BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!! Rss Feed  
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2011-04-15 7:05 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

What is the single biggest impediment to your training & how do you deal with it.

Definitely time.  I have a husband, a son, a house, a full time job, a busy family and social life, and way too many hobbies.  It is VERY hard to cram everything in when there is only 24 hours in one day.  Luckily there is a gym at my work, so I work out during my lunch break.  I joined a second gym near my house that has a pool.  If I had all the time in the world, I would work up to working out 1 - 2 hours a day.  But, for now, I have to settle for about one hour a day.


Plans for the weekend:  Today I took the day off work and spent it doing some heavy lifting.  Cleaned out part of my basement, moved heavy things into the basement, cleaned out two bedrooms - which included separating a set of bunk beds into separate twin beds.  Please tell me this counted as strength training?

Tomorrow, I am running in a 5k.  Sunday - hubby is riding a bike race.  I am hoping to get to the pool on Sunday.  We'll see!

2011-04-15 7:07 PM
in reply to: #3449531

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
scraver - 2011-04-15 9:05 PM

Tomorrow, I am running in a 5k. We'll see!

Good luck in your race!!!!

Edited by GoGoGo 2011-04-15 7:09 PM
2011-04-15 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3449523

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
GoGoGo - 2011-04-15 7:57 PM
scraver - 2011-04-15 8:44 PM

Do you have a bike yet?


If yes, what type?

I am using my bike that my parents bought for me in high school (stop laughing at me!).  That makes it about 16+ years old.  It is a GT Mountain Bike.

Are you comfortable clipping in?

Don't have clips.  Just riding in my running shoes!

Are you comfortable going fast?

Nope!  I rode my bike on Tuesday.  It was the first time in... well... quite a while.  It was awesome!  But I need practice.  Flying down hills is a bit scary.  

Practice is definitely the keys. As per any task, you gotta put in time. Time in the saddle & it will become second nature!!!

Yeah - I can tell!  Riding on Tuesday, I felt like I looked like a drunk biker!  I could tell I wasn't riding very smoothly.  Practice, practice, practice!  I plan to get in a long bike ride every Tuesday.  Spin class on Thursday.  Then I think I might alternate weekends with running and biking.  And it is awesome - my lungs are fine - it is my legs that get tired first.  As an obese girl, it is awesome to have the lung capacity at this point to be able to do most anything!  But now, I am wondering if I need to get in some strength training on my legs.  (you know - in my spare time)  Some weighted squats/lunges and such?

2011-04-15 7:41 PM
in reply to: #3448311

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
robingray_260 - 2011-04-15 8:18 AM

Julie - I live in Laramie - which is 1hr 15 minutes N. of Fort Collins and a couple hours away from Denver. Not many tri's here so most of the ones I will do will be in CO. (Pelican Fest Sprint in Windsor and Rattlesnake Oly in Aurora).

Ken - safe travels today! My DH is also in the air flying back home from D.C.

Weekend plans - I have my long run today - will be a little over 2hours (10-11miles). Which will be the longest ever! Easy recovery run tomorrow and then most likely take Sunday off. I am fortunate that I work from home and have a very flexible schedule so I usually do my long ride/runs durring the week so hubby (who is training for a century) can get his long rides in on the weekend.

I hope everyone has  a great Friday!!!!

Rattlesnake is a good race. I have done the sprint twice. Julie and I should try to meet up with you when you are down this way.

2011-04-15 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3449499

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
GoGoGo - 2011-04-15 5:34 PM

So everyone has a bike. Excellent!!

Another QOTD, for those willing to playalong.

What is the single biggest impediment to your training & how do you deal with it.

Running and GI issues related to it.  I try to work on my running but I am not seeing much improvement. I will keep trying though.  I have an appointment with a sports nutritionist next Friday and hope he will be able to help me with the GI problems. That really is my biggest limiter.

2011-04-15 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3449610

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

Kathleen - that would be awesome to meet up w/ you all for a run/bike. I train 95% by myself and occasionally wonder what I am missing. As for the GI issues, I have had this (and still do) with running. I cut out dairy (cheese, milk, yogurt)  before my runs and that has helped but I still worry about longer distance racing. Interested what you find out.

My biggest limiter is the weather. no joke. I have a flexible job and family, but many times it is impossible to get outside. Example: tomorrow: early am 22 degrees20mph wind, later in the day 40 degrees, 40+ mph winds. I can run, but not bike (so sad).

2011-04-16 4:47 AM
in reply to: #3449499

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

GoGoGo - 2011-04-15 8:34 PM

Another QOTD, for those willing to playalong.

