.
2013-09-01 3:21 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
The biggest problem is actually the pulled calf muscle. Could make for a long day on the run-run/walk. We see how things pan out. Nothing to about anything now just ice and anti-inflame until race day. Will have to take a full 6 weeks off after the race to rehab that puppy before doing anything trainingwise. And then start from scratch again. Problems with getting older I guess.

2013-09-01 4:10 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Welcome back Mike. For your running...may I kindly suggest the NBHM on St. Patty's Day...I know that's kind of your day as an Irishman but a race then beer could work well
2013-09-01 6:33 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Quick checkin to post my totals.

Run: 23h 06m - 117.3 Mi
Strength: 5h 45m
Race Volunteering: 30m
Walking: 15m
Whitewater Rafting: 1h 00m

I've really to to get back to some strength workouts. My strength workouts aren't what Jay would like but something I need to do to protect my old feeble bones.

Yesterday I did 10.7 miles and it was slow, slow, slow. Didn't feel like a victory at all but it was one of those days where the legs were just not there. I Did make myself take a hillier route and I had to run all of the hills. Allowed myself to walk flats or downhills but didn't take that option until halfway thru.

Today is hubby's bd and so we just got back from 2 hours on zip lines and obstacles on our tree-to-tree challenge. Lots of fun. Not really hard but still it was a workout with the bending, stretching, balancing, climbing, and bouncing. A good time was had by all but we all 3 are tired. Instead of going out for a nicer BD meal, we picked up a pizza on the way home so we can get cleaned up and go to bed early. I'm going to try to get up early enough tomorrow to do my intervals a day early so I won't have to get up at 4am on Tues.

Mike so glad to have you back. Jay, we need you back with us too.

Steve, absolutely killer numbers for the month!!!! Be careful on the calf. I know you will but I've got to say it. Now that the build is over, taper well and wisely. I've blown races because I didn't taper correctly. I know that you are smarter than me but still be careful. So looking forward to stalking you at Tahoe.

Hope everyone has a great long weekend!

Edited by Pink Socks 2013-09-01 6:34 PM
2013-09-01 6:37 PM
in reply to: medeiros13

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Nice vacation and dining PR, Mike! Sounds like a great time all the way around.

Steve, sounds like it may be worth it to drive to a bike shop. Good taper time activity . I have a triple (50/39/30 and 12-30), which is not best for our relatively flat terrain. Figuring some folks don't want the extra weight or risk of dropping a chain with any extra shifting on the front. Personally not too worried about that since I'm more about enjoying the ride, but I could see where it might make a difference for others.

Mid 90's at midnight last night here and 103 high. That + being spoiled with San Francisco weather means I may have to "hibernate" until at least October. Hopefully pools I use will be open after the holiday.
2013-09-01 6:43 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Dining PR!! LOL!!! That is hilarious. And true

on the bike tomorrow, and hope all goes well....
2013-09-01 10:59 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Good evening everyone. Having a hard time getting to sleep so I figured I'd post whats on my mind before I try to sleep.

We had an officer committ suicide on Friday night. His brother is a coworker of mine and I know he's hurting pretty bad. This is the second consecutive suicide that I've "known" the person who did it. The first was my first captain when I was a rookie....that happened in January. I've spoken to some guys at work who I consider friends and my wife but its still bothering me. Carol wrote about her observations of prison when she went to visit her friend a few months ago...and they were all accurate. I'm bothered because I know that some of the stress that leads to suicide is due to the nature of the job but some of it is how we treat each other. As Carol described, officers treat inmates poorly...and that leads to inmates treating each other and officers poorly...vicious cycle....even our management seems to have a goal of "beating down" people. I've been spending a lot of time thinking about what culture changes are needed to change this pattern of suicide amoung my brother and sister officers. I'm fortunate that I treat everyone decently and I'm able to keep work at work....I know my family and God is most important in my life....prison is a way of taking care of my family and doing some of God's work. Sadly, not everyone can compartmentalize like this...I'd love to come up with ideas to send to our commissioner to help others but I keep coming up blank. They think that a half day on suicide prevention and a peer counseling group is the answer...obviously thats not working.

My mind also goes to my fire fighter friend who passed away in February of cancer and left behind a wife and two daughters...he'd have given anything to be alive...and someone who could live but felt like they had no way out had a choice and chose death. I struggle to understand that. My friend has been on my mind because I'll be dedicating my race to him this weekend since I can't do the mary I had originally planned.

