Other Resources 2023 Beginner Triathlete Mentor Program » Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN Rss Feed  
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2023-07-19 1:19 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Short time trial in my tour today at lunchtime...I can almost see Paris!

And, done.  Pain, lots of pain.  12-second PR on the Zwift Bologna course and all-time power PRs from 10 minutes through about 23 minutes.  Executed perfectly and fell apart at the line after starting to crack in the last 2-3 minutes.

21:36 @ 272 W

2023-07-19 4:34 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
So maybe doing a 2 workout day my first day back into training after 2 weeks off wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done.

Long story short after Tuesday's morning zwift and evening jog, woke up Wednesday morning absolutely shattered, Garmin health stats agreed, everything measured bad. So made it a rest day.

This morning, feel much happier about life, Health stats also agree. So up for an easy 30min run with the dog (very happy dog after 2 weeks of no runs). This time, I won't be doing a 2nd workout this evening.

Was it doing too much too soon? Was it just a coincidence? who knows. Hopefully tomorrow is all good again and I'm good to go for another workout.
2023-07-19 4:46 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
@Mike, well done on the course PR. But even more impressed with the all time power records. That's awesome.

@Gretchen. Must be nice to be back into a more normal routine, having a proper pool, that's open on time, nothing dodgy going on and a masters group to swim with again.

Re: HRM straps. I'm also in the watch back optical sensor camp. From what I understand although a chest strap is the gold standard the difference isn't that great when doing longer, steady effort workouts. Like what most of long distance tri training is. So for me it's not worth the hassle to use another device. For me, on the bike power is more important, on the run I focus on pace and RPE. So long as HR is in the right ballpark it's enough for my purposes.

My only issue is when I go back to outdoor riding I use my old 920xt as a head unit for the bike. So I'll have to either use the watch and broadcast HR and double up the workouts or go back to a monitor strap of some sort.

Re: Mikes dodgy elevation from the fenix6. Unfortunately it's a pretty common fault with garmin watches that long term, swimming stuffs up the altimeter. I think warm soapy baths might help, but once it's gone I don't think there is a lot you can do. I see a fenix7 in your near future.
2023-07-19 5:16 PM
in reply to: #5283710

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Just got my bike back from the shop…to the tune of $500. Gulp…sob…and I kinda knew that was coming. Egypt was hard on my girl.
2023-07-19 6:53 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove Just got my bike back from the shop…to the tune of $500. Gulp…sob…and I kinda knew that was coming. Egypt was hard on my girl.

Ouch...how much stuff did they need to replace? 

I completed my first tri on a $300 Gary Fisher hybrid.  LOL  I was SO sad when it was stolen.

2023-07-19 7:11 PM
in reply to: #5286199

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
New back tire
New chain
Rebuild front wheel bearings
New head tube
Fixed seat issue
Tune up

Probably some more stuff I can’t remember right now. Wrench said he basically worked on everything.

I did my first tri on a $250 10 speed with shifters on the Down tube that I had no idea how to use. I was not sad to sell that one.

2023-07-20 8:38 AM
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Middle River, Maryland
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

@Gretchen...you needed a new head tube???  Wow. you must have jacked that poor thing up over there.  I actually didn't know you could do that...mine is fully integrated to the rest of the frame.

@Andrew:  your rough performance is probably a little of both, just getting back into it and residual sickness malaise; it'll go away; and congrats on the Kiwi women's big win today!  We play I guess tomorrow morning your time, 9 PM here so it will be a late night

This morning was a recovery effort with 50 minutes on the bike and 25 on the treadmill, all low Z2 efforts.  I'm at 415 miles so far in July with three stages to go - I think I'll be a little hard-pressed to get to 500 as I only have like 70 left on the docket, and I'm not just going to throw in junk miles so we'll see.  I've lost 2-3 pounds so far this month as I'm consistently under 200 vs. fluctuating between 198 and 203 like I usually do. 

