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2009-04-25 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2109834

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
scout21 - 2009-04-25 1:38 PM

Woo hoo!  New distance pr for me!  I ran my 13.1 this morning.  A few walk breaks - like after the first time I took a drink from my bottle and nearly choked, when my phone jumped out of my water belt and nearly went down a sewer grate, and a walk break in the last mile just cause I wanted to walk a bit!  Now I'm going to spend the afternoon watching hockey!  Maybe a swim tomorrow, maybe a rest day.  We'll see if/how sore I am.



2009-04-25 9:37 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
so let me tell you about my race today. Great weather for it.

Before the race the race director says that if you go more than 30 seconds without seeing a marker on the trail you hae gone the wrong way. So on your mark, get set and go. We all head out onto the trails. I am second to last and quickly lose sight of every. That is ok as i hae these markers to follow - right? every so often i would think I haen't seen a marker in a while At one point that feeling was really strong but then I saw a water station so I am thinking I am was just being paranoid. But the first thing he says to me is that I went the wrong way. DOH!!! but at that point in the trail I could either take a different path which apparently I took earlier in the race and back track to the finish line which was about 3k which was approx. what I had left anyways. Or do an extra 3km. there was no way I was doing an extra 3k and i had no idea where i had made my mistake so I backtracked. I ended up skipping "the wall" that I had to climb but i had other hills along the course.

i finished it in 1h30 min which was my goal. And I had taken my time at the water stations talking to people and I stopped one time to fix my shoe. I was in no hurry as I was enjoying the run as much as possible.

it was a good day.
2009-04-26 6:47 AM
in reply to: #2078490

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Mel great job! Sounds like a lot of fun....maybe your "route" was more exciting than the planned one  I think you deserve a rest day today...right? Scout--you also get one.....I hope your hockey team won yesterday.

Me- 30 mile bike ride was cancelled thanks to thunderstorms..downpour storms.  So I came home, hit the trainer (watching 70.3 clearwater and then New Zealand IM) then did a 2 mile ish run..the first brick of the year!  Technically, I should go to the pool to get my 2nd day in before practice Tue night...but I am sore and I feel like celebrating fixing my toilet.  (out of commision for 3 weeks while I tried to figureout how to replace the complete filler system.)  

Also tired because yesterday got in an "easy" 8 mile run.  Focused on keeping my pace slow.  Also re-scripted my workouts a bit so that I was do a tempo, speedwork, recovery, long-slow run each week. (No injury issues with the run I guess the pace was right).  Hips are sore....tonight will be stretching as I watch the Amazing Race.




Edited by LB22 2009-04-26 4:18 PM
2009-04-26 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2110705

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
LB22 - 2009-04-26 6:47 AM

 Scout--you also get one.....I hope your hockey team won yesterday.

Nope.  My Flyers blew a 3 goal lead and wound up on the first tee...Only thing to say about that is "Go Phils!"

2009-04-26 6:05 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL

x2 on PHILS!

2009-04-26 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2110705

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
LB22 - 2009-04-26 7:47 AM

Mel great job! Sounds like a lot of fun....maybe your "route" was more exciting than the planned one  I think you deserve a rest day today...right?

I may have deserved a day off but I didn't take one. The weather was too nice to take a day off. Instead I got up early and went for a swim. Granted I swam indoors which has no effect on the weather. Plus I got up at at 6:45am which is the time I can't seem to get up at when I want to go to the gym during the week. Yet I do it no problem on a Sunday. Go figure.

This afternoon I went on a nice quiet cycle. I didn't try and push it, I just wanted to get the legs moving and use my aero bars. I did 22.5 km in 1h. If I was pushing it I would have been done my route in about 45 minutes which is more my race pace.

Plus between my ride and swim I was on mountain bike doing medical for a 5km running race. I only had to ride the route once cause once I was about to start backtracking I got called to help out at the finish line. People kept on falling and we get to clean up their wounds. Nothing serious though.

Tomorrow is supposed to be gorgeous and I already have a friend asking to go for a run, but I think I have to say no. My legs need a day off. However I am going to go to the gym in the morning for some upper body weights. I need to even out the soreness and have the upper bod match the lower body .

