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2011-07-08 6:59 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

My Pacing Plan for PVD 70.3

Swim 2:14/100yds Out hard, for 400 yards, and then settle in to your pace. Limit kicking until you have about 3 minutes remaining, and then gradually
increase your kick's intensity and frequency. See next page for recommendations on swim start placement.

 Bike 272w/19.7mph

Aim for an overall average of 272w, with an absolute max of 320w on the steepest climbs. On the climbs, keep wattage between 270 and
320, depending upon the steepness. On the flats, ride between 275 and 285w. On any descents, keep wattage up, between 255 and
270w. Average HR should be ABOUT 157-159bpm, because of the heat index, which is expected to be in the mid-80s. Choose

 Run 8:52/mile

Run the first mile at 8:37 pace and hold this as long as possible. You will naturally fade a bit, but no single mile should be slower than
9:07, ending with an average pace of 8:52. If you feel like you are going to explode, immediately drop back to 9:07 pace and allow
yourself to regroup, and begin ratcheting the pace back towards the goal average. Average HR should end up around 172bpm, because of
the heat index.



Estimated Times


swim = 00:46:30 - 00:47:30

bike = 2:51 - 2:54

run = 1:56 - 2:00

Total = 5:36 - 5:44


Good luck this weekend to all who is racing enjoy your training!



2011-07-08 8:00 AM
in reply to: #3586047

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-07-08 7:59 AM

Swim 2:14/100yds

Out hard, for 400 yards, and then settle in to your pace. Limit kicking until you have about 3 minutes remaining, and then gradually
increase your kick's intensity and frequency. See next page for recommendations on swim start placement.


Sounds like a solid plan, good luck. On the swim portion which is my strongest portion I opt to go out slower and I work on my stroke to get into a groove. First thing and it may sound trivial but I make sure I'm getting a good exhale.If you're not fully exhaling you're not getting a good inhale. This also helps me relax.

Next I'll concentrate on keeping my elbows high, finger tips low and getting a consistent catch. Once I feel I'm in a groove there I think about my hip and shoulder rotation. The more rotation the less the stroke frequency so you're working less and getting better results per stroke. Once I have that down I start to think about getting a consistent kick. I'm not really using my kick to get much propulsion but more as a rudder and to help with my hip and shoulder rotation. In my Olympics which are only incrementally shorter than the HIM it usually takes me to about the first buoy to get through all of this. Once I'm there I settle in an keep checking my stroke points and really focus on my breathing.

Obviously you're way more experienced than I am but that's my view point and it's worked fairly well for me.

2011-07-08 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

I had a good brick this morning.

16 miles on the bike @ 17.83 MPH on a really hilly course. The amazing part is my average heart rate was only 144, max was only 161, I only spent 34 seconds in zone 4 and my average cadence for the ride was 107 which is amazingly high for me. On flatter rides I usually average mid 90's. My legs felt tired going into the ride as this has been a big week already so I made sure to shift to easier gears sooner and not burn my legs out.

I then did the run at 8:38 pace for 3.77 miles and a 154 average heart rate. I was amazingly consistent going 8:45-8 for the first three miles and then bringing in the last .77 faster.

I wasn't trying to kill either portion of the workout so I'm very pleased with the results especially considering my legs felt fatigued. Not dead fatigued but certainly not fresh like they were for last week's brick or my long ride on the 4th.

Humidity was awful again today but it didn't rain on the bike. On the way back on the run it started to drizzle and got more steady but it felt so good. I was hoping for it to open up which it did but not until my commute which also had some serious lightening. Glad that waited.

Hope everybody has a good workout.

2011-07-08 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Good luck Scott and Thor and anyone else racing this weekend.  I'm really looking forward to hearing the race results.

