BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL Rss Feed  
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2009-07-05 3:52 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
I think I am leaning toward a sprint Tri at Cody, WY, but have also been looking toward Colorado.   The Tri for the Cure is sold out.   I checked it because a 71 yo woman who was at the Cheyenne Tri said it was her favorite and not to worry about the 3000+ entries.    Oh well....maybe next year.   Have you told them you cancelled yet?   If not, can you sell your spot?   You could at the Cheyenne Tri.     There is also a tri at Highlands Ranch that is a possibility on that same day and a "Tri for your Cause", but I don't have a cause right now.     I have to do one that weekend if I am going to fit one in between last week and August 15 because 2 of the kids and I leave for San Diego on the 25th, returning on the 28th.   I wouldn't want to do one that weekend after goofing off for part of a week a the beach!  

My 18yo ds just bought a pick up!   YIKES!   I hope he did the right thing.   It is so hard when they get older and you have to let them make their own decisions!

Started back into training again.   I probably took too much time off after my tri.   I got in a short bike ride on Friday and a 3 mile run yesterday.   Had hoped to swim today but it isn't going to happen.

2009-07-05 6:41 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

Tri for the Cure doesn't allow you to transfer spots. You just lose it, which is kinda sad.

I'll be at Tri for Your Cure on the 18th in Denver. Let me know if you end up racing it!

2009-07-05 10:14 PM
in reply to: #2262981

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hey guys ... just a quick drive-by before I crash ... I had a great festival - over 6000 people through the gates over the two days ... I made $203 for charity, and I drummed up I don't know how much business for my business! It's hard to say how much business I've done - as it all depends on how many people call me in the next few weeks/months ... but judging by interest - I did well! Phew!

BUT I'm EXHAUSTED ... last night (Saturday) I was asleep on the couch around 7:30 ... got myself up at around 9 just long enough to get myself to bed, and slept through till the alarm went off at 6:00! ... the heat (appx 95-ish American? Hovering around 30 degrees Celcius) .. and the 10 hours of being on my feet and being "on" ... really wear me down! Not to mention the adrenaline. I love these things, yet at the same time I dread them.

I attached a photo .. just for kicks. This festival is big ... this is just "The Village" where I was exhibiting (note the lake! It's in an Organic Gardens and it's really very beautiful) ... there were quite a few other little sections like this, making up a huge festival overall. And all the pathways leading from section to section were lined with booths. This picture was taken from one of the pathways.
You can actually see my booth in this photo - but I won't bore you with where it is. ;-)

Edited to say: remember the band The Grapes of Wrath, from the late 80's? I sure do. Anyway ... they reunited to play this Festival! That's them on the main stage area - kind of to the right. Kind of cool.

Well ... I'll catch up properly in the next few days. Hope you guys all had a great weekend!

Edited by SpiritFire 2009-07-05 10:35 PM


OrganicFestIda.jpg (58KB - 3 downloads)
2009-07-06 7:57 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi Manatees!

 Wow, a new bike, new avatar, weekend festival! Another busy Manatee weekend.

 We spent the weekend at our beach house. It was a lot of fun, although we are still having kid drama. Much denial over substance abuse issues with one of the boys. We're afraid he is headed down a dangerous path. But he's 20, so our control is limited. We are planning to get some professional advice on how to help him, but the hard part is gonna be getting him to accept help.  He has a court date later this month. Maybe that will be eye opening for him. The other kids are divided on the issue. Some are very defensive of him, others are warning us about him. All of it is difficult to hear. Dh spoke his mind to him yesterday, didn't seem to make any headway. Just heard more excuses and blame for his behavior.
It feels as though there is a dark cloud over our heads, and I don't trust most of the kids right now. It's like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop with this particular kid or another. Not fun. All I can really do is just stay busy.
2009-07-06 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Cathy - Sorry to hear about what you're going through with the kids. I don't have any (couldn't) but I quit counting nieces & nephews when I got to 50 (no kidding) so I have seen the same thing in my extended family. It's never easy seeing someone you love make wrong choices. I don't have any great insight on what to do but I will pray for them.

