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2008-04-08 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1323189

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Hi guys, sorry to have been gone for so long. I am still having a tough time recovering form the injury. i think the metal part is tougher than the physical. I am gonna try to start back training tomorrow. The April race is completely out of the question, but maybe I can do the May race. I am trying to read and catch up on how everyone is doing, but that is taking a little time as well. God Bless all of you keep up the good work!

2008-04-10 9:52 AM
in reply to: #1323770

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

wow, guys, sorry, I didn't mean to run everyone off. {sniff, Cry sniff}. I hope everyone is doing well. I came on here to see everyones smiley faces. Where did you all go? did you decide to form another super secret club house and not tell me about it???? ( walks off with hands in his pockets, kicking a small rock, while shuffling his feet.)

Love you guys...mean it! 

2008-04-10 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed


I'm still around!!!  It's been pretty quiet lately...not sure if everyone is out training that hard or what. 

2008-04-10 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1328357

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
ditchdoc - 2008-04-10 7:52 AM

wow, guys, sorry, I didn't mean to run everyone off. {sniff, Cry sniff}. I hope everyone is doing well. I came on here to see everyones smiley faces. Where did you all go? did you decide to form another super secret club house and not tell me about it???? ( walks off with hands in his pockets, kicking a small rock, while shuffling his feet.)

Love you guys...mean it!

Check your inspires, Rueben! We still love ya!
2008-04-10 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1328377

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Whew, I looked back at my previous post and I have realized a couple of faults.

1. 99% of them are about me, me, me. I am know where near that kind of person in ral life, and I hope I have not come across as that kind of person on line.

2. Most of those me, me me, post are poor mouth situations. ( Death in the Family, injuries, blah, blah, blah.) Again I am not that person in real life. I guess because of the fact I b!tch and whine so little in real life, I kinda came and vented, without really realizing it. I apologise to all of you for this, you are much to good of people for me to treat this way.


I got back on the bike today for the first time since being realesed form the Dr. and the PT. It was not near as bad as I thought. I am going to pool in a few minutes and see how bad the swim has gotten. I really slacked off while not being allowed to train. Eating habits, DRINKING its time to HTFU!!!

Aber, hows your swim coming???? Has it finally quit snowing up there??? The realestate market around here is great, come on down I have not seen snow around here for years!!!  ( as long as you can tolerate heat humidity mosquitos and gnats) Did you get the clipless pedals??? How are they working for you???

2008-04-10 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
LOL... no worries, Rueben.  We love you.  And if you haven't already noticed, this is kind of a ME ME ME sport.  Get used to it.   And so glad to see you back at it.  Take it easy, but your fitness will come back quickly.  Just no more injuries, ok?

2008-04-10 10:32 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Glad to hear you're healed up and back in training again!!

My swimming was getting better...actually enjoying it a little more...then the shoulders flared up so i'm only doing 300-500 yd last couple days, as my first tri is a week from Saturday and I am just trying to "limp" the swim along to that.

 I love the pedals on the bike...almost had my first crash...came back after a hard 18M ride and was pretty tired and wheeled in behind the office and STOPPED...whoops forgot i was clipped in.  Got out just in time, I suppose because it was BEHIND the office where no one could see me.  If I was in front by the intersection I'm sure I'd have been on the ground so everyone could watch.

 Glad to hear you're healed up and back in training again!!

2008-04-10 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1328441

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Eastern PA
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
triOK - 2008-04-10 11:20 AM

LOL... no worries, Rueben.  We love you.  And if you haven't already noticed, this is kind of a ME ME ME sport.  Get used to it.   And so glad to see you back at it.  Take it easy, but your fitness will come back quickly.  Just no more injuries, ok?

Haha! I guess that is why they call it the TRI: 1. ME 2. ME 3. ME!

Leticia (p.s. it's all about me)
2008-04-10 12:47 PM
in reply to: #1328606

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

wow, glad to see I didn't run everyone off. I went to the pool ( ignoring a million household chores that needed doing) and did a twenty minute swim. It felt pretty good, but I was kinda of tired. I guess it was to be expected, after all the time off, plus having the bike ride this am.

Aber, glad to hear that things are going well for you, take it easy on the shoulder, don't get sidelined like I did. Once you start training, side lines are the suck. And yes their is some cosmic law that states you will only bust your azz falling off your bike, when people are watching.  And my new Motto is "Train Hard, but Train Smart!" I'm going back on the wagon, but only after tommorw night, 'cause as of tommorow I will have orbited the sun 41 times. I am gonna celebrate!!!! After that I am officially back in training!

Thanx agin to all of the amazing people we have on this group. especially to our Mentor, Queen of the Tri Universe, and Exhalted Ruler...ROBIN!!!!Laughing

Edited by ditchdoc 2008-04-10 12:48 PM
2008-04-10 7:13 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
So glad you are doing well.

