BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-02-08 2:40 PM
in reply to: #4030986

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-02-05 11:46 PM

Put me in jail...

I committed COMPLETE Gluttony today. NEVER gonna let that happen again this year....

Strangely, after I had my second cup (I had about 10 oz total, so that's not TOO bad) of soda, I started to feel sick...I normally do NOT get sick after drinking soda.  I guess not drinking soda in a long time makes a big difference. Ate way too much cheese and cookies today though.

On a good note, I did a smokin' fast (for me...I think the last time I hit 16 mph avg was in June or July) 28 miler ride today...thanks to the old geezers, er old farts, er  people older than me (I was the only girl, and the only one younger than 45), that went pretty fast. I will be hanging out with them for frequent bike rides because they really helped me a lot with trying to catch them/speedwork.  If only they would not do snot rockets, squeeze out all the sweat from their Halo sweatband (o.m.g. that's so gross).    While I do many training rides alone, I find I do a lot better with long rides or speed rides group of people...that's how I get better.


Hope everyone had a good Superbowl event!  I'm sure my Jersey peeps are happy...*fyi..NY Giants are BASED in Rutherford, NJ* 

Hear you on the snot rockets that head directly to you. Funniest thing I've ever seen, though, was a guy peeing on their bike in my race last October, knee pointing out 45 degrees, foot off the pedal, looked just like a dog... we were going in opposite directions, so had a great view. Surprised I didn't ride off the road laughing.

(and if your definition of gluttony is only 10 oz of soda w/ gobs of cheese and cookies, you're not nearly as bad as you think you are...though a cheese and cookie sandwich chased with a shot of soda would make my stomach turn too)

2012-02-08 2:48 PM
in reply to: #4036150

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2012-02-08 1:10 PM
kenj - 2012-02-08 6:25 AM

abake - 2012-02-08 6:31 AM Good morning MTITs! Tapering a bit this week for a half marathon on Sunday, so keeping things light. Probably a trainer ride tonight. 

Good idea to run the race on fresh legs!  Any goal times you want to share with us?

the race is on Sunday, so my goal is to finish by Tuesday...

All joking aside, I'm a slowish runner (my half marathon PR is 2:38 which was set in September 2011 at Quad Cities Half but I do feel confident that I could break that now, just not at this race. It's a Rock N Roll event, so I am expecting shoulder to shoulder and lots of weaving in and out.  Plus the temps will be quite a bit warmer than what I am currently training in, so it's anyone's guess what the day will give me. I will be conservative and guess it will probably be a 2:40.

This is my annual Girls Trip to Tampa --- a friend has a winter home down in North Tarpon Springs and some of us fly down for the weekend and unwind with a half marathon, LOL.  then there are margaritas!

This sounds like an AWESOME trip! I would love to get away from all this snow here and see something green and actually have some skin (besides my nose) exposed to the sun! You will have to let us know how you like the rock n roll event - sounds like fun but if you are spending the entire time trying not to get run over then well that dampers things a bit.

2012-02-08 2:50 PM
in reply to: #4036366

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2012-02-08 2:40 PM
CyborgQueen - 2012-02-05 11:46 PM

Put me in jail...

I committed COMPLETE Gluttony today. NEVER gonna let that happen again this year....

Strangely, after I had my second cup (I had about 10 oz total, so that's not TOO bad) of soda, I started to feel sick...I normally do NOT get sick after drinking soda.  I guess not drinking soda in a long time makes a big difference. Ate way too much cheese and cookies today though.

On a good note, I did a smokin' fast (for me...I think the last time I hit 16 mph avg was in June or July) 28 miler ride today...thanks to the old geezers, er old farts, er  people older than me (I was the only girl, and the only one younger than 45), that went pretty fast. I will be hanging out with them for frequent bike rides because they really helped me a lot with trying to catch them/speedwork.  If only they would not do snot rockets, squeeze out all the sweat from their Halo sweatband (o.m.g. that's so gross).    While I do many training rides alone, I find I do a lot better with long rides or speed rides group of people...that's how I get better.