Sorry for such a heavy handed post but I'm hoping it may help to write out some thoughts. Give you significant others and/or kids an extra hug...they don't need to know why you're doing wife gave me this advice today and it was some darn good advice! I hope everyone enjoys their Labor Day tomorrow!

2013-09-02 1:23 AM
in reply to: medeiros13

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Jay, I did like 900 ER evals of mostly suicidal folks. Depression is a state of mind that alters your perceptions. It is a black hole of which one feels the only way to stop the pain is to stop living. It is a temporary state, but it feels like it will go on forever. Sorry you had a friend go through that. Take care of you and yours. The only real solution to the prison situation is to change the environment, which is contrary to the philosophy of the entire US population. Not an easy shift to make, even if you were the top dog. Peace.
2013-09-02 8:23 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Jay, Hugs to you. I'm so, so sorry.

9x .5 mile intervals. 8:14, 8:05, 7:58, 7:53, 7:54, 8, 8:13, 7:49, 7:56. I dread the thought of doing them and then am so pumped when they are done.
2013-09-02 9:57 AM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Jay -- sorry about the situation. I hope things get better soon.

Went for a ride this AM, but was washed out after 11 miles. Felt OK, but the first 2 or 3 miles were just brutal, as if I'd never been on a bike.

In unrelated events -- it looks like Diana Nyad may finally make it from Havana to Key West. She's about 5 miles away right now. She is one tough woman, and 64 years old to boot!!
2013-09-02 4:49 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Pam, your intervals are looking GREAT! Glad you are enjoying the feeling of accomplishment that comes with nailing them.

Steve, how is the calf? Did it hold up OK to the 18?

Jay, I'm so sorry to hear you lost another officer and friend to suicide. Even with my limited exposure, I definitely hear what you are saying re: the environment, as well as the nonsensical "programs". But having had some personal experience with suicide (my dad shot himself when he was 39 and I was 14), I know that it is impossible to get help for an adult if they are not in a place to accept it. Programs can certainly be improved, but in the end it is up to the individual, unfortunately at a time when they are least able to make good decisions. And yes, compartmentalizing when it comes to keeping your job from taking over your life is IMO a healthy strategy. My dad LOVED his job, but when it went south, so did he. Different trigger, same results. As you said, keeping your eye on the prize by working for an audience of One, and to support your family, is the way to go. I would bet that your fellow officers can see that in you, and you are making a bigger difference than you realize.

So...rain and a "cool front" coaxed me out the door this morning after sleeping in until about 8. Did 3 X (run 1 mile, walk 1/10th mile) + stretch and a little upper strength stuff at the park + walk 1.5. Came home, had lunch and slept for another couple of hours. Off to make hubby's long belated birthday cake, and then a list of all that needs to be done this week now that we are back to reality. Here is a pic from San Francisco (aka: not reality, but wonderful):

Hope everyone has/is having a great and long weekend!
2013-09-02 6:45 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Not so much Carol. It felt fine for the first 10 miles then ... there was some walking involved. I ordered probably too much in climbing $$, I will be running the 34/50 up front and 12/30 on the back. I am hoping I didnt over play it the other option was the 11/28. Planning on enjoying the aid stops during the IM and packing a headlamp and jacket.

2013-09-03 8:10 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Steve hoping the calf will get some good recovery time. Assuming you don't have access to any sports minded physical therapists, massage therapists, or the like? If not, maybe some anti-inflammatories, ice, foam roller and/or marathon stick work.

Pam, went back and read hubby's birthday celebration. Sounds like a wonderful day! Zip lining sounds like fun.

Meanwhile, back to the groove. Getting outside will continue to be a beating for a few more weeks to a month. Decided to go with alernating run/walk days (outside) with swim/spin days (inside). Scale says I held steady last week, which is a win considering I tend to be a food tourist. Need to catch up on work from 1st job, 2nd job kicks in later this week, and have a list of a number of non-work "to-do's". Good time mgmt. needs to be my friend.
2013-09-03 9:51 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Back at work today and I'm a zombie . Trying to figure out whats been going on the past 1. 5 weeks, and wading through 1100 or so emails.

