BT Development Mentor Program Archives » BamaDC's mentor group is Closed! Rss Feed  
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2010-11-22 4:31 PM
in reply to: #3221801

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
cornfed - 2010-11-22 1:19 PM
BamaDC - 2010-11-22 12:02 PM What's going on this week?  I've got a 5K and a lot of work at a rental property.

I'm also waiting on some new pedals and bike shoes. 

On another note I went down hard this weekend.  I was out running on the trails enjoying the awesome weather.  Not sure what happened, I think I was out for a minute or two.  I've got some bad rash on my left thigh and my right hand is kinda jacked up.

That sucks.  Hopefully you don't have any lingering effects.

I ran a 10k yesterday.  Went alright, I guess.  I wasn't expecting to do really well because I've been slacking off a bit recently.  However, I'm still having the problem I've had all year that I just can't seem to push myself on the run.  I felt like I was on cruise control the whole time.  Immediately after I felt like I had left a lot out there but I just couldn't push myself during the the race.  I'm head down to my parents for Turkey Day and am planning to do a 5K there.  Any suggestions?  Should I just go out and run it without worrying about time?  Pick a really aggressive split and try to hang on as long as possible?

I'm going to try and pace my first mile.  Like 6:15-6:20 pace.  My last 5K my first mile was 5:50ish and down hill from there.

2010-11-22 9:27 PM
in reply to: #3222210

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
BamaDC - 2010-11-22 5:29 PM
sand101 - 2010-11-22 11:56 AM
BamaDC - 2010-11-22 11:02 AM What's going on this week?  I've got a 5K and a lot of work at a rental property.

I'm also waiting on some new pedals and bike shoes. 

On another note I went down hard this weekend.  I was out running on the trails enjoying the awesome weather.  Not sure what happened, I think I was out for a minute or two.  I've got some bad rash on my left thigh and my right hand is kinda jacked up.

Yikes!  Hopefully that is all superficial and will go away soon.

What's up this week?  A sh.tload of work (why are proposals always due right before major holidays?  Whine, whine...).  Once I do get off, though, I will be heading into the country to do Thanksgiving with family.  I plan on three straight days of 8 mile runs since there is a good route there.  Should hit 100 miles for the month on the dot if I can get my runs done.

What kind of pedals and shoes?  I have been looking at getting a set of Keywins, but it is low on my list.  For next year I really need a good, deep front wheel. 

I'm okay except for my right hand, which is pretty messed up. 

Look Keo and Specialized Trivent.

I was looking at those shoes.  I'd love the hear what you think of them after you've had a chance to ride with them for a while.
2010-11-22 9:31 PM
in reply to: #3222216

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
BamaDC - 2010-11-22 5:31 PM
cornfed - 2010-11-22 1:19 PM
BamaDC - 2010-11-22 12:02 PM What's going on this week?  I've got a 5K and a lot of work at a rental property.

I'm also waiting on some new pedals and bike shoes. 

On another note I went down hard this weekend.  I was out running on the trails enjoying the awesome weather.  Not sure what happened, I think I was out for a minute or two.  I've got some bad rash on my left thigh and my right hand is kinda jacked up.

That sucks.  Hopefully you don't have any lingering effects.

I ran a 10k yesterday.  Went alright, I guess.  I wasn't expecting to do really well because I've been slacking off a bit recently.  However, I'm still having the problem I've had all year that I just can't seem to push myself on the run.  I felt like I was on cruise control the whole time.  Immediately after I felt like I had left a lot out there but I just couldn't push myself during the the race.  I'm head down to my parents for Turkey Day and am planning to do a 5K there.  Any suggestions?  Should I just go out and run it without worrying about time?  Pick a really aggressive split and try to hang on as long as possible?

I'm going to try and pace my first mile.  Like 6:15-6:20 pace.  My last 5K my first mile was 5:50ish and down hill from there.

According to McMillan I should be able to go about 7:05 for a 5k.  Last 5k I did was over the summer. My first mile was 6:45 and I completely blew up in the middle.  For this week I'm think I'll go out at 7:00-7:05 for the first mile then just push it down under 7:00 for the second.  Then, depending how I feel, either push it down another 5-10 secs for the last mile or just try to hang on.  Does that sound like a reason plan?  Too aggressive or not enough?

