BT Development Mentor Program Archives » triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2009-12-26 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2577904


Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
StrayDog - 2009-12-25 11:14 PMJon, kudos on the weight loss.  Way to stay "hungry" for a better lifestyle.
Thanks. The beauty of it is, though, I'm basically never hungry. I would say my diet plan is based on internalizing the ideas and principles behind 1) the Zone, 2) the Dean Ornish vegan diet, 3) some aspects of the Paleo diet, and 4) trying to eat mostly ingredients.I mean, really, the first time I sat down to a 4 block Zone meal, I had a small chicken breast, and literally more green beans and broccoli than would fit on my (large) plate. I couldn't make it through it all, and I had been hungry. Yes, this was a fairly boring dinner, but it gives you an idea of HOW MUCH you can eat if it's mostly plants.So, the diet is the easy part for me. The physical training's not so hard, either- I think most will agree when I say the hard part is the TIME!

2009-12-26 7:55 PM
in reply to: #2563913


Subject: Biting off more than I can chew?
So here's a question for everyone.I'm reasonably fit. I get fit quickly. I've been losing weight through diet and exercise for two months. Up until recently, the exercise has been 30-35 minute workouts about 5 times a week, a mix of primarily elliptical, higher intensity yoga, circuit training fast enough to keep my heart rate up, plus regular crunches/pushups/pullups. Plus about 30 minutes 3-4 times a week with my daughter on a trampoline. Before that, not much.I am VERY much a sprinter, all fast twitch. Endurance comes, but doesn't come nearly as quickly as overall fitness for me.I am proposing my first race to be the Virginia Duathlon in March, which is 3.1m/23mi/3.1mi, with a sprint length tri in June, and another in September.Does anyone think this is a bit much? Or should a concerted plan of basically starting with run/walk, moving in a few weeks to all run, riding a lot, and working on transitions be enough? As far as swimming, I'm thinking I will basically work on form in the pool once a week until after the duathlon, then incorporate heavier swimming. I'm totally comfortable swimming in the ocean, breathing on both sides, getting rolled by waves, etc, I just don't have the endurance now.Any thoughts anyone has would be great.Thanks!
2009-12-27 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2563913

Little Rock, Arkansas
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!

Ok being new to tri's, i'll just have to speak from the sports med standpoint...

your race goals entirely depend on two things... what you want to accomplish with each race, and how likely you are to injure yourself to accomplish your goals...

Going from not running to doing a couple of 5 k's around a 23 mile bike leg is pretty harsh for a few months... that being said, if your goal is to finish, and dont mind pacing yourself slow as a turtle, probably not undoable without injury.  Anymore than that and i suspect your recovery time and chance of injury may affect your future training for your other races...

That being said, just pick your priority races and let everything else be fun/training... your body is pretty good at telling you what you can/should do...

2009-12-27 3:13 PM
in reply to: #2578980


Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
mcassat - 2009-12-27 1:14 PMmuddycreek-

Ok being new to tri's, i'll just have to speak from the sports med standpoint...

your race goals entirely depend on two things... what you want to accomplish with each race, and how likely you are to injure yourself to accomplish your goals...

Going from not running to doing a couple of 5 k's around a 23 mile bike leg is pretty harsh for a few months... that being said, if your goal is to finish, and dont mind pacing yourself slow as a turtle, probably not undoable without injury.  Anymore than that and i suspect your recovery time and chance of injury may affect your future training for your other races...

That being said, just pick your priority races and let everything else be fun/training... your body is pretty good at telling you what you can/should do...

Thanks. That's about what I was thinking. My goal is to finish within the allotted time, which I think totals 3:15. More specifically, I'd like to run the first 5K, keep a reasonable/moderate clip on the bike, and likely mix some walking and running in the second 5K. If I can pull that off, I really only need to work hard on swimming before June, and maintain what I already have achieved in running/biking. I'll let myself worry a bit more about my time when the September sprint triathlon comes along.
2009-12-28 6:56 AM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
How did everyone's Christmas go? How is swimming, cycling, running come along?

Do ya'll have any questions? Any Concerns?

Ya'll ( you guys) have been pretty good with the advice thing between each other so far, so keep it going.

I think the walmart gift cards were the hot item this year, I think I got 4 of them suckers. Lance also got me some arm warmers, those things came in handy when I ran when it was 22 degrees. That's too cold. I don't know you northerns do it. I will be traveling to Tucson, AZ and will be gone Jan 1-10th. So internet will be limited then. Looks like more cold weather running too.
2009-12-28 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2563913

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Extreme Veteran
The Woodlands/Magnolia, TX.
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
swimming, cycling, and running??  what's that?  about the only think remotely close to exercise i've done since the 18th is play golf yesterday.  sad, right. 

christmas was nice though!  spent too much time driving from house to house and spent too much time eating like a horse, but it was good to see all the family.  good news is that santa brought me a new bike trainer!  gonna rock that puppy out tonight! 

this week officially starts my training program for the new year!