Left the house early today to tackle all this so didn't get my bike in. Will do that tonight. An hour on the trainer will be a good thing. Tomorrow its back to the pool. I'll be on a solid bike/swim/bike alternating days type schedule for the next few weeks before I begin run rehab.
2013-09-03 12:25 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Good afternoon everyone! I'll start with an odd you ever look back at some of your posts a few days later and go "Whoa!"?? Thats how I feel as I read back my late night suicide post. I was way more impacted than I realized...and that's unusual for me..I'm usually pretty good at being unemotional about things. For those who responded to me, thank you very much! Steve, your post was right on the money. What makes it hard is that my prison is a mental health institution so I'm well trained in watching for SIB (self injury behavior) when one of your own does it...its tough....even if he wasn't in my prison. Pam, I appreciate the cyber hug (that kinda looks wrong lol) Carol, I had no idea about your Dad...I'm sorry I brought up some childhood memories that weren't the best. Mike, good vibes and thoughts are always welcome by me! I think the hardest part about the person I spoke of is my wife met him, has friends that knew him, and I'm friendly with his step brother....oh by the way, I found out a good friend of mine is getting divorced on the same day as the I guess it was emotional overload!

I got back in the gym today and got in a good/smart workout. I lifted some weights...followed that up with a 2 mile run, and then jumped in the pool and splashed around a little bit. The goal was to get the brick feeling with running right after I hit legs hard and then in the pool. I wanted to feel tired while swimming to mimic what may happen this Sunday. For whatever its worth, I thought I accomplished what I set out to do. At this point, I want as much confidence with the swim as possible this Sunday.

FYI, I spoke to a friend who also DNF IM Louisville today. I guess wetsuits were a no go due to the water temp...wonder if that hurt Ken. The friend made it to mile 14 of the run and then his legs completely locked on him. I guess he lost his salt tabs on the bike and there were no sodium boosts at the water stops...I know people go back and forth on the whole salt tablet thing but I'm a big advocate of them so that bothered me.

Last random family watches Gatorboys and one of the shows main characters Paul Bedard had a 281.2 sticker on his truck...I was curious so I looked it up...its a DOUBLE IM! Apparantly, Paul is one of the few people to ever accomplish is anyone crazy enough to ever try that??
2013-09-03 12:49 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mike, welcome back. Fun times for sure!

Jay, So very sorry for the loss of your brother & sister officers. As it would, it sounds like it has hit you hard. Keep the faith. xo

Steve, read about the calf twinge. You're so close! Hoping for some healing in time for your race. Those August # of yours?.....Holy smoley!

Pam, You really are rockin it Lady! Keep it up!

Went up to our cabin for the 3-day weekend. Wow, a little smokey! We are north of the Rim fire and several strike teams were stationed in the small town of Mi-Wuk which is 10 minutes down the hill from us. There was an advisory evacuation for the upper areas (which included us). Part of the fire has made its way toward us.- as close as 3 miles away. It made for little people but lots of smoke and ash. Despite air quality, I managed 3 days of tough trail runs @ approximately 4 miles each time. Kinda and out & back. The dog & I were in heaven We are at about 5500 elevation and always felt it much more when walking rather than running. Some hills were so steep that I was on my toes all the way up. Great workouts. Sore calves and bootay. Great weekend.

Hoped in my Jeep to take kids to school this morning and you'd have guessed that I was a chain smoker!..waahahaaa! Need t take the top off to air that thing out!

2013-09-03 4:23 PM
in reply to: EV3110

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Jay when I was working ER full time, we had 3 shifts I was 3pm to 1am and at the other two shifts we burend out a staff member about every 3 to 6 months. Guys who are well modulated with good boundaries and decent coping skills still have their systems rocked every once in a while. IM has those moments in it for many folks. When someone dies in a car accident or gets cancer it is a shock, but not really anything you can do about it. Suicide feels much more like a choice, but the impact the disease of depression or an adjustment disorder is pretty amazingly strong. Sometimes when we live life as if we are strong and untouchable, the diamond shatters rathern than chips. Thanks for sharing your feelings, letting others in on your pain helps us all carry a little bit of it so you don't have to carry as much.

So for me bike parts are ordered so I can get up the big mean hills in Tahoe. The calf held for the short 6 mile run today without any real twinges. So the pull is minor, but there. I could skate through the whole IM without it acting up or I could turn my foot "just so" on a peble and be walking for 25 miles. The training is in the bank, I am able to do low intenisty shorter workouts on it, will just have to see how things go. Yall can start a pool on times for me. My best guess given the iffy calf, high altitide, smoke and 8000 foot climbing on the bike is 1:45 swim, :10 t1, 7:00 bike :05 t2, 4:30 run =13:30:00. If the calf goes during the run add 1 hour if it blows on the bike add 3 hours. I have faith that I will finish it though one way or another. If I don't finish it, it will still be an adventure and my kids will know that their old man doesn't give up easily (but not that he proceeds stupidly either).

