BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Maine Rob's Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2010-01-15 5:19 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
I would agree with the positive comments about trail running plus it gets you out of the sun on a hot day.

2010-01-16 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Ok, so a mud run sounds fun

Question: How many of you go ahead and work out when you have a cold?
2010-01-16 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2589783


Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
As far as a mud run I am signed up for the in Joliet in June it is supposed to be quite a party.
2010-01-16 11:58 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
I don't know why but whenever I hear the words "trail" and "run" I instantly think hills and so I have an aversion to it.  Granted I've never tried it (see my previous sentence) but I think you are right about the benefits it provides.  Something to look into for sure!

Jstdoit - it really all depends on how much of a cold I have.  If I am just miserable and can't get out of bed etc then a workout might not be beneficial to me.  If the cold isn't as bad then I just do as much as I can while feeling comfortable.  Sometimes being outside in the fresh air even makes me feel better, even if it is just a walk.  Play it by ear and be sure to stay hydrated (cold pills can sometimes dehydrate you too).  Maybe get an idea of how your body is feeling by trying some stretching and then deep stretching.  If you're exhausted by the end then maybe that is enough.  But if you're feeling good you can also go for a walk which could become an easy jog if you're feeling it.  If you're not up for the walk at least you got some good stetching in which most of us could stand to do more often.  Feel better!
2010-01-16 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
I just signed up for my first sprint on April 18th. Now I really have to figure how I will train underway since that is where I will be for almost 2 months between now and then.
2010-01-17 1:29 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

If it's "just" a cold (runny nose, mild cough, stuffiness) then I carry on as usual, but if I can feel it in my chest or have more flu-like symptoms (fever and aches) then I take it easy.

Ed - congratulations on signing up for you first sprint!

2010-01-17 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2589783

New user

Melbourne, Florida
Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Hi all,

I have been lax, to say the least, on following through with training!  I was reading the blogs on Friday which gave me motivation again.
So I ramped it up today and started swimming laps ... was the first time in about 15 yrs I've swum in any structured manner   600yds of laps later I was winded and exhilirated, tomorrow I start walking and adding in jogging



2010-01-17 3:19 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Well done Sharon.  Don't worry, you're not the only one off to a slow start. But slow and steady finishes races...I hope Smile

2010-01-17 4:32 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Good job Sharon. Some days I don't feel like training but I try and just push to do something.
2010-01-17 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
So I joined the local club today for the use of thier pool mainly and swam 300yds. Didn't really know what to expect but it felt good. Just took the swimming easy and didnt want to overdue it.

Planning on my first sprint tri March 6 if I can make it home for it so not much time to get use to the swimming. Really want to make this one though to learn how it all works.
2010-01-17 7:19 PM
in reply to: #2589783

New user

Melbourne, Florida
Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Thanks guys - I really appreciate the encouragement!

2010-01-18 5:10 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Happy Monday and MLK day,

So its pouring here in So Cal and since I can't ride my bike, I am working up the courage to do a spin class on Wed at the gym.  Those classes look intense!

Swimming is going great, today was a 1000 yrd swim (with wu and cd total of 1700 yrs) and it felt relaxed and easy. 

Running is still .... running.  I'm just plugging away at it and its going ok.  My 5k mudrun is end of April.  I'm signing up tonite so no backing out.

Hope everyone has a good week!

2010-01-18 5:48 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Great to see lots of people taking the leap and signing up for events! I'm jealous of those of who have tris available in March or April. Tri season up here doesn't kick in til May at least...

Nice work keeping at it everyone. Just keep doing something when you can, and the benefits will start to accumulate. 


2010-01-18 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2617489

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

sneddie7 - 2010-01-16 2:50 PM I just signed up for my first sprint on April 18th. Now I really have to figure how I will train underway since that is where I will be for almost 2 months between now and then.

Excellent signing up. I become much more motivated once I have paid the money and the date is set. Out of couriosity, how do you prep for the swim while underway? Are you a naturally good swimmer?

2010-01-19 3:26 PM
in reply to: #2620388

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Swimfreak17 - 2010-01-18 5:10 PM Happy Monday and MLK day,

So its pouring here in So Cal and since I can't ride my bike, I am working up the courage to do a spin class on Wed at the gym.  Those classes look intense!



A friend convinced me to try spin class a few weeks ago.  I was also intimidated at first but once you get in there it is a fun workout.  The nice thing is that everyone goes at their own pace/resistance.  Give it a try - I think you'll like it!  And nice job on the swimming!

2010-01-20 10:52 PM
in reply to: #2620802

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
I am an average swimmer. I will try and do exercises that work the same muscle groups and hit it hard when I get back home.