I just got an e-mail that they changed the bike course for my tri due to the will be all right turns and they shortened it by one mile? Can they shorten a tri? Not that I am complaining. So... one week from Sunday... it will be my turn... I would say to sink or swim... but that is my strong leg. So let's just say to run or crawl.

Thanks everyone... off to treadmill run :-( Tomorrow I am sneaking out of a meeting early and may do a mini 3 sport brick... if there is such a thing.

2008-04-11 5:57 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
I'm glad everyone is back and doing well. Ditchdoc, you are a vital part of our group. We are awfully quiet without you. That alone has got to tell you that we missed you.

Elizabeth, keep up the great work. Not too long and your tri will be behind you. It might not be a bad thing with the bike course altered. Hopefully there is not too much city riding. I know a couple of the tris here go right into traffic so when you just get ahead of someone then you have to stop for a red light. Sort of stinks. The countdown is on for you. Keep your head together and TRAIN SMART.

As for me (yes, we all talk about me), the only thing I have done and not well this week is my master's swim class. I have battled physical and mental fatigue since Monday. I don't know where this came from but it is everything I can do to lift the hairdryer after a swim. I can't bring myself to run or bike. I think it is the crappy cold wet weather we are having. My kids have started their spring sports and standing in the rain and cold three nights a week at events is taking its toll on this 43 year old body. I am hoping to get back on track tomorrow. Tonight will be a rugby game in the cold rain, fun, fun.

Have a great training weekend everyone! Does anyone have a tri this weekend?

2008-04-12 2:39 AM
in reply to: #1108061

Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
I am finally back, too. I was sick with some bug that just whooped me. Then my son was sick and I was up during the night with him and that took a few days to recover. I just overcame that "hump" of dreading to get back and find out how much fitness I'd lost. Oh well. Easy come, easy go...( I wish). I did a stationary bike ride for 30 min, and though I was tempted to do more, I thought that would be "none too smart".

Today I rested, and tomorrow I will be running around on the soccer field as the ref for my son's game. Hopefully, after that I can get back to a routine.

It ain't easy coming back...but I guess its better than not coming back.

2008-04-12 7:57 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Elizabeth...I am so so phyched for your first Tri...wish I could be there in person to root you on!

Jogo thankyou so much, that really means alot. I worked Thursday night and Friday day at the P/T job on the Ambulance. It was crazy... ( I'll tell ya'll more later about being rebuked...funny stuff) I celebrated my B'day yestreday evening, and I am back at work today. I am gonna tri to get in a run today and tri to watch some of my new TI video. Since my Tri is just over a month away I am not gonna start TI training until after, then i will have much more time because the next Tri is not until Sept.  Hope every one is doing well and staying healthy...rememeber "Train Hard, But Train SMART!"

2008-04-12 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Ok... don't laugh at this question. Should I sort of take it easy this week with training... somewhat taper? I know it is only a sprint tri but for me that will be a 2+ hour event and 3 months ago I couldn't run more than 5 min at a time. So... if anyone has any training suggestions, I am open.

I hope I am not acting like i am completing an ironman event with all my question, excitement, and fears. It is just that this is my first and truly I told myself in the past that I had to be thinner and stronger to participate... yet here I am.

2008-04-12 2:23 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Elizabeth, I am so excited for you. My first sprint tri isn't until June 1 and I am having a hard time focusing on the training. You have come such a long way. You are my inspiration!!!! I think you and I would probably finish together if we ever did a tri together. You always seem to ask the same questions that I have and are at the same level as I am. You go girl!!!

I don't know much about training and tapering seeing I am a newbie too, so no advice here. We'll have to wait for the others to chime in. I just had to tell you how proud I am of you! jo
2008-04-12 7:39 PM
in reply to: #1332657

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

azelizabeth - 2008-04-12 8:13 AM Thanks! Ok... don't laugh at this question. Should I sort of take it easy this week with training... somewhat taper? I know it is only a sprint tri but for me that will be a 2+ hour event and 3 months ago I couldn't run more than 5 min at a time. So... if anyone has any training suggestions, I am open. I hope I am not acting like i am completing an ironman event with all my question, excitement, and fears. It is just that this is my first and truly I told myself in the past that I had to be thinner and stronger to participate... yet here I am. Elizabeth

Not LOLing at all. Yes I would suggest tapering, give your body a break, before the race. Maybe a light recovery run during the week, or a "relaxing" swim.

I tried running this hurt...bad. Will continue on the bike and swimming, maybe try running in some compression type shorts and see if that helps.

