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2009-12-22 2:31 PM
in reply to: #2573510

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
I understand that, the reason I looking to build so much is i am really weak in my upper body, and I have absolutely no core muscles.  to give you an idea about I can do about 15 sit ups before i get fatigued, and about 10 push ups.  If you guys don't think this is too bad then i will change my routine for strengthening.  Please give me your advice. I can really use it.

2009-12-22 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2573810

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
FreakingPuertoRican - 2009-12-22 8:31 PM I understand that, the reason I looking to build so much is i am really weak in my upper body, and I have absolutely no core muscles.  to give you an idea about I can do about 15 sit ups before i get fatigued, and about 10 push ups.  If you guys don't think this is too bad then i will change my routine for strengthening.  Please give me your advice. I can really use it.
Hey Oscar now I'm understanding, core is absolutely vital, I'm working on mine, there are lots you can do at home to help, here's a routine I'm following from this website
2009-12-23 1:05 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
So, I made a swimming TT this morning. And it was a big disappointment. I lacked the mental and physical energy to finish 1500 m. After a 150 m warm-up, I started to swim. I began to feel inefficient just about 150 m into TT. And I did not want to do the whole 1500 m. I cut it out at 1000 m.

My 500 and 1000 m split times are:
Total 1000 m= 22:30

Thinking that I have done a 29:30 1500 m just a month ago, I am very depressed. I have done hours of drills, and I see disimprovement instead of improvement.

Some negative factors:
1) My breakfast was 30 minutes before my TT, but that is part of my plan. I try get myself accustomed to swimming with a semi-full stomach.
2) My throat is a little sore. It may have effected my performance.

Anybody with a similar experience?
2009-12-23 5:22 AM
in reply to: #2569491

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
sicone - 2009-12-20 1:32 PM My goals are listed in my training log, but to sum up they are:
  • To be able to run 5k without stopping or walking (preferably in under 30mins)
Completed my first goal last night! 30 mins continuous running and covered just over 5k
2009-12-23 7:19 AM
in reply to: #2574663

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
sicone - 2009-12-23 10:22 AM
sicone - 2009-12-20 1:32 PM My goals are listed in my training log, but to sum up they are:
  • To be able to run 5k without stopping or walking (preferably in under 30mins)
Completed my first goal last night! 30 mins continuous running and covered just over 5k

 Really well done, that is my main goal at the moment.
 Road and path conditions are to unsafe to run at the moment but at least it is giving the old legs a good rest !
 Can anybody recommend one of the beginner to sprint programmes either on this site or elsewhere, there are a lot to choose and being new to endurance its hard to decide which is best. I`ll be coming off a base of run 20min, swim 500meters and bike 15k. My tri isn`t till Aug and I can train 2-3hrs a day.
2009-12-23 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2574663

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
sicone - 2009-12-23 1:22 PM
sicone - 2009-12-20 1:32 PM My goals are listed in my training log, but to sum up they are:
  • To be able to run 5k without stopping or walking (preferably in under 30mins)
Completed my first goal last night! 30 mins continuous running and covered just over 5k

Congrats. Now, on to the next goal

2009-12-23 8:44 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Congrats to meeting your first goal.  Now use that as a platform to get to the next goal.  Keep it up!
2009-12-24 7:39 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed

Just done my run. Does anybody else see the irony of me laid on the sofa eating mince pies and Christmas cake whilst reading a book on sports nutrition ! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE !!!!!!

2009-12-24 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Extreme Veteran
Fleetwood, PA
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Congrats on meeting your goal!  Merry Christmas to all (or Happy late Hanukah)
2009-12-24 11:33 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
I haven't posted my goals and plans yet.  Blah.  I will do that later today.  Roger, I haven't TT my training yet but sounds like an off day.
2009-12-24 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2576526

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Wax_On - 2009-12-24 1:39 PM

Just done my run. Does anybody else see the irony of me laid on the sofa eating mince pies and Christmas cake whilst reading a book on sports nutrition ! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE !!!!!!

just done the same with a bottle of moet Chris, perfect!

2009-12-24 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2574663

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
sicone - 2009-12-23 11:22 AM
sicone - 2009-12-20 1:32 PM My goals are listed in my training log, but to sum up they are:
  • To be able to run 5k without stopping or walking (preferably in under 30mins)
Completed my first goal last night! 30 mins continuous running and covered just over 5k
Well done Stav, great achievement, onwards and upwards!
2009-12-24 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Evening peeps, 7pm Christmas Eve over here, I have two very excited little girls here as Santa is on his way! Its been a busy week, trying to tie up loose ends at work before the holidays, finally gave up at 12pm today and declared my christmas officially started!

Bad start to the week for me, my usual sports massage girl was unavailable so I got another guy, think he's done more harm than good! The weather has been poor, loads of snow and ice so had to resort to the dreadmill yesterday, I hate it but it filled a space. I decided I could wait no longer, and after dying of frustration for a week, went out for a run this afternoon. It was very icy and slippy but managed to stay upright for the 5 miles and really loved it, cold crisp air, perfect. Home in time for evening meal of fahitas and discovered half a bottle of champagne is the perfect recovery drink!!

I hope you and your loved ones have a truly wonderful Christmas, enjoy enjoy enjoy!

