BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society Rss Feed  
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2011-12-30 8:25 PM
in reply to: #3962844

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
Emmanem - 2011-12-30 6:18 PM

BigDH - 2011-12-30 11:53 AMOkay so who do we have:HammerOZZ AndyEmmanem EmmaSportzvision CynthiaKathie - Kathie Thor67Pdc33 Paulinern86314 Chriskatieduffylhaysertdotnewtri2 JaysonCathydqua17 DaveSwimmindykevinB KEvinlaser beam JarrettThat is 15. We are offically closed.
Fixed my name for you ... Anyone know how to make one of those nice charts with our names and links to this thread to put in our training logs?

Yeah I can get a chart done, probably not until next week. If you look at my log you can see I still have all my training groups since I started here 4 years ago. I still no nothing about html programing (not withstanding the BSc in Comp Sci) but can usually get one working if you can wait. If you can't wait then you there seems to be some instructions here

oh and sorry about the name, I got it now.

Edited by BigDH 2011-12-30 8:29 PM

2011-12-30 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3961779

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
Qua17 - 2011-12-30 8:22 AM

kevinbe - 2011-12-30 2:12 AM

Hope I'm not too late!

Name: Kevin

Family status: Married to wife (going on 10 years) Sarah, 2 daughters Esther 6, and Mercy 2.

Story:  I was very athletic growing up.  I have a wrestling background.  Running was always a natural supplement to wrestling training and weight cut.  I did my first half marathon when I was 20 to make a college wrestling team.  I started marathoning after watching the biggest loser t.v. show.  I figured if they could do it, I could.  I finished my first marathon in May of 2009.  I have done 3 since then.  I now have a goal to do an IM.  I love seeing the Kona wrap up show each December and have a goal to one day complete that race.  My goal is to do HIM this year, full IM next year, and KONA qualifier in 2014.  I am finishing up grad. school, a full time special ed. teacher, a hockey coach, father, husband, and fanatic of training.  I could use an accountability group to push me towards meeting and exceeding goals, and get me off the couch during holiday season.

Currently training for 2(A) races in 2012.  Windermere Marathon (5th marathon) in May.  Troika HIM.  (1st triathlon) in August.  Many other runs, and maybe 1 other tri in-between.

I am 5'6".  I have trained with weights off and on for last 20 years, and have built a stocky frame.  Now that I'm 34, the evening barly pops and snacks are taking a toll on my body as matabolism is slowing.  currently weighing in at 195 and hoping to drop 20-30 pounds this year.  I've been saying this for a year now, and could use help with changing eating habits.  HELP!

Hopefully you have room.  I know I would benefit from accountability as I have not built any contacts in tri since starting training last fall.




Welcome to the group Kevin. I enjoyed reading your post. I've never heard the term barly pops but I too struggle with my passion for beer. The key for me is to cut back rather than cut out. if you put in the exercise and burned the calories - you deserve a couple of beers to keep you motivated.I hear you about accountability. Let's keep each other honest.

I too have a weakness for Beer...and Scotch.....and many others. I enjoy in moteration. I highly approve of rewarding workouts. Whatever it takes to form the habit I say. I had a friend who started running and after each run he got chicken wings. Like plates full right. Like he was doing couch to 5k and after each run eating 1500 calories in wings and beer. Ha, okay maybe not after each but after many runs. But the thing is, he didn't drink beer or eat wings unless he got the run done. Eventually he found he didn't need that motivation to get the run done.

I frequently bribe myself with beer in order to get my yoga done at night.

eta: oh, I have much more to say about beer. I love beer. I drink it without regret. I drink cheap beer. I drink expensive beer. I have a weakness for darker and bitter and Hoppier. I will not drink light beer except if no other options are availabe, and then only with clamato juice so it at least tastes like something. MMMMMMM, beer.

Edited by BigDH 2011-12-30 8:31 PM
2011-12-30 8:35 PM
in reply to: #3961390

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
kevinbe - 2011-12-30 1:12 AM

Hope I'm not too late!

Name: Kevin

Family status: Married to wife (going on 10 years) Sarah, 2 daughters Esther 6, and Mercy 2.

