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2011-01-03 7:52 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

I am famous for my really bad advice but I have bought and sold several bikes on e-bay. It is a great way to try them out (rent) and then resale them for about (sometimes more) than what you paid. I started doing it with high end stereo equipment but now do it with bikes. You seem like a gambler so this would be right up your alley. Just a thought.

FWIW Reach and stack are the cheap part of fitting. If the frame right, you can get the cockpit to fit. Do you have any idea what frame size you are looking for?

Resale on the Motobecane is very poor. I just sold a barely used 54 for $400 with 105 components. You are essentially paying $1300 for an Ultegra group and they throw in the frame for free without a fitting.

Edited by pschriver 2011-01-03 8:04 PM

2011-01-03 8:48 PM
in reply to: #3273548

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
emholli - 2011-01-03 8:24 AM I'm hearing you Kate.
I too have mental demons!!! Although, not usually in a race as I am more than likely stone-cold-stinking-dead-last and there's no one to try and stay with!! They've usually all gone home!!!! Wink

I imagine most people have some kind of mental battle - whether it's in racing, or motivation, self-confidence etc. Even the best triathletes.

I love your idea of it being all about you. I might borrow that, if I may? I have a tendancy to compare myself to others, even though I have just started in this sport. Then I get despondant because they're fast and I'm crapola!!.

Might try the ''all about me'' mantra. Thanks for the tip!!!

A very good friend of mine is a Motivational Speaker/Exercise Scientist/ex-personal trainer/high-performance coach (he has a lot of strings to his bow) and he says:

''Take your mind there and your body will follow.''

I like it. He's smart!


Em - I like the "Take your mind there and your body will follow."  My turn to borrow.

Another one I like when the going gets tough is mind over miles.  Have this on my road id.  Which I bought when training for my one and only (so far) HIM.
2011-01-03 9:01 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Hi All - sorry for being late to the game.  A little about me:
NAME: This is an easy one - Lisa B (aka MILF Laughing to a few crazy friends)
Family Status: Single with an 18 yo daughter that is a freshman in college and a 17 yo son who is a junior in high school
Current Training: Whatever my coach tells me to do.  My coach is BTs very own Marvarnett and is the head coach for Endurance Concepts.  Phatnot and I are team mates.
This Year's Races: Not sure yet - think I'm going to focus on sprints and Olys.  Need to figure out my schedule keeping in mind Coach Dan's motto that you can race often or you can race well and decide where I want to be.
Years/experience in the triathlon: 3 full seasons - this will be my fourth
How I got to be a triathlete: Come from a life time of athletics.  Started off as a gymnast competing locally and then for Univ of Michigan.  Followed that with different obsessions to include body building, kick boxing and running.  Between all this stuff and genetics I ended up with back surgery (fusion of L4-L5) when I was 46 yo (I'm now 51).  Thought I could never run again so I took up biking so I could still be an endurance athlete.  Met some triathletes and jumped into the sport first year doing sprints and a couple of Olympics.  Next season went to back surgeon and he gave me permission to do half marys and HIM which I did two summers ago.  Right after that I had shoulder surgery (last December) and ended up doing shorter races last season.  Ended the season with AG Natl Sprints and am now a proud member of Team USA and able to go to Beijing if I so desire.

Looking forward to getting to know you all and give and get some inspiration (which I really need right now).
2011-01-03 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3274493

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
mgma8814 - 2011-01-03 1:34 PM Thanks for your help.
It's been tricky to piece it all together. Running is actually my strong suit, it's just getting back into it, which I don't anticipate to be difficult or problematic.
Bike will also not be too difficult to get back into either, although it has been a few years.... so I'll assess where I am on that.
Swim will be the most difficult and challenging- this is where I will need to work the most. That much I do know.

I've read that a lot of people have coaches (like you do)- where would you suggest I go to find a coach? websites? organizations?


Melissa - I have had a coach the entire time I have been in this sport.  I am one of those people that 1) doesn't want to figure out what to do to get the most out of my training time and 2) would do too much too hard ALL the time if I didn't have someone guiding me.  Having a coach is also good for having someone hold you accountable as well as someone to encourage you.

As for finding a coach - ask around and be sure to interview the coach and know what you're looking for.  The first coach I had was a very bad fit for me and I went with him cause others thought he was good.  I was too inexperienced to know that he was not doing a good job for me and stayed with him for longer than I should have.  My coach now is perfect for me (I found him by accident while at packet pick up for one of my first races).
2011-01-03 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Welcome Lisa,

If I were your orthopedic surgeon I would be overjoyed. It is great to see a patient recover from surgery and return to their activities. My wife had a tumor at at L4-L5 that was diagnosed after a sprint-tri and the usual muscle pain didn't go away after a couple of days. She also had surgery.  She has returned to triathlons but doesn't go beyond Olympic distances. She enjoys the excitement of longer distances  only to watch me suffer.
2011-01-04 6:00 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
LisaB is really a medical marvel and sounds like your wife is too Peter. I am always so impressed by folks that overcome something to compete. I bet you all have something to overcome to get where you are going or know someone that makes you proud to be a triathlete.