2009-07-06 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
TR- Glad to hear things went well at your festival! I thought about you a couple of times this weekend. I'm increasing my mileage so my back is a little sore and thought I should do another yoga class. I also have a little twinge in my right achillies (spelling?). I'm taking some ibuprofen and it has helped. Any other advice?


2009-07-06 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
TR - Your weekend sounds wonderful!   I would love to go to such a huge organic festival!   We are certified organic alfalfa/oats/wheat producers.    I hope your effort pays off and your business grows!

Cathy - sorry to hear of your troubles with the kids.   So far, mine are all making pretty good choices with respect to substances.    I will pray for you all.

Art - watch those "twinges" and don't let them become full-fledged pains!   

I think I have decided to not do the July 18th triathlon, mostly to keep the peace here at home.   With the decision to go to San Diego for 4 days in July and then up to MT to see #2 ds and do that tri, I think I may be pushing my "withdrawl" limits!  Don't want an overdraft when things have been otherwise pretty darn good!

2009-07-06 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Thanks for the prayers and support. They mean alot.
2009-07-06 3:26 PM
in reply to: #2263930

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
mammatri's - 2009-07-06 7:57 PM Hi Manatees!

 Wow, a new bike, new avatar, weekend festival! Another busy Manatee weekend.

 We spent the weekend at our beach house. It was a lot of fun, although we are still having kid drama. Much denial over substance abuse issues with one of the boys. We're afraid he is headed down a dangerous path. But he's 20, so our control is limited. We are planning to get some professional advice on how to help him, but the hard part is gonna be getting him to accept help.  He has a court date later this month. Maybe that will be eye opening for him. The other kids are divided on the issue. Some are very defensive of him, others are warning us about him. All of it is difficult to hear. Dh spoke his mind to him yesterday, didn't seem to make any headway. Just heard more excuses and blame for his behavior.
It feels as though there is a dark cloud over our heads, and I don't trust most of the kids right now. It's like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop with this particular kid or another. Not fun. All I can really do is just stay busy.

Darling Cathy. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. It is a horribly difficult path to watch a loved one go down, and I can only imagine what it's like when it's a child.

My brother's kids--who are like my own siblings as they are all closer in age to me than my brother--are in dire straits themselves. One is in jail (not a picnic anywhere, but particularly bad in a third world country) for drugs, another got kicked out of school for them. And they're learning all this stuff at home--let's just say my brother and his wife are not saints ...

Yes, your control is limited. You guys are already doing the best things you can, which is to take care of yourselves, and make it clear to him his behavior is unacceptable and you will not support him unless he agrees to get help.
2009-07-06 4:06 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Thanks, Yanti. ((Hugs)).
2009-07-06 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

Just wanted to offer my supportive thoughts as well Cathy. That tough love thing is so very hard. I think we all want the best for our children and it sounds like you are doing all you can. The manatee love ripples outward!

Sharie -- Love your new avatar and Yanti -- hang in there with the parents and their support staff. TR--That festival sounds like a blast. Hope you get lots of new clients/business from it.

Have a good night, all.



2009-07-06 7:07 PM
in reply to: #2265761

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hmmm.....I wonder why you all can see my new avatar and I can't?????    I saw it one time, last night.   Maybe I have adopted the Elasti-girl persona so completely that she just won't let me go!!! LOL

Seriously....does anyone know why it doesn't show up for me?

Yanti - good to hear from you!  Hang in there with all the changes you are facing.   I am still planning on calling one of these days.   Finally got the pickup thing figured out and a new/used computer arrived today so both of those issues are now taken care of.    Now it is haying season and I am supposed to be out cutting hay right now!  

Blessings to all!
2009-07-06 7:09 PM
in reply to: #2265899

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
ranchrunner - 2009-07-07 1:07 AM Hmmm.....I wonder why you all can see my new avatar and I can't?????    I saw it one time, last night.   Maybe I have adopted the Elasti-girl persona so completely that she just won't let me go!!! LOL

Seriously....does anyone know why it doesn't show up for me?

barging in here :P press control f5
2009-07-06 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
HA!   There I am....the real me!   In Tri clothes instead of my Elasti-girl garb!

 It is hard to recognize me in my official Incredibles uniform...isn't it!  LOL    I will refrain from wearing it from now on except during secret missions!!!