2010-11-23 12:25 AM
in reply to: #3222523

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
cornfed - 2010-11-22 9:31 PM

According to McMillan I should be able to go about 7:05 for a 5k.  Last 5k I did was over the summer. My first mile was 6:45 and I completely blew up in the middle.  For this week I'm think I'll go out at 7:00-7:05 for the first mile then just push it down under 7:00 for the second.  Then, depending how I feel, either push it down another 5-10 secs for the last mile or just try to hang on.  Does that sound like a reason plan?  Too aggressive or not enough?

I'm personally in the "hit it hard and hang on" philosophy.  I try for a positive split - a controlled bleed.  Last 5k attempt started at a 6:14 mile with a midpoint split at 10 even (then my calf blew up, but that's another story).  

At least that way you'll at least be pushing the last 2 miles!
2010-11-23 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3222517

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
cornfed - 2010-11-22 9:27 PM
BamaDC - 2010-11-22 5:29 PM
sand101 - 2010-11-22 11:56 AM
BamaDC - 2010-11-22 11:02 AM What's going on this week?  I've got a 5K and a lot of work at a rental property.

I'm also waiting on some new pedals and bike shoes. 

On another note I went down hard this weekend.  I was out running on the trails enjoying the awesome weather.  Not sure what happened, I think I was out for a minute or two.  I've got some bad rash on my left thigh and my right hand is kinda jacked up.

Yikes!  Hopefully that is all superficial and will go away soon.

What's up this week?  A sh.tload of work (why are proposals always due right before major holidays?  Whine, whine...).  Once I do get off, though, I will be heading into the country to do Thanksgiving with family.  I plan on three straight days of 8 mile runs since there is a good route there.  Should hit 100 miles for the month on the dot if I can get my runs done.

What kind of pedals and shoes?  I have been looking at getting a set of Keywins, but it is low on my list.  For next year I really need a good, deep front wheel. 

I'm okay except for my right hand, which is pretty messed up. 

Look Keo and Specialized Trivent.

I was looking at those shoes.  I'd love the hear what you think of them after you've had a chance to ride with them for a while.

I got the shimano TR-70's. They are awesome!!
2010-11-23 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3222636

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
sand101 - 2010-11-23 12:25 AM
cornfed - 2010-11-22 9:31 PM

According to McMillan I should be able to go about 7:05 for a 5k.  Last 5k I did was over the summer. My first mile was 6:45 and I completely blew up in the middle.  For this week I'm think I'll go out at 7:00-7:05 for the first mile then just push it down under 7:00 for the second.  Then, depending how I feel, either push it down another 5-10 secs for the last mile or just try to hang on.  Does that sound like a reason plan?  Too aggressive or not enough?

I'm personally in the "hit it hard and hang on" philosophy.  I try for a positive split - a controlled bleed.  Last 5k attempt started at a 6:14 mile with a midpoint split at 10 even (then my calf blew up, but that's another story).  

At least that way you'll at least be pushing the last 2 miles!

I'm a fan of that philosophy as well.  Hit it hard and hope you don't throw up! 

2010-11-23 2:29 PM
in reply to: #3223618

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
BamaDC - 2010-11-23 2:48 PM
sand101 - 2010-11-23 12:25 AM
cornfed - 2010-11-22 9:31 PM

According to McMillan I should be able to go about 7:05 for a 5k.  Last 5k I did was over the summer. My first mile was 6:45 and I completely blew up in the middle.  For this week I'm think I'll go out at 7:00-7:05 for the first mile then just push it down under 7:00 for the second.  Then, depending how I feel, either push it down another 5-10 secs for the last mile or just try to hang on.  Does that sound like a reason plan?  Too aggressive or not enough?

I'm personally in the "hit it hard and hang on" philosophy.  I try for a positive split - a controlled bleed.  Last 5k attempt started at a 6:14 mile with a midpoint split at 10 even (then my calf blew up, but that's another story).  

At least that way you'll at least be pushing the last 2 miles!

I'm a fan of that philosophy as well.  Hit it hard and hope you don't throw up! 

