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2009-12-01 3:26 PM
in reply to: #2538226

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
lisac957 - 2009-12-01 3:17 PM


I know some of you have posted what hotels you got. I am just now starting to think about this Embarassed. I wasn't ready on the day I signed up to commit to a hotel.

So questions - some might be for those who have done this before:

What day are you arriving? I am driving from Kansas (ROAD TRIP!) and was thinking of arriving the evening of Wednesday Sept. 8. Too early? I see the schedule begins on Thursday, but really am not sure what I will do for 3 days besides light workouts and checking in. I want to arrive with enough time to organize and relax, but not have TOO much time on my hands, you know?

Hotel choice: A few weeks ago for kicks I went to and searched for hotels during race week. There was ZERO availability. But today, there are lots of options. I am usually one to pick a middle-of-the-road hotel but am torn. I want this experience to be great, so part of me wants to splurge on accomodations. But I also am not made of money, and sometimes think it really does not matter how "nice" the hotel is, as long as I have a place to rest my head. What have your experiences been for an IM? Is is worth it to splurge, or should I save my cash?

Has anyone stayed at a condo/house as opposed to a hotel? I've been looking at some "vacation rental" web sites and there are some options in the area. I'd like the extra room but am not sure the extra cost is worth it.

Location: Some of the hotels available are a good 15-20 minute drive from the start area. Do you plan to drive yourself and park in the area, or have someone drop you off in the morning? Not sure how that typically works.

Thanks guys!


I live in Madison.  If you are thinking of going the condo route (which I always do for events using VRBO), I would be happy to give you my two cents on location and quality of the area. 

If the downtown hotels are full, there are good options on the West Side of Madison and in Fitchburg.  Nothing is far on race day and at that time of the morning traffic is non existent even with the race in town. 


2009-12-01 4:16 PM
in reply to: #2538226

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
We have volunteered the past 3 years in Madison and always stay a little out of town (15-20 minutes) and will be doing the same when I race next year. This past year we stayed at the Staybridge Suites on the east side of Madison and loved it. Rooms have a full kitchen with pots, pans, dishes etc which is great otherwise I have to truck along my own toaster for race morning breakfast (I've done it in the past and it can get messy!). I love the race excitement and it would be fun to be so close but for my own sanity (and to save a ton of money), I want to be away from the madness so we'll be staying at the Staybridge again. Last year I didn't book it until July or so and it was under $100 a night on However, it's much nicer than many sub $100 a night rooms I've stayed it - full kitchen, clean rooms, hot breakfast, close to the mall and restaurants, right off the highway. Basically everything we're looking for!  Like Suzy said, traffic on race morning is non-existent so being a little bit further away was no problem.

Coming from Chicago we'll probably head up Thursday afternoon to take off the least number of days from work as possible. Like you, I'm not sure what I would do with extra time other than sit around being anxious!

Good luck in your search!

Edited by ctrapper24 2009-12-01 4:17 PM
2009-12-01 4:48 PM
in reply to: #2538226

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
lisac957 - 2009-12-01 3:17 PM


I know some of you have posted what hotels you got. I am just now starting to think about this Embarassed. I wasn't ready on the day I signed up to commit to a hotel.

So questions - some might be for those who have done this before:

What day are you arriving? I am driving from Kansas (ROAD TRIP!) and was thinking of arriving the evening of Wednesday Sept. 8. Too early? I see the schedule begins on Thursday, but really am not sure what I will do for 3 days besides light workouts and checking in. I want to arrive with enough time to organize and relax, but not have TOO much time on my hands, you know?

Hotel choice: A few weeks ago for kicks I went to and searched for hotels during race week. There was ZERO availability. But today, there are lots of options. I am usually one to pick a middle-of-the-road hotel but am torn. I want this experience to be great, so part of me wants to splurge on accomodations. But I also am not made of money, and sometimes think it really does not matter how "nice" the hotel is, as long as I have a place to rest my head. What have your experiences been for an IM? Is is worth it to splurge, or should I save my cash?

