Other Resources Challenge Me! » E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge Rss Feed  
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2009-10-23 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2427107

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
Got my run done!! NO excuses!!! Perfect night, 45, light breeze, crisp with a little smoke from the occasional fire......made a figure 8 thru the hood and then out and back along the river.  3.7 beautiful miles.....now it's cosmo time!

Starting the weekend on top toppage

Edited by KOM 2009-10-23 7:16 PM

2009-10-23 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2427107

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

I'm in charge of bring breakfast to our tailgate tomorrow.  I just found a recipe that uses an entire pound of bacon and 3 cups of cheese.  This thing is bound to be delicious.   Mmmmmm....bacon.

2009-10-23 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2476959

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Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
esc - 2009-10-23 9:14 PM

I'm in charge of bring breakfast to our tailgate tomorrow.  I just found a recipe that uses an entire pound of bacon and 3 cups of cheese.  This thing is bound to be delicious.   Mmmmmm....bacon.

That sounds WONDERFUL!  Nom, nom, nom!
2009-10-23 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2476886

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Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
KOM - 2009-10-23 8:12 PM
ebshot - 2009-10-23 7:47 PM Hey guys.  Long day here.  Lots of doctor appointments.  Saw a GREAT doctor for Cole (pediatrician) and she gave us a STRONG recommendation for the program we are applying for.  Hopefully the insurance will cooperate with us and pay for some equipment we need.  Then Liam's audiology appt was interesting.  The audiologist checked his ears and immediately sent us up to ENT.  His ears were totally compacted with wax.  Ick.  So, after a major cleaning from the ENT, we went back and Liam has perfect hearing!  We just have to see the ENT periodically for cleanings.  Sweet!  Big relief!
Oh that is VERY good news for Liam! That blood might have just been wax....

Super excited about Liam's results.  I was counting on bad news so when she came out and showed me the graph, I was so relieved.  His test was over in about 5 minutes too.  I couldn't believe how fast!  Cole's are always soooooo long (like and hour).  And I have to go with him.  Liam went in by himself.  So nice. 
2009-10-23 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2427107

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Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
Headed out to breakfast tomorrow with the family.  Should be fun!  Maybe a rainy run tomorrow too???
2009-10-23 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2476999

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
ebshot - 2009-10-23 9:52 PM Headed out to breakfast tomorrow with the family.  Should be fun!  Maybe a rainy run tomorrow too???
Yeah I'm thinking of switching my long run to Sunday and going short tomorrow.

KathyG and I might try to get together next week for some fun....maybe a little boot camp kick butt workout.  Maybe we can pick somewhere close to you and all get together.  What does your daytime availability look like next week?

2009-10-23 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2427107

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

Hey reapers...  Sorry to have been absent...  I have barely been able to walk since my run on Monday.  Not sure why all the sudden I had such a problem.  I went to get some inserts for my shoes yesterday.  Hope to Run on Sunday.  Dee, need an injury timeout for 6 days - should be about 10 miles of my total...

Ugghhh - this is no way to train for half marathon...

2009-10-23 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2476959

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
esc - 2009-10-23 9:14 PM

I'm in charge of bring breakfast to our tailgate tomorrow.  I just found a recipe that uses an entire pound of bacon and 3 cups of cheese.  This thing is bound to be delicious.   Mmmmmm....bacon.

Yummm.  Assuming there are eggs too?
2009-10-23 10:43 PM
in reply to: #2477055

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

KOM - 2009-10-23 10:38 PM
esc - 2009-10-23 9:14 PM

I'm in charge of bring breakfast to our tailgate tomorrow.  I just found a recipe that uses an entire pound of bacon and 3 cups of cheese.  This thing is bound to be delicious.   Mmmmmm....bacon.

Yummm.  Assuming there are eggs too?

Heh.  Let's hope that I'm not so blinding by bacon love that I forget the eggs!