Before my 9mi long run today, I am going to try and hit the pool up for the first time in about a month. Its really stupid to leave it so long between visits but mentally I am ok with it because I was burning out on swimming a bit. I think yesterday's bike helped me to reclaim some of my mojo at the right time. 

I am soon going to start adding you all as BTfriends so I can check your logs but for now, please let us know what you are doing today in terms of your goals (i.e., weight management, fitness, etc.). I think it will help us all out to report in. You can be as detailed as you like. Let's get it going all you slayers....

2011-01-04 6:03 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
LisaB is really a medical marvel and sounds like your wife is too Peter. I am always so impressed by folks that overcome something to compete. I bet you all have something to overcome to get where you are going or know someone that makes you proud to be a triathlete.

Before my 9mi long run today, I am going to try and hit the pool up for the first time in about a month. Its really stupid to leave it so long between visits but mentally I am ok with it because I was burning out on swimming a bit. I think yesterday's bike helped me to reclaim some of my mojo at the right time. 

I am soon going to start adding you all as BTfriends so I can check your logs but for now, please let us know what you are doing today in terms of your goals (i.e., weight management, fitness, etc.). I think it will help us all out to report in. You can be as detailed as you like. Let's get it going all you slayers....

EDIT: I am not hearing from some of you as regularly as others, which is fine, but if you are dropping out, please advise me on a PM. Then I can add some of those who have asked me to get in post closure.
2011-01-04 6:26 AM
in reply to: #3275904

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
phatknot - 2011-01-04 12:00 PM for now, please let us know what you are doing today in terms of your goals (i.e., weight management, fitness, etc.). .

So the big thing for me that will really improve everything all round has to be weight loss. I need to loose 60lbs in total and would like to get rid of 30 by June if I can. I know what I need to do (other than that tricky balance between training and calorie intake) I just need to stick to doing it.

In terms of Tri specific.
I'm sticking to sprints this season to really get a baseline on my times for this distance.

Running: I'm a slow runner and want to increase my pace and I really want to run a race at the end of the year that is 16k. This is big for me as the furthest I've ever done so far is 14k. I need to work on decreasing my 5k time to under 32' by June (currently PB 34' 46'') and increasing my stamina. 

Swimming: a recent masters class has identified that my stroke technique is v. poor so at the moment all I want to work on is getting that sorted. When it gets a little warmer I want to also be work on being confident in open water. I'm OK at the moment but get worked up at the start of races and need to get into a relaxed rhythm sooner.

Cycling: Probably weight related but I find climbs really challenging both physically and mentally. So I need to toughen up and practising staying the distance, increase strength and endurance so I feel better when I get to the hills.

Strength: To aid general stability in the pool and on the bike I need to work my core and to help with running and cycling I need to build up the muscles around my knee as I suffered pain in this last year and don't want to face the same thing again so I'm going to try running specific strength work (that I got from a running coach last year) with core work.

Just writing all this down has been useful. Generally I know where I want to get to but I've also realised that I've got few SMART goals so I'll need to have a think about these.

2011-01-04 6:35 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Awesome Kate! Writing those out constitutes good work.  I know you are five hours ahead. I also want to know have you trained or are you training today?
2011-01-04 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

Reporting in ....Cool

I had planned on a swim this AM but a late night and cold meant I decided to skip it as I don't want to fall ill.

I'm going to a spin this evening and will do some core work afterwards.
Just so you know I'm also back to work tomorrow and travelling until the weekend so if you don't hear from me I'll still be working hard - the plan is for a run tomorrow and Thursday, swim Thursday with core work and day off Friday as I'm travelling back home.

2011-01-04 9:11 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
My week of training:
Monday master's swim - FAIL - one of my kids came home at 1 am Sunday night and I didn't fall back asleep for three hours
Tuesday - trainer ride to include 1x10 mins in high Z3, 2x10 mins in Z4 - Done!
Tuesday - 30 minute recovery run
Wednesday - master's swim
Thursday - trainer ride
Friday - master's swim
Saturday - bike - either on the road or trainer if TOO cold outside
Sundsay - 1 hour run

I am usually/always one of those athletes that never misses a workout.  I had some stuff happen beginning of December and  only swam once the whole month.  Swimming is my nemesis and getting out of bed in when it's cold out doesn't make it any easier.  So I am publically asking to be called out and beaten with a proverbal stick if I don't make all the rest of my swims this month.

