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2012-02-04 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Ok. Tried 2x20's again today. Did a little better. 17 minutes for the first interval and 15 for the second. Getting better. Try again next week Thursday.

2012-02-05 6:55 AM
in reply to: #4026652

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-02-02 9:25 PM
MarlaS - 2012-02-02 8:10 PM
CyborgQueen - 2012-02-02 5:59 PM
abake - 2012-02-02 10:43 AM

I like that everyone is posting their January stats and goals for February.  I will give it a whirl:

I am also going to really work on nutrition and rein in the "boredom eating" and hope to be at 154 lbs by the end of February. Currently at 158.

I love that word!  

Anyhoo, if you feel like you need to fill up your tummy, snack on snow peas or green beans.  I normally do not like green veggies, but these are so EASY to just rinse, put in a bowl and snack on them, and fulfilling too. One CUP is a lot...for 20 calories. You can't beat that...I'm on green beans kick lately.   While you're still "eating", it's not very high in calories and you get a lot of "volume" to fill you tummy.  I eat it cold/raw. I don't like it cooked. 

what's a good sub for popcorn? I pop it on the stove, but with the salty crunchy thing...

I haven't tried this yet, but I have heard that baked kale is good and crunchy.  Drizzle a little olive oil and sea salt and cook in oven til crisp.

not sure about cold green beans out of a can or raw.

that's interesting suggestion - thanks! i'm so inept in the kitchen i need pretty specific instructions, but i can google that & see what i find. 

Edited by MarlaS 2012-02-05 6:56 AM
2012-02-05 7:00 AM
in reply to: #4028901

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Mikeylee - 2012-02-03 11:33 PM

Hi all,

Sorry, I have been absent from the group for a while.  I was out of town on vacation during the middle of January then returned and had an inguinal hernia surgically repaired this past Monday.  All is going well, except "OUCH!" is I word I find myself using frequently. I am off work for another week.  I am allowed to slowly ease back into my training.  I can walk this week, tentatively swim a smidge next week, maybe gently cycle the following week, and possibly gently run the week after that.  Doc advised me I cannot train hard until Marh 1 and the my strength training is severely restricted on weight for a while longer.  Doing nothing other than some walks, and these are Tim Conway type walks, is driving me crazy!

I see folks are posting January training #s and February goals.

My February goals are to follow the doctor's orders, follow the mild, easy, downright wimpy easing back into training direction provided by my doc (he is a runner and cyclist), and not let my weight get above 235.

January's totals:
Bike: 11h 08m 05s  - 158.99 Mi
Run: 2h 00m 34s  - 7.16 Mi
Swim: 3h 17m 30s  - 6500 Yd
Strength: 5h 50m
Hiking: 2h 00m - 4 mi

It is great to be caught up on this thread and seeing the motivation and information being exchanged here! You are all doing incredible in your training!

yowee! welcome back, and take care of yourself... following doctor's orders isn't always as easy as it sounds, esp when you're eager to get going, so that's a nice tough goal Smile

2012-02-05 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Sorry I have missed so much. This last week was so busy. I kept seeing the notifications of postings in the thread but couldn't get to them. With a supervisor out on maturnity leave my work load (which is already to high) has become bigger and it is all about survival at the moment

I hurt my back on Friday while shoveling my neighbors driveway so it has been a frustrating weekend. I was able to do a two hour trainer ride yesterday since being bent over isn't a problem Tongue out

Still haven't come up with a formal training plan but hope to figure something out this month.