What is the single biggest impediment to your training & how do you deal with it.

For me it is definitely time.

As mentioned for me, it is definitely time.  Work 4-5 days a week.  Stsrt atb7:30 & find it difficult to exercise before this.  Lunch is impossible.  Therefore during the week, my workouts are always before evening meal.  Once, I have dinner, I usually won't exercise.  I have to go in the sweet spot mentioned.

On weekends, I usually do long ride or run, but some weekends, I semi work & often have to change this is the fly.

Time management!!

GI issues are so very common & discussed very frequently on this site.  Couple of women in my running group, have them.  Kudos to you for working around it & not letting it stop you!!


Edited by GoGoGo 2011-04-16 4:47 AM
2011-04-16 7:10 AM
in reply to: #3449531

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
scraver - 2011-04-15 8:05 PM

What is the single biggest impediment to your training & how do you deal with it.

Definitely time.  I have a husband, a son, a house, a full time job, a busy family and social life, and way too many hobbies.  It is VERY hard to cram everything in when there is only 24 hours in one day.  Luckily there is a gym at my work, so I work out during my lunch break.  I joined a second gym near my house that has a pool.  If I had all the time in the world, I would work up to working out 1 - 2 hours a day.  But, for now, I have to settle for about one hour a day.


Plans for the weekend:  Today I took the day off work and spent it doing some heavy lifting.  Cleaned out part of my basement, moved heavy things into the basement, cleaned out two bedrooms - which included separating a set of bunk beds into separate twin beds.  Please tell me this counted as strength training?

Tomorrow, I am running in a 5k.  Sunday - hubby is riding a bike race.  I am hoping to get to the pool on Sunday.  We'll see!

TIME! I train in the early morning hours and that's how I deal with it. The next things on the list are physical ability and mental toughness. I can usually power through something but I keep saying to myself that I'm here for the long haul and I need to be constant and steady with my workouts. Going all out on a run and then being sore for the next 3 days isn't going to help me. If that makes any sense.
2011-04-16 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3448106

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
acv - 2011-04-15 8:57 AM


Hi everyone (I’m trying to catch-up, here’s my bio)

NAME: acv/ Adam

STORY: I'm a 42 years old.  I live on Long Island in New York.  My wife actually signed us up for our first tri. She never trained and I sort of trained for it. The kicker was that we had a wedding to go to the night before. I got 4 hours of sleep and almost packed it in during the swim. I was exhausted but pushed through to finish. It was a great experience! She never did the race and has never wanted to be involved in racing since.

This will be my 3rd year doing tri’s. Last year I got into a good rhythm during the spring but had trouble in the summer and fall being consistent. This will be my second year being part of a mentor group.

FAMILY STATUS: I’ve been married 11 years, I have three children (all boys) 8, 6 and 2. I’m pretty busy with the family and being that spring has started that also means baseball and soccer has started for them. So if I don’t get my workout in early I may not get it in.

 CURRENT TRAINING: I‘ll be doing tri’s this year with a mix of running races for fun. I’ve been running and biking pretty consistently since the end Feb. I’ve been battling the cold and wind and darkness for a while now. Also my running has not been up to par. But I have been seeing the light at the end of the tunnel lately which is nice. The only downside to where I live is indoor pool access. I just don’t have any indoor pools in my area. I do all my training in open water and will start swimming mid May. The water temps are usually in the mid 50’s.

 This past season I did a sprint in the summer and a sprint in the fall. I also did a 10K and a couple 5K’s last year.

2011 RACES:   I have a sprint in July and my first olympic length race in Oct. The footnote to the olympic length is that the RD is allowing you to upgrade to the HIM length up till August 15th. The 2 races will be going on simultaneously. I always planned on doing an Olympic this year and HIM next but I’d really love to finish a HIM.

I’m around 180 right now and was at 240 at one time. I need to stay active and be careful about what I eat in order to maintain my weight. I’d love to drop a few more pounds.

I’m excited to be part of another mentor group and this one looks really active which is nice!

Congrats on the weightloss!  Looks like you have a nice schedule of races for the summer! 

Hard to believe that out here in the sticks of upstate NY I have better access to pools (and I am not good about visiting them) than you.  We both have good access to open water which is where we race so that is important!
2011-04-16 7:22 AM
in reply to: #3448930

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
amschrod - 2011-04-15 2:23 PM

It's good to see the group off to a nice start with some great people!

Regarding gogogo's bike question: I started training in 2006 on a hybrid that I already had and soon bought a used roadbike. In 2008 I got a Kuota K-factor which is a carbon fiber tri bike which I am very fond if, but I sometimes think I would like a new bike. Maybe I can convince my wife that a bike would be a great 25th anniversary present...