Kate - on the settling down in a race during the first part of the swim - that is completely normal to get jacked up.  I have had issues with panic during the swim and I find that the more I do it the easier it gets, both from season to season and from beginning of a season to the end.  Also helps to be in really good swimming shape so the distance is not an issue.

2011-01-04 9:46 AM
in reply to: #3256691


Las Vegas, NV USA
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Lisa- having a coach would be fantastic! Thanks for the input- it's something I am looking into. 

Kate- I am there with you. I don't have 60 to lose....the goal right now is for 30 lbs. And it's just sticking to it for me as well... I know what works for me, it's just sticking to it. 

As far as checking in- I'll do my best to do that everyday. This morning, I ate a nice breakfast (since I have a midterm in about 20 minutes). Then it's off to the gym for a running baseline and a bike baseline (as best I can anyway). I'll start running outside again once it warms up a little early in the morning. Not looking to get sick yet again (although 1/2 of my class is sick- fantastic). So trying to stay healthy and germ-free.
So, it's a start- once I get a better idea of where I am now, I can start setting those targets for myself.

2011-01-04 11:04 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
I think its great that you all are planning and logging some workouts. Even better that you are reporting to us. THat helps us get a feel for each other's progress etc. Well done everyone!

I did finally get back in the pool for 2200 and then ran 9.5 mi long run on the track afterward. LisaB always makes fun of me for running long on the track but it works for me and I never get charged by dogs, run over by cars, have easy access to a toilet, etc.

Tomorrow is a 2-3 hour steady bike ride aco (against coach's orders-he only wants me to ride an hour) then a 3 mi brick run in the afternoon. First outdoor bike in ages....
2011-01-04 11:11 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Kate, remember it took a long time to put the weight on and will take a long time to get it off. It is a marathon, not a sprint. Don't worry about your pace and just put in the volume. When I look at my race results from 4 years ago I remember where I started. You are welcome to look at my old logs. I kept them private when I first started but made them public just to show that improvement can happen to anyone over time.

My weekly schedule:

Mon: Recovery bike in morning, 20x200 swim at lunch
Tues: Tempo run 10k morning
Wed: Bike in morning
Thurs: Bike in morning, 20x200 swim at lunch
Fri: Run
Sat: Long Bike 20x200 swim
Sun: Long Run

Made my tempo run today
2011-01-04 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
I like this checking in business.  Here's my planned schedule for the week:

Tuesday: short brick--30 min bike followed by 15 min run
Wednesday: swim 2500 yards, 1 hour run
Thursday: 1 hour run, 1 hour bike
Friday: swim 2500 yards
Saturday: long bike, hopefully the weather will be decent and I can ride some hills outside
Sunday: long run, 1 hour

So, I did my brick workout this morning.  It was chilly, but I still rode outside.  My run was a bit short--about 13 minutes instead of 15 but I let the dogs run around at the dog park, so it was worth it.

I have some pretty big goals this year, so my main challenge is staying on track with training so I can accomplish them.  My A race is Ironman CdA, so I have lots of work to do.  My work schedule is crazy and I'm in the process of moving from Sacramento to San Diego, which just adds to the load.  Everything should settle down in the next few months though. 
2011-01-04 11:56 AM
in reply to: #3276299

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Lisa B - 2011-01-04 7:11 AM  Swimming is my nemesis and getting out of bed in when it's cold out doesn't make it any easier.  So I am publically asking to be called out and beaten with a proverbal stick if I don't make all the rest of my swims this month.

Me, too!  I will keep you in line if you keep me in line!  I have to get up at 4:45 am to get to the pool before it's full and that makes it even worse.  The pool I used to swim at is closed for the next couple of months so I'm going to 24 hour fitness, which has a 2 lane, super shallow swim pool.  It's better than nothing but it's certainly not great...and it gets full of aqua aerobics people really fast so I have to get there super early. 

2011-01-04 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Sunday's workout was a good one... (& i enjoyed my rest day on Monday immensely!) i don't want to over-do it, but here's the workout schedule i've penciled in until the weather gets good enough to cycle outside again: (note! the swim workouts won't be starting until NEXT week)

mon: masters swim
tues: recovery run
wed: hill training or tempo (run) + masters swim
thurs: spin class
fri: rest
sat: yoga/pilates (+ possible bonus spin)
sun: long run (+ possible bonus spin)

i'm basically aiming for 3 X running & 2 X swimming and 2 X cycling/spinning (weather permitting) the 1 spin workout on Thursday is scheduled in... but the 2nd workout i'm trying to be flexible with.... & the goal.... to drop between 22-32lbs. (the 20 is unfortunately weight gain from a change in medication, the 2 are from the holidays + the 10 would be a bonus)

& i REALLY need to get more bike-run workouts in.
that's a big goal of mine for the spring!