2009-10-24 7:16 AM
in reply to: #2477017

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Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
KOM - 2009-10-23 10:12 PM
ebshot - 2009-10-23 9:52 PM Headed out to breakfast tomorrow with the family.  Should be fun!  Maybe a rainy run tomorrow too???
Yeah I'm thinking of switching my long run to Sunday and going short tomorrow.

KathyG and I might try to get together next week for some fun....maybe a little boot camp kick butt workout.  Maybe we can pick somewhere close to you and all get together.  What does your daytime availability look like next week?

I don't have anything at all during the week next week.  Wide open!  Let me know.
2009-10-24 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2427107

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
Love this talk about bacon!!! Unfortunately it's having a bad effect on my weight, especially since I've cut back on all the training. Just watched a video yesterday of a comedian (Jim Gaffigan) talking about how anything wrapped in bacon is automatically better.

Well, if I'm not gonna run anymore for the rest of this month, I've actually completed my injury-adjusted goal, and then a little extra, since my original goal had already assumed I was going to be going lite next week for my taper. Seems a little like an easy way out, but I was right on pace with it all, which I guess is what matters.

My hip actually does feel better today, but still not ready to run. Who knows...my injuries tend to linger and linger and not feel like they're getting any better, until one day I wake up feeling 100%. If I had a good solid training effort, I'd still be holding out hope, but chances are I'd just mess things up worse if I ran the marathon. Ehhh, that's never stopped me before - and then I regret it.

2009-10-24 6:54 PM
in reply to: #2427107

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
My knees are hurting today so I decided not to run.  I will run 7 tomorrow and am on track to complete my goal. 

Instead I went to one of my favorite websites and did this workout.  Didn't take much time but ouch!  It is harder than it looks:    One leg Gypsy
2009-10-24 10:40 PM
in reply to: #2427107

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
Hey Reapers !
Have a good weekend everyone!

Tomorrow night will be the last weekly update before the challenge concludes next weekend.
Please update the team google doc by 9PM EST if you can.
2009-10-25 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2427107

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Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
Hey guys.  I didn't run yesterday but I got out there this morning and ran.  Beautiful Sunday morning, sunny and in the 50s.  It was nice.  If I had time, I would have run longer.  But, I am off to get ready for church.  We haven't been in weeks!   Have a great day guys.
2009-10-25 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2477023

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Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
ashort33 - 2009-10-23 10:21 PM

Hey reapers...  Sorry to have been absent...  I have barely been able to walk since my run on Monday.  Not sure why all the sudden I had such a problem.  I went to get some inserts for my shoes yesterday.  Hope to Run on Sunday.  Dee, need an injury timeout for 6 days - should be about 10 miles of my total...

Ugghhh - this is no way to train for half marathon...

Ew, sorry about the walking/running problems. Yep, go ahead and revise your goal.

2009-10-25 10:30 AM
in reply to: #2476998

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Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
ebshot - 2009-10-23 9:52 PM

KOM - 2009-10-23 8:12 PM
ebshot - 2009-10-23 7:47 PM Hey guys.  Long day here.  Lots of doctor appointments.  Saw a GREAT doctor for Cole (pediatrician) and she gave us a STRONG recommendation for the program we are applying for.  Hopefully the insurance will cooperate with us and pay for some equipment we need.  Then Liam's audiology appt was interesting.  The audiologist checked his ears and immediately sent us up to ENT.  His ears were totally compacted with wax.  Ick.  So, after a major cleaning from the ENT, we went back and Liam has perfect hearing!  We just have to see the ENT periodically for cleanings.  Sweet!  Big relief!
Oh that is VERY good news for Liam! That blood might have just been wax....

Super excited about Liam's results.  I was counting on bad news so when she came out and showed me the graph, I was so relieved.  His test was over in about 5 minutes too.  I couldn't believe how fast!  Cole's are always soooooo long (like and hour).  And I have to go with him.  Liam went in by himself.  So nice. 

