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2008-05-06 9:34 PM
in reply to: #1352162

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Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

It sounds like everyone had a good weekend - and it was training-full

Stacia, let me know if you want to get together - absolutely no pressure! I know you are visiting friends.  If you want to ride, my roommate is very generous and will let you borrow her roadie - we could do a nice ride!  

I did a 40 mile ride today and it was good - the way back I was struggling with the wind, but all in all it was a good afternoon to ride!  I did skip my scheduled swim, but I figure I'm neither running nor riding tomorrow so I can do the swim and some weights.  My poor legs hurt!

Have a good night!


2008-05-07 12:21 AM
in reply to: #1352162

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
I had a WILDLY successful wog (for me) tonight! I've been doing my 4:1 or 3:1 walk/jog combo (depending on my energy levels) for a bit now. I decided tonight to see how far I could go jogging continuously until either my legs were giving out or my HR went too high. I actually managed to jog for just over 4 minutes before my HR got too high! I was going really slowly, so my legs were doing pretty well.

I was wogging the loop around my complex which is 0.27 mile. I started my first jog interval after walking a full loop to warm up. My 4 mins of jogging actually workout out to 1 complete loop. I ended up walking another full loop to let my HR drop back down. When I got back to my starting point, I jogged a second FULL loop! I followed that up with another 2 laps of walking to cool down and let my HR get back to normal. When it was all said and done, I had covered 1.63 miles in 27:51 with 0.54 mile of that spent jogging! My average HR for the entire workout was 151, so I was pleased with that, too.

Now, that may not sound like much for some of you more seasoned folks, but for me, it's HUGE!! I'm very short and still VERY round, so any jogging for me is a major accomplishment. LOL Seeing such progress tonight yet again confirms to me that I CAN reach my goal of jogging to full 2 mile run portion of my super sprint tri in October. I'm a VERY happy bunny tonight!!
2008-05-07 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1352162

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)


Great job on your run/walk yesterday!! Each one of us started at a different level and we all share the desire to improve and get better. Starting is the hardest part of all. You seem to be running/going in the right direction! I am a big fan of HRM too and think that as long as you train under control - you'll reach your goals safely.

In my case, the first few "runs" ended up being a slow jog out and a long walk back - on 1/2 mile distance. I remember that while doing this, I was coming up with so many reasons why I should quit - but I kept doing it. The last time I ran beforehand was about 19 years earlier...

Good luck!

2008-05-07 10:36 AM
in reply to: #1352162

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Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Great job Melissa!  Everyone starts from scratch (and re-start after injury) so I know how great you feel about your accomplishment   I love how you set goals for yourself and thanks for keeping us updated on your progress! 
2008-05-07 11:50 AM
in reply to: #1352162

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Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Hey guys!  Happy Wednesday.  It is a beautiful day in CT.  It would be a great day for a ride... IF ONLY I HAD MY BIKE!!!  Ugh, I know the LBS is super busy but I won't have my bike back until the 14th.  Sigh.  Oh well, at least my gears won't be making weird noises!  I had to force myself to hit the stationary bike at the Y today.  I didn't mind it before I started riding outside.  Now, I find it awful!  Oh well, it is better than nothing right?  I did some strength training today too.  I really want nice calves.  Is that too vain of me?  It seems like no matter what I do, I can't get nice definition.  Oh well, I'll keep at it.  Who's racing this weekend?  
2008-05-07 12:23 PM
in reply to: #1386413

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2008-05-07 12:24 PM
in reply to: #1387220

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2008-05-07 11:38 PM
in reply to: #1352162

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

What is your experience with online coaching?

Is it beneficial?

Is it considerably cheaper than personal training with a coach?

Also, how did/would you pick an online coach?


Thanks in advance.

Edited by Ronen 2008-05-07 11:39 PM
2008-05-08 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1389033

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Edited by mixie 2008-05-08 8:44 AM
2008-05-08 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1352162

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Thanks for the detailed reply, Verna.

I can definitely see the value of having a coach. I am trying to check all my options though.