My January stats are:

Bike:13h 15m 34s 
Run:10h 47m 17s 
Strength:1h 50m
Elliptical Training:20m
Walking:1h 45m 50s



Edited by Kath2163 2012-02-05 8:55 AM
2012-02-05 11:54 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
I can't believe it was nice enough to get outside this weekend in Chicagoland! I hate doing long runs on the treadmill. So I was happy see upper 30's and sunny sky's this morning when I woke up!
2012-02-05 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3943039

New user
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
I guess there are some advantages to living in the lowcountry of SC.  High 30s and sunny is still very cold to me.  Got in a nice bike ride this morning.  It was in the mid 60s and sunny at 7AM.  Had a great bike and swim today.  I have been sick so I took Friday and Saturday off.  That's the first 2 days I've taken off since the beginning of the year.  I swam 1:45 per 100 for 1800 yds today.  That's by far my best swim ever by about 14s per 100.  My 30 mile bike felt real good also.  I haven't felt tired or over-trained this year but with my numbers looking so much better after a few days rest, it almost makes me question my training schedule.  Does anyone else train everyday or should I be taking some days off completely?

2012-02-05 3:32 PM
in reply to: #4030177

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Kath2163 - 2012-02-05 9:54 AM

Sorry I have missed so much. This last week was so busy. I kept seeing the notifications of postings in the thread but couldn't get to them. With a supervisor out on maturnity leave my work load (which is already to high) has become bigger and it is all about survival at the moment

I hurt my back on Friday while shoveling my neighbors driveway so it has been a frustrating weekend. I was able to do a two hour trainer ride yesterday since being bent over isn't a problem Tongue out

Still haven't come up with a formal training plan but hope to figure something out this month.

My January stats are:

Bike:13h 15m 34s 
Run:10h 47m 17s 
Strength:1h 50m
Elliptical Training:20m
Walking:1h 45m 50s



Sorry work isn't any fun! Hopefully. It settles down soon. Nice work last month Kathleen!
2012-02-05 3:36 PM
in reply to: #4030385

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-02-05 12:54 PMI can't believe it was nice enough to get outside this weekend in Chicagoland! I hate doing long runs on the treadmill. So I was happy see upper 30's and sunny sky's this morning when I woke up!
I wish I had re-arranged things or skipped spinning to take advantage of the nice (for February) weather. Lots of cyclists out this afternoon too. Supposed to approach 50 here tomorrow. Might need a mental health day tomorrow afternoon.Nice job greeting out for a run!

Edited by kenj 2012-02-05 3:36 PM
2012-02-05 3:50 PM
in reply to: #4030578

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2012-02-05 4:10 PMI guess there are some advantages to living in the lowcountry of SC.  High 30s and sunny is still very cold to me.  Got in a nice bike ride this morning.  It was in the mid 60s and sunny at 7AM.  Had a great bike and swim today.  I have been sick so I took Friday and Saturday off.  That's the first 2 days I've taken off since the beginning of the year.  I swam 1:45 per 100 for 1800 yds today.  That's by far my best swim ever by about 14s per 100.  My 30 mile bike felt real good also.  I haven't felt tired or over-trained this year but with my numbers looking so much better after a few days rest, it almost makes me question my training schedule.  Does anyone else train everyday or should I be taking some days off completely?
Nice training today! Glad you are feeling better.Your recovery day question is a good topic of conversation. I am not good about taking them on purpose. I usually get a couple a month by accident with travel etc. But so far this year it hasn't happened. Add in that I am working from a separate bike plan from the run\swim plan and another strength plan (Inasanity) and even the recovery weeks aren't lining up. I am not one that believes that it is required to take a day off every week or even every other week, but there is value in recovery effort workouts. I also consider days I only swim as recovery from bike/run. I am looking forward to getting on one plan that has everything tied together though, just to get the recovery weeks lined up, but that will be another 6 weeks or so.But some people need a day off every now and then or even on a regular schedule. Listen to your body is a common phrase around here, but this is one area it does apply!Anyone else have a thought on this?
2012-02-05 4:07 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
It's not supposed be this warm here now. It must have been low 30's when I started early this morning because there was still some ice out there. I definitely get a very broad range of temps in to train in here in the Midwest.

