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2019-11-05 10:44 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Medium run and yoga session afterwards today. I'm really starting to see the benefits of yoga, even after only about 10 days of doing it regularly.

What is everyone else doing? Enjoying off season?

2019-11-06 8:10 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Been off the running wagon for over a week with a nasty respiratory infection.  Had a low grade fever for like 3 days straight, and a week in still getting chills/sweats...........besides the violent coughing fits.  I'm on a few meds now hope to be back at it by the weekend.

Riles - how's your HM training coming along?

Dave - what's the latest workout look like?

Have a great week everyone!

2019-11-06 8:30 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove Medium run and yoga session afterwards today. I'm really starting to see the benefits of yoga, even after only about 10 days of doing it regularly. What is everyone else doing? Enjoying off season?

I think I mentioned that Training Peaks essentially told me that I'm fat and out of shape and need to get my azz on the bike NOW so I don't die racing in May, so my visions of off-season grandeur, revelry, and gluttony were sidetracked and I just started Base 1 of my training plan this week.  Right now it's pretty easy but I guess that's the point of Base, right?

Nice work on the yoga consistency.  I'm also doing a combo of Bikram and some regular poses I do as part of my cool down and it really does help.

2019-11-06 8:31 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by firebert

Been off the running wagon for over a week with a nasty respiratory infection.  Had a low grade fever for like 3 days straight, and a week in still getting chills/sweats...........besides the violent coughing fits.  I'm on a few meds now hope to be back at it by the weekend.

Man...already???  That sucks.

2019-11-06 3:47 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by firebert

Been off the running wagon for over a week with a nasty respiratory infection.  Had a low grade fever for like 3 days straight, and a week in still getting chills/sweats...........besides the violent coughing fits.  I'm on a few meds now hope to be back at it by the weekend.

Riles - how's your HM training coming along?

Dave - what's the latest workout look like?

Have a great week everyone!

Uugh, that's the worst! And reminds me I need to get a flew shot..

Half marathon training has been going good. Sunday I got up stupid early and did about 9 mile sunrise run at Seminole State Forest. John we might have to plan a running meetup there, I was loving the trails. I ran pretty close to my goal race pace except when I lost a shoe in the mud, where I had to wade a small stream, & when a bear ran out of the brush about 25 yds in front of me. Training wise, probably wasn't the best thing as I missed my Tuesday workout still recovering. But mentally it really encouraged me that I can hold my pace for a full 13.1

DQ nice to meet you/welcome back.

Didn't get to watch any of the rugby this weekend. =/
2019-11-06 10:07 PM
in reply to: riles32807

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Mike! Don't listen to TrainingPeaks! It is mean...says the woman who got the same message about running. :P

Another run and yoga this morning. This morning's excitement was that I didn't see a pile of donkey poop and stepped right in it...ugh. I'd rather get my shoe caught in the mud!

For the last two weeks I've run 6 days each. I can really feel it in my legs this morning too. Looking forward to tomorrow's rest day!

2019-11-07 11:12 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
REST DAY!!!!!! I slept in until the glorious hour of 6:20, when the birds who live over my room decided to sing and the cat who lives at the house decided to start the call of the wild for a mate. Still...feeling pretty good about those extra couple of hours of sleep.
2019-11-08 10:20 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Finished another week of 6 runs and 6 yoga sessions this morning. The excitement was getting surrounded by a pack of aggressive, feral dogs at the 10' and 25' marks--huge HR spikes at those points too. I honestly don't think they would have bitten, but they are super scary when they come zooming out of the pitch black at 4:45am and you don't see them until they are right beside you, baring their teeth. Adrenaline flowing after that, for sure.
2019-11-09 7:12 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove Finished another week of 6 runs and 6 yoga sessions this morning. The excitement was getting surrounded by a pack of aggressive, feral dogs at the 10' and 25' marks--huge HR spikes at those points too. I honestly don't think they would have bitten, but they are super scary when they come zooming out of the pitch black at 4:45am and you don't see them until they are right beside you, baring their teeth. Adrenaline flowing after that, for sure.

That happens to you all the time there, doesn't it?  Do you take any defense with you like pepper spray or something?

2019-11-09 7:13 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Off to spin class where the spin instructor will try to kill me, then a little treadmill work and some bike strength training and core work.  Then Penn State @ Minnesota - GO STATE!!!

2019-11-09 10:01 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by drfoodlove Finished another week of 6 runs and 6 yoga sessions this morning. The excitement was getting surrounded by a pack of aggressive, feral dogs at the 10' and 25' marks--huge HR spikes at those points too. I honestly don't think they would have bitten, but they are super scary when they come zooming out of the pitch black at 4:45am and you don't see them until they are right beside you, baring their teeth. Adrenaline flowing after that, for sure.

