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2010-01-18 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2579109

New user
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
Hello out there where is everybody at? hope all is well.  Am still working a lot but trying to do what I can to exercixe.  Hope all of you are too.  There is an anchor news lady on the TV out of Jacksonville that soes a 26.6 marathon and a 1/2 mile marathon.  Can't get to Jax for the training so have inquired and got info on starting one here in my town.  Have some people interested, just have to get he word out and get some sponsors.   Wish me luck  Read an article on this site about a 50 yr old lady who ran her first marathon and really inspired me.  She said there was a lady there 84 yrs old and this was her third  I can do anything after hearing that  Keep in touch

2010-01-18 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2620110

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New York
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
Rudedog55 - 2010-01-19 4:49 AM yo peeps!!!!

How are we all doing???

I am tired, and i would bet Tuffli is also!!!

hope everyone is doing well!!!!

Absolutely. Tired but having a blast with Emma.  Boy, does she cry. I think she's a diva already .  How's Morgan? Hope she's a good sleeper!

My training volume has gone down dramatically.  I'm lucky if I get in 30mins daily.  Time management is even more key now, but family comes first!

I'm checking my weight today.  Interested to see what it is after a week of erratic eating and caring for Emma.  wish me luck!

Running Question:  What are your thoughts on target HR running vs. target pace running?  I've heard & ready mixed thoughts on this and would like your input?  I was mainly a HRM guy and would speed up or slow down based on my HR, but lately, I've been running based on average pace (within my abilities of course) and have seen more improvement in my running based on pace running.  should I consider HR a function of running output or effort?

2010-01-19 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
Hey all!

I hope Rudy and Tuffli are getting their rest and finding time to get workouts in.

In regards to HR training vs pace training I think it's important to do both. For the first couple years I trained almost exclusively by HR. My run paces were slow and I knew the speed would come with more running. The last few years I trained mostly by pace but had some specific aerobic sets that were HR based.

The important thing is to remember that you won't always have "great" days. If you train by HR, there will be days that your HR will be much higher than you think or your pace will be much slower than you think. On days like that it's good top train on perceived exertion.
2010-01-20 1:27 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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New York
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
I'm down to 189.5.  must be from the lack of eating

I hope to get in a quick 30min run tonight afterwork. We have friends coming in from Chicago tomorrow, so I doubt I'll get in that much training.

Bob, thanks for the input.  I need to allow for "slower" runs.  It's hard to get on the road and not go fast every time!

2010-01-21 3:44 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
BUMP! I had to get us back to page 1! Is anyone racing this weekend? I'm doing another 10K on Sat and then a "long" run on Sunday with some of the folks from our brand new tri club, The Broome County Triathlon Club.

I just sent in a registration for a Masters Swim meet for next month. It's been a while since I've done a swim meet, should be fun. Signed up for the 200 Free, 500 Free, 200 IM and 1000 Free.

Speaking of swimming. When I was doing my swim the other day I was thinking about some pointers to share. The first one is to try to keep your stroke long and streamlined. Picture a long, sleek battleship vs a short squatty tugboat. In order to do this it's important to glide and rotate your body.

You can increase your gliding by simply hesitating for a second before you start to pull. With your arm fully extended count to 2 and begin recovering with your other arm before you start your pull. That little hesitation will give you time to finish the stroke with the opposite hand and keep you nice and loooong on the water. You can do this in front of a mirror instead of in the computer chair like you are now! The Catch-up Drill is good practice for this.
2010-01-22 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
Ouch! Page 2 again! What's going on with everyone out there? Rudy and Tuffli have excuses for another week or so but  is everyone else still out there?

2010-01-22 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2628427

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

rstocks3 - 2010-01-22 8:24 AM Ouch! Page 2 again! What's going on with everyone out there? Rudy and Tuffli have excuses for another week or so but  is everyone else still out there?

Thanks for the kick Bob!  Sorry everyone!  I'm here . . . been lurking but will start getting in here and posting more often - hopefully as a group we can pick it up!!  I've been putting in some decent volume already and REALLY needing to figure out how to balance everything - WOW!!!!!!!  I haven't updated my logs, but have followed my plan this week - until today.  I finally hit that sleep-deprived state where going to master's swim at 5:30 was not going to be smart.  I had an extra swim built in this week anyhow - so I'm not really worried about it.  Looking forward to a 6 mile run tonight   Gotta run - I'll be back later tonight - after work and my run.  TGIF!! 

Happy Training all!

2010-01-22 9:07 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
I am here!  Building up the gear for the season and hoping the weather gets above freezing so I can get out of the gym. 
2010-01-23 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
yo Bob!!!  i am here, running 4 days a week, i go back to work monday and that should actually help, seeing i have been in Pajamas for two weeks, lol

hope everyone else is doing well!!!
2010-01-23 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
Last of the Jan Freeze 10K's this morning. The first couple miles I didn't know if I was going to make it or not, felt terrible and tired. I hung in there and ran comfortable the whole race. I was actually surprised to see that I lowered my time by a minute from the last one.