Hope everyone had a good Superbowl event!  I'm sure my Jersey peeps are happy...*fyi..NY Giants are BASED in Rutherford, NJ* 

Hear you on the snot rockets that head directly to you. Funniest thing I've ever seen, though, was a guy peeing on their bike in my race last October, knee pointing out 45 degrees, foot off the pedal, looked just like a dog... we were going in opposite directions, so had a great view. Surprised I didn't ride off the road laughing.

(and if your definition of gluttony is only 10 oz of soda w/ gobs of cheese and cookies, you're not nearly as bad as you think you are...though a cheese and cookie sandwich chased with a shot of soda would make my stomach turn too)

thats too funny!   I too ate more than just some cheese and cookies.  The caloric count in the beer alone I'm sure was staggering! Still trying to work it off.

2012-02-08 7:43 PM
in reply to: #4036356

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2012-02-08 2:37 PM
abake - 2012-02-08 2:10 PM
kenj - 2012-02-08 6:25 AM

abake - 2012-02-08 6:31 AM Good morning MTITs! Tapering a bit this week for a half marathon on Sunday, so keeping things light. Probably a trainer ride tonight. 

Good idea to run the race on fresh legs!  Any goal times you want to share with us?

the race is on Sunday, so my goal is to finish by Tuesday...

All joking aside, I'm a slowish runner (my half marathon PR is 2:38 which was set in September 2011 at Quad Cities Half but I do feel confident that I could break that now, just not at this race. It's a Rock N Roll event, so I am expecting shoulder to shoulder and lots of weaving in and out.  Plus the temps will be quite a bit warmer than what I am currently training in, so it's anyone's guess what the day will give me. I will be conservative and guess it will probably be a 2:40.

This is my annual Girls Trip to Tampa --- a friend has a winter home down in North Tarpon Springs and some of us fly down for the weekend and unwind with a half marathon, LOL.  then there are margaritas!

If you're slowish, then I'm crawling... sounds like a great weekend, though. Sometime I'd love to do sherox Bermuda - wouldn't that be a blast? Hmmmmm.....

It sure would be a blast! And you are not crawling by any means. 

2012-02-08 7:48 PM
in reply to: #4036385

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-02-08 2:48 PM
abake - 2012-02-08 1:10 PM
kenj - 2012-02-08 6:25 AM

abake - 2012-02-08 6:31 AM Good morning MTITs! Tapering a bit this week for a half marathon on Sunday, so keeping things light. Probably a trainer ride tonight. 

Good idea to run the race on fresh legs!  Any goal times you want to share with us?

the race is on Sunday, so my goal is to finish by Tuesday...

All joking aside, I'm a slowish runner (my half marathon PR is 2:38 which was set in September 2011 at Quad Cities Half but I do feel confident that I could break that now, just not at this race. It's a Rock N Roll event, so I am expecting shoulder to shoulder and lots of weaving in and out.  Plus the temps will be quite a bit warmer than what I am currently training in, so it's anyone's guess what the day will give me. I will be conservative and guess it will probably be a 2:40.

This is my annual Girls Trip to Tampa --- a friend has a winter home down in North Tarpon Springs and some of us fly down for the weekend and unwind with a half marathon, LOL.  then there are margaritas!

This sounds like an AWESOME trip! I would love to get away from all this snow here and see something green and actually have some skin (besides my nose) exposed to the sun! You will have to let us know how you like the rock n roll event - sounds like fun but if you are spending the entire time trying not to get run over then well that dampers things a bit.

Thanks Robin, this will be the 5th year for this trip --- we normally run the Gasparilla Half Marathon but decided it was time to try something new. What I always look forward to is the smell of flowers and the ocean. Karen's house has one of those screened in porches (I think they call it a luan?) and if it's warm enough we sleep out there. I will be sure to report back on the RNR experience!

2012-02-08 11:23 PM
in reply to: #4033417

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2012-02-07 8:44 AM

Sneaking in on my work computer to check in on the group. Will get caught up on threads on lunch hour.

SMACK TALK TUESDAY - Got out at 5 this morning and met a neighbor for a nice run. She is 20 years younger than me and faster, so I had to take walk breaks. I hope she can meet up more often, I might actually get a little faster at running.