That happens to you all the time there, doesn't it?  Do you take any defense with you like pepper spray or something?

It varies by season, depending on when the latest Egyptian animal cull was (yes, it is exactly what it sounds like--they just indiscriminately kill all the stray/feral animals by poisoning them). The older the lead pack dogs are, the less aggressive they are toward me, since they know I'm not trying to hurt them and I'll leave their territory quickly. Unfortunately, there was a cull this summer and all these dogs are in the 0-1 year range, so they've never seen the crazy huaga running up and down the road before. No pepper spray or anything like that. I don't think it is legal in Egypt anyway, and I'm not sure how I'd get it here from the States. It is just a risk I take, I guess. Honestly, the only time I've ever heard of anyone getting actually bitten was last year, when there was a rabies infected fox running around one of the villages. I don't know if it was just a story or not, but it is gone now anyway.

2019-11-09 10:04 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Short run, followed by 15' of strength yoga. I'm about ready to bump up the yoga a little, but the next "lesson" in my app is 30' long. Double the time doesn't sound fun. :P Plus, my best friend arrives on site today, so I'm thinking there will later nights now and 4:45 will come awfully early from now on! This is the best part of my job. It is mostly like summer camp. Hang out in the desert with you friends for a month at a time!
2019-11-10 9:46 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Just finished first week of Base 1 with 5 sessions on the bike for just under 4 hours total.  My left knee is bothering me a little bit - tweaked it doing side lunges of all things.  A little tender this morning but no swelling so I'm not going to baby it just yet.  I travel this week so some really early (5 AM) workouts at the hotel gym and pool, but should still hit my targets.

PSU sure laid an egg in the first half yesterday at Minnesota, made it a game but our QB had a really bad game so that's that.  Hopefully the Ravens will make up for it today.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

2019-11-10 8:50 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Mike Good job of week 1 done. 1st of many successful weeks ahead for you.

Gretchen Knowingly going for a run, in the dark, through packs of wild dogs is hard core. No way I would be out there. Good on you for getting it done!

DQ How's the workouts over the weekend going? Hope all is well.


Week 5 Ironman training in the books. And other than making 1 easy bike and 1 easy run slightly short (as I was doing a double that day) I hit all my targets.

M: 50 min easy bike
T: 60 min cruise interval bike
W: off
T: 45 min interval run
F: (am) easy 30 min run (pm) easy 40 min bike
S: 90 min long run
S: 1:45 long ride, with last 15 min @ tempo.

Life got in the way a bit with my scheduling, doing all 3 runs on consecutive days is not at all ideal, and the legs were sure feeling it by run 3. But still got it all done, for my biggest week yet.

This week is a bit of a cutback week, so will be less than what's just gone, but good news... the lap pool re opened today! Only had time for a short swim at lunch, but I have swum again (for the first time since August) And it sure felt like I hadn't been in a pool for months. I think I need to be hitting the pool a lot over the next few weeks to try and catch up.

Finally, I've been tracking my training compared to what I was doing in the build up to my 2017 Ironman. And this week my total SBR training hours for the year caught up to where it was for the same time for 2017. I did a half Ironman in Feb 2016, so my training totals have been behind all year, but with improving consistency throughout the middle of the year I've caught up. A meaningless number I know, but it's an important psychological milestone for me. I finished in 2017, so I know that I did enough training. And 4 months out I'm officially on track to do more, and better quality training. So although it seems there is still so far to go, I am on a schedule that will get me there.

Hope you all had a good weekend.
2019-11-10 10:16 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Long run today, followed by guessed! I am getting a little bored with the run/yoga combination, but since it is the only thing active I can do, I will do it. I was in the storage garage the other day and spied some bicycles. I'm sure the chains are rusted to the drive train and the tires are probably nothing but rubber being held together out of sheer habit, not to mention the seats (they have springs!), but man did it make me want to take one out for a spin! A bike ride would involve a police escort vehicle, I'm sure. Nothing makes you more self conscious than having the police riding right in front of you the entire ride! Today, our house guards brought their chairs out to the roadside to watch me it is an ever loving show!!

Mike--take care of that knee!!

Andrew--sounds like you had a great training week!

DQ--whatcha got goin' on man?

Jenn--how's IM training going? You started your plan yet?

Sappho--commute riding back on? In the dark?
2019-11-11 1:46 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove Sappho--commute riding back on? In the dark?