I like to go fast, but I get chicken when I get over 35 MPH or so.

kenj - 2011-04-15 7:03 AM Glad the weekend is almost here!  All day flight home today.  A couple hours on the bike tomorrow, maybe outside but more than likely in the basement on the trainer!

Anyone have training plans this weekend?

8 mile hilly run on Saturday, and then a 35 or so mile very hilly ride on Sunday. My Duathlon in May is VERY hilly so I have to hit as many hills as possible.

Welcome back to NY, Ken, and everyone have a great weekend!



Love the hills! 
2011-04-16 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3448311

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
robingray_260 - 2011-04-15 10:18 AM

Julie - I live in Laramie - which is 1hr 15 minutes N. of Fort Collins and a couple hours away from Denver. Not many tri's here so most of the ones I will do will be in CO. (Pelican Fest Sprint in Windsor and Rattlesnake Oly in Aurora).

Ken - safe travels today! My DH is also in the air flying back home from D.C.

Weekend plans - I have my long run today - will be a little over 2hours (10-11miles). Which will be the longest ever! Easy recovery run tomorrow and then most likely take Sunday off. I am fortunate that I work from home and have a very flexible schedule so I usually do my long ride/runs durring the week so hubby (who is training for a century) can get his long rides in on the weekend.

I hope everyone has  a great Friday!!!!

I hope your husbands travel was as smooth as mine!

Very nice run yesterday!  It is nice that you and your hubby can work your training schedule out the way you do!

2011-04-16 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3448259

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
Viyoung - 2011-04-15 9:54 AM

GOGOGO, in response to your QOTD:

I have a hybrid bike, a Trek something or other.  My goal is to ride 3 x week and build up my strength.  I've been keeping the idea of trading it in for a beginner road bike.  I know Trek has a women's bike for @$500. 

But I need to prove myself "worthy" first.  I don't know if I'm ready to make the investment.

Great question!  Have a good one all,

Sounds like a good plan.  Lots of good bikes in that price range, if you get ready to start looking don't be shy about asking us for advice.  If I remember correctly Kathleen bounced some ideas off of the group we were in while she was looking last year.  I think it helped her, but she would have to verify that!
2011-04-16 7:28 AM
in reply to: #3449017

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
julta - 2011-04-15 2:53 PM Robin I was wondering just how many tri's were up there. Training this weekend..It's suppose to in the upper 60's so I'm very excited to get out on my bike. Hoping for around 30 miles and then a run sometime around and 1:15 I think. And I guess I really should get my butt back to the's been a while.

Sounds like a good weekend of training and taking advantage of the nice weather! Have fun!
2011-04-16 7:33 AM
in reply to: #3449499

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
GoGoGo - 2011-04-15 7:34 PM

So everyone has a bike. Excellent!!

Another QOTD, for those willing to playalong.

What is the single biggest impediment to your training & how do you deal with it.

For me it is definitely time.

How about you?

PS.  Ken, I assume you don't mind us playing while you are away.

PPS.  QOTD can be submitted by anyone, for a conversation point!

This group is for everyone's benefit, my role is to keep us focused on why we are here and try and keep you all motivated and on track to completer your races this season. 

For today's question, I think my biggest limiter is genetics.  I am not naturally athletic so I have to work a little harder to accomplish the same.  Time is probably the second, but isn't that true of everyone to some degree?
2011-04-16 7:35 AM
in reply to: #3449509

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
scraver - 2011-04-15 7:44 PM

Do you have a bike yet?


If yes, what type?

I am using my bike that my parents bought for me in high school (stop laughing at me!).  That makes it about 16+ years old.  It is a GT Mountain Bike.

Are you comfortable clipping in?

Don't have clips.  Just riding in my running shoes!

Are you comfortable going fast?

Nope!  I rode my bike on Tuesday.  It was the first time in... well... quite a while.  It was awesome!  But I need practice.  Flying down hills is a bit scary.  

Nothing wrong with this at all, I think most have started out similar to this!  Get out on the bike and the confidence will come!
2011-04-16 7:37 AM
in reply to: #3449435

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
arrogant_bastard - 2011-04-15 6:27 PM In NY for the weekend so training will be low. But on a side note LET'S GO RANGERS...

Have fun in NY!!!  But I have to correct your side note!

It is LETS GO BUFFALO!! (note that it has a better rythm to it Wink!)

2011-04-16 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3449531

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
scraver - 2011-04-15 8:05 PM

What is the single biggest impediment to your training & how do you deal with it.

