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2011-02-27 1:42 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go

Click on the camera botton on the top of your page and you can add pictures. The picture needs to be a certian size, it may take you a few attemts to get it.

I use my road bike for only winter and spring rides, once the roads are clean I pull out the tri bike and use that all summer/fall. The concept bike would be worth it....such a beutiful bike...and FAST. I was talking to my buddy today and was saying if I had the cash and needed a new bike thats the one I would go with.
We just order a set of 88m (808) carbon rims from China today $600 compared to $2400 here. Cant wait to see them on my bike. Also ordered the Lazer areo helmet last week, both of those should knock about 5 to 15 minutes off my bike times with no extra effort on my part.

Had a tough week this week in training, skipped 2 days....just exhusted...back at`er though, had a great ride today 2:40 while watching the Madison Wis. ironman course.
Looking forward to a better week
Cheers all

2011-02-28 7:02 PM
in reply to: #3360545

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
I have taken Juice Plus for the past three years and except for the strep throat this year, I have not been sick since I have been taking it.

2011-02-28 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3373758

New user

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
Kevin,   I am a newbie to the triathlon sport.  I have done 8 marathons, 6 half's over the last 2 years.  I am very excited to expand me obsession into the Triathlon.  So, I purchased the Speed Concept 7.0.  Only have ridden it 7.3 miles so far due to the weather.  But yes, this is my main baby.   I will use this for my outdoor training.  I purchased a LeMond Spinning bike for indoor training. Looking back, not knowing at the time I should have probably purchased a trainer.

2011-02-28 9:45 PM
in reply to: #3376591

New user

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
I have loaded a stock picture of my bike on my photo album.  Once I figure out how to reduce the size of my photos I will add more.

2011-03-02 12:24 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
Had another break through on my run agian yesturday, my 10k is down to 45:30 from 52:00 in November. Each month I have knocked  1:00 to 1:40 off the prevous month.
 Sticking to a good plan and making each workout count have really paid off. If you asked my last year if I could run under 46 minutes I just would have laughed at you.
Consistentcy has been the key.
Can`t wait to get outside on the bike and see where Im at there, been spending alot of time on that as well.
2011-03-03 7:46 AM
in reply to: #3378514

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
Good for you Nate!  You are moving! The Peterborough half marathon winning time last weekend was 1:15 (by a  19 year old). Impressed how you can get your times down that much.  You say that consistency is the key, what do mean by that? Do you do HR training and i would be interested to know how you break up your run schedule.e.g.- intervals, tempo , long runs for the week of training. Thanks Kevin

2011-03-03 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3376630

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
Hi Ken. I was looking at the same bike. I think I need to upgrade> Please let me know how the bike rides. I cant wait to get on my bike for outside rides. 2 hours on spinner is fun though! Kevin
2011-03-05 6:35 AM
in reply to: #3274388

New user

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go


Hi Nate and fellow Triathletes,

I wanted to know how you can "shunt" the bllod in your body heading into T1 from the swim. Today, I restarted my swim and after my session in the 25m pool, I did 2 laps of deep water running with my hands on the back of my head. I realised that I was moving the blood from my upper body, down to my legs. Is this the right thing to do? If not, what is? I'd really like to know. If anyone can help, that would be so good to have the knowledge to go through my T1 in a better way. I found this was a pretty good thing to do, as it allowed me to go through the motions especially T1.


Thanks, Rommel

2011-03-05 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go

G`day guys

My schedule has me running only 3/4 times a week only. Each workout has a purpose though. Sunday = long slow run which is about 72% avgerage of max heart rate. Tuesday is different each week, sometimes fartleks (sprints of 100m), this week 55 min run with the middle 30 at 75% of max heartrate. Thursday are always intervals of some sort, this week was 1:05 = a warm up then 4 X 1 mile with 3 minute slow inbetween. The 4 intervals would increase in speed each one. then a cool down. The the fourth run is a brick on Saturdays, looks like I have the month off those though

I use my heartrate monitor for my runs and rides. My percieved effort is way off from my actual. When I think Im busting my I look down and my heart rate says no your not, so I really need to wear it to keep me in my zones.

Last year I would miss alot of runs or just ran for the sake of running with no plan, just went out and ran. Not alot wrong with just running but if you wish to bring your times down the work needs to be done.

I also have been riding my bike for 40 minutes to 1 hr after my long slow runs and I believe that has helped alot as well, just an easy spin.



2011-03-05 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go

Hey Rommel,

I've never done anything like that in the pool. In the summer when I start my open water I will run out of the water like its race day and take my wetsuit off as quick as possible, and this I will do only once a week.



2011-03-05 11:41 AM
in reply to: #3383881

New user

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
If anyone is interested I am on Facebook.  I have just posted a picture of my Trek 7.0 bike.
My name is Ken Smith
My e-mail is [email protected]  If your are on facebook friend me.

2011-03-13 8:18 PM
in reply to: #3274388

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go

I'm just excited about the US (most states) change of time this weekend. I am hoping that it will give me a little more training time each week since the daylight will last one more hour.


2011-03-14 6:58 PM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go

So how is everyones training going so far? Any major set backs? Any injuries? Any achievements?