Edited by ranchrunner 2009-07-06 7:16 PM
2009-07-08 7:29 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: ...
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2009-07-08 7:57 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
TR, glad you had a great time at the festival! Pics are always good. You've overcome so many challenges in your life, including thriving despite such difficulties lately--may you be richly blessed with what you need in the wake of the festival, and rest up!!

Sharie--LOVE the sportin' new avatar! You are a smokin' hot and smokin' fast lady, the pic just proves it even more!

I put in a great 2-hour bike ride today on hills, with my new tri club. Well, not "with," I mean, I got dropped pretty much out of the gate, but I was good and steady on the ride, and it was fun yammering with everyone before and after. I have been greatly blessed with a wonderful group of triathletes here in Jakarta, and I'm going to teach a swim clinic this weekend!

Things with my parents are tenuous. It takes an enormous amount of patience and humor to deal with someone with Alzheimer's ... and my father puts a great deal of extra stress on me.

2009-07-08 10:30 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

Yanti, you have a golden soul, and things will continue to fall into place for you. I can feel it, can you? Be open to what's coming your way, and be patient (wait you're already doing both of those!). Have fun teaching this weekend!!!


TR-hope the leads pan out to some good, faithful, returning customers for years to come.


Everybody else- HI!


Had a good OWS in a new lake/reservoir just 15 minutes from my house yesterday afternoon. I will try to post pics as soon as I download them to my computer. Then in the evening I went to a post-race meeting for the race committee of a tri I helped with (dinner and drinks payed for by the tri club, and the tour de france on in the background. yay!). Now I am off to snuggle with my 7 year old and watch Disney shows. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

2009-07-08 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2270028

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi guys!

Firstly - Cathy, you are in my thoughts .. and I'm sending you as many angels and as much white light as I can spare!
I can almost relate what you are going through, as I have a branch of my family who are not good people and who have made horrible choices in their lives .. although they are not my children, so .... I really have no advice for you at all. But I know how tough this is on families - in my days of law enforcement I counselled countless parents going through the same thing you are. It can tear you apart, if you let it. But stay strong and focussed, stay open to new ideas and rehab therapies, and you'll get through it, together, somehow. In the end, it will make you even stronger.

Yanti - lord girl, I wish I could give you a big hug in person! You too are strong and will get through this ... my grandmother was bi-polar, and I lived with her for a few months in a caregiving capacity (when I first moved to the city she lived in, thought staying in the big family house would be better than finding a crummy apartment) ... it was the most stressful most difficult situation I've ever put myself in. I am so sorry for what you are going through ... I know how hard it is to watch a loved one slip away so slowly ... this may sound really selfish, but please remember to put yourself first - your health and your well-being and emotional/spiritual welfare is priority. Please take care of Yanti! Or I'll come out there and do it for you!

Everyone else .. if I've missed a race or important post or event - I'm very sorry. I'm actually not feeling well at all now - these events (festivals, trade shows) really knock me on my azz for a few days, and it's common for me to get sick afterwards ... and I'm having a hard time getting through all the posts and all the threads on BT!
2009-07-09 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Sharie - Love the new Avatar!

Cathy - sending you lots of good vibes and hugs, what a tough thing to go through

TR - great picture of the festival, rest up and feel better!

Bill - i totally hear you about the job - feeling the same way myself.  Have a great time with your sis!

Yanti- {MELON PRESS!!!}}  my thoughts are with you as you care for your parents

Amy - nice new sparkly avatar and what a great swim!

Hello to everyone else!

2009-07-09 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi Manatees!

Can you believe it's already July?!  Where does the time go?

I've been really busy at work and haven't had time to play on BT  

I'm here in spirit, just haven't had much time to be present and accounted for.

The ankle is healing, I go in for a dexascan today after work - the dr wants to rule out oesteoperosis (sp?)

My next x-ray is on July 22, keeping my fingers crossed that I might be able to start running a bit at that time.  Not certain what he will say.

I have to admit, this is trying my patience a bit - it's a long healing process

I do have some pretty impressive swim yardage though

Is anyone racing this weekend?

2009-07-10 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
TR, I need all the angels and white light I can get right now. Thank you. And everyone, please keep me and my family in my prayers. Can't really go into details, but we are struggling right now. Thanks.