Story:  I was very athletic growing up.  I have a wrestling background.  Running was always a natural supplement to wrestling training and weight cut.  I did my first half marathon when I was 20 to make a college wrestling team.  I started marathoning after watching the biggest loser t.v. show.  I figured if they could do it, I could.  I finished my first marathon in May of 2009.  I have done 3 since then.  I now have a goal to do an IM.  I love seeing the Kona wrap up show each December and have a goal to one day complete that race.  My goal is to do HIM this year, full IM next year, and KONA qualifier in 2014.  I am finishing up grad. school, a full time special ed. teacher, a hockey coach, father, husband, and fanatic of training.  I could use an accountability group to push me towards meeting and exceeding goals, and get me off the couch during holiday season.

Currently training for 2(A) races in 2012.  Windermere Marathon (5th marathon) in May.  Troika HIM.  (1st triathlon) in August.  Many other runs, and maybe 1 other tri in-between.

I am 5'6".  I have trained with weights off and on for last 20 years, and have built a stocky frame.  Now that I'm 34, the evening barly pops and snacks are taking a toll on my body as matabolism is slowing.  currently weighing in at 195 and hoping to drop 20-30 pounds this year.  I've been saying this for a year now, and could use help with changing eating habits.  HELP!

Hopefully you have room.  I know I would benefit from accountability as I have not built any contacts in tri since starting training last fall.




Hey Kevin, dang, you go big or go home huh. Kona in 2 years. That would be wild. that 35-40 age group is a hard one to get through on. Wow. What type of plan are you following?
2011-12-30 9:03 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
To chime in on the beer thread...had a wonderful coconut/chocolate porter at Caldera's Brewery in Ashland, OR over the Thanksgiving weekend.  I am not a huge dark beer lover but that I absolutely enjoyed!  We were doing a sample and after the sample had to order a pint for myself...yummo!
2011-12-30 9:05 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
  This is what my husband received in his stocking this year...not sure if he was naughty or nice?
2011-12-30 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3962935

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business

BigDH - 2011-12-30 9:25 PM
Emmanem - 2011-12-30 6:18 PM
BigDH - 2011-12-30 11:53 AMOkay so who do we have:HammerOZZ AndyEmmanem EmmaSportzvision CynthiaKathie - Kathie Thor67Pdc33 Paulinern86314 Chriskatieduffylhaysertdotnewtri2 JaysonCathydqua17 DaveSwimmindykevinB KEvinlaser beam JarrettThat is 15. We are offically closed.
Fixed my name for you ... Anyone know how to make one of those nice charts with our names and links to this thread to put in our training logs?
Yeah I can get a chart done, probably not until next week. If you look at my log you can see I still have all my training groups since I started here 4 years ago. I still no nothing about html programing (not withstanding the BSc in Comp Sci) but can usually get one working if you can wait. If you can't wait then you there seems to be some instructions here oh and sorry about the name, I got it now.

No worries!!  And no rush on the chart!  Thanks for offering to set it up!

2011-12-30 10:09 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Planned races for 2012:

February 19 Frostbite 5k (registered last night!!)

March 31 Cooper River Bridge Run 10k

April 22 YMCA Sprint Triathlon

May 12 Clemson Sprint Triathlon

July 8 You Go Girl Women's Mini Sprint Triathlon

Aug 12 Greenville Sprint Triathlon

Aug 31 Midnight Flight 5k or 10k 

Oct 7 or 8 Rev 3 Oly or HIM

2011-12-31 1:22 AM
in reply to: #3962954

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
BigDH - 2011-12-31 6:35 AM
kevinbe - 2011-12-30 1:12 AM

Hope I'm not too late!

Name: Kevin

Family status: Married to wife (going on 10 years) Sarah, 2 daughters Esther 6, and Mercy 2.

Story:  I was very athletic growing up.  I have a wrestling background.  Running was always a natural supplement to wrestling training and weight cut.  I did my first half marathon when I was 20 to make a college wrestling team.  I started marathoning after watching the biggest loser t.v. show.  I figured if they could do it, I could.  I finished my first marathon in May of 2009.  I have done 3 since then.  I now have a goal to do an IM.  I love seeing the Kona wrap up show each December and have a goal to one day complete that race.  My goal is to do HIM this year, full IM next year, and KONA qualifier in 2014.  I am finishing up grad. school, a full time special ed. teacher, a hockey coach, father, husband, and fanatic of training.  I could use an accountability group to push me towards meeting and exceeding goals, and get me off the couch during holiday season.

