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2009-07-09 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2273416

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
fred526 - 2009-07-09 1:37 PM Here's an update on the current:

For Sun July 26th
Max current will be -2.9 knots at 6:46AM.
Slack tide will be at 9:52AM.

2.9 knots = 5.371 kilometers per hour.
A cheetos bag will finish the course in under 17 minutes!!!!

For those in the Aquathlon/Tune-up Swim on Sat July 18th
Race starts at 8AM
Slack tide at 8:16AM
Max current of -2.2 at 11:47AM


Go Cheetos Bag!  I had a conversation w/ other members on this with some good info on tides, but somehow it ended up away from this main Nautica NYC Tri thread...  You can find the discussion by looking up my name, I think.

2009-07-09 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2115456

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
FYI the Wave info has been posted, Mine is just after 7, EXACTLY where I was hoping!! 
2009-07-09 6:29 PM
in reply to: #2274455

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
I'm in the second-to-last wave, something tells me it's going to be pretty hot by the time I finish.
2009-07-09 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2274503

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
philjlee - 2009-07-09 7:29 PM I'm in the second-to-last wave, something tells me it's going to be pretty hot by the time I finish.

I'm not gonna lie - it was HOT last year, but I was in a super early wave (6:20) and it was still roasting when I finished. Maybe we'll have nice weather, it's been a cool summer
2009-07-09 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2273416

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
fred526 - 2009-07-09 1:37 PM Here's an update on the current:

For Sun July 26th
Max current will be -2.9 knots at 6:46AM.
Slack tide will be at 9:52AM.

2.9 knots = 5.371 kilometers per hour.
A cheetos bag will finish the course in under 17 minutes!!!!

For those in the Aquathlon/Tune-up Swim on Sat July 18th
Race starts at 8AM
Slack tide at 8:16AM
Max current of -2.2 at 11:47AM


A friend who did the aquathon last year said the swim was work! There is always somewhat of a current in the Hudson. At the last swim over Memorial Day the race was late, around 10:30 I think, so not a swift current, but I still did 1.3 miles 9 minutes faster than I did my 1.2 mile HIM swim just a month before and it wasn't due to swim improvement!
2009-07-09 7:54 PM
in reply to: #2115456

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either Philly or NYC
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
ugh... I'm near the back too...oh well... I'll just need more sunscreen ;-)

2009-07-09 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2115456

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
Wooohooo - I'm in either a 6:05, 6:08 or 6:11am wave.
2 more years and I'm in the next age group...and I didn't think I'd have to worry about age until I reached 50!

2009-07-10 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2115456

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White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
BRUTAL!!!! I am in one of the last 4 waves. Good thing I will still have 2 hours of a tide left over.

Funny....the pros and elites will be finishing or will have finished before I even hit the water.
2009-07-10 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2115456

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
Just curious to see if anyone will be attending the open water swim workshop this Sunday that's organized by Jack Rabbit's.  I'll be going, so it'd be nice to see a friendly face.  In case anyone's interested, I think there may still be some room left--check the Jack Rabbit website.  It's $55 for 1 1/2 hours, which, at least on a per hour basis, is a very good deal compared to other workshops I've considered.  Cheers!
2009-07-10 10:14 AM
in reply to: #2275803

Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
vrljc - 2009-07-10 9:12 AM BRUTAL!!!! I am in one of the last 4 waves. Good thing I will still have 2 hours of a tide left over. Funny....the pros and elites will be finishing or will have finished before I even hit the water.

Me too, going to be a long wait after the transition closed.  At least the tide won't be totally slack.  Now I just have to try to not be the very last person on the course!  Hopefully the cool weather we've been having will hold out.

Too bad, I'm only 5 days away from being in the earlier age group.  But I guess 30 will come soon enough.
2009-07-10 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2115456

Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread

I go around 6:30 so I don't have a ton of time between when transition closes and my wave starts. How does it all work? Transition closes at 5:45 and then everyone walks north? Can I leave the park and come back in?  Do you get in with your group and then just hang out until you get in? I am assuming there is room to pull your wetsuit near the swim start? Even though I only have 45 minutes, I know I wil roast if I am in a wetsuit that whole time.