It is hot, hot, hot here.  I did fine with the swim yesterday (700 yds non stop and felt really comfortable - this is a super great swim for me), and after I changed and cleaned the algae (yuck) off I took of on my 3.5 mile run.  It was hot since I run mid day and I spent the entire run working to keep my heart rate below 165, but I peaked into the 170's many times.  Took plenty of water before swim, before run and at a water fountain about 1/2 out.  Then it took me 10 1/2 minutes to get my heart rate back under 120 afterwards.  I think it was the heat.

Biked this morning but took it easy.  Only 7 miles before work and will swim at the pool after work.  Then up to the cabin to check on my mom this least their lake is clean and nice.  Low boat traffic too.

Will check in on Sunday to see how everyone did.


2011-07-09 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
Good luck to all of our racers today. I did a nice recovery workout today. OWS for about 400 yards in Duxbury. Meant to do a little bit more but the buoy we picked out looked further from the beach. Water was beautiful. Then we did a 2.4 mile zone 1 and very low zone 2 bare foot run on the beach. Both were very enjoyable. It's nice to mix it up.
2011-07-09 2:32 PM
in reply to: #3439366

Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

I had a friend ask me to do a race with her tomorrow. She's kinda slow and wants me to hang back with her. Should be pretty interesting and fun just to hang back and take it easy. It will also be nice to have someone to talk to. I've never done a race with someone Hope everyone else has a great weekend.


Just an FYI -- I am in first place in the Athena standings in my series! Next race 8/13!

2011-07-09 3:08 PM
in reply to: #3588193

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
charminchick - 2011-07-09 3:32 PM

I had a friend ask me to do a race with her tomorrow. She's kinda slow and wants me to hang back with her. Should be pretty interesting and fun just to hang back and take it easy. It will also be nice to have someone to talk to. I've never done a race with someone Hope everyone else has a great weekend.


Just an FYI -- I am in first place in the Athena standings in my series! Next race 8/13!

Very nice on taking the lead in the series. I ran my first half marathon with a friend but we are the same age, height, weight and have been working out with each other for almost 25 years nearly continuously. So we went out slow not wanting to fizzle out and then smoked the second half of the race. We literally blew by more then 200 people on the back half and my last mile was run 2:20 faster than my first mile. Not the most effective way to have the best finishing time but roaring home is fun. Anyway it is fun to have somebody to talk to and to plan a strategy. So you can most likely push her and tell her when to go for it.

2011-07-09 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3586744

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
tashia153 - 2011-07-08 11:03 AM

Good luck Scott and Thor and anyone else racing this weekend.  I'm really looking forward to hearing the race results.

It is hot, hot, hot here.  I did fine with the swim yesterday (700 yds non stop and felt really comfortable - this is a super great swim for me), and after I changed and cleaned the algae (yuck) off I took of on my 3.5 mile run.  It was hot since I run mid day and I spent the entire run working to keep my heart rate below 165, but I peaked into the 170's many times.  Took plenty of water before swim, before run and at a water fountain about 1/2 out.  Then it took me 10 1/2 minutes to get my heart rate back under 120 afterwards.  I think it was the heat.

Biked this morning but took it easy.  Only 7 miles before work and will swim at the pool after work.  Then up to the cabin to check on my mom this least their lake is clean and nice.  Low boat traffic too.

Will check in on Sunday to see how everyone did.


I am next week! I need to work a few swims with my new wetsuit though. It has been around 49, raining and gusting wind....tomorrow no matter what as it is a week until my first Oly!!

Good luck Scott!

2011-07-09 7:40 PM
in reply to: #3588193

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
charminchick - 2011-07-09 1:32 PM

I had a friend ask me to do a race with her tomorrow. She's kinda slow and wants me to hang back with her. Should be pretty interesting and fun just to hang back and take it easy. It will also be nice to have someone to talk to. I've never done a race with someone Hope everyone else has a great weekend.


Just an FYI -- I am in first place in the Athena standings in my series! Next race 8/13!

First off, awesome job on the Athena standings!