I try to train everyday. There are enough days I had to take a rest day. I just pay attention to my efforts. I try not to put really hard efforts back to back, although, I can't say it never happens. Like tomorrow, after today's long run, I plan on doing an easy paced short run. IMO active recoveries like that help get the acid out of your legs to recover faster.
2012-02-05 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
In the name of triathlon training, I went for a walk today...2.16 miles in 36 minutes...and I was tired at the end and am ready for a nappy now. AARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!! It was very, very hard not to break into at least a slow jog while walking.

2012-02-05 4:27 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Nice job Mike! Welcome back to training!
2012-02-05 5:51 PM
in reply to: #4030686

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Mikeylee - 2012-02-05 4:23 PMIn the name of triathlon training, I went for a walk today...2.16 miles in 36 minutes...and I was tired at the end and am ready for a nappy now. AARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!! It was very, very hard not to break into at least a slow jog while walking.
...wait... that *IS* my. RUN Pace!!! ;-)
2012-02-05 10:46 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Put me in jail...

I committed COMPLETE Gluttony today. NEVER gonna let that happen again this year....

Strangely, after I had my second cup (I had about 10 oz total, so that's not TOO bad) of soda, I started to feel sick...I normally do NOT get sick after drinking soda.  I guess not drinking soda in a long time makes a big difference. Ate way too much cheese and cookies today though.

On a good note, I did a smokin' fast (for me...I think the last time I hit 16 mph avg was in June or July) 28 miler ride today...thanks to the old geezers, er old farts, er  people older than me (I was the only girl, and the only one younger than 45), that went pretty fast. I will be hanging out with them for frequent bike rides because they really helped me a lot with trying to catch them/speedwork.  If only they would not do snot rockets, squeeze out all the sweat from their Halo sweatband (o.m.g. that's so gross).    While I do many training rides alone, I find I do a lot better with long rides or speed rides group of people...that's how I get better.


Hope everyone had a good Superbowl event!  I'm sure my Jersey peeps are happy...*fyi..NY Giants are BASED in Rutherford, NJ* 

2012-02-06 5:13 AM
in reply to: #4030986

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-02-05 10:46 PM

Put me in jail...

I committed COMPLETE Gluttony today. NEVER gonna let that happen again this year....

Strangely, after I had my second cup (I had about 10 oz total, so that's not TOO bad) of soda, I started to feel sick...I normally do NOT get sick after drinking soda.  I guess not drinking soda in a long time makes a big difference. Ate way too much cheese and cookies today though.

On a good note, I did a smokin' fast (for me...I think the last time I hit 16 mph avg was in June or July) 28 miler ride today...thanks to the old geezers, er old farts, er  people older than me (I was the only girl, and the only one younger than 45), that went pretty fast. I will be hanging out with them for frequent bike rides because they really helped me a lot with trying to catch them/speedwork.  If only they would not do snot rockets, squeeze out all the sweat from their Halo sweatband (o.m.g. that's so gross).    While I do many training rides alone, I find I do a lot better with long rides or speed rides group of people...that's how I get better.


Hope everyone had a good Superbowl event!  I'm sure my Jersey peeps are happy...*fyi..NY Giants are BASED in Rutherford, NJ* 

If that puts you in jail, I am not gonna tell what I ate/drank. GIANTS gave me a heart attack too!!

2012-02-06 5:46 AM
in reply to: #4030778

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-05 5:51 PM
Mikeylee - 2012-02-05 4:23 PMIn the name of triathlon training, I went for a walk today...2.16 miles in 36 minutes...and I was tired at the end and am ready for a nappy now. AARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!! It was very, very hard not to break into at least a slow jog while walking.
...wait... that *IS* my. RUN Pace!!! ;-)

Me too, LOL!!!!

2012-02-06 7:26 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
I'm glad I had to work last night during the game and didn't get to go to a party, where for sure, I would have been over served both alcohol and calories!!!
2012-02-06 7:36 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

The club named me "Most Inspirational Triathlete for 2011" at the banquet Saturday.  The irony is that people in that room took me from a 4000 pound fat man to a lean, mean (well, not so mean really) Ironman.   


