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2009-04-19 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2095570

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In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Thanks,  I think the swimming will be the only area that I have this "problem" occurring.  I'm not that good a runner or biker... yet!

2009-04-19 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2094467

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

Welcome Derek and awesome job on the weight loss and getting back in the saddle (no pun intended) after your knee injury!!

2009-04-19 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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Denver Area
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

Aaron!  Great race today (Sunday)!

Questions that I've been considering.

1. Core train every time? it seems that add in core1,2,3 is every workout?  or minimum 2x a week?  I like the 'Round the World Core sets I found here on BT in the ST articles best, I typically add it in 2x a week, seems pretty thorough...

2. What about the races on my schedule pre-HIM. While I'm already (sort of) comfortable with the idea of bailing on a race if I feel totally wasted ---- how shall I schedule workouts 'round the races?  make up training later (seems unlikely)? mini-taper-ish before the Oly in July?

Hope you (ALL) had a great weekend!

2009-04-19 10:27 PM
in reply to: #2096201

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Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
You beat me to it AdaBug. I was gonna ask a similar Question #2. Aaron, would you mind checking out my race schedule also. I think I am spaced out pretty well. I am racing about once a month. Two things that I am most curious about. In your opinion, 1) Have I scheduled my first Olympic too early. 2) My last race before my HIM, which is an Oly, have I left enough time to fully recover before my first HIM.

By the way, I am new to BT and would like to say hello to everyone. I love this mentor program, I have already pick-up a lot of good info and its only been a week.

2009-04-20 12:15 AM
in reply to: #2071361

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somewhere in the northwest
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Hi everyone i'm still here i've had little time to log in between working 10 hour's day 7 day's a week and training. but i get this weekend off to go to Missoula and run the Trifecta (10k/5k/1mile).
Question for Aaron after about 2 hours on the bike my knee's start to ache I keep thinking I need a bike fit but never get around to it is there something simple I can change or should I just make the time and get fit.
2009-04-20 7:43 AM
in reply to: #2071361

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2009-04-20 8:01 AM
in reply to: #2096201

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2009-04-20 8:06 AM
in reply to: #2096254

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2009-04-20 8:08 AM
in reply to: #2096313

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2009-04-20 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2071361

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
This week I started getting pumped up about racing next week so I went out to King Tut to get back into the swing.  Saw some fast guys and girls....hey, I think we all know one of them.....Was great to see people in action, learned a lot about being quick at different areas.  In the first picture, the 2 guys in the picture behind JeepFleeb actually got out of the water first.

2009-04-20 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2096743

In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Great shots of the race.  Thanks for posting.

2009-04-20 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2071361

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

Weekly Check-In:

This week was a good week for me. I made all of my workouts even though my schedule was pretty hectic. It's the first time in a few weeks that I got them all in. This week I'm planning on doing the same. I have a race next month and really have to nail down a few things, especially the swimming.

2009-04-20 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2071361

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
coming off a bad training week missed 2 workouts and one was a 10k race. Husband was on call and babysitter bailed. I was okay with it for I really am not ready to race. I have a du this weekend and I really really don't want to do it. I am not race ready my run isn't anywhere close to where it should be. I haven't paid my dues yet in that area. Its really hard for me to race and not get wrapped up in giving it my best and I can't chance injury (with the run )this early in the game . I will be up in the race area for I have a family getting married and sitter lined up but I really don't think I am ready to race so I may bag this one to.My first tri is June 6 so I need to get busy with my workouts. No more missed workouts for me!!!This week 3 run 2swim 3 bikes
2009-04-20 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2071361

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Thanks for sharing the pictures. They are great shots and weather looks so nice! We have 32 and light snow today where did are spring go!
2009-04-20 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2071361

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Aaron - Thx for the info. Sounds like I am in a good place as far as my schedule.

Last week was pretty good. I only missed my target by 100 min. I had to drop a couple of workouts because of life. This week is kind of light. I am in the last 2 weeks of my Sprint plan. Nothing longer than 45min. Gonna try and put a little bit more focus on nutrition. That is a big weakness for me. Gonna try some new stuff leading into my HIM plan. I can get away with eating crappy for a Sprint, don't think that is gonna work for a HIM.

2009-04-20 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2071361

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

Sweet pics, Aaron.  I love seeing pics like this ~ it gets me excited to finally see myself doing that!

With that being said and everyone recapping their week, please see my blog for my thoughts about this past week.  I've struggled here lately and I can't say it any better than I already have in my blog!

2009-04-20 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2071361

The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Weekly Check-In:

I had a good week and got some really good volume despite missing my long ride due to the storms. Some of that volume is stretching and some PT I've been doing on an old foot injury, so it doesn't count too much towards tri training. I started off this week bad already by missing my workout this morning. I was out way too late last night and so I'm going to try do it this afternoon. This week I'm focusing on tracking my nutrition and adequately hydrating. I hope that will help with my recovery as I've just been feeling off lately. I can't fully explain it, but I'm hoping proper nutrition will help.
2009-04-20 5:21 PM
in reply to: #2071361

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
This week's update....I am less than a week out from racing and I have not kicked in any serious training yet.  With swimming being my best part, and since it is a short swim (275 yd), I think I am going to just focus on swimming this week and really kicking some booty on that swim and just see what happens on the rest.
2009-04-20 5:46 PM
in reply to: #2071361

Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Weekly check in:

Last week was a great week.  I managed to get everything in and in fact went over my planned training due to spring weather finally arriving and being a bit over anxious on the bike.  Because of that, my legs definately felt worn out by the end of the week.  This weeks looks to be a bit of a challenge in mixing work schedule with workout schedule, but I'll do the best I can.