Secondly, you are a better person then I as I am too high strung to hang back! :-)

2011-07-10 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

I did 51.1 miles on the bike this morning in 2:51:29 for a 17.88 MPH pace and a 145 average heart rate. It's the first time I've gone over 50 miles in a ride. My legs don't feel too bad but we'll see in the morning as the course was quite hilly especially the first half. My neck is a little sore from all that time in the aero-position and I'm definitely saddle sore. The hardest part for me mentally was the miles between 32 and 40 because there were lots of cutbacks to my house and really anything 45 or over would have been an acceptable gain over last weeks long ride. 

2011-07-10 11:55 AM
in reply to: #3588193

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Williamsburg, Virginia
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
charminchick - 2011-07-09 3:32 PM

I had a friend ask me to do a race with her tomorrow. She's kinda slow and wants me to hang back with her. Should be pretty interesting and fun just to hang back and take it easy. It will also be nice to have someone to talk to. I've never done a race with someone Hope everyone else has a great weekend.


Just an FYI -- I am in first place in the Athena standings in my series! Next race 8/13!

Congrats on earning first place!!

2011-07-10 2:19 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Scott came in at:

6:34:44 total

59:55 swim, wetsuits were banned due to 84+ water temp

3:07:33 bike

2:20:13 run

Congrats man. I know the times aren't quite what you expected but it was really hot out there today and no relief from the sun.

2011-07-10 4:19 PM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Well, that was fun! NOT... Well, here is my race report, I showed up to register yesterday, got my packet, my bag etc and went to the athlete briefing. Well, first thing that was said. Water temp was 84 degrees. Well, that means no WETSUIT... Now the furthest I ever swam before today was less than a 1/4 mile without a wetsuit. So, I can say I was a little nervous since then. 


Well, Relaxed and hydrated most of the day yesterday, tried to stay off my feet as much as possible. Drank a ton of water. The day before, the biggest meal is breakfast so it gets through your system. That was yummy, french toast, eggs, etc.  I got a hotel off the bike route, so didn't have to wake up earlier to drive the hour to Providence. I woke up at 3, had my pre race meal, hydrated more and then departed the hotel at 4:45, get to the park, unload and my friend and I had to walk about 1/2 mile to transition. So, set the rest of my bike up, poured my infinit into my bottles and off I went to get in the water. Now, today the temp was 1/2 degree lower, so wetsuits are allowed, but they decided to put them at the end of the pack. I was not going to wait 45 additional minutes especially with the forecast of the heat today.  So, horn blows at 6:17, and off I went. I got on the feet of someone and stayed with them the whole way. My legs sink like rocks and I knew this but everything seemed fine, I finished the 1.2 miles in 59.55, just breaking the hour. Well, T1, was full of mud, so I took my time getting my stuff or the bike. I drank a bottle of powerbar perform, and off I went. So in my previous post, I posted what my coach wanted me to do for this race. So, I was already slower on he swim because of no wetsuit but I stayed and maintained the 272 watts for the bike, and did not go over 320 watts at any point. If I did, I just slowed down the bike. At one point, I was doing a blazy 3mph on the bike. Now, with all the sprints I did last year, My average bike speed on my TT bike is 23-24 mph. Imaging me going 20mph slower... it was funny. I thought to myself who am I to argue with my coach so I stuck to the plan. I finished with a 17.9 mph average and my avg HR on the bike was 147. Now this was the hilliest bike I ever did in my life. I dismounted like a champ and get into t2, took some time putting sox on, put my newtons on, baseball cap grabbed my cliffblocks (2 kinds, 1 block every mile, introducing caffeine at mile 7) First 2.3 miles, I ran 21:15 (9:14) pace already slower than my coach wanted me to do. He wanted me to go out and get to 8:32, but man was I overheating, this run had HILLS HILLS HILLS, for the first, two miles, then same hill down, it's an 2 lap run so I had to do that hill again. I was like NO... Well, so, now I unzip my single piece and start stuffing sponges down my uniform, at one point I looked like Chris Maccormick, I think at one point I had 15 sponges on me, so the next check point 2.2 miles away up this hill that never ended my pace dropped, not sure to 18:42, the next check point 2.4, dropped my pace to  11:34, finishing with my pace 8:04. All in all, I finished my 70.3 in 6:34:44, disappointed as I wanted to break 6, but now I have something to work on before my next in september. Well any questions feel free to ask!



