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2010-12-02 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3232083

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
BamaDC - 2010-12-01 10:16 AM
cornfed - 2010-12-01 7:11 AM This may seem like a dumb question, but isn't an "international" race a specific distance?  I'm looking a races for next year and found one by my parents house.  Last year the race was listed as "International Distance" and was 1500m, 40k, 10k.  This year it's also listed as "International" but is 1000m, 21k 8k.  Seems strange to me.

I thought International and Olympic were the same thing.

Or does international mean metric distances.

Same situation here. I raced the callaway gardens tri and it was labeled as an Olympic yet it was a 1k, 30k, and 8k. Not sure what the deal is...

2010-12-03 6:03 AM
in reply to: #3234841

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
LostSheep - 2010-12-02 9:06 PMJason - great running month!!

I thought I was doing good with 83ish miles on the run, but I guess not. Very nice! You sir will be ready and crush Mercedes. Planning on running Red Nose as a "preperation run" too?

For the holiday gift requests:
- the stick (travel size and full size)
- more shoes (brooks beasts 2E size 10.5)
- tri shorts (x2)

Other than that, I think I'm good actually...
The Stick, is awesome!
2010-12-03 11:09 PM
in reply to: #3234460

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
[email protected] - 2010-12-02 4:06 PM I really messed up my knee.  I had it checked by a Sports Doc and they still think it is the IT band and no tear.  I have been going to PT this week and it feels much better.

Doing better?  Hopefully it was just overstress from the IM and you will be back up and going soon. 
2010-12-04 7:19 AM
in reply to: #2781196

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
So I'm stating jorges program Monday. Is the 1st workout the test, or should I start with any of the pre work?
2010-12-06 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3236381

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
titeloops - 2010-12-04 8:19 AM So I'm stating jorges program Monday. Is the 1st workout the test, or should I start with any of the pre work?

The first two weeks are prep work.  I was planning to start today but I was out of town all weekend and came home last night to a busted water heater.  Figure I should probably fix that this evening instead. 
2010-12-06 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2781196

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
Pilot - how was that half marathon? We're waiting on those results!!

And about Jorge's plan. I'm planning on riding a bit tonight, but I have no idea how long of a ride it'll be. I'm going to see if I can squeeze in 30-45mins tonight on the trainer just before dinner...

Where is jorge's plan posted?

2010-12-06 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3237956

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
LostSheep - 2010-12-06 8:35 AM Pilot - how was that half marathon? We're waiting on those results!!

And about Jorge's plan. I'm planning on riding a bit tonight, but I have no idea how long of a ride it'll be. I'm going to see if I can squeeze in 30-45mins tonight on the trainer just before dinner...

Where is jorge's plan posted?

W1 - W1

I'm going to try and post my WKO breakdown after each workout.
2010-12-06 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2781196

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
Just a reminder for you Bama folks.  Rocketman Oly is only 40 dollars if you sign up before Dec 31.  This race sold out this year.
2010-12-06 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3237956

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
LostSheep - 2010-12-06 8:35 AM Pilot - how was that half marathon? We're waiting on those results!!

And about Jorge's plan. I'm planning on riding a bit tonight, but I have no idea how long of a ride it'll be. I'm going to see if I can squeeze in 30-45mins tonight on the trainer just before dinner...

Where is jorge's plan posted?

I'll upload the data to my logs later.  Just haven't had time.

Finished in 2:24 exactly (right at an 11 min pace).  The conditions ended up not being ideal for the run.  It was about 55 and humid.  The first 6 miles went fine, then things started to fall apart a little (could tell i wasn't going to last at a 10:15-10:30 pace).  About mile 8-11, I tried to slow down a bit and recover, but still hoping to finish strong.  By mile 11, it was over.  I had no gas in the tank to do anything.  It was a run/walk from there to the finish.  I contribute a lot of it to the humidity.  I started to fast for the conditions, and I DO NOT do well in the humidity at all.  After mile 8-9 or so, I couldn't keep my HR down, the moment I started running, it was right back to LT, so i'd run about 4 mins, then walk.  After the race, I heard of many folks that had collapsed from dehydration.  One girl we run with, collapsed right on the finish line, so it was pretty brutal out there.