Nutritionally I felt I did ok last week, but there is still room for improvement.

This group is already generating a lot of great information!  Thanks Aaron for mentoring us!
2009-04-20 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2096564

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
JeepFleeb - 2009-04-20 4:01 AM
AdaBug - 2009-04-19 9:58 PM
1. Core train every time? it seems that add in core1,2,3 is every workout?  or minimum 2x a week?  I like the 'Round the World Core sets I found here on BT in the ST articles best, I typically add it in 2x a week, seems pretty thorough...

Are you talking about something specific in one of the BT plans?  Because I have no idea what core1,2,3 is.

Generally I'm not a fan of core workouts by themselves.  I am a fan of strength training which should include core work, but is really focused around training movements and fixing/reinforcing proper swim/bike/run form.  The intensity should also be higher than what most people think of when they hear strength training.  It's still a cardio workout.

How much and how often?  Depends on what part of your training plan you're in and what your weaknesses are.  The strength training I'm referring to would always be seperate from other workouts, 2-3 times a week at the most, and completely eliminated once you get into the last few build phases before an A race.

2. What about the races on my schedule pre-HIM. While I'm already (sort of) comfortable with the idea of bailing on a race if I feel totally wasted ---- how shall I schedule workouts 'round the races?  make up training later (seems unlikely)? mini-taper-ish before the Oly in July?

You'll just have to look at your schedule and see what surrounding workouts you should skip in favor of the race.  Think about what your strengths are and those are the workouts you can skip to make room for a race.  You can't "make-up" a missed workout.  Cut what you're already good at and then keep following your plan.

Great runner and horrible swimmer?  Get in every scheduled swim but skip a run or two and a bike before your olympic.  You don't really need to taper for a non-A-race.  A day off or just light workouts the day before are fine.  Most people want to really race hard every single race they do.  Doesn't work.  Think of the oly as a training day.  Your HIM is your race.

Yes, these are in the BT plans.  I've been wondering the same thing myself as it calls for an ab workout everyday.  It's just their way of saying Core workout #1 etc.  The plans call for you to do them after a workout (run, strength, etc) along with stretching so you aren't necessarily doing them as a seperate workout.
2009-04-20 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2071361

In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Check in time.  Coming off a decent week as far as training.  Wasn't stellar, but not bad.  This week is going to be tough.  I think I should have waited one more week to start my HIM program as I am going out of town on Wednesday night for a convention.  I think Wed. and Thurs. are going to be total washouts as far getting any meaningful workouts in.  At least I will be able to start this all again in a couple of weeks when I start it for real on the 20 week mark.  =)

2009-04-20 9:33 PM
in reply to: #2071361

Denver Area
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

THIS is my favorite ab workout from BT articles.

THIS is the training plan description of "Core 1,2,3,4,5" scroll down midway-ish for description links.

Which one would you recommend Coach?

Check-in, um, a good week sort of, almost hit the mark for volume.  One day missed 'cause lack of sleep, sick child, etc.  This week I've already bailed on a ride---Keep chickening out of my longer rides, think I'm lonely and don't know where to go, plus I won't tow the child on the street and the bike trails 'round here are no-where near finished.  Figure that if I'm on my bike commuting it'll make up some cycle time---though I know it's not the same as one really long ride.  I need to do more yoga, ensuring my body mechanics are working properly.

Also, as far as my second question with the race among HIM training...I'm not really sure what my weakest sport is, the three pretty much have been neck & neck thru-out my training.  For a while I'll feel like one is weak, but then I'll have a break through in form or something and all three are all right up there again, improving by degrees.  So I guess I'll take a look at the training schedule when Oly gets closer and will decide then.

Edited by AdaBug 2009-04-20 9:46 PM
2009-04-20 9:41 PM
in reply to: #2093119

Denver Area
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

JeepFleeb - 2009-04-17 7:24 PM
gobluedds - 2009-04-17 8:13 PM
I have a swim training question.
..............g on. Why not 500's and 1000's?

Most people don't come from a swimming background, so what most people do for swim training won't necessarily apply to you.

One reason for more sets of shorter distance is form.  Form is critical to swimming effeciently and taking breaks to catch your breath, think for a second and refocus will lead to better quality swims.  Let's say a person has pretty good form for 200m before they start into whatever their bad habit is.  One set of 900m means 700m of bad form.  Three sets of 300m means 300m of bad form.

That doesn't mean that they should never do long sets, but generally speaking more short sets yields better quality.

Will this logic apply t'other two sports as well?  E.g. today for my run I knew that my form was suffering somewhat 'cause I was a bit tired, I ended up splitting it up into 8'/2' run/walk such that when running the 8' I would have proper/better form.  I figure it was better than pushing too hard and hurtin' mahself.

Also, swimming related question:  Today there were breathing sets, the last 12 x 50 breathe every 5 strokes, felt good, controlled, I felt that my stroke was that normal?  is that what those sets are supposed to do?

Edited by AdaBug 2009-04-20 9:44 PM
2009-04-20 10:13 PM
in reply to: #2098801

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Edited by JeepFleeb 2009-04-20 10:14 PM
2009-04-20 11:20 PM
in reply to: #2071361

somewhere in the northwest
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Check in

Well last week was good still recovering a little from the marathon but I think I'm ready to hit it again i've got a race each weekend for the next few weekends and a few more days in the 80's here and i'm hitting the open water so I can relearn to site, for some reason they don't put a black line in the bottom of the lake. I hope everyone has a great week.
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