2009-12-28 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2579685

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
antlimon166 - 2009-12-28 7:34 AM swimming, cycling, and running??  what's that?  about the only think remotely close to exercise i've done since the 18th is play golf yesterday.  sad, right. 

christmas was nice though!  spent too much time driving from house to house and spent too much time eating like a horse, but it was good to see all the family.  good news is that santa brought me a new bike trainer!  gonna rock that puppy out tonight! 

this week officially starts my training program for the new year!


awesome keep me posted. I ate a bit as well.  I hate using the word "training" as that suggest something you have to do and doesn't sound as fun. Swimming, cycling, running should be fun, something you want to and look forward to doing.
2009-12-28 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Rode 19 miles in the cold and wind yesterday.  This morning I have the stiffest neck ever, and backache, too.  Now with my sore foot....  Can I just stick myself in a laundry/recycle mode and start all over? Wink
2009-12-28 12:04 PM
in reply to: #2579789

New user

So. Miss
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Just finished reading your entire blog.  I feel like I know you better now.  How did you get a sponsor so soon into your "career" without even winning yet?  Good work winning a 70.3 so fast; just 3 seasons.  I just want to be able to run an 18 minute 5k.  I'm pretty strong on the bike from years of just casual riding but I'm about 2 minutes away from my 5k run goal.  What part of your season are you in?  Off-season, soon to start for 2010 or mid season?  I just wanted to know so as I follow your training log I can guage it with what I am doing at a particular time in my training.  I hope that makes sense.  No, I won't be copying your training program because I'm only doing sprint tris.  Also, I think it said you were in the 20-29 age group but you didn't put your age on your bio at the start of the forum.

Enjoy your trip.

2009-12-28 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2580246

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Ironman7 - 2009-12-28 12:04 PM Just finished reading your entire blog.  I feel like I know you better now.  How did you get a sponsor so soon into your "career" without even winning yet?  Good work winning a 70.3 so fast; just 3 seasons.  I just want to be able to run an 18 minute 5k.  I'm pretty strong on the bike from years of just casual riding but I'm about 2 minutes away from my 5k run goal.  What part of your season are you in?  Off-season, soon to start for 2010 or mid season?  I just wanted to know so as I follow your training log I can guage it with what I am doing at a particular time in my training.  I hope that makes sense.  No, I won't be copying your training program because I'm only doing sprint tris.  Also, I think it said you were in the 20-29 age group but you didn't put your age on your bio at the start of the forum.

Enjoy your trip.


Are you that bored??? I am due for a post soon.  SBR Multi-Sports I get 15% off things they sale ( not bikes, but 10%) I used it somewhat. It is only untill the end of this year. At my level you only get discounted stuff but most of the time I can find stuff cheaper what I need at like central market or even walmart or online like ebay so I am not really applying a whole lot this year. Gotta save the bucks where I can, but really anybody can apply for sponsorship to places you just need a good story or be fast  

I am in "off-season" mode right now and I am 25 will be 26 in February. Thanks for asking. How did your Christmas go?  
2009-12-28 6:26 PM
in reply to: #2580239

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
kpar - 2009-12-28 1:00 PM Rode 19 miles in the cold and wind yesterday.  This morning I have the stiffest neck ever, and backache, too.  Now with my sore foot....  Can I just stick myself in a laundry/recycle mode and start all over? Wink

Oof, feel better! Stiff necks are the worst. How did you injure your foot?

2009-12-28 6:29 PM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
What up, y'all. Quick question: what types of physical activity should we put in our training logs? For instance, I walk my dog 30-60 minutes a day. The average pace is pretty slow because he has to stop and sniff every plant another dog has ever looked at, but I'm a pretty fast walker when we're moving. I feel silly putting that in my logs because it's not really "training," but if it would be helpful to see it, I'll add it.
2009-12-28 9:26 PM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Aha! I finally figured out how to see someone's detailed nutrition log (if they enter food to get calories and the carb/fat/protein percentages). When you go to someone's blog page, you have to go to the top of the page where it says "Jump to," hover the mouse over "Blog," and then click "Nutrition." Then you'll get a whole list of everything that person has posted about their nutrition.

Was I the only one who didn't realize you could do that? If so, sorry- I'm a little slow on the uptake around here on BT :)
2009-12-28 10:36 PM
in reply to: #2581170

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Who knew? Part of this is a learning experience for me too. 