Edited by mellymedic 2009-04-26 7:09 PM

2009-04-26 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL

My legs feel pretty good today.  I'm planning to swim in the morning after I put DS on the school bus, and then I hope I'll be able to get a 4 or 5 mile run in at lunch time.  I agree with the weather, but I had to take a rest day today.  After church, I took DS to his tennis lesson/match, and then we had a cub scout event for the rest of the afternoon.  Back at it tomorrow!


2009-04-26 7:05 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland Area
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Where can you watch IM nZ, or is it on dvd?
2009-04-26 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL

I've got my DVD set to catch anything with "triathlon" in the subject.  It is/was playing all weekend on the cable sports channell....versus? maybe?   The Clearwater 70.3 championship race was also playing.  The DVR also caught Kona again a few times (I already have it saved though). Right now I have 7 races on my DVR- IM Wisconsin (me in 2010), IM New Zealand, Clearwater, and a few Konas. (Maybe I have IM AZ too).  I watch them as I ride my bike on the trainer. If I feel like I am pedaling slow, I will try to match their swim cadence or heaven help us..their cycle cadence.  There is a reason why they are the professionals!!!

Debating an early run tomorrow am. Suppose to be my rest day (albeit yoga in pm) but wondering if I should run and save the rest day for later in the week....

2009-04-26 8:45 PM
in reply to: #2111435

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Mel- Is your upper body workout in your logs? I was staring at my arms while in aeros on the trainer....then looking at the pro's biceps on tv thinking I should hit the weights.  Maybe Wed or Thursday at lunch I could do a 20 minute session.  Thinking bicup curls, lat pull downs, pushups, rowing pull weight thing...then depending on time and the legs....squats, calf raises (no weight), hammy curls, quad curls.

Thoughts?  I am thinking 20 minutes not enough

Edited by LB22 2009-04-26 8:58 PM
2009-04-26 9:20 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
a version of my upper body weights should be someowhere in my logs. And 20 minutes of weights is enough to be sore the next day depending on what you are doing.

2009-04-27 6:50 AM
in reply to: #2111776

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Saratoga Springs, NY
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
mellymedic - 2009-04-26 10:20 PM a version of my upper body weights should be someowhere in my logs. And 20 minutes of weights is enough to be sore the next day depending on what you are doing.

x2.  I used to lift weights 2 or 3 times a week and in college even more.  But my schedule these days simply doesn't support an extra trip to the gym just for lifting.  Instead, I started doing several sets of pushups throughout the day whenever I get a chance and also added pull ups and chin ups thanks to an easy to set up bar I purchased for 30 dollars.  Combined, I may spend 20 minutes a day doing basic calisthenics and I've been really stunned by the results.  I haven't picked up a free weight in months or even been within 20 feet of the heavy weight section of the gym and I'm probably the strongest and most defined I've ever been.  Which isn't all that much, of course, but still :-)
I am thinking of picking up a kettleball so I can try the cross-fit turkish get ups suggested in another thread but I'm not quite there yet. 
2009-04-27 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2078490

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Hello everyone,
This is my first dayshift is almost a year.  So far so good.  Managed to get up at 0'dark-30 and make it to the pool.  It's kinda nice to already have a workout under my belt.  Plan is to do the AM stuff and then get a run/ride in at lunchtime (most days unless there is crime to fight).

I've enjoyed reading up on everyone's activities.  I'm glad we've got an active group.

I'll jump in just a bit on past discussions....
Wetsuits-I've read that it's best to soak them in the tub if you haven't worn them for a while.  They can/do dry out in storage over time.
Weightlifting-I've been doing a program called SimpleFit (see weightlifting forum) 20 min. is all it takes.  Pull ups, push ups and squats (although sometimes I'll throw in some core work too.) This seems to be about right for me. 

Again, thanks for everyone's patience while I got my life back in order.  I feel pretty good and I'm ready to contribute.  jeff

2009-04-27 4:09 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
I lifted weights prior to starting to train for IM. Not there just isn't enough hours in the day to get everything in. I just found that swimming really keeps the upper body in shape...also - you can add hand paddles for even more of a workout.
2009-04-27 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL

OK, I finished the half marathon yesterday. I am hobbled and happy. It was 80+ in Central Park. Felt good during the first half -- around 9min pace, then the heat took its toll and I realized this was a finish with dignity race. So I targeted my heart rate for 170 -- near or about my LT (I haven't done the time trial for a year).

