BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-09-18 11:21 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Carol - Yes, garage saling does take time. I scored some things I was specifically looking for that would've cost be $90 and I paid $5, which made it worthwhile this time around. And I'm so very sorry about your furkid!

Jim - Life does happen and I know how hard it is for me to work around all that's happening and I don't have a family that is struggling with health issues. Hang in there!

Steve - You are four days away now, OH MY STARS! You are ready and its gonna be a great day. I don't work so I'll be watching you on Irontrac and watching the live feed. What time do you 'plan' on crossing the finish line? How are things at work so far this year?

Mike - you are faithful and consistent in life and I appreciate that about you.

Jay - You should've seen the size of the cat that dragged me in. Glad I'm still alive

One commitment I made to myself was to walk to work everyday. It's only a mile, so it takes roughly 15min. So I'm getting 2miles in every day. When I tell my co-workers I walk and they ask how far I laugh at their response. 1 mile is apparently really far for most people.


2013-09-18 11:46 AM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Good afternoon everyone! Today is a half day for the kiddies so I did half a workout; swim only. Nothing special [email protected] free, 50 breast stroking to keep some sort of skill in it. I realized on my ride home that I really don't have a clue how to "shape" a swimming routine. I usually just go in and decide I'm going to swim XX yards today and then figure out my sets/distance by how I feel on my first few laps. It has worked well enough to get me through a mile swim but somehow I think there are better/more efficient plans out there. I did like the 0-1650 plan I did at the start of the year but now that I've almost done a mile in a race environment...I'm not sure that's the best option. Long winded way of asking for any ideas from the masses

Next week I have my yearly physical and this should be an interesting one. My doctor is an IM finisher (Lake Placid I believe) so we'll chat about me doing one in 2014. His office also does the low carb diet that helped my wife lose a lot of I'll be tapping into his skull about training while low carbing and see what we can come up with.

Jim: Keep plugging away at life and training. We all hope that UCLA will come up with some answers for your wife but just do the best you can do. Its good for you psyche to go train but I suspect your wife wants you around as much as possible. I know when my wife had her surgery last month, that was my situation. In addition to prayers for your wife, I'll add some wisdom on finding balance for you

Samantha: Your story about walking and your coworkers response to you made me laugh. I get the same thing when some guys ask me what race I did, how long was it, etc. In an odd way, its a compliment...because they can't imagine themselves doing it...therefore YOU are the crazy one!

Carol: Love to hear that you're putting more attention on the rest of the doggies!

Hope everyone has a good day!
2013-09-18 4:02 PM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
I think good swimmers do something like 500 yards warmup, 500 yards drills (fingertip, catchup, kick, 1 arm, pencil, distance, offside breathing, etc.) then do some kind of pyramid (1x 200 at 2:00, 2x 150 at 1:57, 3x100 at 1:55, 4x 50 at 1:50 and then back down) think of it as a tempo run but for swimming. Then you can do something more like the 800 repeats for running, do 100 repeats for swimming, 100 hardest sustained effort, 50 easy 100 hard 50 easy etc., add one each week. Once a week just go have fun and try to get into a groove and work on smooth swimming.

Good short run today 3 miles at a sub 7:45 pace. If I didn't have this race thing on Sunday I would be in really good shape to start some solid speedwork.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-09-18 4:07 PM
2013-09-18 5:22 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Jay, I also struggle to figure out what I want to do in the pool. Masters swim did not happen at my local pool after all, and I'm not willing to get up at 3:30 am to do it elsewhere. So right now I'm back up to 2100 yards....2 X 50 (w/u), 2 X 100, 3 X 500 (lastest fastest), 2 X 100 (fast), 2 X 50 (c/d). I have a tri w/ a 300 yd swim coming up, so I wanted to get my longer sets up to 500 to build back a little endurance/comfort level in the water. Now I plan to work on speed because I want to see how fast I can do the 300 (run is going to suck, so might as well make hay on the swim!). I'm around 1:50-1:55 for my "fast" sets and 2:05ish is a relatively "easy" pace. It won't make me into a michelle phelps, but 2100-2500 is about as much time as I want to spend in the pool, and I'm shooting for 3X/week. Would love to have a swim coach take a look at my form at this point, so may try to make that happen as well.

Here is a recent thread with some additional workout ideas to ponder:
2013-09-18 9:48 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Quick checkin. Work is stupid and the filter on my mouth is gone. RL is fine but had me so busy that I only have time for training, some family time, and some sleep.