It's up to you whether you want to post your walk with the dog. Personally, I wouldn't, but if you feel it raises your heart rate up there for awhile then feel free too.  
2009-12-29 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
The website William recommended,, really is great. I'm going to try out my new tips this afternoon! Just as soon as I get some work done on this mother$*%@ing paper... Any tips for good time management, other than forbidding myself from going on this website? I am the worst procrastinator ever.
2009-12-29 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2581170

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New user

Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
eca712 - 2009-12-28 9:26 PM Aha! I finally figured out how to see someone's detailed nutrition log (if they enter food to get calories and the carb/fat/protein percentages). When you go to someone's blog page, you have to go to the top of the page where it says "Jump to," hover the mouse over "Blog," and then click "Nutrition." Then you'll get a whole list of everything that person has posted about their nutrition.

Was I the only one who didn't realize you could do that? If so, sorry- I'm a little slow on the uptake around here on BT

I can see all your food and calories both. Are you entering both or is it showing up now automatically?

Sounds like some good recipes you cook.

Edited by lvernon 2009-12-29 10:20 AM

2009-12-29 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2581900

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
lvernon - 2009-12-29 11:20 AM
eca712 - 2009-12-28 9:26 PM Aha! I finally figured out how to see someone's detailed nutrition log (if they enter food to get calories and the carb/fat/protein percentages). When you go to someone's blog page, you have to go to the top of the page where it says "Jump to," hover the mouse over "Blog," and then click "Nutrition." Then you'll get a whole list of everything that person has posted about their nutrition.

Was I the only one who didn't realize you could do that? If so, sorry- I'm a little slow on the uptake around here on BT :)

I can see all your food and calories both. Are you entering both or is it showing up now automatically?

Sounds like some good recipes you cook.

Since I started, I've been entering the foods themselves in the nutrition section of the blog to get a calorie count, but in the past few days I've also been writing in a description of the meals so that you guys know what I'm eating- even now that I figured out how others can see the list of individual foods I enter, it's not always clear from those foods what the actual meal was.

Depending on how much time it ends up taking, I might continue to do that. It's pretty helpful for me to see the nutrition stats, but probably more helpful for you guys to see my quick descriptions of the meals.

And I do make some yummy meals! :) If you ever need some new recipes, I'm happy to share.
2009-12-29 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2580291

New user

So. Miss
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
I wouldn't say boredom brought me to your blog.  I like reading about peoples' experiences with competing.  It lets me imagine me doing the same things next year to keep me motivated.  That said, I am working night shift for 12 hrs a day so I have plenty of time on my hands.  This next comment might make me sound stalkerish but I also read most of your coachs blog too. 

Did Christmas get celebrated this year?  In case you forgot, I am in Afghanistan.  I didn't have a Christmas this year.  It was just like very other day.  So will be New Years and then my birthday the 3rd.  I'll be 28.  Let us know when you start your pace so I can compare it to what I have done.

2009-12-29 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2581965

New user

So. Miss
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!

The first place I look for time management is my commute to work.  I know it's not safe to do stuff and drive but you can get so much done in a 30 minute commute twice a day.  That plus eating lunch at your desk about 15 minutes before lunch starts while you work then doing stuff on your lunch break.  I used to go to the gym during my lunch break and ate right beforehand.

2009-12-29 4:57 PM
in reply to: #2579647

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
triritter - 2009-12-28 6:56 AM How did everyone's Christmas go? How is swimming, cycling, running come along?

Do ya'll have any questions? Any Concerns?

Ya'll ( you guys) have been pretty good with the advice thing between each other so far, so keep it going.

I think the walmart gift cards were the hot item this year, I think I got 4 of them suckers. Lance also got me some arm warmers, those things came in handy when I ran when it was 22 degrees. That's too cold. I don't know you northerns do it. I will be traveling to Tucson, AZ and will be gone Jan 1-10th. So internet will be limited then. Looks like more cold weather running too.

I could have not had a better Christmas. Beside our son having the time of his life with the family we got news my wife is pregnant again after having a mis carriage in August.  I have not told anyone, but I think you guys can keep it a secreat, until she knows everything is going well.  (her first blood test showed better levels than before

My running has never been better.  I am running faster longer than ever before and I may even have myself convinced I can BQ in a few years if I so choose to train that hard.  I have given up for now on buying a new bike so I have mine in the bike department at the store I work at to clean/grease everything up, change out some cables.  I plan on going bike crazy after my marathon and trying to keep most of my run fitness.  I will start back swimming 2 times a week after the  marathon to get back into things. 

bless you all
2009-12-29 7:20 PM
in reply to: #2582789

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
TriPatrick - 2009-12-29 5:57 PM
triritter - 2009-12-28 6:56 AM How did everyone's Christmas go? How is swimming, cycling, running come along?

Do ya'll have any questions? Any Concerns?

Ya'll ( you guys) have been pretty good with the advice thing between each other so far, so keep it going.