Today, i'm still sore from the run Saturday, my legs have never been this sore before.

Any suggestions in dealing with humidity?  My body just doesn't seem to like it at all.

But, my goal was reached by finishing and doing it under 2:30, so I'm happy overall.

Also, are we starting with the 2 week PREP phase of Jorges plan?

Oh yeah, picked up a pair of TYR tri shorts and a Zoot top at the expo for cheap.  Ready for next tri season now....

Edited by pilotzs 2010-12-06 2:48 PM
2010-12-06 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3238637

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
pilotzs - 2010-12-06 2:44 PM

Any suggestions in dealing with humidity?  My body just doesn't seem to like it at all.

I have no idea how to help here.  During the summer I'd go out and lose over 1lb./mile and would drag my azz home.

Funny enough if you started this run today you'd be starting in 25 degree weather.  You wouldn't be worried about humidity - more like hypothermia. ;-)
2010-12-07 4:53 AM
in reply to: #2781196

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!

2010-12-07 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3239037

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
sand101 - 2010-12-06 8:13 PM
pilotzs - 2010-12-06 2:44 PM

Any suggestions in dealing with humidity?  My body just doesn't seem to like it at all.

I have no idea how to help here.  During the summer I'd go out and lose over 1lb./mile and would drag my azz home.

Funny enough if you started this run today you'd be starting in 25 degree weather.  You wouldn't be worried about humidity - more like hypothermia. ;-)

I think i'd prefer that over the humidity.  It's amazing how much of a difference it can make.
2010-12-07 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3239342

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
pilotzs - 2010-12-07 8:39 AM
sand101 - 2010-12-06 8:13 PM
pilotzs - 2010-12-06 2:44 PM

Any suggestions in dealing with humidity?  My body just doesn't seem to like it at all.

I have no idea how to help here.  During the summer I'd go out and lose over 1lb./mile and would drag my azz home.

Funny enough if you started this run today you'd be starting in 25 degree weather.  You wouldn't be worried about humidity - more like hypothermia. ;-)

I think i'd prefer that over the humidity.  It's amazing how much of a difference it can make.

No you won't, trust me!  I ran on Sunday night and it was 27 and windy when I started.  It sucked.  It was 22 deg this morning but luckily I was on the trainer in the basement instead.  It felt good to get back on the bike but I cut 5 minutes off the end because I was feeling a little sore/stiff.

Oh, and great job on the HM!
2010-12-07 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2781196

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
Great job finishing Pilot. That's all that matters, plus you did it respectfully!!

Humidity isn't fun. Like Sand said, I was losing ~1lb/mi during the summer months and sucking wind on what was supposed to be easy runs. There's nothing to it, but slowing down. You're trying to breathe through a paper bag and the only way to do it is slowly.

But, it gets better.

And in my opinion, I'd prefer the cold over the humidity... as in this morning's 26*F run was a great 6.6mi! Had I hit my time goals it would've been perfect, but I digress, it was still good!
2010-12-07 8:34 AM
in reply to: #3239252

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
titeloops - 2010-12-07 4:53 AM spammer

I'm guessing you reported it? By the time I just sent something to marmadaddy, I came back to it being gone!
2010-12-07 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2781196

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
I'm new to speed work and thought I'd get some opinions from those that may know a little more about it.

Me and a couple of folks are using the FIRST half marathon plan to get us ready for both Red Nose 10mi and the Mercedes Half Marathon. For those unfamiliar, it has 1 speed, 1 tempo, and 1 long run. So far, I like it.

This morning's workout was speed. It was written as:
10-20min warmup; 2x(6x400)(1:30RI) (2:30 b/t sets); 10min cooldown
according to the chart and based off of my 5k time, the 400s should be at or close to 1:57 (w/ a +/-:05sec, it turns to 1:52-2:02/400 or 7:43-7:53/mi)

Question 1: After the 6th 400, do you take the 1:30 RI + the 2:30 RI between sets for 4min recovery, or do you drop the 1:30 and just take the 2:30? Same with the 12th one. Do you do the 1:30RI before going into your cooldown, or drop it and just move on into your cooldown?