Has anyone stayed at a condo/house as opposed to a hotel? I've been looking at some "vacation rental" web sites and there are some options in the area. I'd like the extra room but am not sure the extra cost is worth it.

Location: Some of the hotels available are a good 15-20 minute drive from the start area. Do you plan to drive yourself and park in the area, or have someone drop you off in the morning? Not sure how that typically works. 

Thanks guys!

Here are my thoughts:

What day am I arriving: I am coming in on Friday morning and leaving on Monday.  I live in Chicago so it is only a 2.5 hour drive for me.  I'll be up there a lot this coming summer for training, so no need to get there early.  This year at IMCDA I arrived on Thursday night and in 2008 for IMKY I arrived on Friday as well.  I'll register on Friday, do a quick spin on the bike and hit the dinner.  Saturday, I'll do the swim, a quick ride to check out the bike and then turn in the bike and bags.

Hotel Choice: For the last two (IMKY & IMCDA) I've stayed at the host hotel.  This year I am staying at a hotel near the square so I can come back and watch folks finish.  I would try and stay as close as possible as you aren't going to feel like driving far and if you want to come back and watch folks finish it will make it easier.  I am staying at the Madison Concourse Hotel and Governor's Club

Has anyone stayed at a condo/house as opposed to a hotel:  I haven't but I know of several who have.  Whizzzz and Coredump did it for IMCDA with a BT group in 2008 and had a blast.  Check out VRBO. 

  I am planning on walking to the swim start in the morning as it isn't far from the hotel I'm staying at.  For the other 2 I've done, I've walked to the start as well.  As I said above you would want to be as close as possible to the venue.  I can't remember if they block off the roads close to the swim start and if so what time they start.  There is decent parking in downtown Madison if you choose to stay someplace outside of town.

If you are going to get a hotel make a reservation soon.  I think most of the close ones are already sold out.  When I registered onsite this year most of the choice hotels were booked up (I was in the non-volunteer line).  Good luck.

Edited by mattb1 2009-12-01 4:49 PM
2009-12-01 4:59 PM
in reply to: #2415722

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Extreme Veteran
Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
I'm (finally) in this year! I live in the area, so I'd be glad to help anyone with any information that they need. Even if you need some legwork done...why not?
2009-12-02 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2415722

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Marshfield Wi
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
I stayed by the Alliance center and took the shutles this year but was not racing. It worked fine for me but what do the vets think about that when racing?
2009-12-02 6:59 PM
in reply to: #2538408

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

  I am planning on walking to the swim start in the morning as it isn't far from the hotel I'm staying at.  For the other 2 I've done, I've walked to the start as well.  As I said above you would want to be as close as possible to the venue.  I can't remember if they block off the roads close to the swim start and if so what time they start.  There is decent parking in downtown Madison if you choose to stay someplace outside of town.

If you are going to get a hotel make a reservation soon.  I think most of the close ones are already sold out.  When I registered onsite this year most of the choice hotels were booked up (I was in the non-volunteer line).  Good luck.

I was able to park in a parking garage a couple blocks from the Monona Terrace on both Saturday and Sunday.  So if you are staying away from downtown, like I am (Holiday Inn Express across from Alliant Energy Center), you can drive in if you don't want to take the shuttle.

2009-12-04 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2415722

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Subject: Training Groups

Any training groups that are specifically for Ironman WI?

I know Well-Fit runs one, any others that someone could recommend?

For Half Ironman's I have used BT's training programs w success but I think it would be fun to train w a group for the same race.

Thx in advance


2009-12-04 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2543142

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Training Groups
jdrose13 - 2009-12-04 11:44 AM

Any training groups that are specifically for Ironman WI?

I know Well-Fit runs one, any others that someone could recommend?

For Half Ironman's I have used BT's training programs w success but I think it would be fun to train w a group for the same race.