Currently training for 2(A) races in 2012.  Windermere Marathon (5th marathon) in May.  Troika HIM.  (1st triathlon) in August.  Many other runs, and maybe 1 other tri in-between.

I am 5'6".  I have trained with weights off and on for last 20 years, and have built a stocky frame.  Now that I'm 34, the evening barly pops and snacks are taking a toll on my body as matabolism is slowing.  currently weighing in at 195 and hoping to drop 20-30 pounds this year.  I've been saying this for a year now, and could use help with changing eating habits.  HELP!

Hopefully you have room.  I know I would benefit from accountability as I have not built any contacts in tri since starting training last fall.




Hey Kevin, dang, you go big or go home huh. Kona in 2 years. That would be wild. that 35-40 age group is a hard one to get through on. Wow. What type of plan are you following?

I have a dream, don't know if I'll get there, but I have a dream.  I started with the 16 week free oly plan on this site in October.  I did the swim focussed plan, as I never have swam in my life.  I am now maintaining with the heightened volume of the OLY plan on Swim, Bike, and have upped my run to 3x a week for marathon in May.  I will change my plan to the free HIM plan for race in August.  I will then focuss 2013 on training to finish IM in July.  The following year, Hopefully put it all together to qualify for Kona event.  Who knows.

2011-12-31 3:55 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Extreme Veteran
Munich, Germany
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
OHHHHHHH GOOOOOOD LOOOOORRRRRRRRDDDD. Ok I'm really freaked out right now. I just received a huge package of reeses peanut butter cups. And peanut butter cookies. And I don't know what else peanut. I haven't taken anything out of the box so I really don't know what all is in it. I love reeses and we can't get them in Germany. That's why a friend sent them. She thought she'd be doing me a favor. But now I'm all freaked out. I can't have it here because I'm gonna eat it all. But I love it so much!!! I can't just have it at the house and have a treat every once in a while. Ok I guess I just answered my own question. NEED. TO. GET. RID. OF. IT. I'm invited to a new year's party tonight. Guess I'm going to take it with me and have other people take care of it. Now I'm gonna shovel the driveway. Exercise should help me get my mind of the ohhh so yummy food in my house. Hopefully.
2011-12-31 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Thats right kathie stay strong.
2011-12-31 8:47 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
thats funny... my xwife sent me the same gift.  Tons of peanut butter candy as a gift from the boys... i walked to the neighbor and left it on their porch :p

2011-12-31 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

My quick bio:

Cathy, from Ontario, Canada, married 32 years, 2 grown kids, 3 super cute granddaughters.

Started running in 1998, ran first marathon in 2000 to celebrate turning 40, have run a bunch of races from 5k to marathon distance.

Did my first tri in 2006 as the runner on a relay team.  Signed up for swimming lessons in Oct 2006 and in 2007 did 6 tris starting with a sprint and ending with a HIM. 

In 2008 did only 2 tris, the local international distance and Muskoka 70.3.  Things have gone downhill from there.  Ran a half marathon in Oct. 2009 and injured my foot, an injury that took almost a year to resolve. Signed up for Muskoka 2011 then had a non-running hip injury in June that halted all training.  Did go up and spectate at the race. 

Right now my training is nonexistant as I'm away from home with no training gear.  Not sure when I'll be home again, but will get back to it when I do.

Plans for this year include a half marathon in May, the local tri in Aug, and depending how things go Muskoka in Sept., but I'm not registering too far in advance. 

Edited to add: I hate beer, can I still stay in the group?

Edited by cathyd 2011-12-31 9:54 AM
2011-12-31 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3963414

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
rn86314 - 2011-12-31 7:47 AM

thats funny... my xwife sent me the same gift.  Tons of peanut butter candy as a gift from the boys... i walked to the neighbor and left it on their porch :p

seriously you 2 are stronger than me. Wow
2011-12-31 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3962944

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
BigDH - 2011-12-30 7:28 PM
Qua17 - 2011-12-30 8:22 AM
kevinbe - 2011-12-30 2:12 AM

Hope I'm not too late!