Question 2: We took the target times and did a +/- 0:05sec to the paces to account for hills, varying terrain, traffic and inconsistencies in pace. This may be complete hogwash and if it is - oops. Is there some golden rule about this? Is this over thinking it?

Question 3: The results. Here's the breakout from the garmin. I'll have the actual data transferred to garmin connect later tonight.

Set #1
A. 2:09-8:38mi; B. 1:50-7:20mi; C. 1:58-7:55mi; D. 1:58-7:55mi; E. 2:00-8:02mi; F. 2:02-8:09mi;

A. 2:02-8:11mi; B. 1:58-7:56mi; C. 2:00-8:02mi; D. 1:59-8:00mi; E. 1:55-7:43mi; F. 1:52-7:30mi; 

So, based on that, I had 3 intervals @1:57 or less. Out of 12, that's not so good. I had 8 that were close, meaning that 1 just didn't make it.

Is the respectable? Did I come close to hitting the goals of this workout? How do you measure this? 

Would someone educate me?  

2010-12-07 9:10 AM
in reply to: #3239450

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
LostSheep - 2010-12-07 8:51 AM I'm new to speed work and thought I'd get some opinions from those that may know a little more about it.

Me and a couple of folks are using the FIRST half marathon plan to get us ready for both Red Nose 10mi and the Mercedes Half Marathon. For those unfamiliar, it has 1 speed, 1 tempo, and 1 long run. So far, I like it.

This morning's workout was speed. It was written as:
10-20min warmup; 2x(6x400)(1:30RI) (2:30 b/t sets); 10min cooldown
according to the chart and based off of my 5k time, the 400s should be at or close to 1:57 (w/ a +/-:05sec, it turns to 1:52-2:02/400 or 7:43-7:53/mi)

Question 1: After the 6th 400, do you take the 1:30 RI + the 2:30 RI between sets for 4min recovery, or do you drop the 1:30 and just take the 2:30? Same with the 12th one. Do you do the 1:30RI before going into your cooldown, or drop it and just move on into your cooldown?

Question 2: We took the target times and did a +/- 0:05sec to the paces to account for hills, varying terrain, traffic and inconsistencies in pace. This may be complete hogwash and if it is - oops. Is there some golden rule about this? Is this over thinking it?

Question 3: The results. Here's the breakout from the garmin. I'll have the actual data transferred to garmin connect later tonight.

Set #1
A. 2:09-8:38mi; B. 1:50-7:20mi; C. 1:58-7:55mi; D. 1:58-7:55mi; E. 2:00-8:02mi; F. 2:02-8:09mi;

A. 2:02-8:11mi; B. 1:58-7:56mi; C. 2:00-8:02mi; D. 1:59-8:00mi; E. 1:55-7:43mi; F. 1:52-7:30mi; 

So, based on that, I had 3 intervals @1:57 or less. Out of 12, that's not so good. I had 8 that were close, meaning that 1 just didn't make it.

Is the respectable? Did I come close to hitting the goals of this workout? How do you measure this? 

Would someone educate me?  

I can't educate on the FIRST program, but I would suggest making it to a track for the speed workouts if possible (I know it's not always possible).  I was going to suggest Samford's Track, they have a nice track and I believe you can get in there.  Used to be able to get on campus in the evenings anyway.  Just a minor suggestion.  Back to your regulary scheduled programing.
2010-12-07 10:24 AM
in reply to: #3239479

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
pilotzs - 2010-12-07 9:10 AM 
I can't educate on the FIRST program, but I would suggest making it to a track for the speed workouts if possible (I know it's not always possible).  I was going to suggest Samford's Track, they have a nice track and I believe you can get in there.  Used to be able to get on campus in the evenings anyway.  Just a minor suggestion.  Back to your regulary scheduled programing.

Not to come off a$$ish, but Samford doesn't have a track anymore. When they upgraded their football stadium, they destroyed the track. The only remnants are the straights on either side, and that's in very poor shape.