Personal things are going great for me....except swimming..not doing it enough...but the bike and run are going great.

2011-03-15 11:41 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go

not sure if I posted this earilier, enjoy

2011-03-23 12:58 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go

Had another best in my running yesturday; was running mile intervals and my forth mile I was able to run a 6:53....never thought that was possible

You all sure are a quit bunch....


2011-03-24 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3274388

New user

Lincoln, NE
Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go

Nate mentioned a foam roller in response to my complaining about IT Band soreness.  I don't currently own one, and haven't really seen one in use. Which brings up several questions:

What do you use?  What would you look for in buying a new one?  Is there a particular brand you recommend?  Thanks.



2011-03-25 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3274388

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go

Hi Nate. My IT band at knee is hurting me the last few runs, after \\\\\\ I run probably 35/  40 minutes it progressively starts to get worse, if tried to run through it but Iv been told to take a week off running to let it heal. Have you had this problem and is there anything you would suggest ? I plan on biking and swimming though. Thanks Kevin

2011-03-27 6:29 AM
in reply to: #3274388

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
Hi Nate.  My olympic training program is peaking right now, I am at week 2 in month 5. It peaks at a race but I do not have a race until june 5. I am not sure if I should back the program up to peak at the scheduled race in june or coninue to build the workouts. I think to train at this pace would be hard for 2 months but I do want to build my fitness as well. Do you have any recommendations Nate? I could work on my own workout schedule but not sure on the 10% rule etc. and just how much work I should be doing? Thanks, Kevin
2011-03-28 12:12 PM
in reply to: #3274388

New user

Lincoln, NE
Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go

Foam roller rocks! Smile

I have had IT Band soreness everytime I up my running distance.  Nothing new, it has hampered my running in the past somewhat.  Anyhow, this weekend I went to Scheels and bought a foam roller.  Love it!  I upped my distance and pace this weekend and was expecting to be pretty sore.  After using the roller I have very minimal soreness in my IT Band (after just one use).  Also, it helped with Quads and Hammys.  Finally, my wife who is a runner tried it out and she is a big fan as well.


2011-03-28 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3417979

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go

I use a foam roller after every run or ride, it just keeps my legs feeling better. I was having lots of knees soreness my first year of running and the foam roller was on of the things that did the trick.


Nate,  I have a question about fitting in a long run and long bike. I know that ideally you would do one mid week and the other on weekend, but my schedule won't allow that for a few more weeks.  Do I try to do both on the weekend, on alternate weeks, or just keep doing long runs and skip the long bike (mostly just joking here, I LOVE to run)




2011-03-28 8:46 PM
in reply to: #3398690

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go



Thanks for website and congrats on your success in training!


2011-03-31 6:55 PM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go

so sorry I havnt been on, last weekend I took a coaches course for both days and then came home to find my computer was ill, get to pick it up tomorrow, Im at work so I dont have time to reply tonight but will read though what Ive missed


2011-03-31 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go

@ Stacy; I do all my long workouts on the weekkends, long bike on Saturday and long run on Sunday. 2 reasons: first, I have more time to fit them in as Im not working and the kids are doing there own thing. As you can see on my workouts that Im up to about 4 hrs on Sat and 3 hrs on Sun. Second, it teaches your body to run on Sunday when your legs are still abit tired, after awhile they will get use to it. Try not to skip long runs or bike rides.

@ all....I can`t live without my foam roller, I use it twice a day, once in the morning or before a workout and then at night before bed. I know when I roll the band on my right leg there are 3 knotts that I always need to workout. Just keep using it each day and you will learn exactly where you need the most work. Also if your knees are sore after a run/ride ice them down for 20 minutes each or better yet...jump in an ice`ll be surprised at the outcome.

@Kevin...When you start a plan you should always start from your race day and work backwards to find the date you start the programe. All programes should have you peaking for a spicific race that you want. I would work back from your race date and continue from there, If your finding that too easy you can change a few things around to make it harder without adding milage. I will take a look at you training and see if I can help.

2011-03-31 7:24 PM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
Hey Kevin; your training volume looks great for a oly- I almost tought they where 70.3 distance training    , I would back off in the training program you have and work yourself back up to peak. You can always make your mid week runs and bike ride harder on yourself to keep your fitness level up. You havent recorded what all your runs/bikes are at during the week so adding more intervals/ hill repeats/ fartleks would keep you going strong. Good luck, which race in June are you doing?
2011-04-01 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3274388

Subject: RE: Nates' group full and ready to go
Hello Nate. Thanks for the advice,  I was thinking I could do that and work back from my race date. Thanks. Iam registered for the milton sprint on june 5 , Guelph oly. june 19, peterborough July 9 sprint and Ottawa oly. July 30. I have had a little set back in my training. Im havin IT band issues with my left knee. I ran tonight after not running for a week rest and it twitched a bit about the 25 minute mark, stopped right away, very frustrating. Iam getting some treatment at the the chiropracter on knee three times a week. Iam icing, stretching and using a foam roller, hopefully it will get better. I am not pushing it.  If you have some advice, it would be appreciated. Ive seen IT band wraps or knee braces or supports, have you used anything like this? Thanks again Nate.
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