So I was at the gym yesterday and this guy next to me is wheezing so bad just getting dressed.  He notices my IM dot tats. Asks.  I tell him and introduce myself as the guy who writes for the newspaper. He knows me. Says a co-worker uses me as encouragement.  His goal is to do IM Wis. in 2014.   He's lost 65 pounds.  I tell him he can do it.  I tell him to hook up with me on FB. I leave smiling...

Triathletes are in the inspiration business.  And we do it for free and for fun. 

2012-02-06 7:54 AM
in reply to: #4031227

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-02-06 7:36 AM

The club named me "Most Inspirational Triathlete for 2011" at the banquet Saturday.  The irony is that people in that room took me from a 4000 pound fat man to a lean, mean (well, not so mean really) Ironman.   


So I was at the gym yesterday and this guy next to me is wheezing so bad just getting dressed.  He notices my IM dot tats. Asks.  I tell him and introduce myself as the guy who writes for the newspaper. He knows me. Says a co-worker uses me as encouragement.  His goal is to do IM Wis. in 2014.   He's lost 65 pounds.  I tell him he can do it.  I tell him to hook up with me on FB. I leave smiling...

Triathletes are in the inspiration business.  And we do it for free and for fun. 

Nice Scott!!! Congrats on the award!
2012-02-06 8:22 AM
in reply to: #4030986

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-02-05 11:46 PM

Put me in jail...

I committed COMPLETE Gluttony today. NEVER gonna let that happen again this year....

Strangely, after I had my second cup (I had about 10 oz total, so that's not TOO bad) of soda, I started to feel sick...I normally do NOT get sick after drinking soda.  I guess not drinking soda in a long time makes a big difference. Ate way too much cheese and cookies today though.

On a good note, I did a smokin' fast (for me...I think the last time I hit 16 mph avg was in June or July) 28 miler ride today...thanks to the old geezers, er old farts, er  people older than me (I was the only girl, and the only one younger than 45), that went pretty fast. I will be hanging out with them for frequent bike rides because they really helped me a lot with trying to catch them/speedwork.  If only they would not do snot rockets, squeeze out all the sweat from their Halo sweatband (o.m.g. that's so gross).    While I do many training rides alone, I find I do a lot better with long rides or speed rides group of people...that's how I get better.


Hope everyone had a good Superbowl event!  I'm sure my Jersey peeps are happy...*fyi..NY Giants are BASED in Rutherford, NJ* 

You can count me amongst those that ate way too much bad stuff yesterday, and it was only my wife and I! 

Sounds like an interesting group you are riding with DJ!  I agree though, the group rides are more fun.  The only downside is if you are training for a race and the intensity or pace of the group doesnt meet your needs on that particular day but you can rearrange your schedule to make it work if you know ahead of time!

2012-02-06 8:26 AM
in reply to: #4031227

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-02-06 8:36 AM

The club named me "Most Inspirational Triathlete for 2011" at the banquet Saturday.  The irony is that people in that room took me from a 4000 pound fat man to a lean, mean (well, not so mean really) Ironman.   


So I was at the gym yesterday and this guy next to me is wheezing so bad just getting dressed.  He notices my IM dot tats. Asks.  I tell him and introduce myself as the guy who writes for the newspaper. He knows me. Says a co-worker uses me as encouragement.  His goal is to do IM Wis. in 2014.   He's lost 65 pounds.  I tell him he can do it.  I tell him to hook up with me on FB. I leave smiling...

Triathletes are in the inspiration business.  And we do it for free and for fun. 

Congratulation Ice!  You have a great story and deserve the recognition!


2012-02-06 8:32 AM
in reply to: #4031227

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-02-06 7:36 AM

The club named me "Most Inspirational Triathlete for 2011" at the banquet Saturday.  The irony is that people in that room took me from a 4000 pound fat man to a lean, mean (well, not so mean really) Ironman.   