Because of the heat, they didn't time the race. I wore my Garmin 305 Forerunner, but didn't use the lap button to get splits. Does anyone know if Training Center or some other application can graph the time vs. distance (see thread at discovered that salt tablets are key. Hill training is key (I clearly didn't do enough). Not skipping your mid-week run is key (I did plenty of that in the last week). So lots of lessons learned for the future if I ever do a half marathon again.

2009-04-27 6:20 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Great Job, Margot.

I've never tried salt tabs.  Always thought I got too much salt in my diet with processed foods.  Try to go for a walk this evening to help with any stiffness.   You never forget your first.

2009-04-27 6:27 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
2009-04-27 6:44 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Call me Miss Salty!  Salt has saved my training!  Gotta run to I will comment later on how it helps my soreness aftgerwards/during and focus during the was 30 degrees out a few weeks ago, I ran outside, did not think I sweated, and I had salt marks on my cheeks...

2009-04-27 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Congrats Margot on you HM!!
2009-04-28 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2078490

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Margot- Congrats on the HM!!!!!  When's the next one  And you are so right...SALT IS KEY!!!

Salt:  I started using salt late season 2007 when I was traveling to Austin from Chicago to do my first half ironman.  The humidity and temprature, not to mention the hills, had me altering my nutrition for this new distance.  Luckily I did a lot of research on the boards here at BT and discovered things that were always bothering me could potentially be resolved by increasing my salt intake.  For example....(1) massive soreness requiring massages 1x a week (and still sore in between), (2) 60-120 seconds after stopping/crossing the finish line, a massive flood of sweat and salt pour down my forehead stinging my eyes (3) muscle fatigue, tighness, and cramps on runs/bikes longer than 60 minutes (4) drinking a lot of fluids, yet stil thirsty (intake about 3x more than riding partners) and (5) issues when temprature above 80.  

So I started with increasing sodium via the type of gels/gus I used as well as electrolyte drinks. Wasn't enough when it was hot at.  So then I bought some succeed tabs (caplets), and take 1-2 pre-race (depending on temp) then in T1, about every 45 min or so on the bike and run (I need to check my race log to verify).  Now, I can complete a whole race without the legs cramping or feeling like they weigh 100 pounds.

As for salt in processed foods....I try to avoid (in theory).  Outside of popcorn/butter, wheat bread, brown rice, organic pizza and beer on the weekends,  I pretty much have meat or fresh veggies.  (Ok- recently, potato chips have been my nemesis).  Switching my diet off the processed foods has done wonders for my emotional health too.  Ok..enough.  Believe me.....I still eat way too much.  I am much better when the weather is warm, I am racing, and the sun is out.  Food habits tied to that a new one?

Edited by LB22 2009-04-28 8:55 AM
2009-04-29 5:59 AM
in reply to: #2078490

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL

I'm going to a local bike store next week to have them fit me on my current bike. It's been about 4 years since I was fitted. This is a Trek 5200 road bike with regular handlebars. Question: should I be fitted for a tri stance (higher seat etc) when I'm just kicking off my training or should I go for a regular configuration? I'm not looking to invest $s, just optimize what I have. In 6 weeks will be my first sprint, followed by an olympic 2 weeks later.

2009-04-29 8:46 AM
in reply to: #2078490

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Margot, I'd let the fitter know what your plans are.  But I would concern myself more with the standard bike fit.  Those measurements will be the ones you can always go back to.   Some fitters will allow you a repeat visit or two to make sure you're squared away.  Maybe you could get some additional advise on your tri position then.  
2009-04-29 3:39 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!  I bought brand new running shoes today and have been too busy to go break them in!

2009-04-29 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Sorry.   But I do feel much better having gotten that off my chest.  Laughing
2009-04-29 5:25 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
I 'heart' new shoes.  It's that new-shoe smell that motivates the crap out of me.  I just finished ordering some Pearl Izumi Streaks.  I get a pro deal from working in a bike shop. 
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