2008-04-12 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1332657

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

azelizabeth - 2008-04-12 8:13 AM Thanks! Ok... don't laugh at this question. Should I sort of take it easy this week with training... somewhat taper? I know it is only a sprint tri but for me that will be a 2+ hour event and 3 months ago I couldn't run more than 5 min at a time. So... if anyone has any training suggestions, I am open.  Elizabeth

 Elizabeth, as you know, I don't know anymore about this that you do (probably less) but I will tell you what I have been told and what I have read regarding sprints.  It largely depends on your goals.  If this triathlon is your one big event and won't do another for several months you can probably do a pretty big taper...maybe not all week, but for sure 3-4 days before the race.  In my case, the tri that is on Saturday is more of an introductory thing...I want to build for a couple more in the next 2 months so he has me continuing on with training through Thursday BUT Wednesday and Thursday are more focused on technique than they are on building endurance or speed.  They are all done in an easy aerobic HR zone and time and distance are reduced so as to eliminate soreness, etc.

 ....all second hand information so maybe doesn't have much value.

2008-04-12 8:06 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Thanks. This is my first tri and what I call an intro practice one as it is a tad shorter than a traditional sprint... the bike is 9 miles and the run is 2 miles. The Danskin is a 12 mile bike and 3 mile run... which will be in June, so it should be a perfect build for me.

I spent the morning down at Tempe town lake at all the AZ Ironman festivities and had a volunteer meeting. Talk about intimidation and awe. I never saw so many fancy bikes, strong athletes and so many people in that (dirty) lake. People better not all look like that at my tri or I am going home!!! Can you just see my bike with butterflies on it amongst all those zip wheels? I am really excited to be at the finish tomorrow (working). I decided to bump my shift even later as I want to be there for the back of the pack Ironmen! The person who crosses at 11:59 has a big hug from me.

Happy to have any and all tips. Today i feel like I am getting sick (why do I have a sitter and am going out?)... but I think it is just allergies... it is super windy today. Praying for less winds tomorrow for the athletes sake.

2008-04-13 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1333377

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

azelizabeth - 2008-04-12 8:06 PM ... The person who crosses at 11:59 has a big hug from me... Elizabeth

Wow, I think I may try to sign up for IMAZ '09!!!!Laughing

2008-04-13 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1333865

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Hi everyone -- I've been training and training and now I'm with Elizabeth on the countdown to my first tri -- ever. Everything I read says to taper the last week and concentrate on your nutrition. So that's what I'm doing. I am also having some acupuncture to get the chi moving. :-) Any other advice is helpful too. -- Oh I've been visualizing a lot too -- me swimming, me getting out of the water, me biking, me running, me finishing with a smile! See it is all about me, too. :-)

As far as falling on the bike -- I've forgotten to clip out several times and have had an audience at intersections and a bit of a knee scrape to boot -- my tri-tatoo I think someone called it!

Glad to have ditchdoc back (love the moniker) and I know Elizabeth will do great in her first tri. MamaJ-- glad you're healthy, too!

Survived my son's 13th birthday party last night with 6 boys, rock climbing, sleepover, pizza, brownies, etc. etc. Now we're taking him out for a bike ride. We'll see how that goes on not much sleep -- Still don't know why they call them SLEEP- overs...not much sleeping happens.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.
2008-04-13 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1108061

Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Great catching up on everyone's posts.
Jogo: I am glad that you bounced back from your disappointment. I totally agree that tri's are for us as individuals....stay fit, grow, challenge ourselves. Don't let competition take the fun out of it.

Elizabeth: I am very excited for you and will be following up on your race report. Do NOT be tempted to train hard during this week. I was homebound with a sick kid the week before my
5K race, and I'm convinced that is the reason I was able to run well and recover quickly. My body was really rested and itching for the race.

I appreciate all the questions...I don't even know enough to ask some of these questions. My first sprint tri is May 11th and is a reverse tri: run, bike, pool swim. should be interesting. I am glad I am not doing open water for the first one. Maybe I will finally have pic to put with my posts.

I just put a special order on a really nice women's road bike - The specialized ruby pro in 44 cm frame. Can't wait.


2008-04-14 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1334774

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Wow, I must say I am a little jelous of all of you. My first Sprint was supposed to be this Saturday...oh well I'm hoping for  May 31st now.

Lynn, ( and the rest) here is something IMPORTANT about visualizng. Visualize your transitions, and don't leave anything out. Coming out of the water unziping your wet suit pulling you cap and goggles off, drying your feet putting (socks) shoes, sunglasses,  helmet, grabbing bike.... every little step you can think of... visualize it, in the proper sequnce. I am a HUGE beliver in visualization. I went through a huge promotional process at the FD, and part of it I had to visualize for training. I out scored many people who actually got to train "hands on" for the same scenerio.

Julia, congrats on the bike order....pleeeeze post some pics when it comes in. When do you expect it????

2008-04-14 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1334774

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Mama J - The specialized ruby pro in 44 cm frame. Can't wait. Cheers, Julia

Just curious... how tall are you?  44 cm is a small bike.  But I am a freak, so pay no attention to me.

2008-04-14 8:59 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
HI Robyn. Come back home. I miss you.
2008-04-14 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1335826

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Just when I thought all the beautiful wemmins was alreay on this thread Trixie shows up


Edited by ditchdoc 2008-04-14 9:41 AM
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