SMACK TALK Wednesday - Ran well today! Doing what I call "Speed Bumps" (ie.  Increasing speed... bumping up the pace!)  I usually run at 4.7MPH on the treadmill... today's 5 min intervals were at 5.5MPH/ 10:58 pace - 4.94miles covered in 1 hour. 

1hr Treadmill Run as:

w/u:  5 min  
m/s:  7 x [5 min Speed Bump, 2 min walking recovery]
 c/d:  5 min (slightly higher than normal @ 5.0 MPH instead of 4.5MPH)

Garmin Link:

2012-02-08 11:27 PM
in reply to: #4033449

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Meulen - 2012-02-07 8:59 AM SMACK TALK TUESDAY???? lol - I worked till midnight and got up at 4am for second day in a row now. Did my short core workout at 4am and went to work. Work till 4pm today and then Computrainer class tonight at 6:30! I'm contemplating going to the pool after that, but I'm afraid I might be exhausted by then! LOL Admittedly, I'm having trouble staying awake right now!! hahaha!

Meulen - NICE!  I love people that get up at 4am!!!!!!  I am "behind" on my training this week... poor choices with respect to staying up late plus trying to have a tiny social life.  I think I prefer to turn in at a decent hour, wake early and get my training done!

Way to get in your training!  Keep posting 'cause I am motivated reading this! ~Carla

2012-02-08 11:28 PM
in reply to: #4033766

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

kenj - 2012-02-07 11:08 AM Great work guys! Rare rest day for me, workouts have been a bit flat lately, plus I had to travel early this morning so the timing was good.

Hang in there Ken!  Hate when my workouts go "flat!"  Recop and "Get back after it!"  !!!  Safe travels! ~Carla

2012-02-08 11:31 PM
in reply to: #4034300

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2012-02-07 2:40 PM

Oh no...Was it??? Yes it was first time in the pool this year..Not to bad of a start, 2:06 per 100 average, times to come down, I can already feel my lats..Bring on the afternoon for the run. Check back in later..

Keep up the nice work guys and gals..

Way to make it into the water "Shake - n - bake!"  And times look pretty good too!!!  ~Carla

2012-02-08 11:34 PM
in reply to: #4036150

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2012-02-08 1:10 PM

the race is on Sunday, so my goal is to finish by Tuesday...

All joking aside, I'm a slowish runner (my half marathon PR is 2:38 which was set in September 2011 at Quad Cities Half but I do feel confident that I could break that now, just not at this race. It's a Rock N Roll event, so I am expecting shoulder to shoulder and lots of weaving in and out.  Plus the temps will be quite a bit warmer than what I am currently training in, so it's anyone's guess what the day will give me. I will be conservative and guess it will probably be a 2:40.

This is my annual Girls Trip to Tampa --- a friend has a winter home down in North Tarpon Springs and some of us fly down for the weekend and unwind with a half marathon, LOL.  then there are margaritas!

abake - You are my kinda people!  All the best to you on Sunday!  Rip a good one! ~Carla

2012-02-08 11:37 PM
in reply to: #4036356

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
MarlaS - 2012-02-08 2:37 PM

If you're slowish, then I'm crawling... sounds like a great weekend, though. Sometime I'd love to do sherox Bermuda - wouldn't that be a blast? Hmmmmm.....

Marla S - I can relate!!!!   I think people should just state their pace rather thay say they are "Slowish"... 'cause everyone that claims to be slow is quite a bit faster than me!  And I don't use the "S-Word!" !!!!

2012-02-09 5:00 AM
in reply to: #4037227

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
You ladies cannot be slower than I am! I have abandoned the elliptical as I do not seem to be getting anything out of it. I started walking at 4:30 am, with the hope that my back would loosen up to run eventually. It is better than the elliptical, but I haven't run a step yet. Match my 15:00/mile if you dare
2012-02-09 7:14 AM
in reply to: #4037288

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

gator22 - 2012-02-09 5:00 AM You ladies cannot be slower than I am! I have abandoned the elliptical as I do not seem to be getting anything out of it. I started walking at 4:30 am, with the hope that my back would loosen up to run eventually. It is better than the elliptical, but I haven't run a step yet. Match my 15:00/mile if you dare