Sounds like a really productive day! Glad that Cole got a recommendation for the program, and that Liam's "problem" turned out to be something completely fixable!

2009-10-25 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2476959

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Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
esc - 2009-10-23 9:14 PM

I'm in charge of bring breakfast to our tailgate tomorrow.  I just found a recipe that uses an entire pound of bacon and 3 cups of cheese.  This thing is bound to be delicious.   Mmmmmm....bacon.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........... bacon.

Of course, a pound a bacon could be, well in my case, maybe one serving.

2009-10-25 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2474320

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Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
kvesey - 2009-10-22 5:10 PM

I used to hate running in the dark, too. But I hated running on the treadmill even more. So, during the winter, my running really suffered. I ended up getting one of those ball caps with the LED lights in the brim, and I run in the dark all the time now with that and my reflective vest. I feel pretty safe. (I also stick to neighborhoods with street lighting.)

That's a really great idea. I have a strobe light/reflector that hooks onto the dog's leash. I could just hook it onto my shirt.

Of course, I think I'll always prefer wogging during daylight, but I guess I don't have a choice right now....

2009-10-25 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2427107

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
Hey everyone... I've been AWOL for a bit, just very busy at work. Got in a 3.7 mile hill run on Friday, 32 cold miles on the bike yesterday and a chilly 6 mile run through the hood this AM. This morning's run was spectacular, cold but sunny! I love these days!

Hope every one is doing good!
2009-10-25 1:22 PM
in reply to: #2427107

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

Hey teamies!  I hope everyone is having a great weekend.  I raced yesterday (and did good!), ran again this morning, then went for a bike ride.  How wonderful it is to have time to do these things -- life is good!  Unfortunately it's back to reality tomorrow.  I'm traveling this week, so my running will have to be on the hotel treadmills.  But I'm racing again next weekend, and that should get me to my goal!

Have a great week everyone...

2009-10-25 2:05 PM
in reply to: #2427107

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
Ran a lovely 7 today among the yellow, orange and red leaves.  Only problem was all the pine cones and acorns blown down by the winds made it a little slippery/bumpy at times.  I have 7 miles left for 100%...GO E.V.I.L. Running Reapers!!

Lucky 7s Toppage!

Edited by KOM 2009-10-25 2:05 PM

2009-10-25 6:09 PM
in reply to: #2427107

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge

Hey Reapers...  Got on the bike today for an hour.  Gonna try running tomorrow - probably just a couple of miles to test out the new inserts and the knee....

Ya'll are doing great - keep it up!

2009-10-25 6:10 PM
in reply to: #2478333

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Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
Sledge - 2009-10-25 2:22 PM

Hey teamies!  I hope everyone is having a great weekend.  I raced yesterday (and did good!), ran again this morning, then went for a bike ride.  How wonderful it is to have time to do these things -- life is good!  Unfortunately it's back to reality tomorrow.  I'm traveling this week, so my running will have to be on the hotel treadmills.  But I'm racing again next weekend, and that should get me to my goal!

Have a great week everyone...

UNDERSTATEMENT!  Cheri WON Grandmasters!!!!  Woot!!!!
2009-10-25 6:10 PM
in reply to: #2478361

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Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
KOM - 2009-10-25 3:05 PM Ran a lovely 7 today among the yellow, orange and red leaves.  Only problem was all the pine cones and acorns blown down by the winds made it a little slippery/bumpy at times.  I have 7 miles left for 100%...GO E.V.I.L. Running Reapers!!

Lucky 7s Toppage!

Nice job Kathy!  It was a beautiful fall day out.
2009-10-25 6:12 PM
in reply to: #2427107

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Subject: RE: E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge
I went on a hike with the family today.  It was just such a nice day out.  Picture perfect.  I love days like this.  Now I am TIRED!  But, running tomorrow.  3-4 miles.  Long run on Tuesday. 
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Other Resources Challenge Me! » E.V.I.L. Running Reapers - Halloween Run Challenge Rss Feed  
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