So I was at the gym yesterday and this guy next to me is wheezing so bad just getting dressed.  He notices my IM dot tats. Asks.  I tell him and introduce myself as the guy who writes for the newspaper. He knows me. Says a co-worker uses me as encouragement.  His goal is to do IM Wis. in 2014.   He's lost 65 pounds.  I tell him he can do it.  I tell him to hook up with me on FB. I leave smiling...

Triathletes are in the inspiration business.  And we do it for free and for fun. 

OUTSTANDING!!!! You are amaxing Iceman! I wish we lived closer together!
2012-02-06 8:37 AM
in reply to: #4031347

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-06 8:32 AM
IceManScott - 2012-02-06 7:36 AM

The club named me "Most Inspirational Triathlete for 2011" at the banquet Saturday.  The irony is that people in that room took me from a 4000 pound fat man to a lean, mean (well, not so mean really) Ironman.   


So I was at the gym yesterday and this guy next to me is wheezing so bad just getting dressed.  He notices my IM dot tats. Asks.  I tell him and introduce myself as the guy who writes for the newspaper. He knows me. Says a co-worker uses me as encouragement.  His goal is to do IM Wis. in 2014.   He's lost 65 pounds.  I tell him he can do it.  I tell him to hook up with me on FB. I leave smiling...

Triathletes are in the inspiration business.  And we do it for free and for fun. 

OUTSTANDING!!!! You are amaxing Iceman! I wish we lived closer together!


You are doing great Carla.  Feel free to get in touch any time via FB or email or phone.  Anyone here can.  [email protected].  Scott Richardson from Normal Il. on FB and 309-275-7120.


BTW, I didn't weigh 4000...just 400...

Edited by IceManScott 2012-02-06 8:38 AM
2012-02-06 8:42 AM
in reply to: #4031360

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-02-06 8:37 AM

CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-06 8:32 AM
IceManScott - 2012-02-06 7:36 AM

The club named me "Most Inspirational Triathlete for 2011" at the banquet Saturday.  The irony is that people in that room took me from a 4000 pound fat man to a lean, mean (well, not so mean really) Ironman.   


So I was at the gym yesterday and this guy next to me is wheezing so bad just getting dressed.  He notices my IM dot tats. Asks.  I tell him and introduce myself as the guy who writes for the newspaper. He knows me. Says a co-worker uses me as encouragement.  His goal is to do IM Wis. in 2014.   He's lost 65 pounds.  I tell him he can do it.  I tell him to hook up with me on FB. I leave smiling...

Triathletes are in the inspiration business.  And we do it for free and for fun. 

OUTSTANDING!!!! You are amaxing Iceman! I wish we lived closer together!


You are doing great Carla.  Feel free to get in touch any time via FB or email or phone.  Anyone here can.  [email protected].  Scott Richardson from Normal Il. on FB and 309-275-7120.


BTW, I didn't weigh 4000...just 400...

Ha.....400/4000 to where you are now is just as amazing! Looks like we are only a couple hours away! I don't have facebook but we should do a ride this summer. I'd be heading down your way for the Evergreen tri, but it conflicts with Racine this year.
2012-02-06 8:46 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Mikeylee - 2012-02-03 10:33 PM

Hi all,

Sorry, I have been absent from the group for a while.  I was out of town on vacation during the middle of January then returned and had an inguinal hernia surgically repaired this past Monday.  All is going well, except "OUCH!" is I word I find myself using frequently. I am off work for another week.  I am allowed to slowly ease back into my training.  I can walk this week, tentatively swim a smidge next week, maybe gently cycle the following week, and possibly gently run the week after that.  Doc advised me I cannot train hard until Marh 1 and the my strength training is severely restricted on weight for a while longer.  Doing nothing other than some walks, and these are Tim Conway type walks, is driving me crazy!

Glad to have you back Mikeylee... so sorry you had the hernia!  Wishing you speedy recovery and a gentle re-entry to your training!  --  Nice visual of "Tim Conway" walking!!!!


Welcome back and wishing you a speedy recovery.

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