I think the walmart gift cards were the hot item this year, I think I got 4 of them suckers. Lance also got me some arm warmers, those things came in handy when I ran when it was 22 degrees. That's too cold. I don't know you northerns do it. I will be traveling to Tucson, AZ and will be gone Jan 1-10th. So internet will be limited then. Looks like more cold weather running too.

I could have not had a better Christmas. Beside our son having the time of his life with the family we got news my wife is pregnant again after having a mis carriage in August.  I have not told anyone, but I think you guys can keep it a secreat, until she knows everything is going well.  (her first blood test showed better levels than before

My running has never been better.  I am running faster longer than ever before and I may even have myself convinced I can BQ in a few years if I so choose to train that hard.  I have given up for now on buying a new bike so I have mine in the bike department at the store I work at to clean/grease everything up, change out some cables.  I plan on going bike crazy after my marathon and trying to keep most of my run fitness.  I will start back swimming 2 times a week after the  marathon to get back into things. 

bless you all

That's awesome about your wife's pregnancy! Congratulations. But... what's BQ?

2009-12-29 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2581989

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Ironman7 - 2009-12-29 11:52 AM I wouldn't say boredom brought me to your blog.  I like reading about peoples' experiences with competing.  It lets me imagine me doing the same things next year to keep me motivated.  That said, I am working night shift for 12 hrs a day so I have plenty of time on my hands.  This next comment might make me sound stalkerish but I also read most of your coachs blog too. 

Did Christmas get celebrated this year?  In case you forgot, I am in Afghanistan.  I didn't have a Christmas this year.  It was just like very other day.  So will be New Years and then my birthday the 3rd.  I'll be 28.  Let us know when you start your pace so I can compare it to what I have done.


Aww sorry about your crappy Christmas, Phillip. When do you get home? Do you have a family here?

PS- Thanks for the time management tip. I actually have a train commute once my semester starts in a couple of weeks, so it's pretty easy for me to do work while I'm getting to school. Make sure I do it!
2009-12-29 8:30 PM
in reply to: #2583020

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
eca712 - 2009-12-29 7:20 PM
TriPatrick - 2009-12-29 5:57 PM
triritter - 2009-12-28 6:56 AM How did everyone's Christmas go? How is swimming, cycling, running come along?

Do ya'll have any questions? Any Concerns?

Ya'll ( you guys) have been pretty good with the advice thing between each other so far, so keep it going.

I think the walmart gift cards were the hot item this year, I think I got 4 of them suckers. Lance also got me some arm warmers, those things came in handy when I ran when it was 22 degrees. That's too cold. I don't know you northerns do it. I will be traveling to Tucson, AZ and will be gone Jan 1-10th. So internet will be limited then. Looks like more cold weather running too.

I could have not had a better Christmas. Beside our son having the time of his life with the family we got news my wife is pregnant again after having a mis carriage in August.  I have not told anyone, but I think you guys can keep it a secreat, until she knows everything is going well.  (her first blood test showed better levels than before

My running has never been better.  I am running faster longer than ever before and I may even have myself convinced I can BQ in a few years if I so choose to train that hard.  I have given up for now on buying a new bike so I have mine in the bike department at the store I work at to clean/grease everything up, change out some cables.  I plan on going bike crazy after my marathon and trying to keep most of my run fitness.  I will start back swimming 2 times a week after the  marathon to get back into things. 

bless you all

That's awesome about your wife's pregnancy! Congratulations. But... what's BQ?

BQ+ Boston marathon Qualifying time.  It is a 3:15 for my age group. 
2009-12-29 11:39 PM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Cheers mate. Not so bad, you'll be home soon. Xmas was just another day in time for you there but when you do come home it will feel twice as good. I missed a couple of xmas's myself in the military. Chin Up!

I would like to get the recip for the eggplant red pepper spread. Do you make it yourself? Do you have any other spread recip's. I am always looking for alternatives to commercial spreads.

I am about to run out of my training plan. I was wondering if I should be looking for something in particular in a training plan. Originially I just randomly picked one and they were a little over the top. Then I went for the goal oriented approach (running an Oly distance so I picked an Olympic training program) How shoud I approach this? And should I split training plans due to winter and then pick up another plan whent I get closer to an actual race? 
2009-12-30 6:21 AM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Philip- Happy Early Birthday!!!! Thanks again for making sacrifices for the USA, can't say that enough.

Jeff- depends on what and when your goal or A races are. Since your on this site I assume your main goals are triathlon races. Right now should just be some maintenance/ starting early base. The closer you get to race day more race specific you need to train. For example, if your training for a 70.3 distance a race workout similar to race day would be something like a 2.5-3.0 hour bike w/ 3x20 minutes at "goal 70.3" effort/pace, then a 20-40 min run at goal pace off the bike. This is a good time to practice race day nutrition.
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