Definitely time.  I have a husband, a son, a house, a full time job, a busy family and social life, and way too many hobbies.  It is VERY hard to cram everything in when there is only 24 hours in one day.  Luckily there is a gym at my work, so I work out during my lunch break.  I joined a second gym near my house that has a pool.  If I had all the time in the world, I would work up to working out 1 - 2 hours a day.  But, for now, I have to settle for about one hour a day.


Plans for the weekend:  Today I took the day off work and spent it doing some heavy lifting.  Cleaned out part of my basement, moved heavy things into the basement, cleaned out two bedrooms - which included separating a set of bunk beds into separate twin beds.  Please tell me this counted as strength training?

Tomorrow, I am running in a 5k.  Sunday - hubby is riding a bike race.  I am hoping to get to the pool on Sunday.  We'll see!

After a couple of days of moving my CA apartment into storage, I can assure you that moving your beds around count as strength training!

Have a good race today!
2011-04-16 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3449610

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
Kath2163 - 2011-04-15 8:59 PM
GoGoGo - 2011-04-15 5:34 PM

So everyone has a bike. Excellent!!

Another QOTD, for those willing to playalong.

What is the single biggest impediment to your training & how do you deal with it.

Running and GI issues related to it.  I try to work on my running but I am not seeing much improvement. I will keep trying though.  I have an appointment with a sports nutritionist next Friday and hope he will be able to help me with the GI problems. That really is my biggest limiter.

GI issues can be a challenge, but we can get into that discussion soon.  Sometime between now and Monday I will post my thoughts on run training.  Hopefully you can find some tidbits in that post that will help!
2011-04-16 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
I think I caught up with everything that was discussed while I was away!  Glad to see the participation level as good as it is, as time goes by having an active group will help keep us focused on motivating the group!

I was hoping to add a couple more before closing down, maybe I will give it till the first part of the week.

Here is what we have so far:

kenj - Ken
kath2163 - Kathleen
julta - Julie
trout - Steve
robingrey_260 - Robin
marvintpa - Tom
viyoung- Vivian
amschrod - Anthony
gogogo - Richard
arrogant _bastard - Jon
scraver - Sherri
acv - Adam

Once we close I will build a chart you can copy and paste to your own blog to make it easier to check in on everyone.
2011-04-16 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
Back to the bike question; I got my first bike, an entry level Bianchi just to get some exercise in addition to the running I had started as part of my weight loss, never had given tri's a thought. 

Since then I have sold that bike, added a TREK tri bike in 2007 and last year a TREK Madone road bike.  I am hoping to replace the tri bike this year. 

I use clipless pedals and have had more than my share of incident.  Nothing hurt more than my pride!  It is part of learning to ride with the pedals.  
2011-04-16 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!


Hey Ken, great to see you back mentoring.

Name is Scott.  Iceman is the nickname.  I also answer to Ice.  My nickname has a nickname.

59, racing at 60.  Three years into full triathlons, biked on relay teams for LiveSTRONG two years before that after beating cancer in 2006.  Started riding in 2005 at 50 inch waist about 400 pounds.

Did my first HIM last September, 6 hours, 8 mins.  Down for Wisconsin Ironman 9/11.  Favorite is the bike.  I love it.  I have several.  I bought a Giant TCRc1 as a gift for losing weight.  Then bought a used LeMond titanium frame and learned to build bikes.   Bought a used Orba Oru frame and built it up.  Both used frames were pristine so I got great bikes at half the cost.

Was on the swim team in high school.  Liked it.  When the weight loss slowed I started running and swimming to mix it up.  It worked and I got into doing full triathlons.  I have a sprint in June, Oly in July and the IM in September at this point.  Might work in a HIM beforehand. I weigh about 200 now, about 13% body fat (considered lean.  Measured at the local university scientifically.) 33 inch waist.

Recovering alcoholic/addict 22.5 years and counting.

I am coached by Vision Quest out of Chicago.  

Married 3 years to the best cheerleader/manager in the world.  Takes a special woman to jump on the cancer train after it has pulled from the station.  Three (step)daughters in a blended family that has four grandchildren.

I'm an outdoor writer, newspaper and magazine, living in Central Illinois. 

I've got my foot still in another group with a mentor who is also doing the Wisconsin IM.   I also post on the IM Wisconsin board.   Love the input and sharing here.  Mutual support is important.  Other than loving spouses, who understands this stuff than others who do it?

Today is a 90 min. bike with 2 X 20 mins @ 100% FTP and a 90 min run at half IM pace.

Good luck to all.




2011-04-16 8:33 AM
in reply to: #3449920

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
IceManScott - 2011-04-16 9:22 AM


Hey Ken, great to see you back mentoring.