2009-07-10 1:26 PM
in reply to: #2276286

Monroe, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
You will be given a bracelet that matches your transition color. This will get you in and out of transition. You will need to walk the mile up to the swim start so bring flip flops. Leave at least 40 min to walk up to the start, change into you wetsuit and drop off your bag at the trucks (maked by number).  They will line you up by start group. You can tell by the color of the swim caps. There are Porta potty and stuff. most people just put their wetsuits on next to the start. benches and stuff to sit on nearby. It is easy to manage when you are up there and well organized.
2009-07-10 1:58 PM
in reply to: #2115456

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
It's a long walk from transition to swim start. Flip-flops or sneakers are recommended for the walk...Once you reach swim start, they have a race bag for you that you can retrieve after you cross the finish-line. So if you want something at the end,put it in your bag. It's a long haul back to transition after the finish.
Put on your wetsuit once you're close to the start area...don't worry, just follow the crowd and you can't go wrong.

Last year, my wave was at 6:08 - I actually had to hurry to put on my wetsuit after taking my time walking...didn't realize how far it was.
2009-07-12 10:31 PM
in reply to: #2273416

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
fred526 - 2009-07-09 1:37 PM Here's an update on the current:

For Sun July 26th
Max current will be -2.9 knots at 6:46AM.
Slack tide will be at 9:52AM.

2.9 knots = 5.371 kilometers per hour.
A cheetos bag will finish the course in under 17 minutes!!!!

For those in the Aquathlon/Tune-up Swim on Sat July 18th
Race starts at 8AM
Slack tide at 8:16AM
Max current of -2.2 at 11:47AM


Yeah, good news, my wave is at 6:38.

2009-07-14 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2115456

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
Ok, for those who travel in from upstate or Long Island and are staying in the city, where do you park???  I am at the Sheraton and am thinking about parking in that general area.  Also if hotel checkout is noon, i assume you check out before the race?? and how do you get your bike from, say, the theatre district to Transition and back, do you all just ride down and back or something else??  Just trying to get the logistics down, thanx for any and all help!!!

2009-07-14 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2284863

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NYC/South Jersey
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
Here is a option for parking as they have real decent rates in the midtown area.

2009-07-15 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2115456

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
Hi all,

I videotaped the bike course on the Henry Hudson and Moloshu Pkway last weekend.  You can download the vids here: oam188 (79th street going up Henry Hudson) 044dh8 (~125th street going up to GW Bridge) mnfj7a (GW Bridge to toll booth) 5jslab (toll booth to Moloshu Pkway) 0r9u0e (Moloshu Pkway to Gun Hill Road turnaround) 80pu43 (Gun Hill Road turnaround, back to H. Hudson and Tollbooth) 5hkrlt (Toll booth to 158th street) 88sy28 (158th street to approx. 110th or so)

A few things to note:

1.  According to NYC Tri, only the Northbound lane is used for the bike course.  On the way back (starting at the 7th video file, which starts at the Gun Hill Road turnaround), since I was in a car, I had to take the Southbound lanes, so my videos are not accurate representations of what you'll see on the way back.  However, they still give you a good idea, and you can get a sense of what you'll get on the way back by looking at the first 6 videos where I'm driving on the northbound lanes.

2.  I ran out of batteries before I could drive past the starting point, down to 57th avenue, and back up the Henry Hudson, so unfortunately, you can't see the turnaround at 57th street.  From driving it, however, it looks like you go down a slight hill for a while, so when you loop around, be sure to put yourself on an easy gear, because you'll immediately be climbing back up!  Maybe someone who's done the race before can confirm or correct my recollection.

3.  I'm not entirely sure my exit out of Moloshu and back onto the Henry Hudson is correct.  Maybe someone can confirm this.

The videos are anywhere from 13MB to 454MB--hope you've got decent bandwidth and harddrive space!

2009-07-15 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2286921

Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
ericolaf - 2009-07-15 11:12 AM Hi all,

I videotaped the bike course on the Henry Hudson and Moloshu Pkway last weekend.  You can download the vids here...


Thanks for doing this, downloading now!
2009-07-15 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2115456

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
In case anyone's interested, I got my schedule for the transition tours. I'll be doing tours of the RED transition area on Saturday the 25th from about 3:30 until 5:30 or so. If you happen to be in my group, be sure and say hi! I'll also be on the run course on race day on my black cannondale MTB.
2009-07-15 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2286921

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
ericolaf - 2009-07-15 12:12 PM Hi all,

I videotaped the bike course on the Henry Hudson and Moloshu Pkway last weekend.  You can download the vids here: oam188 (79th street going up Henry Hudson) 044dh8 (~125th street going up to GW Bridge) mnfj7a (GW Bridge to toll booth) 5jslab (toll booth to Moloshu Pkway) 0r9u0e (Moloshu Pkway to Gun Hill Road turnaround) 80pu43 (Gun Hill Road turnaround, back to H. Hudson and Tollbooth) 5hkrlt (Toll booth to 158th street) 88sy28 (158th street to approx. 110th or so)

A few things to note:

1.  According to NYC Tri, only the Northbound lane is used for the bike course.  On the way back (starting at the 7th video file, which starts at the Gun Hill Road turnaround), since I was in a car, I had to take the Southbound lanes, so my videos are not accurate representations of what you'll see on the way back.  However, they still give you a good idea, and you can get a sense of what you'll get on the way back by looking at the first 6 videos where I'm driving on the northbound lanes.