Thx in advance


Where are you located?   In Madison there are a few groups that train together.  The Capitol City MultiSport Club has weekly training rides and probably runs.  I haven't joined them on any rides as of yet, but I am a member of the club.  Fleet Feet of Madison also has similar Saturday or Sunday training rides.
2009-12-05 7:31 AM
in reply to: #2415722

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
located in N Suburbs of Chicago

Thx for the reply
2009-12-05 8:00 AM
in reply to: #2415722

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
I'm in for IMOO 2010! Fell off BT the last few months during my mental and physical pre-taper. I'm finally back in the pool as well as spinning and running. Feels great! To catch up.....I also plan on dropping a few plans prior to volume training. I've lost 10 since September and look to loose another 5-10 (10 is probably unrealistic). Focusing on food choices and hired a personal trainer for the first time in my life. Yep, he's working on my core and muscle imbalance on my right side. Yep, it's hard work, but totally worth it.I live in Chicago and completed my first half-ironman in '07 at Longhorn. Completed 4 since (High Cliff and Steelhead in both '08 and '09). First time IM now.Right now, I plan on hiring the personal trainer as a coach. He coached 2 months of my program last year (when work got crazy and I had a few nagging injuries) and he helped me PR both High Cliff and Steelhead. He also coached a first-time IM to complete Cozumel in under 13 hours. Yep, it's not Well Fit or Visionquest, but the combination of his one-on-one attention with training rides with CTC members, it will be a rock solid year!Looking forward to trying the Horrible Hilly and Door County HIM this year. Completed the Dare last year (CRAZY) and will use it as my last volume ride this year. The pre/post ride sounds like a good idea. Maybe do the one loop on Sunday so that, even though our legs are cashed, we can see how easy the loop is compared to the Dare??????
2009-12-05 10:28 AM
in reply to: #2544153

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
LB22 - 2009-12-05 8:00 AM I'm in for IMOO 2010! Fell off BT the last few months during my mental and physical pre-taper. I'm finally back in the pool as well as spinning and running. Feels great! To catch up.....I also plan on dropping a few plans prior to volume training. I've lost 10 since September and look to loose another 5-10 (10 is probably unrealistic). Focusing on food choices and hired a personal trainer for the first time in my life. Yep, he's working on my core and muscle imbalance on my right side. Yep, it's hard work, but totally worth it.I live in Chicago and completed my first half-ironman in '07 at Longhorn. Completed 4 since (High Cliff and Steelhead in both '08 and '09). First time IM now.Right now, I plan on hiring the personal trainer as a coach. He coached 2 months of my program last year (when work got crazy and I had a few nagging injuries) and he helped me PR both High Cliff and Steelhead. He also coached a first-time IM to complete Cozumel in under 13 hours. Yep, it's not Well Fit or Visionquest, but the combination of his one-on-one attention with training rides with CTC members, it will be a rock solid year!Looking forward to trying the Horrible Hilly and Door County HIM this year. Completed the Dare last year (CRAZY) and will use it as my last volume ride this year. The pre/post ride sounds like a good idea. Maybe do the one loop on Sunday so that, even though our legs are cashed, we can see how easy the loop is compared to the Dare??????

I hear about a lot of people doing he Horribly Hilly Hundred as a training  ride for IMWI. And I am thinking of doing it.  When I look at my IMWI training plan, I am  set for a 3 hour ride that day.  Do most of you do the complete ride?  I could do the 67 miler and be close to what my plan says I should do.  Thoughts?

2009-12-05 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2544153

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
LB22 - 2009-12-05 8:00 AM I'm in for IMOO 2010! Fell off BT the last few months during my mental and physical pre-taper. I'm finally back in the pool as well as spinning and running. Feels great! To catch up.....I also plan on dropping a few plans prior to volume training. I've lost 10 since September and look to loose another 5-10 (10 is probably unrealistic). Focusing on food choices and hired a personal trainer for the first time in my life. Yep, he's working on my core and muscle imbalance on my right side. Yep, it's hard work, but totally worth it.I live in Chicago and completed my first half-ironman in '07 at Longhorn. Completed 4 since (High Cliff and Steelhead in both '08 and '09). First time IM now.Right now, I plan on hiring the personal trainer as a coach. He coached 2 months of my program last year (when work got crazy and I had a few nagging injuries) and he helped me PR both High Cliff and Steelhead. He also coached a first-time IM to complete Cozumel in under 13 hours. Yep, it's not Well Fit or Visionquest, but the combination of his one-on-one attention with training rides with CTC members, it will be a rock solid year!Looking forward to trying the Horrible Hilly and Door County HIM this year. Completed the Dare last year (CRAZY) and will use it as my last volume ride this year. The pre/post ride sounds like a good idea. Maybe do the one loop on Sunday so that, even though our legs are cashed, we can see how easy the loop is compared to the Dare??????