Edited by jmhpsu93 2023-07-20 8:43 AM
2023-07-20 10:01 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

@Gretchen...you needed a new head tube???  Wow. you must have jacked that poor thing up over there.  I actually didn't know you could do that...mine is fully integrated to the rest of the frame.

Yes...yes I did. Of course, it could also be the three or four years of riding on the trainer without really ever cleaning the inside of the head tube--the wrench showed me my old headset. He was like...it should be shiny and clean...mine was rusty and looked like someone took a bite out of it. :D

50' strength training session this morning. Now I sit patiently while the rain moves through with hopes that I don't have to put my bike on the trainer today. My wife filled the area where my trainer used to sit with knitting/crochet supplies and her yarn winding station while I was gone, so I'll be on the hunt for somewhere new to put my trainer setup if the rain doesn't let up.
2023-07-20 4:13 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

@Andrew:  your rough performance is probably a little of both, just getting back into it and residual sickness malaise; it'll go away; and congrats on the Kiwi women's big win today!  We play I guess tomorrow morning your time, 9 PM here so it will be a late night

Yeah, they did well, nobody expected that to happen. I actually watched most of the game, first time I've done that for women's soccer. But it's not often NZ gets to host an event like a Fifa world cup. So there is a bit of a 'big event' factor going on that people want to be part of.

The USA v Vietnam game is in Auckland, and I'm actually going to take Mr 6 along to watch it. It's the only day time game in Auckland so best chance to take the young one. Kick off is 1pm Saturday.
2023-07-20 4:20 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
@Gretchen. Yeah, a lifetime of indoor training is not so good for the bike. I know I rarely if ever give my indoor trainer bike a good clean. I would imagine if it got taken apart it would be 'not safe to ride'. But that's the benefit of an indoor specific bike, she never has to be good to ride outside.

And that's a bit rough, away for a few months and when you get back your trainer spot is gone. Sad face.

@Mike, Nice job on the weight drop. Throw in those junk miles, there is something so satisfying about hitting a nice round 500 mile number.

I'll be doing a 30-60 minute easy spin tonight watching the warriors hopefully get another win. Saturday is going to be a busy one. Early morning run, Mr 6's soccer game at 8, going to watch the world cup game at midday and then pack for a short trip to aussie. Sunday off to melbourne for a few days.

Have a good weekend guys.
2023-07-21 6:49 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by bulfrog
Originally posted by jmhpsu93 @Andrew:  your rough performance is probably a little of both, just getting back into it and residual sickness malaise; it'll go away; and congrats on the Kiwi women's big win today!  We play I guess tomorrow morning your time, 9 PM here so it will be a late night
Yeah, they did well, nobody expected that to happen. I actually watched most of the game, first time I've done that for women's soccer. But it's not often NZ gets to host an event like a Fifa world cup. So there is a bit of a 'big event' factor going on that people want to be part of. The USA v Vietnam game is in Auckland, and I'm actually going to take Mr 6 along to watch it. It's the only day time game in Auckland so best chance to take the young one. Kick off is 1pm Saturday.

How cool - we'll look for you! 

2023-07-21 6:53 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

All this talk about bike maintenance reminds me I need to get mine in next week.  My left brifter is still bent from my zero MPH "crash" from March, I need new brake hoods as mine are about disintegrated, my drivetrain is filthy and definitely needs a tune up and probably a new chain and cassette.  Cha-ching. 

I'd be terrified to take apart my headset or bottom bracket. 

2023-07-21 7:20 AM
in reply to: #5283710

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Keepin’ those lbs in business!!
2023-07-21 11:34 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by bulfrog  Throw in those junk miles, there is something so satisfying about hitting a nice round 500 mile number.

OK - you talked me into it.  Clearly it wasn't that hard.