How hard is too hard?  If I feel like I haven't been pushing myself hard enough do you think I'd be better off erring on the side of going too hard and risking blowing up?
2010-11-23 6:09 PM
in reply to: #3223716

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
cornfed - 2010-11-23 2:29 PM
BamaDC - 2010-11-23 2:48 PM
sand101 - 2010-11-23 12:25 AM
cornfed - 2010-11-22 9:31 PM

According to McMillan I should be able to go about 7:05 for a 5k.  Last 5k I did was over the summer. My first mile was 6:45 and I completely blew up in the middle.  For this week I'm think I'll go out at 7:00-7:05 for the first mile then just push it down under 7:00 for the second.  Then, depending how I feel, either push it down another 5-10 secs for the last mile or just try to hang on.  Does that sound like a reason plan?  Too aggressive or not enough?

I'm personally in the "hit it hard and hang on" philosophy.  I try for a positive split - a controlled bleed.  Last 5k attempt started at a 6:14 mile with a midpoint split at 10 even (then my calf blew up, but that's another story).  

At least that way you'll at least be pushing the last 2 miles!

I'm a fan of that philosophy as well.  Hit it hard and hope you don't throw up! 

How hard is too hard?  If I feel like I haven't been pushing myself hard enough do you think I'd be better off erring on the side of going too hard and risking blowing up?

Give it a try, its just a 5K. If you blow up you've learned something about yourself and wasted maybe 20 dollars.
2010-11-24 1:44 AM
in reply to: #3223716

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
cornfed - 2010-11-23 2:29 PM

How hard is too hard?  If I feel like I haven't been pushing myself hard enough do you think I'd be better off erring on the side of going too hard and risking blowing up?

In my limited experience you really want to be questioning why you are still running at about mile marker 2.  If you hit that wall at mile 1 you went too hard.

Or, put another way, if you throw up before the line you went too hard.  If you throw up after the line you didn't go hard enough.  Aim for throwing up on the line.
2010-11-24 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3224295

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
sand101 - 2010-11-24 1:44 AM
cornfed - 2010-11-23 2:29 PM

How hard is too hard?  If I feel like I haven't been pushing myself hard enough do you think I'd be better off erring on the side of going too hard and risking blowing up?

In my limited experience you really want to be questioning why you are still running at about mile marker 2.  If you hit that wall at mile 1 you went too hard.

Or, put another way, if you throw up before the line you went too hard.  If you throw up after the line you didn't go hard enough.  Aim for throwing up on the line.

That's a good way of putting it.

If that was posted in the main room, it would be someone sig line. 

Edited by BamaDC 2010-11-24 7:51 AM
2010-11-24 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3224435

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
BamaDC - 2010-11-24 7:51 AM
sand101 - 2010-11-24 1:44 AM
cornfed - 2010-11-23 2:29 PM

How hard is too hard?  If I feel like I haven't been pushing myself hard enough do you think I'd be better off erring on the side of going too hard and risking blowing up?

In my limited experience you really want to be questioning why you are still running at about mile marker 2.  If you hit that wall at mile 1 you went too hard.

Or, put another way, if you throw up before the line you went too hard.  If you throw up after the line you didn't go hard enough.  Aim for throwing up on the line.

That's a good way of putting it.

If that was posted in the main room, it would be someone sig line. 

I like that too...

I ran my most recent 5k's both ways.  Started hard, faded at the end.  Started safe, finished strong.  Ran the same time.  Didn't puke before/after/or on the line though, so i wasn't running hard enough.

2010-11-24 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2781196

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
I believe Steve Prefontaine said it best when he described it a "guts race".

For the 5k, I went out at almost a tempo pace, then the last 2 just turned it on. That last .1mi (528ft), I couldn't decide if I was going to throw up, or lose the bowels so I just held it on that line of "being completly uncomfortable"....

That tends to work....
2010-11-25 6:03 AM
in reply to: #2781196

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
Happy Thanksgiving guys! My best to you and your families. It's very strange how connected I feel to this mentor group thread. Hell, I hardly even check the other boards. Hope you all crush your turkey trot goals.
2010-11-25 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3225801

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
titeloops - 2010-11-25 7:03 AM Happy Thanksgiving guys! My best to you and your families. It's very strange how connected I feel to this mentor group thread. Hell, I hardly even check the other boards. Hope you all crush your turkey trot goals.