Gator22 - DISQUALIFIED!   You stated, and I quote, "...I haven't run a step yet..." which technically means that you WALK a 15:00/mile... which, according to the "Run Book" does NOT qualify this as a "Run Pace" and is therefore "Disqualified"!!!  Now, if you were running and that were your pace, that would be different... because "I" have actually been in a "Running-like-motion" and only moving 15:00 min/mile.  So we would have been tied.  Check back in when you are in a "Running-like-motion" and post up your pace!!!  Cool

2012-02-09 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
52m5.00 miles10m 24s/Mi 
Avg HR: 156
Max HR: 183
1:00 PM     

Warmup: 10 minutes /1.20 miles
HR Zone: 1RPE: 3-4
Warmup at a slow and easy pace.

Main Set:42m /5.00 miles
Set #1 30m / 3.53 miles
Intervals: 5x3' on 3' rest
Run these intervals in heartrate zone Z3-4

Set #2 12m / 1.45 miles
HR Zone: 1-2 RPE: 5-6
This is an endurance run on a course that is flat or with gentle rolling hills.

Still some pain in left foot...Didn't meet the 6.20 miles however I put the time in.
Warmup @ 10:00 min pace
Interval set:
1-3:00 min @ 8:23 pace 171hr
2-3:00 min @ 8:06 pace 169hr
3-3:00 min @ 8:09 pace 170hr
4-3:00 min @ 8:24 pace 171hr
5-3:00 min @ 8:04 pace 171hr
All 3 min recoveries were walking.
Set 2 was 12 min running /walk combined to keep Heart rate in Z1-Z2 range.
30m1475.00 yards02m 02s /100 yards 
4:30 PM     

Warmup: 550 yards

Pace: 02m 13s /100 yards +
Swim the warmup in your warmup pace zones, after the warmup distance is completed, continue right into your main set.

Main Set:15m /850 yards

Set #1 15m Endurance
Pace: 02m 12s - 01m 57s /100 yards
Freestyle at Endurance pace, try to keep going without breaks and use regular "active recovery" strokes of 25 to keep moving.
Cooldown: 300 yards
Pace: - 02m 13s /100 yards
Freestyle at recovery pace

*Had a decent swim was able to go no stop the entire time*

Strength training was right after my swim workout today.Single leg lunges were performed with a medicine ball with a twist.. 3 x12 on each leg for lunges/step ups.
ExerciseSetsMin repsMax repsMin Wt. (lb)Max Wt. (lb)
LEGS Single Leg Squats61212  
LEGS Step Ups61212  
GENERAL KB Two Hand412124444
CORE Prone Planks36060  
LEGS Ball Leg Curls31515  
Here's my smack talk Wednesday Workout!!!
The finish line is just the beginning of a whole new race. -Unknown


2012-02-09 8:40 AM
in reply to: #4037560

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2012-02-09 8:22 AM

52m5.00 miles10m 24s/Mi 
Avg HR: 156
Max HR: 183
1:00 PM     

Warmup: 10 minutes /1.20 miles
HR Zone: 1RPE: 3-4
Warmup at a slow and easy pace.

Main Set:42m /5.00 miles
Set #1 30m / 3.53 miles
Intervals: 5x3' on 3' rest
Run these intervals in heartrate zone Z3-4

Set #2 12m / 1.45 miles
HR Zone: 1-2 RPE: 5-6
This is an endurance run on a course that is flat or with gentle rolling hills.

Still some pain in left foot...Didn't meet the 6.20 miles however I put the time in.
Warmup @ 10:00 min pace
Interval set:
1-3:00 min @ 8:23 pace 171hr
2-3:00 min @ 8:06 pace 169hr
3-3:00 min @ 8:09 pace 170hr
4-3:00 min @ 8:24 pace 171hr
5-3:00 min @ 8:04 pace 171hr
All 3 min recoveries were walking.
Set 2 was 12 min running /walk combined to keep Heart rate in Z1-Z2 range.
30m1475.00 yards02m 02s /100 yards 
4:30 PM     

Warmup: 550 yards

Pace: 02m 13s /100 yards +
Swim the warmup in your warmup pace zones, after the warmup distance is completed, continue right into your main set.