2009-07-10 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2276282

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
mammatri's - 2009-07-10 9:20 AM

TR, I need all the angels and white light I can get right now. Thank you. And everyone, please keep me and my family in my prayers. Can't really go into details, but we are struggling right now. Thanks.

I also have your picture/avatar ... I'll do distance Reiki on you too. ;-)
(( hugs ))
2009-07-10 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2277323

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Wow manatees ... family struggles, injuries, international moves, car crashes ... what is with us?!?!

Bethie - where's my Gibbs therapy?!?!?!??!! ... wwaaaahhhh ... LOL!

I have had an interesting week. Stopped going to physio because I ran out of money, but hopefully my provincial coverage will come through soon so I can go back (because I'm below the poverty line, my province is kind enough to fund some physio coverage) ... but I'm at about 90% ... so I'm doing well! I saw my doc today for acupuncture, he's been off the past 2 weeks, and he was actually quite surprised with how well I've rehabbed!

So starting next week - I'm hitting the gym baby! I miss the gym. I love the gym. It's my happy place.

And lord do I need a happy place. I lost another friend yesterday ... cancer. He's a tough old cop - one of my faves to work with when I was still on the job ... he went quick, thank goodness - 5 weeks after his diagnosis ... so we must bid yet another great man farewell too soon. That's THREE my old platoon has lost since October, to untimely and pointless deaths (the other 2 were suicides, but that's a WHOLE other thing) ... it's tough. Watching my family - my police family whom I love - watching them go through this ... 3 people from the same platoon, the same group of friends ... makes we wonder what we've done to deserve this run of tragedy.
And it's hard for me - not being there. This is in the city I moved away from ... which makes me doubly confused and upset because I'm still not sure my move and career change was the right decision, I'm still not certain I didn't make a mistake. My heart is still there, especially at times like this. Yet .. I'm so far away, physically, emotionally ..

Enough sadness ... hugs to all my Manatees - and if anyone is racing this weekend: good luck, have fun, and thank the volunteers! ;-)
2009-07-10 10:15 PM
in reply to: #2276282

Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

mammatri's - 2009-07-10 9:20 AM TR, I need all the angels and white light I can get right now. Thank you. And everyone, please keep me and my family in my prayers. Can't really go into details, but we are struggling right now. Thanks.

I'm so sorry you're going through that. I can also send some Reiki to the situation if you'd like. TR -- you've had quite a life. I'm very sorry about your former co-worker/friend and that loss. Blessings to you all.


2009-07-11 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi Manatees!

Sorry I have been MIA lately.   I have kept up with what you are posting, just no time to post myself.   Many things were resolved this week.   Ds found a pickup to purchase, but that entailed an all day drive to Lodgegrass, MT to pick it well as multiple hours previous to that working out the details and bank stuff.   Also, found a new computer to replace the one that was fried in the storm.   It is actually of Ebay...but was the exact model of my old one with better components...very fast and running Windows 7!    The really nice part was that I was able to install my old harddrive and DVD drives into this new computer and access all of my old information!  YIPPEE!   

We are having a really hard time getting our hay put up!   Too much rain!   Never thought I would be saying that but it is true.   Can't seem to make it a day without getting a storm and rain pretty much ruins hay that is cut and laying in the field.  I cut 30 acres of hay this week...beautiful hay and an all day job in the tractor...only to have a huge storm arrive at 7pm and dump 1" of rain on it! 

My body is having a hard time lately, too.   I can't decide if it is still in recovery mode from the tri or if something else is going on.   I am, for the first time since April, sorely lacking in motivation to workout.   I have only gotten in one swim in the last 2 weeks.   I did run and bike last week but if you looked at my logs you would see they are pretty bad!   Some of it is that I have had so much on my plate and been trying to be available to the farming, but some is just low energy.   I almost fell asleep driving home from town yesterday afternoon at came home and took a nap.  Not like me at all!   I slept for 1.5hrs!    Some of it may also be the increased heat here.   We have had a really cool summer and now it has turned HOT....106* in town the other day!

Well, need to get back to work.   I got left home today to finish setting up the new computer, do the taxes, put some billing info together for that USDA project, etc.

You are all in my thoughts and prayers...ALWAYS!
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