2008-05-08 4:24 PM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Verna, thanks for the info on your coach!  I considered getting one, but, I don't have a job right now, so that's on hold until I decide to work   I am actively looking, but just am not in a super big hurry to jump back into full time work.  Though whatever I actually decide to do won't be nearly as stressful as Iraq. *sigh* enough of me babbling... back to coaching.  One of my roommates works for Carmichael Training Systems and the level she coaches (cycling and triathlon) goes for $199/mo but that also includes like a personalized plan, 2 phone calls with your coach etc... But she's been good at answering my random questions   I was considering reduced rent in exchange for coaching (I own the house) but she's full up on athletes.  Maybe next year   Its crazy living here in Colorado Springs - all these pro athletes, the Olympic Training Center is 5 blocks from my house so we see crazy fast people going all the time! 

 Ok, I'm done for now Hope everyone had a good Thursday!


2008-05-09 8:38 AM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Geez, it's Friday again! It seems like a quick week. I'm headed out to run 3 miles in 30 minutes. There, I said it, now I HAVE to do it. I'll report back this afternoon with my results. I'd hate to have to say I didn't make it. I think I'll hit the pool again today to work on my flip turns again. I really want to master them so I can feel like a real swimmer! On another note, I totally chowed down yesterday. I ate almost a whole bag of Baked Cheetos, by myself. Nice. All the more reason to push it today. I felt a bit nauseous after! Undecided I'm sure I'll see it on the weigh in for Monday! Oh well. Happy training today peeps!
2008-05-09 10:27 AM
in reply to: #1390923

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2008-05-09 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Good luck and have a blast tomorrow Verna!  Cool

Well, I did it!  I ran 3 miles in 29:07.  Score!  I was ready to be done at two miles but kept on pushing through.  I felt pretty good.  That being said, I was glad to see 3.0 come up and I could start slowing down!  I was tired.  Now I just have to work on being consistent.  There is always something to work on isn't there?  

I'm off to play a game with my boys.  Have a great day everyone! 

2008-05-09 12:39 PM
in reply to: #1352162

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)


Good luck on your race tomorrow.



Way to go on sub 10 min/mile. Keep the hard work!


Have a great weekend everyone! 

2008-05-09 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1392528

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2008-05-12 8:19 AM
in reply to: #1352162

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2008-05-12 2:11 PM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Great job racing Verna!  Nice job sticking with it and finishing it.

Not much happened here this weekend.  A quick ride on Saturday on the stationary bike (get my bike back Wednesday) and a good bit of yard work but that was it.  Sunday was a nice Mother's Day.  My daughter made me a heart shaped box filled with Hershey Kisses.  She gives it to me and says, "you can only have one chocolate because you are on a diet."  Nice.  I love kids!  I spent the afternoon at my parents house and had a HUGE dinner.  Ugh.  I ate way too much but it was worth it!  

I am back on track this morning.  Ran two miles and swam 1400 or so.  I was really just working on my flip turns so I didn't keep track.  At least today I didn't miss the wall when I was flipping.  I still don't have my breathing down though.  Oh well, I'll work on them more tomorrow.  

Hope everyone else had a great weekend and a good Monday!


2008-05-12 2:34 PM
in reply to: #1352162

I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Great job racing this weekend, Verna! I hear you about watching others and getting down on myself. I do that at nearly every race. LOL I've been working really hard the past couple of races to just remind myself that I'm only there to compete against myself and not anyone else. My goal with each race is to just finish faster than the one before.
2008-05-12 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Verna, outstanding job in the race!  I read your race report and I think you are being way too hard on yourself Doubt gets all of us; run the race for you and noone else!


My weekend was relatively uneventful. I did go to a pizza thing hosted by the local tri club. Lately I haven't been terribly social, especially with people I don't know. And I knew NOONE at this gathering.  Two guys did try to recruit me for an 'endurance' swim class at the Y up on the way north end of town.  I did get connected with some potential bike buddies which is always nice.