2.  I ran out of batteries before I could drive past the starting point, down to 57th avenue, and back up the Henry Hudson, so unfortunately, you can't see the turnaround at 57th street.  From driving it, however, it looks like you go down a slight hill for a while, so when you loop around, be sure to put yourself on an easy gear, because you'll immediately be climbing back up!  Maybe someone who's done the race before can confirm or correct my recollection.

3.  I'm not entirely sure my exit out of Moloshu and back onto the Henry Hudson is correct.  Maybe someone can confirm this.

The videos are anywhere from 13MB to 454MB--hope you've got decent bandwidth and harddrive space!


You are a saint for posting this.  I know this route so well as I took classes at the NY Botanical Gardens for years.   However, I never paid any attention to the elevations.  Husband and I plan on driving the route this weekend, but this was great!  thanks again and good luck next weekend!

2009-07-15 1:36 PM
in reply to: #2287356

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
jmk-brooklyn - 2009-07-15 1:27 PM In case anyone's interested, I got my schedule for the transition tours. I'll be doing tours of the RED transition area on Saturday the 25th from about 3:30 until 5:30 or so. If you happen to be in my group, be sure and say hi! I'll also be on the run course on race day on my black cannondale MTB.

When do we find out which transition?  At Registration?

2009-07-15 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2287384

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NYC/South Jersey
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
drcherrybomb21 - 2009-07-15 2:36 PM
jmk-brooklyn - 2009-07-15 1:27 PM In case anyone's interested, I got my schedule for the transition tours. I'll be doing tours of the RED transition area on Saturday the 25th from about 3:30 until 5:30 or so. If you happen to be in my group, be sure and say hi! I'll also be on the run course on race day on my black cannondale MTB.

When do we find out which transition?  At Registration?

It is posted in the Athlete guide (last page).
2009-07-15 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2287391

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
Dell1888 - 2009-07-15 1:38 PM
drcherrybomb21 - 2009-07-15 2:36 PM
jmk-brooklyn - 2009-07-15 1:27 PM In case anyone's interested, I got my schedule for the transition tours. I'll be doing tours of the RED transition area on Saturday the 25th from about 3:30 until 5:30 or so. If you happen to be in my group, be sure and say hi! I'll also be on the run course on race day on my black cannondale MTB.

When do we find out which transition?  At Registration?

It is posted in the Athlete guide (last page).

Thanks.  I saw my wave, but I guess I didn't pay attention to the far left.  I am a girl so that makes me yellow.  That sux.  Ay thoughts to tucking some water shoes into the back of my wetsuit and putting them on for the run to transition after the swim?
2009-07-15 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2287403

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NYC/South Jersey
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
drcherrybomb21 - 2009-07-15 2:42 PM
Dell1888 - 2009-07-15 1:38 PM
drcherrybomb21 - 2009-07-15 2:36 PM
jmk-brooklyn - 2009-07-15 1:27 PM In case anyone's interested, I got my schedule for the transition tours. I'll be doing tours of the RED transition area on Saturday the 25th from about 3:30 until 5:30 or so. If you happen to be in my group, be sure and say hi! I'll also be on the run course on race day on my black cannondale MTB.

When do we find out which transition?  At Registration?

It is posted in the Athlete guide (last page).

Thanks.  I saw my wave, but I guess I didn't pay attention to the far left.  I am a girl so that makes me yellow.  That sux.  Ay thoughts to tucking some water shoes into the back of my wetsuit and putting them on for the run to transition after the swim?

Have not given that any thought. Maybe somebody can comment on the surface once you exit the swim....I know sometimes race directors will put down carpet to make the run a little easier.
2009-07-15 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2115456

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
Don't leave shoes by the swim exit--volunteers will move them b/c they won't want people tripping over them. They'll thoroughly sweep the sidewalk between swim exit and the transition areas and it'll be fine--you won't have to worry about broken glass or anything.
They can't do a carpet because the distance is too great--almost 1/4 mile from swim exit to Yellow transition.

Edited by jmk-brooklyn 2009-07-15 4:05 PM
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