This morning was a bit of a wreck.  Slept horribly then when I did was awoken by thunderstorms at 3:30 AM, so I decided not to do my 6 AM swim and sleep in a little.  75 minutes on the bike at lunch on Innsbrucking course in high Z2 / low Z3 and attacking the Leg Snapper and Sprint segments.  Mission accomplished.  Tomorrow I'm going to do what Andrew suggested and sandbag my way through a D group ride to get some easy extra junk miles in join the Thundering HERD group on an endurance group ride for about 30 miles.

2023-07-21 12:41 PM
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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Welcome home Gretchen! Sorry your trainer’s spot been invaded by strange items while you were away, is there not room for both your stuff in there?

Welcome back to training Andrew and enjoy the game on Saturday! Well done to the NZ ladies beating Norway, that’s huge! I won’t be watching many games, the time difference means games are around 2am. That maybe be a good time to get up for a workout for some but it isn’t a good time for me to get up to watch TV. That said, if Sweden are in the semis or (and) final, we would probably stream it later in the morning (avoiding news and social media when waking up)

Yeah Mike, go for it, 500 is a nice round and very impressive number (so is 415, impressive, not round). Nice ride with your daughter, that’s great to do things with our grown kids.

Nicole, if you can find some local races without breaking the bank, go for it, races are fun.

Back from a week’s holiday at my mum’s, got to spend some time with my son who’s down there for the Summer working in a restaurant. That was nice.
Managed a few short runs and 2 swims (one in a 25m pool and one in the sea) while I was there. Also, 30 minutes water aerobics with my um every day (also fun to do things with parent) It was hot but bearable.

Today I bought a second hand bike and trainer which I am going to set up in my son’s computer room tomorrow. I have already converted it into my office, the minute he was gone so it’s my room now. Before you call the child support agency, he still has his bedroom for when he comes back next month for 4 days before he embarks on his next adventure. The advantages of being an only child, he has (had) 2 rooms.
So now I can do some zwifting or ride outside as I please.

Have a nice weekend!

Edited by Rollergirl 2023-07-21 1:05 PM
2023-07-21 6:45 PM
in reply to: #5283710

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Nice day for me today…60’ run this morning and then followed by a 60’ bike a few hours later. Nice to ride outside on a bike that is mechanically sound!

2023-07-22 12:13 PM
in reply to: #5286219

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
30’ ride this morning, followed by 2000m at masters practice. Tomorrow I’m going to a bike trail system about two hours away for my “long” brick—3 hr ride, 1 hr run. Then next week is the last big week of training. MiTi is three weeks away!
2023-07-23 11:22 AM
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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Weekly numbers

S 2988 meters. 1:25 hours, sounds fast. Something is wrong there
B 51 real plus I don’t know how many fakes ones (2 Zwift rides) 3:20 hours
R 24k 2:32 hours

Not bad considering I was away half of the week.

How about you?

Next week I have a training sprint tomorrow. Hopefully no one goes flying off their bike and I get to run and attempt a 20’’ T2
Tuesday off
Run intervals on Wednesday
Thursday off
Friday, short easy brwim
Saturday race day! A very short tri 300m/16k/3k.

Have a good week bdas!

Edited by Rollergirl 2023-07-23 11:54 AM
2023-07-23 6:10 PM
in reply to: #5283710

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
3 hr ride followed by a 1 hr brick run today. Everything felt great! I went up to a trail system near my folks house, which is nice to not have to worry about traffic when you’re trying to keep your power output steady. Riding outside is amazing after months of riding the trainer. I feel so strong!
2023-07-24 8:38 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Hi, all.  Finished up the tour yesterday with a bit of a whimper, as our schedule around here really messed with my planning and I had to do a shorter ride than planned.  Still, all in as follows for the 23 days:

Swim: 4h 32m 07s - 11500 Yd
Bike: 26h 49m 06s - 484.5 Mi
Run: 2h 07m 36s - 10.93 Mi
Strength: 3h 14m
Hiking: 6h 29m

Fitness and fatigue numbers on Training Peaks are the highest they've ever been, and I've had only one day off out of the last 31.  Body is holding together more or less right now with one training week left with lots of running and swimming and some OWS and transition practice mixed in, then full-on taper madness.