If you look across Lakeshore, you'll see some new construction right across from Samford and that's where they're building the new one. Sadly, it's not expected to finish until around March/April.

We've contemplated Mtn. Brook High School for their track, but the times we've been there, it's locked. We've been informed it's only open during daylight hours, so we're still looking...
2010-12-07 11:19 AM
in reply to: #3239634

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
LostSheep - 2010-12-07 10:24 AM
pilotzs - 2010-12-07 9:10 AM 
I can't educate on the FIRST program, but I would suggest making it to a track for the speed workouts if possible (I know it's not always possible).  I was going to suggest Samford's Track, they have a nice track and I believe you can get in there.  Used to be able to get on campus in the evenings anyway.  Just a minor suggestion.  Back to your regulary scheduled programing.

Not to come off a$$ish, but Samford doesn't have a track anymore. When they upgraded their football stadium, they destroyed the track. The only remnants are the straights on either side, and that's in very poor shape.

If you look across Lakeshore, you'll see some new construction right across from Samford and that's where they're building the new one. Sadly, it's not expected to finish until around March/April.

We've contemplated Mtn. Brook High School for their track, but the times we've been there, it's locked. We've been informed it's only open during daylight hours, so we're still looking...

That sucks, I didn't know that.  It was pretty nice up there.  It's been a while since we were up at Samford though.
2010-12-07 2:22 PM
in reply to: #3239359

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
cornfed - 2010-12-07 7:52 AM
pilotzs - 2010-12-07 8:39 AM
sand101 - 2010-12-06 8:13 PM
pilotzs - 2010-12-06 2:44 PM

Any suggestions in dealing with humidity?  My body just doesn't seem to like it at all.

I have no idea how to help here.  During the summer I'd go out and lose over 1lb./mile and would drag my azz home.

Funny enough if you started this run today you'd be starting in 25 degree weather.  You wouldn't be worried about humidity - more like hypothermia. ;-)

I think i'd prefer that over the humidity.  It's amazing how much of a difference it can make.

No you won't, trust me!  I ran on Sunday night and it was 27 and windy when I started.  It sucked.  It was 22 deg this morning but luckily I was on the trainer in the basement instead.  It felt good to get back on the bike but I cut 5 minutes off the end because I was feeling a little sore/stiff.

Oh, and great job on the HM!

There's no way in hell I'm running outside in 27 degree weather.  Well, I guess I need the right clothes.

What do you guys wear on your really cold runs?

I've got some UA cold tights, gloves and beanie.

Edited by BamaDC 2010-12-07 2:28 PM
2010-12-07 2:25 PM
in reply to: #3239420

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
LostSheep - 2010-12-07 8:34 AM
titeloops - 2010-12-07 4:53 AM spammer

I'm guessing you reported it? By the time I just sent something to marmadaddy, I came back to it being gone!

What happened?

2010-12-07 4:06 PM
in reply to: #3240113

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
BamaDC - 2010-12-07 2:22 PM
cornfed - 2010-12-07 7:52 AM
pilotzs - 2010-12-07 8:39 AM
sand101 - 2010-12-06 8:13 PM
pilotzs - 2010-12-06 2:44 PM

Any suggestions in dealing with humidity?  My body just doesn't seem to like it at all.

I have no idea how to help here.  During the summer I'd go out and lose over 1lb./mile and would drag my azz home.

Funny enough if you started this run today you'd be starting in 25 degree weather.  You wouldn't be worried about humidity - more like hypothermia. ;-)

I think i'd prefer that over the humidity.  It's amazing how much of a difference it can make.

No you won't, trust me!  I ran on Sunday night and it was 27 and windy when I started.  It sucked.  It was 22 deg this morning but luckily I was on the trainer in the basement instead.  It felt good to get back on the bike but I cut 5 minutes off the end because I was feeling a little sore/stiff.

Oh, and great job on the HM!

There's no way in hell I'm running outside in 27 degree weather.  Well, I guess I need the right clothes.

What do you guys wear on your really cold runs?

I've got some UA cold tights, gloves and beanie.