Main Set:15m /850 yards

Set #1 15m Endurance
Pace: 02m 12s - 01m 57s /100 yards
Freestyle at Endurance pace, try to keep going without breaks and use regular "active recovery" strokes of 25 to keep moving.
Cooldown: 300 yards
Pace: - 02m 13s /100 yards
Freestyle at recovery pace

*Had a decent swim was able to go no stop the entire time*

Strength training was right after my swim workout today.Single leg lunges were performed with a medicine ball with a twist.. 3 x12 on each leg for lunges/step ups.
ExerciseSetsMin repsMax repsMin Wt. (lb)Max Wt. (lb)
LEGS Single Leg Squats61212  
LEGS Step Ups61212  
GENERAL KB Two Hand412124444
CORE Prone Planks36060  
LEGS Ball Leg Curls31515  
Here's my smack talk Wednesday Workout!!!
The finish line is just the beginning of a whole new race. -Unknown


Nice!!! I ran after work, but when I got home I put my head down for a minute and didn't wake up. The swim still is not happening. Hopefully, things we'll slow down at work some and I can get back to it.
2012-02-09 11:17 AM
in reply to: #4037408

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-09 7:14 AM

gator22 - 2012-02-09 5:00 AM You ladies cannot be slower than I am! I have abandoned the elliptical as I do not seem to be getting anything out of it. I started walking at 4:30 am, with the hope that my back would loosen up to run eventually. It is better than the elliptical, but I haven't run a step yet. Match my 15:00/mile if you dare

Gator22 - DISQUALIFIED!   You stated, and I quote, "...I haven't run a step yet..." which technically means that you WALK a 15:00/mile... which, according to the "Run Book" does NOT qualify this as a "Run Pace" and is therefore "Disqualified"!!!  Now, if you were running and that were your pace, that would be different... because "I" have actually been in a "Running-like-motion" and only moving 15:00 min/mile.  So we would have been tied.  Check back in when you are in a "Running-like-motion" and post up your pace!!!  Cool

BUSTED!!!!  I was considering posting my "running in a walking boot time" but I think I will pass after reading Carla's smack talk to Kirk Wink


2012-02-09 11:19 AM
in reply to: #4037560

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2012-02-09 8:22 AM
52m5.00 miles10m 24s/Mi 
Avg HR: 156
Max HR: 183
1:00 PM     

Warmup: 10 minutes /1.20 miles
HR Zone: 1RPE: 3-4
Warmup at a slow and easy pace.

Main Set:42m /5.00 miles
Set #1 30m / 3.53 miles
Intervals: 5x3' on 3' rest
Run these intervals in heartrate zone Z3-4

Set #2 12m / 1.45 miles
HR Zone: 1-2 RPE: 5-6
This is an endurance run on a course that is flat or with gentle rolling hills.

Still some pain in left foot...Didn't meet the 6.20 miles however I put the time in.
Warmup @ 10:00 min pace
Interval set:
1-3:00 min @ 8:23 pace 171hr
2-3:00 min @ 8:06 pace 169hr
3-3:00 min @ 8:09 pace 170hr
4-3:00 min @ 8:24 pace 171hr
5-3:00 min @ 8:04 pace 171hr
All 3 min recoveries were walking.
Set 2 was 12 min running /walk combined to keep Heart rate in Z1-Z2 range.
30m1475.00 yards02m 02s /100 yards 
4:30 PM     

Warmup: 550 yards

Pace: 02m 13s /100 yards +
Swim the warmup in your warmup pace zones, after the warmup distance is completed, continue right into your main set.

Main Set:15m /850 yards

Set #1 15m Endurance
Pace: 02m 12s - 01m 57s /100 yards
Freestyle at Endurance pace, try to keep going without breaks and use regular "active recovery" strokes of 25 to keep moving.
Cooldown: 300 yards
Pace: - 02m 13s /100 yards
Freestyle at recovery pace

*Had a decent swim was able to go no stop the entire time*

Strength training was right after my swim workout today.Single leg lunges were performed with a medicine ball with a twist.. 3 x12 on each leg for lunges/step ups.
ExerciseSetsMin repsMax repsMin Wt. (lb)Max Wt. (lb)
LEGS Single Leg Squats61212  
LEGS Step Ups61212  
GENERAL KB Two Hand412124444
CORE Prone Planks36060  
LEGS Ball Leg Curls31515  
Here's my smack talk Wednesday Workout!!!
The finish line is just the beginning of a whole new race. -Unknown


That is some nice training Tim!!!