2010-01-22 4:49 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
ok, I give up.
I have tried really hard to work it out myself but.. Rob, what exactly is the p90x thingy that you are doing...I really haven't got a clue.
Made it to the gym today..hurrah

2010-01-23 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2628203

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Its a set of workout DVDs that you can do at home. It is a good workout. It averages about an hour and 15 minutes 6 days a week.
2010-01-23 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2630496

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
sneddie7 - 2010-01-23 6:43 PM Its a set of workout DVDs that you can do at home. It is a good workout. It averages about an hour and 15 minutes 6 days a week.

Thankyou. at last!.  Is it for triathlon then?
2010-01-23 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Sorry for not replying sooner Jennifer - I've been busy with work and a cold the last few days...

As Ed said, it is a set of workout videos, with a mix of strength work, core, plyometric, cardio, yoga, and stretching. You do something different every day of the week, and it's a nice way to shake up the old routine a bit .

As far as if it helps triathlon - well, how much time do you have?   If you do some searching on the BT or slowtwitch forums about the benefits of strength training for triathletes, you will find endless debate and controversy. Some feel it is essential, as they argue that by making yourself stronger you can't help but be better at the three sports. Others think it is a total waste of time, and that the only way to get stronger is to swim more, bike more, and run more.  I used to be more in the latter camp, but I'm coming to realize that I'm at something of a plateau in my triathlon skills, and I'm hoping that by doing some functional strength and core work, that I can get rid of some more stored fat and have a stronger body to work with as I continue to try to get better at triathlon. 

I would still argue that if an individual is just getting started with triathlon training or any of the three sports, and especially if they have limited time for training, that they will be better served by running, biking, and swimming, and not worrying too much about additional strength work.  Huge gains can be had in the first few years of the sport just by having consistent work in the three disciplines.

So, we'll find out this summer if it works for me or not .

2010-01-24 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Thanks for explaining some more Rob. Erm..I don't have that much time - unfortunately.  And I really am in the trying just to be able to get the distances without stopping  stage ..still..

However, I have now signed up for the Stockton triathlon (sprint) which is on 22nd august. This is the one I didn't do last year..however going down and watching it was vv useful. The rumour is Alistair Brownlee is going to come and compete in the Olympic tri..which would be excellent.

I am also considering a  sprint tri which is also near where I live in May. It has the swim in a pool and might be good for my very first you think?  (The stockton one involves swimming in the River Tees..wetsuit compulsory). But it's in 16 weeks time from now, which would mean I would have to get serious and start properly on Monday!! Scary thought.Embarassed

Better sort my bike out then..


2010-01-24 6:34 PM
in reply to: #2631817

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Yeah, I really wouldn't recommend it for someone who is new to tri training, as the time is better spent training the specific sports.

A pool swim race is a good choice for your first tri. It's a much more controlled and familiar environment for most, and doesn't have the chaos of an open water swim. Sign up and go for it!

So how is everyone else doing as we get toward one month into the new year?

2010-01-25 7:08 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

A little tip on using BT for everyone - if you receive an "inspire me" message and wish to reply to it, hit the reply button first instead of just typing in the box below. By hitting reply, you will be taken to the other person's blog and leaving your reply there, which makes it possible for them to see your reply without re-visiting your blog.

I just visited everyone's blogs, and there are some good breakthroughs happening! Keep it up everyone!

2010-01-26 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
So here is one of my issues with triathlon training. You can tell me how you feel.

It seems no matter my intensity, low or high, I tank around 7pm for about an hour or two. And when I say tank, I mean i am ready for bed. Usually I power through it, maybe by posting on this website, then snap back into standard put the kids to bed, clean the house, ect mode.

I guess my point is - do any of you have the same problem? How do you control your energy levels? Through your diet? How many hours of sleep do you get? I think some of my problems may stem from not eating or at least having a healthy snack around 3 or 4.  I can only get about 7 hours of sleep max a night, which usually ends up being more like 6.

Anyhow, just trying to make some conversation.

Keep training.
2010-01-27 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2636310

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

It seems no matter my intensity, low or high, I tank around 7pm for about an hour or two. And when I say tank, I mean i am ready for bed. Usually I power through it, maybe by posting on this website, then snap back into standard put the kids to bed, clean the house, ect mode.

I guess my point is - do any of you have the same problem? How do you control your energy levels? Through your diet? How many hours of sleep do you get? I think some of my problems may stem from not eating or at least having a healthy snack around 3 or 4.  I can only get about 7 hours of sleep max a night, which usually ends up being more like 6.

The same thing happens to me.  Sometimes I do just go to bed that early if I am really exhausted.  But I also don't have a family so if I go to bed early it is no big deal.  I have started eating 6 smaller meals a day and making sure I eat protein whenever I eat carbs (except right before a workout).  This seems to help keep my energy levels balanced.  I am also trying to get to bed early on a regular basis but sometimes it is hard to fall asleep.  But I agree with you, it's tough and some times I just feel tired.  Like right now.  I am at work, yawning, and wishing I could be at home taking a nap. 
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