Steve, best of luck to you on the travel and then the "race thing" on Sunday. I'll be following you on my phone since I'll be in Ga for my mom's BD. Really want to watch you cross the finish line but that 3 hour time difference may be too much for me. I'm gonna try tho. Have an incredible race!!!!! And remember my prediction is 12:30 time.
2013-09-18 10:00 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed

Steve, You're a few days away! Sounds bit cold no? What happens to the fingers and toes? Been seeing updates on the IM Tahoe race in the form of pictures. Breathtaking. But man, I shutter when I see photos of that water now knowing the temp! I may have missed it but did you give your swim start time? Camping sounds awesome and I am a bit jealous because we did not camp at all this year! Hope your time is cherished! Steve, you don't say much about your family but loved your wife's comment re: 118 mile ride. She's perfect for you!

Carol, aw I'm sorry about your 4-legged kid. Kind of caught me off guard.

Mike, How's the jog plan? Feeling good?

Pam, Was going to give a thumbs down on the triples and most doubles. I just assume that If I'm training to run long distances then I need to train as so in that sustained endurance without breaking it apart.. (not sure if that is written the way I want to say it). But girl, you are really giving it your all! That's fantastic!

Running is going well and will run 8 tomorrow. Started working more, but dangit, I will not let this thing called "work"screw up my training!!!!! :D

2013-09-19 1:01 AM
in reply to: 0

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
In a perfect storm swim would be 1:30 ish (1:25 would make me happy), bike 7:00 would be reasonable, run 4:15 would be good, 4:00 better, T1 10:00 (potty stop from all that lakewater) T2 5:00 = 13:00 even. Swim start is 6:50 ish am (rolling swim start) = 7:50 pm pst, 10:50 for that 3 hour differential. However, cold temps, smoke, possibly rough water on the swim and running in the dark and cold with those 10-12 percent grades and not 100% legs puts a bit o slush into the calculation which is why I added 30 min of slush for 13:30 (8:20pm pst). We see how things go, gona take the first lap on the bike slower and survive the 2nd lap. At least that is how it all works out on paper.

I did a HIM in similar conditions and my toes were numb all the way through the bike and 4 miles into the run. It is almost worth wearing wool socks, except then my feet would cook on the run.... unless it rains all day. Hrm.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-09-19 1:02 AM
2013-09-19 4:13 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Elena - Nice work on your running. Jobs are a necessary evil in my mind. Always in the way are they WAy to push back.

Jay - Hope you get what you want/need from the physical and chat with the doc. They do make it seem like I'm the crazy one, but really a mile just doesn't seem that far to me.

Pam - I understand how life gets busy. Good to hear from you. Have fun celebrating your mom.

Steve - so very close now. You are racing in my time zone, so I'll be at home on the computer watching for you! Yay! Can'! So excited! You are #2222, correct? I pray the weather doesn't treat you badly!

So last week I did a training class called MOAB (Management of aggressive behaviors). Working with psych patients can have some crazy days and knwing how to manage someone is beneficial. Anyway, I really got into it and ended up with a pretty bad sprain/strain on my right wrist. I let it go for a week hoping it would get better, but yesterday it was more painful than ever. So I went to see the doc. Restrictions put on me mean I'm on restricted duty and get to spend time in medical records...blech. I guess I will appreciate getting my wrist healed, but how boring. And I feel bad being pulled off my unit as a brand new employee. Such is life I guess.
2013-09-19 7:33 PM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
I'm back after a couple of ridiculously busy days on biz trip to NYC. I'm ready for bed.

Steve -- No matter what happens, you are going to be awesome. Its fantastic to see you work your way back from the awful crash, and get back on the IM 'horse' . Embrace your being out there again, doing something you love. Lots of folks here pulling for you, and we'll be checking #2222 all day Saturday.

Monday will mark my return to training. I'm doing with the time off, and need to get moving. Leg is OK. Still having some pool access issues, but bike will start up again, run restart to happen, and I"ll swim when I can.

More tomorrow. Right now I'm going to bed. I'm tired!
2013-09-19 8:14 PM
in reply to: 0

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Thanks for all the well wishes. I do believe I am in good enough shape to finish without walking (assuming no muscle issues) and if I can get past the bike to the run I can finish within the time cutoffs. Although I am hoping for 13:30 anything 16:59:59 or better will make the IM count towards legacy. Although I would really like to beat Samantha's time....If you see me speed up at the end that is why. Time to go check the weather forecast and pack way too much stuff. See yall on the other side.

Hrm thunderstorms Saturday day /night on our tent then clear for the race but 59F high with a wind that will build all day to 10 mph in your face for the last 20 miles. It looks like little wind for the swim though 3 mph ish maybe.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-09-19 8:27 PM
2013-09-19 8:22 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Elena -- good job putting the big rocks in the jar first. Have a great 8!

Pam -- don't let RL get too real . Before you know it you will be in a van being dropped off for your pieces of the relay.

Samantha -- ouch...sorry to hear about your wrist. Good call to see a doc and rest it so you can get back in the game.