Taking the day off (again) to rest the foot - works out good as the kids have an ice day from school.

2012-02-09 11:33 AM
in reply to: #4037218

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-08 9:27 PM

Meulen - 2012-02-07 8:59 AM SMACK TALK TUESDAY???? lol - I worked till midnight and got up at 4am for second day in a row now. Did my short core workout at 4am and went to work. Work till 4pm today and then Computrainer class tonight at 6:30! I'm contemplating going to the pool after that, but I'm afraid I might be exhausted by then! LOL Admittedly, I'm having trouble staying awake right now!! hahaha!

Meulen - NICE!  I love people that get up at 4am!!!!!!  I am "behind" on my training this week... poor choices with respect to staying up late plus trying to have a tiny social life.  I think I prefer to turn in at a decent hour, wake early and get my training done!

Way to get in your training!  Keep posting 'cause I am motivated reading this! ~Carla

You and me both Carla! I'm a little behind with the training this week. Had to make comes first.  By the time I came home last night (I was in school from 9am until 6pm), ate my dinner, I was just exhausted, and took a hot bath, and went to bed early!  Wrote it off as a mental rest day...I've been feeling so uneasy and panicky about my Demo Reel and Graduation. I have to pass my Portfolio class or I don't graduate. It's that simple.  However, I've been assured by my teacher that I have a lot of very strong pieces, so there will be couple pieces that isn't as strong, but I'll still pass.  *crossing fingers*  I hardly give myself enough credit...

Today, I feel MUCH better.   I hate it when Aunt Flo visits...she throws me under the bus on a emotional roller coaster.

2012-02-09 11:55 AM
in reply to: #4037216

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

SMACK TALK Wednesday - Ran well today! Doing what I call "Speed Bumps" (ie.  Increasing speed... bumping up the pace!)  I usually run at 4.7MPH on the treadmill... today's 5 min intervals were at 5.5MPH/ 10:58 pace - 4.94miles covered in 1 hour. 

1hr Treadmill Run as:

w/u:  5 min  
m/s:  7 x [5 min Speed Bump, 2 min walking recovery]
 c/d:  5 min (slightly higher than normal @ 5.0 MPH instead of 4.5MPH)

Garmin Link:

Nice running Carla!

Sorry I have been MIA, just reading about how the rest of you are doing is really getting me going!  I have been buried by work and have been spending my "down-time" just trying to cope.

The good news is, I went to boot camp today and Tuesday and plan on swimming Saturday.  Keep up the good work everyone.

Reading about your workouts just fuels me!

2012-02-09 12:15 PM
in reply to: #4037216

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-08 11:23 PM
abake - 2012-02-07 8:44 AM

Sneaking in on my work computer to check in on the group. Will get caught up on threads on lunch hour.

SMACK TALK TUESDAY - Got out at 5 this morning and met a neighbor for a nice run. She is 20 years younger than me and faster, so I had to take walk breaks. I hope she can meet up more often, I might actually get a little faster at running.

SMACK TALK Wednesday - Ran well today! Doing what I call "Speed Bumps" (ie.  Increasing speed... bumping up the pace!)  I usually run at 4.7MPH on the treadmill... today's 5 min intervals were at 5.5MPH/ 10:58 pace - 4.94miles covered in 1 hour. 

1hr Treadmill Run as:

w/u:  5 min  
m/s:  7 x [5 min Speed Bump, 2 min walking recovery]
 c/d:  5 min (slightly higher than normal @ 5.0 MPH instead of 4.5MPH)

Garmin Link:

2012-02-09 12:16 PM
in reply to: #4037216

User image

Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-08 11:23 PM
abake - 2012-02-07 8:44 AM

Sneaking in on my work computer to check in on the group. Will get caught up on threads on lunch hour.

SMACK TALK TUESDAY - Got out at 5 this morning and met a neighbor for a nice run. She is 20 years younger than me and faster, so I had to take walk breaks. I hope she can meet up more often, I might actually get a little faster at running.