2011-07-10 4:25 PM
in reply to: #3589157

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
everlong - 2011-07-10 3:19 PM

Scott came in at:

6:34:44 total

59:55 swim, wetsuits were banned due to 84+ water temp

3:07:33 bike

2:20:13 run

Congrats man. I know the times aren't quite what you expected but it was really hot out there today and no relief from the sun.


thanks scott!  yeah it was very hot out there... thanks for posting my times.

2011-07-10 4:49 PM
in reply to: #3589267

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

shellback1998 - 2011-07-10 5:19 PM

I was overheating........HILLS HILLS HILLS

Sounds like my Stamford report. I knew when I read your bike time that it must have been pretty brutal. I would have paid good money for an ice soaked sponge. Again congrats. In that heat finishing is awesome. I was on the bike at 5:40AM this morning and nearly all of my ride was in the shade and I could feel the heat so I'm sure it was brutal for you.

2011-07-10 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3439366

Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Well, I did the sprint tri with my friend today. This was her first race. It was a 750m swim, 17.5 mile bike and 5K run. I told her that I would stay with her and just use it for training. Why not -- it would probably be more fun that way. So, on the way there, she tells me she learned to swim last year and has never done open water...... OMG, she struggled so bad. I started in the wave behind her and she was way off course. I went to her and got her back on. Rescue boats were watching her hard. They even tried to hand her a buoy to hold on to. But, she persisted and got through. They told me that if I could swim, I had to move on, so I swam on. I did get with some Master's men in the wave behind me and we were swimming FAST! It was fun. I waited for her and had a 13:00 transition time LOL! I didn't even hurry to get all my stuff on or to get to the TA.

She again struggled on the bike. We had a 1:25 ride which is even slower than me. I rode behind her and gave her her mile times per my Garmin, sang stupid songs, and yelled encouragements. I had so much fun just relaxing and riding. When we got back, we took off in the run and she couldn't get going. She said "Go ahead, Joy" and before I went, I made her promise me she'd finish the race. Well, she did. She wasn't too satisfied with her time, but I gave her some training advice and let her know that now, she would know what to train for. I told her about BT website and some other things over a nice sushi lunch. In some ways I hate that I didn't "race" this one and in others I enjoyed being personal trainer. I got up at 3:30 am, so I am going to bed now. Hope everyone else who raced had a great time too!


2011-07-10 8:04 PM
in reply to: #3589267

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Williamsburg, Virginia
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-07-10 5:19 PMI'm sorry to hear you didn't make your target, but man that sounds like a pretty awesome race Scott - I am in awe and think you rocked!
2011-07-10 10:02 PM
in reply to: #3589514

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Joy - I personally think you are awesome and a wonderful friend.  It makes a huge difference just knowing that someone is there for you and that was probably a huge reason your friend was able to finish. 

Great job!!!


2011-07-10 10:18 PM
in reply to: #3589267

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Scott - Proud of you for being able to adjust your plan when thrown the no wetsuit, the hills and the heat.  Good lesson for us to remain flexible.  I'm hoping to build up to doing a longer distance next year.  Everyone here is an inspiration to me.  I personally think your time was pretty great considering the obstacles.


2011-07-11 6:05 AM
in reply to: #3589514

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Williamsburg, Virginia
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
charminchick - 2011-07-10 8:59 PM

Well, I did the sprint tri with my friend today. This was her first race. It was a 750m swim, 17.5 mile bike and 5K run. I told her that I would stay with her and just use it for training. Why not -- it would probably be more fun that way. So, on the way there, she tells me she learned to swim last year and has never done open water...... OMG, she struggled so bad. I started in the wave behind her and she was way off course. I went to her and got her back on. Rescue boats were watching her hard. They even tried to hand her a buoy to hold on to. But, she persisted and got through. They told me that if I could swim, I had to move on, so I swam on. I did get with some Master's men in the wave behind me and we were swimming FAST! It was fun. I waited for her and had a 13:00 transition time LOL! I didn't even hurry to get all my stuff on or to get to the TA.