Name is Scott.  Iceman is the nickname.  I also answer to Ice.  My nickname has a nickname.

59, racing at 60.  Three years into full triathlons, biked on relay teams for LiveSTRONG two years before that after beating cancer in 2006.  Started riding in 2005 at 50 inch waist about 400 pounds.

Did my first HIM last September, 6 hours, 8 mins.  Down for Wisconsin Ironman 9/11.  Favorite is the bike.  I love it.  I have several.  I bought a Giant TCRc1 as a gift for losing weight.  Then bought a used LeMond titanium frame and learned to build bikes.   Bought a used Orba Oru frame and built it up.  Both used frames were pristine so I got great bikes at half the cost.

Was on the swim team in high school.  Liked it.  When the weight loss slowed I started running and swimming to mix it up.  It worked and I got into doing full triathlons.  I have a sprint in June, Oly in July and the IM in September at this point.  Might work in a HIM beforehand. I weigh about 200 now, about 13% body fat (considered lean.  Measured at the local university scientifically.) 33 inch waist.

Recovering alcoholic/addict 22.5 years and counting.

I am coached by Vision Quest out of Chicago.  

Married 3 years to the best cheerleader/manager in the world.  Takes a special woman to jump on the cancer train after it has pulled from the station.  Three (step)daughters in a blended family that has four grandchildren.

I'm an outdoor writer, newspaper and magazine, living in Central Illinois. 

I've got my foot still in another group with a mentor who is also doing the Wisconsin IM.   I also post on the IM Wisconsin board.   Love the input and sharing here.  Mutual support is important.  Other than loving spouses, who understands this stuff than others who do it?

Today is a 90 min. bike with 2 X 20 mins @ 100% FTP and a 90 min run at half IM pace.

Good luck to all.




Glad to have you in my group again Scott, your contribution in the last group was/is appreciated and on the mark!

Again congratulations on all you have accomplished, it is impressive!!
2011-04-16 8:55 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

wow, this looks like a great group.  Ice man, what an inspirational story!  Great to hear about it.

RE: GI issues - I am very interested in this discussion.  I'm feeling like I need to cut meat out of my diet - or at least limit it to protein that is lean and easily digestible.  I had 2 chicken drumsticks with skin 1 hour before my swim on Thursday night and it gave me a lot of distress.  I paid for it all day yesterday.  What do the rest of you eat for protein?  Has anyone tried nutritional yeast? 

RE: sports watches/heart rate monitor/pedometer/etc.  I'm looking for an all around  device that I can carry around easily, preferably on my wrist, that will measure my mileage when I ride, and my distance when I walk/run, as well as my heartrate.  Any advice?

2011-04-16 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group open!
Wow Ice...what a story! You are a true inspiration in all that you have overcome!

What is the single biggest impediment to your training & how do you deal with it

My biggest impediment is me.....having been more or less sedentary for the first 35ish year of my life and being at heart a true lazy person who just happens to love triathlons, I need to learn to push through the pain. I'm getting better at it but I don't push myself near as hard as I should. Although I continue to get a little faster if I would push I believe I could see much bigger gains. Also I can talk myself out of workout pretty darn easy if I don't get done it early in the day.
2011-04-16 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3449953

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group open!

julta - 2011-04-16 9:08 AM Wow Ice...what a story! You are a true inspiration in all that you have overcome! What is the single biggest impediment to your training & how do you deal with it My biggest impediment is me.....having been more or less sedentary for the first 35ish year of my life and being at heart a true lazy person who just happens to love triathlons, I need to learn to push through the pain. I'm getting better at it but I don't push myself near as hard as I should. Although I continue to get a little faster if I would push I believe I could see much bigger gains. Also I can talk myself out of workout pretty darn easy if I don't get done it early in the day.


My biggest problem is overdoing it. I have to watch my plan and stick to it.  Also time.  Getting to be lots of hours and that means efficiency is critical.  Love my computrainer for the time it saves during the week riding outdoors to a safe site to do workouts. I also bought a treadmill for my wife and I. 

As for talking yourself out of things, I set a workout schedule that is routine and stick to it.  It gets to be habit.  You feel odd if you don't go rather than when you do.  Seems hard but easier than you think.  Mine is Monday, run: Tues, swim am bike pm; Wed. run, recovery spin; Thurs. swim am bike pm; Friday, rest; sat bike, long run; Sunday long bike swim optional.    I toss in a couple of weight sessions, short with high reps low weight.  I do yoga and stretching and foam rollers every day.   Trying to sleep 8 plus.  All good.


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