SMACK TALK Wednesday - Ran well today! Doing what I call "Speed Bumps" (ie.  Increasing speed... bumping up the pace!)  I usually run at 4.7MPH on the treadmill... today's 5 min intervals were at 5.5MPH/ 10:58 pace - 4.94miles covered in 1 hour. 

1hr Treadmill Run as:

w/u:  5 min  
m/s:  7 x [5 min Speed Bump, 2 min walking recovery]
 c/d:  5 min (slightly higher than normal @ 5.0 MPH instead of 4.5MPH)

Garmin Link:

V... nice job, especially since you had to run on the dreadmill!

2012-02-09 12:26 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

I am digging all the SMACK TALK in this group! Talk about a bunch of motivated T.I.Ts!

My Thursday workouts will be kind of bizarre and strange --- I am an extra in a commercial for a local tri series. The RD is a friend and he landed a cable/internet company as a sponsor. There are about 20 triathletes lined up to be in the commercial. There are two races coming up in April and the RD wants to really promote this as a great beginners race. So to cater to that demographic, I am leaving the carbon tri bike at home and taking my mountain bike and wearing just regular shorts and shirt as opposed to tri kit. He thinks he has lined up someone with a beach cruiser, which should be a riot. I don't know if they are planning to go out on the road to shoot footage or how this will be accomplished.

2012-02-09 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4038303

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2012-02-09 12:26 PM

I am digging all the SMACK TALK in this group! Talk about a bunch of motivated T.I.Ts!

My Thursday workouts will be kind of bizarre and strange --- I am an extra in a commercial for a local tri series. The RD is a friend and he landed a cable/internet company as a sponsor. There are about 20 triathletes lined up to be in the commercial. There are two races coming up in April and the RD wants to really promote this as a great beginners race. So to cater to that demographic, I am leaving the carbon tri bike at home and taking my mountain bike and wearing just regular shorts and shirt as opposed to tri kit. He thinks he has lined up someone with a beach cruiser, which should be a riot. I don't know if they are planning to go out on the road to shoot footage or how this will be accomplished.

Sweet!!! You'll be on tv?

I'm not smack talking. I'm still hiding out from skipping my swim last night! I'm undecided yet on tonight. Either going to do a bike workout on the trainer or make up that swim, or fall asleep again like I did last night!! LOL
2012-02-09 1:41 PM
in reply to: #4038270

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
abake - 2012-02-09 12:16 PM
CarlaLThompson - 2012-02-08 11:23 PM
abake - 2012-02-07 8:44 AM

Sneaking in on my work computer to check in on the group. Will get caught up on threads on lunch hour.

SMACK TALK TUESDAY - Got out at 5 this morning and met a neighbor for a nice run. She is 20 years younger than me and faster, so I had to take walk breaks. I hope she can meet up more often, I might actually get a little faster at running.

SMACK TALK Wednesday - Ran well today! Doing what I call "Speed Bumps" (ie.  Increasing speed... bumping up the pace!)  I usually run at 4.7MPH on the treadmill... today's 5 min intervals were at 5.5MPH/ 10:58 pace - 4.94miles covered in 1 hour. 

1hr Treadmill Run as:

w/u:  5 min  
m/s:  7 x [5 min Speed Bump, 2 min walking recovery]
 c/d:  5 min (slightly higher than normal @ 5.0 MPH instead of 4.5MPH)

Garmin Link:

V... nice job, especially since you had to run on the dreadmill!

THanks for the complement, but I was really just commenting on Carla's workout.  She deserves the praise, not I.

Pretty cool about the commercial!  You should send us a youtube link after it's made.

2012-02-09 4:45 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Great conversations and training gang!  Nice! 

Anne, if there is a link to the commercial available online when it comes out you'll have to post it here!

My workout this morning was the Insanity strength session and then Jorge's 2 X 20 minutes at 90 - 95% CP.  Ouch, but I did it and am still walking.  Thursday night run got missed tonight as I didnt get out of work in time to do it and still get to puppy obedience class by 6 so I used the time to get a little ahead at work and catch up on some other things.


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