Steve -- yes, the speed work will wait. Hopefully you are packing or traveling about now so you cannot wreck yourself before the big day .

Mike -- sounds like you are rarin' to go!

May hit 70 miles riding this week, and swim is coming along. Glute is doing well and cool front is supposedly on the way, so hoping to start getting my run on as well. Three miles is a struggle right now.

2013-09-20 5:09 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Got #2222!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great trip, have fun camping, and kick butt in the race.
2013-09-20 1:41 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
I've completely forgotten about my swim race tomorrow. Should be interesting, assuming I go. I've not been in a pool for any real swim workout in a few weeks, and am exhausted from my long week of work & travel. May be a game time call tomorrow on weather I go.
2013-09-20 2:00 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed

Thanks everyone for the kind words!

Steve, Best of luck to you this weekend! I'll be following you!

2013-09-20 2:31 PM
in reply to: ironjim

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Hey everybody it has been a while!!! No baby just yet but We are getting close to the starting line. Doc appointment yesterday told us that she was dilated 2-3 cm and efaced 60%. So little Avery is at the start line ready to go!!!!

So excited about everyones training!!!! Yal Keep it up!

Mitch and Jay great job 2 weeks ago!!!

Mike- good luck on the swim this weekend.

STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its Game time!!!! Will be pulling for you and Good Luch!!!!! Your going to do Great.

Pam, Samantha, Carol, and everyone else Yal continue working hard!!!!
2013-09-21 7:52 AM
in reply to: jhight

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mike, thinking about you on your swim this morn. Let us know how it went.

2013-09-21 3:37 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Sadly, I was a DNS today. Woke up feeling awful. Never could shake it, and there was no way I was going to do any sort of OWS if I couldn't breath using my nose, and was coughing. .

So, with this years race schedule done, I'm getting ready to start 2014. I'm feeling like I need to move, I'm really ready to get waling/jogging per steves suggested plan, I need to figure out my pool schedule for the next few weeks anyway, and then get moving on my bike. That's the easiest thing since its in the basement on my trainer.
2013-09-21 4:12 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Ugh! Sorry Mike! I'm already planning 2014 too. We've got to do it.

Steve!!! 2222!!! Lets do this!!!! Whioooo! Will be tracking you!
2013-09-21 5:18 PM
in reply to: EV3110

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!
2013-09-21 5:18 PM
in reply to: EV3110

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mike, so sorry! Hope you feel better soon. We are smack dab in allergy season here and I never know if my nose is going to be completely stopped up or running like a sieve. Nice picture, isn't it?

Ok, for me, 11.4 miles this morn. Not fast but to be honest, I was ok with my pace. It was hot and I had multiple stops - mostly either looking for water or stopping at open businesses to refill my water bottle. We have some nice businesses here.
2013-09-21 5:47 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by Mike_D

Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!! Go Steve!!!

^^^^^^This! Couldn't have said it better!

Sorry Mike. Sounds like a rough week all the way around. Rest up and lay in those plans for 2014.

Bike ride with hubby to/from breakfast at a golf course today. Ha, we left our bikes at bag drop . Followed that up with yard work, and then a swim. We FINALLY have some cooler weather. Absolutely beautiful here today. Low 60's this morning! This makes me unnaturally happy !

2013-09-21 7:01 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Hi everyone! I just heard ( actually saw a pic on Instagram that's its !!snowing!! In Tahoe!! Hoping Steve doesn't freeze camping before the gun goes off!! Kinda nervous for him. He's tough though I know. .. He's on my mind. ....
2013-09-22 6:16 AM
in reply to: 0

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Good Luck today Steve! I'll be tracking you the best I can while I'm working.

Mike: Bummer on the DNS but you probably made a wise choice.

Carol: Glad to hear you're getting some good weather down there!

Pam: When is your relay? It appears that you're cranking up the miles nicely.

Samantha: Bummer on work. Check your PM's.....I work in a prison full of mentally ill inmates so I have some experience dealing with them.

This week will be a busy one. I'm working a double today (shh!!), my 13th wedding anniversary is tomorrow, and wife's Bday on Thursday...why do I have a feeling this is going to be a bad diet week

Thanks for posting some ideas about a swimming program earlier this week. I looked at a number of them but nothing really appeals to me...perhaps swimming to me is running to Mike...don't care for it much but need to do it to get better. At the end of the day, the more I do it the better I'll get...I just need to become more of a train smarter not harder with some things......

Edited by medeiros13 2013-09-22 6:17 AM
2013-09-22 11:12 AM
in reply to: medeiros13

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Steve;s Swim: 1:27:06!!!!!
2013-09-22 12:34 PM
in reply to: medeiros13

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Steve is doing great. First two bike splits are: 17:58/19:33
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