She again struggled on the bike. We had a 1:25 ride which is even slower than me. I rode behind her and gave her her mile times per my Garmin, sang stupid songs, and yelled encouragements. I had so much fun just relaxing and riding. When we got back, we took off in the run and she couldn't get going. She said "Go ahead, Joy" and before I went, I made her promise me she'd finish the race. Well, she did. She wasn't too satisfied with her time, but I gave her some training advice and let her know that now, she would know what to train for. I told her about BT website and some other things over a nice sushi lunch. In some ways I hate that I didn't "race" this one and in others I enjoyed being personal trainer. I got up at 3:30 am, so I am going to bed now. Hope everyone else who raced had a great time too!


What a great way to support a friend and newbie - Awesome!
2011-07-11 8:07 AM
in reply to: #3589267

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-07-10 3:19 PM

Well, that was fun! NOT... Well, here is my race report, I showed up to register yesterday, got my packet, my bag etc and went to the athlete briefing. Well, first thing that was said. Water temp was 84 degrees. Well, that means no WETSUIT... Now the furthest I ever swam before today was less than a 1/4 mile without a wetsuit. So, I can say I was a little nervous since then. 


Well, Relaxed and hydrated most of the day yesterday, tried to stay off my feet as much as possible. Drank a ton of water. The day before, the biggest meal is breakfast so it gets through your system. That was yummy, french toast, eggs, etc.  I got a hotel off the bike route, so didn't have to wake up earlier to drive the hour to Providence. I woke up at 3, had my pre race meal, hydrated more and then departed the hotel at 4:45, get to the park, unload and my friend and I had to walk about 1/2 mile to transition. So, set the rest of my bike up, poured my infinit into my bottles and off I went to get in the water. Now, today the temp was 1/2 degree lower, so wetsuits are allowed, but they decided to put them at the end of the pack. I was not going to wait 45 additional minutes especially with the forecast of the heat today.  So, horn blows at 6:17, and off I went. I got on the feet of someone and stayed with them the whole way. My legs sink like rocks and I knew this but everything seemed fine, I finished the 1.2 miles in 59.55, just breaking the hour. Well, T1, was full of mud, so I took my time getting my stuff or the bike. I drank a bottle of powerbar perform, and off I went. So in my previous post, I posted what my coach wanted me to do for this race. So, I was already slower on he swim because of no wetsuit but I stayed and maintained the 272 watts for the bike, and did not go over 320 watts at any point. If I did, I just slowed down the bike. At one point, I was doing a blazy 3mph on the bike. Now, with all the sprints I did last year, My average bike speed on my TT bike is 23-24 mph. Imaging me going 20mph slower... it was funny. I thought to myself who am I to argue with my coach so I stuck to the plan. I finished with a 17.9 mph average and my avg HR on the bike was 147. Now this was the hilliest bike I ever did in my life. I dismounted like a champ and get into t2, took some time putting sox on, put my newtons on, baseball cap grabbed my cliffblocks (2 kinds, 1 block every mile, introducing caffeine at mile 7) First 2.3 miles, I ran 21:15 (9:14) pace already slower than my coach wanted me to do. He wanted me to go out and get to 8:32, but man was I overheating, this run had HILLS HILLS HILLS, for the first, two miles, then same hill down, it's an 2 lap run so I had to do that hill again. I was like NO... Well, so, now I unzip my single piece and start stuffing sponges down my uniform, at one point I looked like Chris Maccormick, I think at one point I had 15 sponges on me, so the next check point 2.2 miles away up this hill that never ended my pace dropped, not sure to 18:42, the next check point 2.4, dropped my pace to  11:34, finishing with my pace 8:04. All in all, I finished my 70.3 in 6:34:44, disappointed as I wanted to break 6, but now I have something to work on before my next in september. Well any questions feel free to ask!