Eek! I've managed one so far. I get quite bad Seasonal Affective Disorder, combined with work being pretty full-on at the minute so haven't been riding in. One of those catch 22's that the exercise will help the SAD but you have to have enough oomph to want to ride in the first place! 

Will try tomorrow...

2019-11-11 9:57 PM
in reply to: sappho96

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Run/yoga ...repeat.
2019-11-13 10:08 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Short run and yoga today. Tomorrow rest day! Looking forward to that!! Next week, yoga increases to 30' sessions on days of short runs.

2019-11-14 6:10 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by firebert

Been off the running wagon for over a week with a nasty respiratory infection.  Had a low grade fever for like 3 days straight, and a week in still getting chills/sweats...........besides the violent coughing fits.  I'm on a few meds now hope to be back at it by the weekend.

Riles - how's your HM training coming along?

Dave - what's the latest workout look like?

Have a great week everyone!

John: Sorry to hear you are ailing. I had that cough in October and it was nasty! Hope you feel better soon!
2019-11-14 6:12 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Short run and yoga today. Tomorrow rest day! Looking forward to that!! Next week, yoga increases to 30' sessions on days of short runs.

Hope you are enjoying your rest day!
2019-11-14 6:18 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Morning everyone!

I'm still trying to get back on the wagon. The new job and all the craziness surrounding my divorce have gotten in the way of working out and eating well.

I woke up this morning intent on getting a workout in before work but realized that I hadn't allotted enough time to make it happen. Rookie mistake. I only have to work til 3 today so hopefully I can get it in after work.

I have two goals this week - 1) Work out three times (at this point - I'm 0 for 3) and to keep track of my food on My Fitness Pal.Please pray I can get it done.

Hope everyone has a good Thursday!


2019-11-14 6:22 AM
in reply to: sappho96

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by sappho96

Originally posted by drfoodlove Sappho--commute riding back on? In the dark?

Eek! I've managed one so far. I get quite bad Seasonal Affective Disorder, combined with work being pretty full-on at the minute so haven't been riding in. One of those catch 22's that the exercise will help the SAD but you have to have enough oomph to want to ride in the first place! 

Will try tomorrow...


I managed it! 

2019-11-14 5:05 PM
in reply to: sappho96

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by sappho96

Originally posted by sappho96

Originally posted by drfoodlove Sappho--commute riding back on? In the dark?

Eek! I've managed one so far. I get quite bad Seasonal Affective Disorder, combined with work being pretty full-on at the minute so haven't been riding in. One of those catch 22's that the exercise will help the SAD but you have to have enough oomph to want to ride in the first place! 

Will try tomorrow...


I managed it! 

Good job!

As we're coming into summer, I can't claim to be suffering from SAD. But I definitely suffer from not wanting to get out of bed. After my 2nd early morning run for the week I definitely suffer from not wanting to get out of the nice warm bed. But once up, I do enjoy a morning run. Just have to get over that hump.

Have a good weekend everyone.
2019-11-14 10:43 PM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Funny story....

So, today after work, I forced myself to go to the gym. I thought I would walk for 30 minutes on the indoor track but realized I couldn't because I didn't pack my shorts. So I decided to aqua jog and swim for thirty minutes. 10 minutes into my workout - the fire alarm went off. The lifeguard got everyone out of the pool, and then he marched us outside into the 34 degree weather. We stood out there in the cold for more than 15 minutes - shivering with only our towels and moving our feet to try to keep them from freezing on the cold concrete of the driveway.

I'm proud to report that after they let us in - I went inside and finished my workout. But I was so cold from being outside in only a towel that I was actually shivering as I swam my laps. It was only after a warm shower that I finally felt like myself again.

So the next time you jump into a pool and think - My god - could it get any colder? The answer is yes!


Edited by Qua17 2019-11-14 10:44 PM
2019-11-15 7:48 AM
in reply to: #5253131

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Holy cow, Dave, that is cold!! I can’t imagine! Good on you for hopping right back in the pool and finishing up.

Gretchen, that would be so cool if the bikes were of use! Be careful out there.

Andrew, way to hit your goals, well done!

Hi all, I’ve been here lurking. I have training starting today through Sunday night and am just coming off a rough trip. For the first time I didn’t bring my spin shoes with me and had two overnights where the hotel gyms had peloton bikes. I needed to study anyway so the most workout I did was to walk on the treadmill while studying off my company iPad. Lame but it was something. I can feel the stress as I only slept for 4 hours last night which is frustrating going into sims and needing to be on my game. Ah well, I anticipate being back to consistent workouts next week once this process is over. I can’t wait!
Gretchen, my plan doesn’t officially start until near the end of January, but as you know, we have to get in shape just to start the plan! Hahaha.
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