I tried the same strategy of comfortably hard the first lap, ease up the second lap and build the third lap. Here's the splits:

Lap Data
106m 40s1.00 miles06m 40s /mile151163
206m 45s1.00 miles06m 45s /mile164169
306m 56s1.00 miles06m 56s /mile164168
406m 56s1.00 miles06m 56s /mile167169
506m 45s1.00 miles06m 45s /mile169172
606m 46s1.00 miles06m 46s /mile171174
701m 05s0.16 miles06m 40s /mile174174
2010-01-25 1:03 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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New York
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
Just finished a power lunch on the dreadmill in preperation for the Men's Health Urbanathlon, which will be a fun run! 

Emma is settling into her routine and is a great sleeper.  What a relief!! 

Great run Bob!


2010-01-25 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

On track.  Getting my runs up.  Still have to ice the feet every day due to long history of plantar fasciitis.  Indoor trainer rides and now adding pool time in.  In between this year I am doing more core work.  No 1 problem, I need to change my diet, still to mich fatty type and sugar foods.

1st ever full 26.2 coming up on 3/21

2010-01-25 8:10 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

I saw earlier a question about HR management vs. pace time while running.  Just to revisit that, do you suggest the focus be on HR Zone management in base traing (which I am in right now)?

Frankly I can't keep my HR under 157 avg and I'm not running as hard as i could.  I feel like Im going a very managable pace right now.  In Sept/ Oct  my 4 -6 mile pace was down to 8:55 mile with AVg HR on 157.  Take 2 months off and my pace is 10:26 mile with same 157 avg HR, DAMN!  WTH!  Im going crazy here.  Now, I did put on 8 pounds as well, it's colder, and 2 months you lose a step.  BUT, so as to stay in a good HR zone, should I continue to not worry  about mile pace time and simply focus to keep the HR down?  Areobic vs Anaroebic..forgive me, my spelling sucks, I went to public school.

2010-01-26 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2634323

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

My advice is to just keep being consistent with the workouts. Don't worry too much about the pace, that will come in time. The heart rate will come down in time as well. It's a good idea to have an "aerobic indicator" workout that you do either once a week or once every two weeks. Figure out a course that takes you about 30 to 40 minutes to finish with a set heart rate. (If you're comfortable at 157 then use that as your aerobic indicator HR.) As your conditioning improves it should take less time to run that same course at your 157 HR.

Your training has a nice upward trend to it, that's a very good thing. You're on track for a great season, don't get discouraged!

BTW - I haven't completely ruled out doing IMKY this year. I am not sure I can take a year off of Ironman racing.
2010-01-27 8:24 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
I got in the pool tonight!!!  Even swam a 1:40 100!!!!!!!  whoo hooo i  thought i was gonna puke!!!

2010-01-31 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
It's been another quiet week in here! How is everyone doing? New dad's, have you learned to "fake sleep" yet. The treadmill is good "constant noise" to put a baby to sleep. The problem is that you can't stop until you want the baby to wake up!

I just got back from a 90 min run in -6 degrees! I am ready for spring to get here and some warmer temps. I have never been so happy to urinate just to make sure the darn thing still works!! SHRINKAGE!!!!

How's that for getting the thread back on top?

2010-01-31 10:29 PM
in reply to: #2645496

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New York
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
rstocks3 - 2010-01-31 11:58 PM It's been another quiet week in here! How is everyone doing? New dad's, have you learned to "fake sleep" yet. The treadmill is good "constant noise" to put a baby to sleep. The problem is that you can't stop until you want the baby to wake up!

I just got back from a 90 min run in -6 degrees! I am ready for spring to get here and some warmer temps. I have never been so happy to urinate just to make sure the darn thing still works!! SHRINKAGE!!!!

How's that for getting the thread back on top?

HAHA.  I'll have to give the treadmill a shot with Emma .

I competed in the Men's Health Urbanathlon yesterday.  It's a 12.5km run with 8 "urban" obstacles.  I've never done one of these before, but it was a fun run...  the only killer for me was the monkey bars.  Sweaty palms mixed with chalk putty (chalk did nothing to dry my hands!) is not a good recipe to grip already slippery bars!

BTW, I just joined the 2010 Green Storm Racing Team (  Representing them in Singapore should keep me training & competing hard this year .
2010-02-02 5:24 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
ok.....i am flat out tired

link to my facebook page with pics of Morgan

Hope everyone is doing well!!!
2010-02-02 5:56 AM
in reply to: #2649143

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
Rudedog55 - 2010-02-02 6:24 AM ok.....i am flat out tired

link to my facebook page with pics of Morgan

Hope everyone is doing well!!!

You're tired? It looks like Morgan just finished an Ironman!!!

2010-02-02 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2649143

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

Rudedog55 - 2010-02-02 5:24 AM ok.....i am flat out tired

link to my facebook page with pics of Morgan

Hope everyone is doing well!!!

Awwwww - LOVE the pics - Bob's caption just above this post is too funny!!


2010-02-02 1:10 PM
in reply to: #2645496

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

rstocks3 - 2010-01-31 9:58 AM It's been another quiet week in here! How is everyone doing? New dad's, have you learned to "fake sleep" yet. The treadmill is good "constant noise" to put a baby to sleep. The problem is that you can't stop until you want the baby to wake up!