Great race report Scott! Thanks!

Sounds like it was a tough one.

2011-07-11 8:08 AM
in reply to: #3589514

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
charminchick - 2011-07-10 6:59 PM

Well, I did the sprint tri with my friend today. This was her first race. It was a 750m swim, 17.5 mile bike and 5K run. I told her that I would stay with her and just use it for training. Why not -- it would probably be more fun that way. So, on the way there, she tells me she learned to swim last year and has never done open water...... OMG, she struggled so bad. I started in the wave behind her and she was way off course. I went to her and got her back on. Rescue boats were watching her hard. They even tried to hand her a buoy to hold on to. But, she persisted and got through. They told me that if I could swim, I had to move on, so I swam on. I did get with some Master's men in the wave behind me and we were swimming FAST! It was fun. I waited for her and had a 13:00 transition time LOL! I didn't even hurry to get all my stuff on or to get to the TA.

She again struggled on the bike. We had a 1:25 ride which is even slower than me. I rode behind her and gave her her mile times per my Garmin, sang stupid songs, and yelled encouragements. I had so much fun just relaxing and riding. When we got back, we took off in the run and she couldn't get going. She said "Go ahead, Joy" and before I went, I made her promise me she'd finish the race. Well, she did. She wasn't too satisfied with her time, but I gave her some training advice and let her know that now, she would know what to train for. I told her about BT website and some other things over a nice sushi lunch. In some ways I hate that I didn't "race" this one and in others I enjoyed being personal trainer. I got up at 3:30 am, so I am going to bed now. Hope everyone else who raced had a great time too!


Great support Joy! Like the mastercard commercial "priceless"!

2011-07-11 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Finally took the new wetsuit for a test drive...temp(air) in the 50's, water around the same, wind gusting and raining! Short swim today to say the least. Ear ache...need a better swim cap I think(or warmer water Smile)

Wetsuit felt great. Tried out some Tri glide as well. Worked pretty slick.

Oly coming up this weekend...July 17! Alternating between anxious and excited. Will drive out Friday afternoon(5.5 hour drive). Pick up race package that night. Go for a quick spin on the bike. Saturday relax drive the bike route and the run route. Probably go for a quick swim as well to test the water.

Any other suggestions?

2011-07-11 9:02 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Awesome story Joy.

In a sprint there's no doubt that some people do it who are borderline to swim the quarter to a half mile. However the same thing happens at the next level. At Stamford the first wave was the "elites" and they went off 6 minutes before us and several people were way off course. The next wave went off 4 minutes before we did. I caught several of them before the first buoy and one person about two-thirds of the way to the first buoy. They were struggling so badly I had to resist the urge to help them. I don't know if they finished or not but they were swimming about 4 minutes per hundred.

2011-07-11 11:09 AM
in reply to: #3589267

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-07-10 2:19 PM

Well, that was fun! NOT... Well, here is my race report, I showed up to register yesterday, got my packet, my bag etc and went to the athlete briefing. Well, first thing that was said. Water temp was 84 degrees. Well, that means no WETSUIT... Now the furthest I ever swam before today was less than a 1/4 mile without a wetsuit. So, I can say I was a little nervous since then. 

No wetsuit???  Omg!  I would be totally nervous myself!  I actually went for some OWS practice at the beach yesterday but the water was so choppy, swells were big, and wave breaks were like 4 feet high.  Even in the wetsuit, I couldn't get comfortable as it was my first time trying it at the beach.  I kept on getting pushed back.  So I did some 10 yarders parallel to the beach line and dove perpendicular under waves as they broke.  The next time I'm out, I'm gonna go all out to a buoy and back.

Sorry to hear about your feelings about your race.  Being hot and all, I think you did great!  Nice job on the swimming part!  ^_^


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