Name: Kevin

Family status: Married to wife (going on 10 years) Sarah, 2 daughters Esther 6, and Mercy 2.

Story:  I was very athletic growing up.  I have a wrestling background.  Running was always a natural supplement to wrestling training and weight cut.  I did my first half marathon when I was 20 to make a college wrestling team.  I started marathoning after watching the biggest loser t.v. show.  I figured if they could do it, I could.  I finished my first marathon in May of 2009.  I have done 3 since then.  I now have a goal to do an IM.  I love seeing the Kona wrap up show each December and have a goal to one day complete that race.  My goal is to do HIM this year, full IM next year, and KONA qualifier in 2014.  I am finishing up grad. school, a full time special ed. teacher, a hockey coach, father, husband, and fanatic of training.  I could use an accountability group to push me towards meeting and exceeding goals, and get me off the couch during holiday season.

Currently training for 2(A) races in 2012.  Windermere Marathon (5th marathon) in May.  Troika HIM.  (1st triathlon) in August.  Many other runs, and maybe 1 other tri in-between.

I am 5'6".  I have trained with weights off and on for last 20 years, and have built a stocky frame.  Now that I'm 34, the evening barly pops and snacks are taking a toll on my body as matabolism is slowing.  currently weighing in at 195 and hoping to drop 20-30 pounds this year.  I've been saying this for a year now, and could use help with changing eating habits.  HELP!

Hopefully you have room.  I know I would benefit from accountability as I have not built any contacts in tri since starting training last fall.




Welcome to the group Kevin. I enjoyed reading your post. I've never heard the term barly pops but I too struggle with my passion for beer. The key for me is to cut back rather than cut out. if you put in the exercise and burned the calories - you deserve a couple of beers to keep you motivated.I hear you about accountability. Let's keep each other honest.
I too have a weakness for Beer...and Scotch.....and many others. I enjoy in moteration. I highly approve of rewarding workouts. Whatever it takes to form the habit I say. I had a friend who started running and after each run he got chicken wings. Like plates full right. Like he was doing couch to 5k and after each run eating 1500 calories in wings and beer. Ha, okay maybe not after each but after many runs. But the thing is, he didn't drink beer or eat wings unless he got the run done. Eventually he found he didn't need that motivation to get the run done. I frequently bribe myself with beer in order to get my yoga done at night. eta: oh, I have much more to say about beer. I love beer. I drink it without regret. I drink cheap beer. I drink expensive beer. I have a weakness for darker and bitter and Hoppier. I will not drink light beer except if no other options are availabe, and then only with clamato juice so it at least tastes like something. MMMMMMM, beer.

Might have to add beer lovers  to the accountability!Smile

IPAs love 'em.

Cheap? Have you tried the Co-op Premium brewed by Big rock?

2011-12-31 10:17 AM
in reply to: #3961011

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
Emmanem - 2011-12-29 8:26 PM
pdc33 - 2011-12-29 8:25 AM

Goal for today: NO MOUNTAIN DEW!


Are you a mountain dew addict too?? I'm going to try to limit myself to one a week and then eventually not drink soda at all.

Yes! I'm a Mountain Dew fiend! Even though I just read about another bad ingredient in it. So far, I'm on a two day streak of no Mt. Dew, planning on making today day number three. Since I'm exercising more I'm trying to feed my body better, and I just don't have room for that MD. In addition to dropping the Dew, yes, I too want to eliminate all soda, especially when you think of all those empty calories! So yay! someone who understands! And we can help each other: DON'T DO THE DEW! Smile


2011-12-31 10:22 AM
in reply to: #3961055

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
Qua17 - 2011-12-29 9:11 PM


Evening everyone:  Here's my story:

Name:  David

Story:  I have been so inconsistent about exercising since I ran CC and track in HS.  Since then, I've gained 110 pounds and have always struggled to keep it off and having IT and plantar troubles haven't helped.  2 years ago, my massage therapist suggested that I give triathlons a tri and I love it.  I dropped 40 pounds and finished a tri and a du that year.  Last year, signed up for two races and never trained hard enough to make them.  Last December, I decided I needed some accountability so I signed up for an MS ride and asked my older cousin to give me if I tried to weasel out.  He pushed all the right buttons and I finished the 75 mile ride strong.  Then I quit again...  (there is a pattern here). Anyway, I hit 265 in November and decided enough was enough.  Since then, I've been working out (biking, swimming, and walking) for 7 weeks and have dropped 15 lbs.  I decided on this group because I need the accountability.  So I'd like to ask the group to keep me accountable - If I slack off, please call me on it.  In return, I will be a huge cheerleader for y'll.