I just got back from a 90 min run in -6 degrees! I am ready for spring to get here and some warmer temps. I have never been so happy to urinate just to make sure the darn thing still works!! SHRINKAGE!!!!

How's that for getting the thread back on top?

Wow - no segway from there for me!!

Training is going well here - only 32 weeks until IM #1 - haha

I'm really liking my master's swim group and not paying much attention to time - tho based on the fact that most of our rest intervals are shorter than my previous swim time - I must be getting faster   I was told I have a strong kick last week and that I kick all of the time.  My first instinct is to wonder if that was their polite way to say I'm getting the coach wet?  I used to pause in my kicking and have worked to correct that - but now I'm wondering if I'm overkicking for a triathlete - any thoughts?  I also don't understand how I can have a strong kick - all of my lanemates were in agreement - yet they kick my butt on kick drills!  It was pointed out on a 25yd sprint if it matters . . .

Bob - thanks for the inspire!  As you saw - I am trying out Chi running!  Do you have experience with this?  Anyone else?  So far I'm LOVING IT - WOW!!  My run feels 100% different - 100% easier.  I had been stopping 3 times per 5 mi run (on the TM) to stretch b/c my hammie and hips just felt wrong.  Ever since I started trying chi (3-4 runs total now) I haven't been sore AT ALL due to a run - did I say WOW?!!  And my pace has improved at the same rpe.

Well - that's what I'm up to in a nutshell - really excited for next season already!  Also ready for warmer weather and all this crap to melt . . .

What's everyone else up to?

Lunch is over . . . back to work for me . . .

Happy Training All!

2010-02-02 6:10 PM
in reply to: #2650349

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed


Here's a swim question for you . . . assuming my form is good - how far out would you start building swim endurance?  I'm guessing asap?  My plan is to talk to the master's coach this week and see what he thinks of my form and of me doing one swim / week on my own at a longer distance.  My lane typically only does 1600-2000 yds in practice.  Any thoughts on where I should be 32 weeks out from an IM?


2010-02-02 6:31 PM
in reply to: #2651051

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
rreischl - 2010-02-02 7:10 PM


Here's a swim question for you . . . assuming my form is good - how far out would you start building swim endurance?  I'm guessing asap?  My plan is to talk to the master's coach this week and see what he thinks of my form and of me doing one swim / week on my own at a longer distance.  My lane typically only does 1600-2000 yds in practice.  Any thoughts on where I should be 32 weeks out from an IM?



You're already way ahead of the game as far as swim fitness. Stay with the Masters practices and the improvements you are going to be seeing over the next 6 to 8 weeks are going to blow your mind away. You're building swim endurance with every set in practice. What I would suggest to you is to do a 1000 yd swim at a "comfortably hard" pace after your masters practice once every 2 or 3 weeks. That way you're not missing out on any of the Masters work and you have a benchmark to gauge your progress. (By comfortable hard I would say 65-75% effort. )

If you are concerned or just curious how your endurance is progressing in the pool I would suggest doing a 1.2 mi (2112 yd) swim in about a month. The following month perhaps do a 2.4 mi swim in place of a masters workout. I am pretty confident that you'll be doing your set of 300's that you did the other day in 5:45's instead of 6:30's.
2010-02-02 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2651080

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

rstocks3 - 2010-02-02 6:31 PM

You're already way ahead of the game as far as swim fitness. Stay with the Masters practices and the improvements you are going to be seeing over the next 6 to 8 weeks are going to blow your mind away. You're building swim endurance with every set in practice. What I would suggest to you is to do a 1000 yd swim at a "comfortably hard" pace after your masters practice once every 2 or 3 weeks. That way you're not missing out on any of the Masters work and you have a benchmark to gauge your progress. (By comfortable hard I would say 65-75% effort. )

If you are concerned or just curious how your endurance is progressing in the pool I would suggest doing a 1.2 mi (2112 yd) swim in about a month. The following month perhaps do a 2.4 mi swim in place of a masters workout. I am pretty confident that you'll be doing your set of 300's that you did the other day in 5:45's instead of 6:30's.

Thanks for the quick response Bob!

5:45's . . . I can't even do a 100 in less than 2 minutes - so that would be cool   Of course I'd love to be faster than that come race day, LOL! 

Regarding the longer swim one every few weeks . . . I don't really have the option to stay late and add-on to my master's practices unfortunately.  But Master's is available 6 days/week - and I don't take advantage of all of those sessions as it is - most weeks I get to 4.  So instead do you think I'd be better to add a day of swimming at my pool and go for around 3000 - or - do my Sat master's swim then drive to my pool and finish the last 1000?  Sorry for all of the questions!

I'm curious - what is your main focus next season as far as races go?  Do you have an A race - or maybe more than one?

Oops - I better get moving if I wanna get my trainer ride in tonight!  Off to watch Biggest Loser and ride!


2010-02-06 3:36 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
Lots of snow and cold weather across the Us.  Are you guys getting outside?  For NC, it is frigging cold!  I am getting out but the wind and cold are painful!
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