Cav x
2009-12-24 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2577040

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Merry Christmas to everyone, have a fantastic christmas with your family, and remember to eat everything in moderation.
2009-12-26 12:58 AM
in reply to: #2577374

New user

Port Moody, BC
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Merry Christmas everyone......

Christmas is drawing to a close here on the left coast so I hope you all had a great day with your families and Father Christmas/Santa bought you at least some tri goodies.

I'll catch up with all the above posts tomorrow and also post my training plan and update my logs too.... work has been way too hectic the last few weeks so apologies for being quiet on here.

2009-12-26 4:10 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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New user
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Morning campers I hope you all had a great day yesterday, it was bonkers at our place and now need to build a new house for all the toys Santa brought my girls yesterday! Too much to eat and drink yesterday, ran this morning, nightmare I should have had ice-skates instead of running shoes, fell over 4 times but seem to be in one piece!

What I can't understand is why oh why are people out shopping in the sales at 7.30am on boxing day when I was running, come on folks get a life please!

have a crazy day x

2009-12-26 4:26 AM
in reply to: #2574735

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Wax_On - 2009-12-23 1:19 PM
sicone - 2009-12-23 10:22 AM
sicone - 2009-12-20 1:32 PM My goals are listed in my training log, but to sum up they are:
  • To be able to run 5k without stopping or walking (preferably in under 30mins)
Completed my first goal last night! 30 mins continuous running and covered just over 5k

 Really well done, that is my main goal at the moment.
 Road and path conditions are to unsafe to run at the moment but at least it is giving the old legs a good rest !
 Can anybody recommend one of the beginner to sprint programmes either on this site or elsewhere, there are a lot to choose and being new to endurance its hard to decide which is best. I`ll be coming off a base of run 20min, swim 500meters and bike 15k. My tri isn`t till Aug and I can train 2-3hrs a day.
Chris looking at the base you are well ahead of where most of the beginner programmes tend to start, these are usually coach potato to sprint which is not appropriate here. August is a long tome to wait given your current levels of fitness and most of the programmes tend to be 12 - 18 week at the most. Before we find something I'd aim to find a tri before August if you can, or if not slot a few 5ks or 10ks in before then, So first job see if you can find a sprint tri around April or May to aim for. Let me know buddy
2009-12-26 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Good morning everyone!  Hope you all had a nice holiday, if you celebrate Christmas.  If not, hope you had a nice Friday.  Cool  This weekend I *have* to get registered for some races and write my training plan.  I also need to find a way to run a bit as I have that little 5k on New Year's day.  We have kind of a mess on the ground: snow, ice, big drifts.  It's going to be tough to run in, I'm sure. 
2009-12-26 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2578030

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
rowdypaint - 2009-12-26 2:38 PM Good morning everyone!  Hope you all had a nice holiday, if you celebrate Christmas.  If not, hope you had a nice Friday.  Cool  This weekend I *have* to get registered for some races and write my training plan.  I also need to find a way to run a bit as I have that little 5k on New Year's day.  We have kind of a mess on the ground: snow, ice, big drifts.  It's going to be tough to run in, I'm sure. 
Wow Pattie just seen your facebook photos, quite some snow you have there!
2009-12-27 3:23 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Tried to go for a run this morning and heart rate was crazily high after only 12mins (around 190ish). Don't really understand why as I wasn't going any faster than usual. Slowed down until HR was normalish, but stopped when I realised that the rest of the path was still too icy to risk running on
2009-12-27 6:56 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Hi All.
     I would welcome opinions on a query I have. I am doing a 5k in Feb as running is my weakest event. Should I stick to my heart rate based run programme of run walk which I found easy and enjoyable or really push myself (which was uncomfortable) following a 6 week 5k training programme. My main goal is 30 mins for the 5k, but obviously staying injury free is a priority. I am stubborn enough to persevere with the 5k prog but a lot of articles I have read say aerobic fitness is more important than anaerobic for building fitness.

2009-12-27 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2578688

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Chris- Running is my weak spot too, so I feel your pain there.  I would follow the plan if I were you.  Avoiding injury is top priority.  Building the aerobic base is very important and takes time, several months.  Running shouldn't be painful (though it often is for me).  At this point in your training, you shouldn't be completely spent at the end of a training run.  You should finish feeling good and looking forward to the next one.  Stay on track with your plan.  It will work out and you will reach that 30 min 5k! 
2009-12-27 10:58 PM
in reply to: #2578688

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Hi Chris, +1 on what Pattie said. Your ligaments, muscles will not be ready to be pushed to their limits if you do not build upon a solid base. And that is a very risky choice to make. Plus, if you do not have the endurance you will not be able to use any of your gained speed. You will become fatigued in a very short distance.

So, stick with your plan. With time you will surely get better. It is just a matter of persistence.
2009-12-28 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: Working out
I took a seasonal job while i am getting my business up and running.  I have been pushing carts for costco for about 8 hours a day.  does anybody think i should put this as part of my training since I am physically exhausted afterwards.  I havent been able to do much more, as pushing 1000 carts a day have become physically draining.  What do you think?
2009-12-28 10:13 PM
in reply to: #2580118

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Working out
Uhg.  That sounds like a tough seasonal gig.  Not sure I'd log it, per say, but I'm sure I'd take it into account as far as the rest of my training.  Of course, for me, that would mean I just ate more food rather than use it as an opportunity for buring some extra calories.  Hope that things work out so that you can begin training regularly again. 
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