Edited by nicruns 2011-01-04 1:02 PM
2011-01-04 1:11 PM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
btw- i have TOTAL tri bike envy!
those look like great options to me!
i JUST upgraded to a road bike (after yes-- completing my 1st season of sprint tris on my mtn bike) that i bought off of craigslist.
a bike savvy friend of mine talked me through it, but i consider it a good deal!
funny.... as much as i love my roadie, i've absolutely started setting a bit of money aside for an eventual tri bike purchase down the road! Money mouth
2011-01-04 1:43 PM
in reply to: #3256691

Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

I'm looking for some advice:  I got a new trainer for Christmas and I am wondering how long people ride on it.  I have only been able to get one session in - for about 40 minutes and my goodness I was sore in the saddle.  I think it's because I didn't feel like I could really stand up so it was all keister all the time. 

My biggest obstacle (besides the time constraints) is that I have never been an athlete.  I played basketball for one season in the 5th grade (and that was only because I was tall).  After that it was all drama club and newspaper staff.  I have no well of confidence in my athletic prowess from the bygone days to fall back on.  I  feel like a fraud a lot of the time - like I'm a pretender in a world of actual athletes.  I hope time and experience will improve this.

My week:

Mon: rest
Tues: core and stretch
Wed: trainer ride
Thur: masters swim
Fri:? (haven't decided - maybe a walk/run to go with core/stretch)
Sat: rest
Sunday: trainer ride

I am trying to give my ITB some stretch and strength time befor I run for real.  I haven't ever been able to get to even the 10k distance without serious issue, so I want to try and do it right this year.


2011-01-04 1:54 PM
in reply to: #3256691


Las Vegas, NV USA
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Ashley- I can empathize with you on the time. If I want to get a workout in the mornings, I have to get up around 4:15-4:30am or so.... makes for a very long day. I used to do this regularly and am hoping to get back into it.

So, I'm up to a 11:15 minute mile. Blech! I can do the distance for my upcoming Tri in May (just a 5k), so my target here is to get back outside to run (including inclines and declines) and shortening my timing. So did 3 miles today alone.

Ok, I have questions about all this new jargon I am seeing....what is a 'brick'? A tempo run? Z3? Z4?

2011-01-04 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

I can give a little advice about the trainer. The first question is whether or not you are comfortable on your bike outside. Any discomfort you had outside will be magnified when you are on the trainer. The other thing that really helps is to make sure the seat is level. The best way is to prop up the front wheel. Otherwise you will always be sliding forward. Also get a big/good fan. The air blowing across you will make your butt hurt less. My longest ride on the trainer was 6+ hours and I was in misery but since then the shorter rides aren't near as bad.

2011-01-04 2:25 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Ok, I have questions about all this new jargon I am seeing....what is a 'brick'? A tempo run? Z3? Z4?

Bike ride followed by run. (Probably because your legs feel like bricks when you get off the bike.

Tempo run:
Defined differently by different sources but a steady run at a steady pace.

Z3 Z4: Heart rate zones (I would just run for now and build up mileage)

More here:

Edited by pschriver 2011-01-04 2:30 PM
2011-01-04 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3277231

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Rural Ontario
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Katie (slokat) - I find the same thing about riding on a trainer. 1 hr. on my trainer hurts my ASSets as much as a 3 hr. road ride.  I think its because on the road I shift my position, stand up, stop on lights, etc.  but on the trainer I'm just sitting in one position.  And I haven't ridden in a while so my butt needs to toughen up a bit to get used to the saddle.

As for never having been an athelete, put that though out of your mind. That's just your subconcious trying to sabotage you. You are an athlete - actually you're a triathlete (thats 300% better than your regular run-of-the-mill athlete).  The day you started training regularly for a Triathlon you became an athlete.

2011-01-04 3:02 PM
in reply to: #3277231

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
slokat - 2011-01-04 2:43 PM

I am trying to give my ITB some stretch and strength time befor I run for real.  I haven't ever been able to get to even the 10k distance without serious issue, so I want to try and do it right this year.


I've had ITB trouble before too-- NOT fun!
But so far I've been lucky & have found that consistentlty stretching, working it over with the foam roller and strengthening up my core (glutes primarily) have really helped keep the troubles at bay.
(knock on wood!)
2011-01-04 3:22 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

As others have said - who cares what you used to do you are what you do now. As you've seen from the discussions here some of the battles are mental as much as physical so your life experiences in other areas will be just as useful. You are an triathlete now and that's all that counts.

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