Saturday I ran 2 hours - way easy. Sunday rode my bike to my boyfriend's and that was at an easy effort until the big hills.  Boy lives in a valley. Can't get around hills. Ugh. Legs very very tired.  

Tomorrow its supposed to SNOW so I could possibly skip the Garden training runs.  I'm not in the Army anymore. I don't have to run outside in crap weather!  At least that's the reasoning I'm giving myself!

Have a good evening everyone   Happy Training! 

2008-05-13 12:40 AM
in reply to: #1395951

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
mixie - 2008-05-12 6:19 AM 

Before I did this race, I had written myself a detailed race plan that I was to execute. As with everything in life things just don't go according to plan. Life is how we react and adapt to those changes. This race taught me a lot. I am happy to say I didn't quit or give up, but I certainly didn't adapt as well as I could have. It's a good thing they have races all the time because I am going to do better next time.

Hi Verna! Great job on your race. No doubt that you managed to overcome a big hurdle on your way to the finish line - and just this in itself it huge!

On top of that - you learned a lot - and that is something that is priceless. It also means that next race you'll do better than before and more so in future races.

Don't forget to credit yourself on completing this race!


I had an okay weekend which started off on Saturday with a club (sprint) race - in which I did okay (improved about 2 minutes of my PR) - and learned (as always) some new things about transitions. And then on Sunday - I ran my longest run ever - trying to see if I qualify for an upcoming marathon - but realized that I am not really prepared for it as of yet. I need to have a better running base as well as better knowledge about nutrition and hydration. So in that "run" - I ended up running 15.0 miles and walking 2.0 more miles back to my car...

2008-05-13 6:43 AM
in reply to: #1398393

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Ronen - 2008-05-13 1:40 AM

I need to have a better running base as well as better knowledge about nutrition and hydration.

Nutrition scares me! I haven't trained for a long distance (yet, I have the marathon bug too) but I am not sure even where to begin when it comes to nutrition. I am good with water but I know that there will come a distance when I will have to figure it out. What distance does everyone start to bring nutrition along with them on a run or bike? What about tri's? Sprint/Oly? What is everyone's favorite? What about water/sports drink/etc? I have to go and pick up my bike today Laughing and I think I'll pick up a few gels just to conquer my fear of them and to see what is good and what is not. My kids should get a kick out of it too!

2008-05-13 12:25 PM
in reply to: #1398493

Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
ebshot - 2008-05-13 4:43 AM
Ronen - 2008-05-13 1:40 AM

I need to have a better running base as well as better knowledge about nutrition and hydration.

Nutrition scares me! I haven't trained for a long distance (yet, I have the marathon bug too) but I am not sure even where to begin when it comes to nutrition. I am good with water but I know that there will come a distance when I will have to figure it out. What distance does everyone start to bring nutrition along with them on a run or bike? What about tri's? Sprint/Oly? What is everyone's favorite? What about water/sports drink/etc? I have to go and pick up my bike today Laughing and I think I'll pick up a few gels just to conquer my fear of them and to see what is good and what is not. My kids should get a kick out of it too!

Me too.  I think the biggest thing is to start incorporating it into your training to find out what you can tolerate.  My stomach is super picky, and not very consistent in it's dislikes, so I have to try something for awhile before I decide whether it's good or not.  For me the key has been simple products without a ton of ingredients...and plenty of water for dilution.

Yay, you're getting your bike!!!!

2008-05-13 11:03 PM
in reply to: #1352162

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Edited by mixie 2008-05-13 11:12 PM
2008-05-14 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Okay, I picked up some GU at the LBS yesterday and tried it today before my 4 mile run.  One word.  YUCK!  It was orange blast and tasted like crap!  I got about 2/3 of it down and couldn't handle any more.  Any flavor recommendations?  That one sucked!  I felt pretty good on my run though.  Maybe it did help.  My feet hurt due to new laces that were too tight but besides that, good run.  I think I want to try shot blocks.  I saw the chocolate ones taste like chocolate frosting.  Yum.  I have two more gels to choke down and then I'll try something else.  Love to hear what gels you all like.  
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