Can I ask who you are using as your coach?  Mine is in Northern Burbs of Chicago.
2009-12-12 12:33 AM
in reply to: #2415722

Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
9 months away. tick tock.
2009-12-25 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2415722

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
How's everyone's training going? Or are you enjoying the end of the "taper"?  I'm getting back into the groove with a focus on strength training and swimming. Watching the Kona replay, sent shivers through me when that guy missed the swim cut-off by 7 seconds. All those months of training. 7 seconds.
2009-12-26 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2415722

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
I just started training again after an extended recovery from IMWI this year. I had a torn PF so it's slow going but it feels good to be taking baby steps at least. I have IMLP in 7 months so there is no more room for slacking! I see a lot of trainer time in my future...
2009-12-26 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2415722

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
My official training does not begin until March 15th, so I am just strength training, swimming, biking, and running to stay "ready" to begin when the time comes.

Also working on flexibility...

2009-12-27 2:44 PM
in reply to: #2415722

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Marshfield Wi
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Personally, I just feel completely out of shape. The holiday season is taking it's toll. One more week to slack off, then it is back to business.
2009-12-29 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2415722

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Anyone else planning to "officially" begin the build to get themselves in a position to being an IM plan?  Correct me if I'm wrong but 1-4-09 is 36 weeks out.  On the 4th I begin a 16 week surge to half IM fitness before the BT 20 wk beginner IM plan consumes my life once again. 

And so my countdown begins..........

Time until Sunday, September 12, 2010 at 7:00:00 AM

256 days

256 days
6152 hours
369142 minutes
22148528 seconds

Edited by m-mcclain 2009-12-29 4:39 PM
2009-12-30 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2415722

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
I am starting the plan to build to a HIM in May and then hit it hard for the IM in September.  Trusting my coach.....
2009-12-30 12:54 PM
in reply to: #2415722

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
I'm focusing on strength until February.
2009-12-30 1:00 PM
in reply to: #2415722

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

I'm starting some prep phase work (using Going Long to write a plan) on Jan 4th.  I guess I better get to writing it this weekend   Anyone else using the book to develop a plan?


2009-12-30 2:56 PM
in reply to: #2584367

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
rreischl - 2009-12-30 1:00 PM

I'm starting some prep phase work (using Going Long to write a plan) on Jan 4th.  I guess I better get to writing it this weekend   Anyone else using the book to develop a plan?


I'm reading the book, but am not sure if I'm going to use it to formulate a plan or not.  I am eying February as an official start date though.
2009-12-30 10:09 PM
in reply to: #2584367

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Central MN
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
I'm using the BT 20 week winter maintenance program (7-10 hrs/week). I calculated that the last week of April will be 20 weeks out - will start one of the BT IM programs at that point. I had asked on another thread if, due to my cycling weakness, I should be extending my long rides to 2+ hours. It seems like many of the IM distance folks are working on power/LT type rides rather than long/slow work at this point.

Seems like much of D3's plans are based on Friel's work. I do like Going Long - detailed, but easy to understand.
2009-12-31 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2415722

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Is anyone planning on doing the Horribly Hilly Hundreds and if so, are you doing the century or the 60+ miler?  My training plan lines up better with the 60+ ride that weekend.
2009-12-31 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2415722

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
I did it last year and am planning on doing it again. 100k was more then enough for me that early in the season. You can always do a little extra if you want to add a few more miles in.
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