That's all you need. When it gets into the teens, low 20s, I'll wear the UA cold gear tights, a UA cold gear turtleneck top, and then top it with a very lightweight short sleeve top. Add gloves and I'm good. I won't wear a beanie, but I'll wear an ear wrap if it's in the single digits.

The only thing the lightweight top does is add one more layer to stop the wind from hitting the sweat and making me cold. If it's single digits, I'll substitute the short sleeve shirt for the long sleeve shirt.
2010-12-07 4:08 PM
in reply to: #3240119

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
BamaDC - 2010-12-07 2:25 PM
LostSheep - 2010-12-07 8:34 AM
titeloops - 2010-12-07 4:53 AM spammer

I'm guessing you reported it? By the time I just sent something to marmadaddy, I came back to it being gone!

What happened?

Someone posted numerous links to some other third party website. Nothing in the text but links to clothing and how they're the best priced... whoever it was only had 5 posts on BT total.
2010-12-07 5:25 PM
in reply to: #3240113

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
BamaDC - 2010-12-07 2:22 PM
cornfed - 2010-12-07 7:52 AM
pilotzs - 2010-12-07 8:39 AM
sand101 - 2010-12-06 8:13 PM
pilotzs - 2010-12-06 2:44 PM

Any suggestions in dealing with humidity?  My body just doesn't seem to like it at all.

I have no idea how to help here.  During the summer I'd go out and lose over 1lb./mile and would drag my azz home.

Funny enough if you started this run today you'd be starting in 25 degree weather.  You wouldn't be worried about humidity - more like hypothermia. ;-)

I think i'd prefer that over the humidity.  It's amazing how much of a difference it can make.

No you won't, trust me!  I ran on Sunday night and it was 27 and windy when I started.  It sucked.  It was 22 deg this morning but luckily I was on the trainer in the basement instead.  It felt good to get back on the bike but I cut 5 minutes off the end because I was feeling a little sore/stiff.

Oh, and great job on the HM!

There's no way in hell I'm running outside in 27 degree weather.  Well, I guess I need the right clothes.

What do you guys wear on your really cold runs?

I've got some UA cold tights, gloves and beanie.

I wear my running tights, long sleeve shirt (I've got 3 patagonia under layers to choose from which work great), maybe a tech shirt over that to block any wind, gloves, ear warmer or beanie.  That's about it.

If it's really cold, i have a breathable pull over, but it would have to be teens or single digits to run in it. 
2010-12-07 6:53 PM
in reply to: #3240113

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's mentor group is Closed!
BamaDC - 2010-12-07 3:22 PM
cornfed - 2010-12-07 7:52 AM
pilotzs - 2010-12-07 8:39 AM
sand101 - 2010-12-06 8:13 PM
pilotzs - 2010-12-06 2:44 PM

Any suggestions in dealing with humidity?  My body just doesn't seem to like it at all.

I have no idea how to help here.  During the summer I'd go out and lose over 1lb./mile and would drag my azz home.

Funny enough if you started this run today you'd be starting in 25 degree weather.  You wouldn't be worried about humidity - more like hypothermia. ;-)

I think i'd prefer that over the humidity.  It's amazing how much of a difference it can make.

No you won't, trust me!  I ran on Sunday night and it was 27 and windy when I started.  It sucked.  It was 22 deg this morning but luckily I was on the trainer in the basement instead.  It felt good to get back on the bike but I cut 5 minutes off the end because I was feeling a little sore/stiff.

Oh, and great job on the HM!

There's no way in hell I'm running outside in 27 degree weather.  Well, I guess I need the right clothes.

What do you guys wear on your really cold runs?

I've got some UA cold tights, gloves and beanie.

UA tights, UA long sleeve shirt, thermal bike jacket, gloves and a balaclava (keeps my head and face warm plus I can rob a bank if need be).  It's really not that bad.  The first 1/2-1 mile is kinda chilly but then I get warmed up and it's fine.  The only thing you need to worry about is to make sure you don't try to go farther than you can and have to walk.  You'll be all sweaty and cool down so fast you'll literally freeze.
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