@Gretchen:  love your burst of energy now at the end of your plan - perfect timing to get outside; hopefully the weather cooperates for you

@Nathalie:  great week!  looking good for your super sprint (I really want to do one of those at some point to see what I have redlining it the whole time)

@Andrew:  how was the match?  The U.S. didn't play great but Vietnam's keeper was outstanding and kept the score down.  Didn't help that Morgan shanked the PK, but it happens and rather it now than in the quarterfinals or something.

2023-07-24 8:41 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by Rollergirl  Before you call the child support agency, he still has his bedroom for when he comes back next month for 4 days before he embarks on his next adventure. The advantages of being an only child, he has (had) 2 rooms. 

Our little cherub also has her own wing of the upstairs.  Just like me growing up. NOT

Now that she's partially moved out we're going to commandeer the "play" room into a storage area to keep all the crap we should probably give or throw away.

2023-07-24 8:48 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Rollergirl  Before you call the child support agency, he still has his bedroom for when he comes back next month for 4 days before he embarks on his next adventure. The advantages of being an only child, he has (had) 2 rooms. 

Our little cherub also has her own wing of the upstairs.  Just like me growing up. NOT

Now that she's partially moved out we're going to commandeer the "play" room into a storage area to keep all the crap we should probably give or throw away.

May I suggest you do give or throw away all the crap and do something fun with the room?

Hubby protested when I announced that the room was ”mine” but I said he can have the whole of the garage in exchange, which he was happy with. Have to find a spot for my outdoor ride now, he’ll probably live in my new room in the winter.
2023-07-24 6:21 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Well, life well and truly got in the way of last weeks return to training. Ended up with 2 runs, 2 rides and 2hr 30 total. Still better than last weeks big fat zero.

The USA vietnam game was great. Considering NZ is not a soccer nation at all I was really impressed with the size of the crowd. About 41,000 people. For reference, the stadium holds about 42,500 max. Mr 6 really enjoyed his first live sports experience. and tickets were very reasonable, $20 NZ for adults, $10 for kids. Unfortunately that's the only game in auckland that's at a family friendly hour so its unlikely to be another one.

I'm currently away in Melbourne for a trade show (first overseas trip since the covid... nice for a change) I'm doing 30 minute runs in the morning, but thats all. Spending all day on my feet at the stand I don't think trashing my legs with a hard run first would be wise.

1 More day, then home tomorrow where I'm looking forward to getting on the bike.
2023-07-24 6:25 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
@Mike, Nice job with your tour of zwift. Thats a heap of riding, and I'm sure your fitness will thank you for it.

@Gretchen, Knocking out big workouts like always. Glad to see your enjoying reintegrating yourself with the great outdoors. The trainer is effective, but real riding, on a good day is always way more enjoyable.

@Nathalie. Nice work on a solid week. Especially for a half away week. Do you have your local rival to crush for this weeks race?

Have a good week everyone.
2023-07-25 3:12 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by bulfrog

@Nathalie. Nice work on a solid week. Especially for a half away week. Do you have your local rival to crush for this weeks race?

No, only 2018-Nat, who is the record holder on that distance. I just looked at the start list to see if I recognized any names but all I saw is that the girl who won last year has signed up and she did it 6 minutes faster than 2018 Nat so I can say goodbye to that win. Never mind, as long as I beat 2018 Nat I’ll be happy.

Training sprint went well yesterday. No one flew off their bike and I got to attempt (and fail) a 20’’ T2 and run. I had a good feeling on the run, after a tough 1st k. Was able to increase tempo on the 2nd and 3rd km (after that I took it a little easier). I hope I can remember that feeling on Saturday when I struggle off the bike (instead of doing like 2022 Nat and start walking)
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