So after the IM 6 weeks off to heal, 8 weeks of walk to jog and then time to start building for IMCDA ......

So what are people's offseason plans?

2013-09-03 9:11 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Hey everybody. sorry that I have been out for a bit. Work is crazy, very pregnant wife is keeping me busy. I haven't had a chance to check on posts but I'm hoping that all is well.

I have my first race this Saturday in over a year and a half. I've been really sick last week, feeling better now so i think it should be a fun race.

I will catch up on posts soon but be assured that you all are on my mind.

Good luck Steve. Race is coming is coming up soon!
2013-09-04 4:25 AM
in reply to: Mitchparadise

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Haven't been able to get to the pool the past few days as the building is closed due to a burst pipe, and electrical problems. The place is old, and a brand new building is 2 months away from opening right next door. Can't wait for it.

Steve, you'll do great. Can't wait to track you throughout the day. As you said, training is in the bank, and just need the calf to cooperate, and you'll complete your comeback from the bike crash.
2013-09-04 6:51 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Offseason plans? Hmmmm..... get healthy, get back to running, rebuild bike strenght, and keep enjoying swimming. As for specifics, I haven't worked that out yet. My run plan will be the one Steve suggested a couple weeks ago. Bike plan may be Jorge's winter plan which is always posted on BT in October/November. I'll just stick wtih masters class for swimming for now. Would like to get swim times closer to 1:20/100 on a consistent basis. So, 3 swims, 4 bikes, 4 runs per week.

Still thinking about next year's race schedule. Likely June HIM, maybe another one in August, and/or September. Oly in July. Maybe my local sprint in late June, but I really didn't enjoy it much this past summer. Maybe be part of a relay for that one. If my run comes along as I hope, a HM in Feb/Mar would be a good thing as well. Then again, I could go crazy, sign up for IMLou, and clear the decks for some big training
2013-09-04 8:10 AM
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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Must be the day of the thwarted workout. I'm sitting here waiting on new insulin pump to arrive via UPS rush shipment by 10:30. Mine has a crack in the case that is spreading across the screen, and the mfg seems quite worried about this (or more likely the lawsuit potential). So no run when it is "less hot" here this morning.

Mitch, glad that your comeback is leading you race this weekend! Ahh, yes, the pre-race illness / forced taper. Glad you are feeling better as the race approaches. Good luck and have fun!

Jay, hope you have fun at your race this weekend! And speaking of Ken, would be great to hear from him. As for Paul Bedard, good for him, but no thanks! And there is nothing at all wrong with expressing those feelings. As for my family history, after so many years, it's just something that "is". If what happened can help in even a small way, I'm happy to share it.

Elena, glad you and your cabin were out of the direct path of the fires. Sounds like an ideal weekend other than fire/ash/smoke. LOL on the smoky jeep; I bet you are a fun mom!

Steve, glad the calf seems to be holding up on the shorter efforts. I'll nag/ask again , are you icing, massaging, etc.?

Ha, not sure how to have an offseason when my "season" consists of two sprints and a bike rally. 2nd sprint is end of October, and I hope to slide back into a bit more running. Will have to see how the glute holds up to more stress and determined not to rush it. But I would love to do a half or two in the winter. Dream/destination/bucket list race is Sedona Half Marathon on Feb 1, and the Cowtown on Feb 23 is usually a given....will be my 6th year.

I'm a little late with August totals, but as a believer in sharing the good/bad/ugly here tis. Overall, I think it's what I needed to be doing, so I'm good with it. Would have liked to have done more swimming...lost some ground there. But the PT & stretching took up a LOT of time, and walking got me the outside time that I enjoy.

Swim: 1h 22m 30s - 4050 Yd

Bike: 11h 34m 30s - 155.61 Mi

Run: 5h 24m 07s - 27.33 Mi

Strength: 2h 25m

Physical Therapy: 11h 15m

Stretching: 7h 14m

Walking: 16h 38m

Edited by squirt 2013-09-04 8:11 AM
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