Started the day off with a 21:38 which I'm really happy with!  Now it's time to get the turkey into the smoker and watch some football.

Happy Thanksgiving!!
2010-11-26 4:10 PM
in reply to: #2781196

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
thats a fast 5k. Congrats.

I pulled the trigger on New Orleans 70.3 today. Any of you guys wanna join? April 17th.
2010-11-27 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3225999

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
cornfed - 2010-11-25 10:45 AM
titeloops - 2010-11-25 7:03 AM Happy Thanksgiving guys! My best to you and your families. It's very strange how connected I feel to this mentor group thread. Hell, I hardly even check the other boards. Hope you all crush your turkey trot goals.

Started the day off with a 21:38 which I'm really happy with!  Now it's time to get the turkey into the smoker and watch some football.

Happy Thanksgiving!!


My PR is 21:39.  That is a great run!

2010-11-27 11:45 PM
in reply to: #2781196

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Subject: Tires!
Gents - pretty hot deal if you are looking for tires.

Hutchison Fusion 3 for $14 apiece.  Buy 4 and shipping is free.  For a good all around tire (normally  $40/tire or thereabouts) this is a steal. 

You have to settle for grey sidewalls, but I'm cheap and will ride on anything.  Heck, mine are mismatched right now.  My Fusion 2 on the back is still going after 2500 miles or so.

2010-11-28 3:29 PM
in reply to: #3226807

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
titeloops - 2010-11-26 4:10 PM thats a fast 5k. Congrats.

I pulled the trigger on New Orleans 70.3 today. Any of you guys wanna join? April 17th.

I would but the hobby money just got spent on an air compressor and finish nailer.
2010-11-28 3:31 PM
in reply to: #2781196

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
When are we starting the cycling plan?  I can't remember if its tomorrow or next week?

My new shoes and pedals came, so I'm game for either.
2010-11-29 5:46 AM
in reply to: #3227981

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!

BamaDC - 2010-11-28 3:31 PM When are we starting the cycling plan?  I can't remember if its tomorrow or next week?

My new shoes and pedals came, so I'm game for either.

I'm planning on starting next week.
2010-11-29 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2781196

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
next weeks good 4 me.

2010-11-29 12:55 PM
in reply to: #3228907

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
titeloops - 2010-11-29 11:43 AM next weeks good 4 me.

You guys starting witht he two pre-weeks or jumping right into the week 1 power tests? 

When you do your tests don't forget to get access to the spreadsheet from Jorge so you can record your stuff.
2010-11-29 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3227532

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
sand101 - 2010-11-27 9:23 PM
cornfed - 2010-11-25 10:45 AM
titeloops - 2010-11-25 7:03 AM Happy Thanksgiving guys! My best to you and your families. It's very strange how connected I feel to this mentor group thread. Hell, I hardly even check the other boards. Hope you all crush your turkey trot goals.

Started the day off with a 21:38 which I'm really happy with!  Now it's time to get the turkey into the smoker and watch some football.

Happy Thanksgiving!!


My PR is 21:39.  That is a great run!

Thanks.  Good thing the race was Thanksgiving morning.  I'm not sure I could do it again because I feel like I'm still tooting around a lot of extra turkey. 

Starting the cycling plan next week works for me.
2010-11-29 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3229056

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
sand101 - 2010-11-29 12:55 PM
titeloops - 2010-11-29 11:43 AM next weeks good 4 me.

You guys starting witht he two pre-weeks or jumping right into the week 1 power tests? 

When you do your tests don't forget to get access to the spreadsheet from Jorge so you can record your stuff.

I don't care.  I know my FTP has plummeted.
2010-11-29 2:03 PM
in reply to: #3229138

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
BamaDC - 2010-11-29 1:48 PM
sand101 - 2010-11-29 12:55 PM
titeloops - 2010-11-29 11:43 AM next weeks good 4 me.

You guys starting witht he two pre-weeks or jumping right into the week 1 power tests? 

When you do your tests don't forget to get access to the spreadsheet from Jorge so you can record your stuff.

I don't care.  I know my FTP has plummeted.

 I'm starting from scratch, so I dont know my FTP.
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