Family status: married for 13 years with 3 kids (11, 9, and 2)

Current Training: Been riding 3-4 times a week, swimming x2, and trying to get some good walks in (I'm going slow with the goal of avoiding plantar fascitis (sp).  Darren - I promise to start logging my workouts as well.  

This year's races:  75 mile MS ride

2012 Races: Sprint on May 13.  and Oly on July 7, a biking century in October, and a half marathon in December.  In a perfect world, I'd like to work towards a 1/2 IM in 2013 - but my only goal right now is to actually make it to the race in May. 

Weightloss:  Currently, I'm down 15 pounds and am weighing in at 250.  

I'm looking forward to working with y'all...

Hi David!

I understand about the ups and downs, in activity and weight. Here's hoping this swimming, biking and running stuff can become a lifestyle!

Good luck!


2011-12-31 10:25 AM
in reply to: #3961058

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
Qua17 - 2011-12-29 9:17 PM
pdc33 - 2011-12-29 4:50 PM
BigDH - 2011-12-29 9:59 AM
pdc33 - 2011-12-29 6:25 AM

Goal for today: NO MOUNTAIN DEW!


how many do you drink a day? I successful gave up diet pop in August, and I drank tons. Good luck!

But for today---I met my goal and did not drink any! (I know it's still early, but I have no intention of going out to get one.)



Pauline - way to accomplish your goal!  Smile

Giving up pop is hard - it tastes soo good.  My struggle is to drink less beer.  I love beer in much the same way that you love the Dew.  My goal is to drink in moderation.  We'll see how that goes - I've got 5 gallons of homebrew on tap in the fridge.

Thanks! And good luck to you.

2011-12-31 10:28 AM
in reply to: #3963483

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
thor67 - 2011-12-31 8:37 AM

BigDH - 2011-12-30 7:28 PM
Qua17 - 2011-12-30 8:22 AM
kevinbe - 2011-12-30 2:12 AM

Hope I'm not too late!

Name: Kevin

Family status: Married to wife (going on 10 years) Sarah, 2 daughters Esther 6, and Mercy 2.

Story:  I was very athletic growing up.  I have a wrestling background.  Running was always a natural supplement to wrestling training and weight cut.  I did my first half marathon when I was 20 to make a college wrestling team.  I started marathoning after watching the biggest loser t.v. show.  I figured if they could do it, I could.  I finished my first marathon in May of 2009.  I have done 3 since then.  I now have a goal to do an IM.  I love seeing the Kona wrap up show each December and have a goal to one day complete that race.  My goal is to do HIM this year, full IM next year, and KONA qualifier in 2014.  I am finishing up grad. school, a full time special ed. teacher, a hockey coach, father, husband, and fanatic of training.  I could use an accountability group to push me towards meeting and exceeding goals, and get me off the couch during holiday season.

Currently training for 2(A) races in 2012.  Windermere Marathon (5th marathon) in May.  Troika HIM.  (1st triathlon) in August.  Many other runs, and maybe 1 other tri in-between.

I am 5'6".  I have trained with weights off and on for last 20 years, and have built a stocky frame.  Now that I'm 34, the evening barly pops and snacks are taking a toll on my body as matabolism is slowing.  currently weighing in at 195 and hoping to drop 20-30 pounds this year.  I've been saying this for a year now, and could use help with changing eating habits.  HELP!

Hopefully you have room.  I know I would benefit from accountability as I have not built any contacts in tri since starting training last fall.




Welcome to the group Kevin. I enjoyed reading your post. I've never heard the term barly pops but I too struggle with my passion for beer. The key for me is to cut back rather than cut out. if you put in the exercise and burned the calories - you deserve a couple of beers to keep you motivated.I hear you about accountability. Let's keep each other honest.
I too have a weakness for Beer...and Scotch.....and many others. I enjoy in moteration. I highly approve of rewarding workouts. Whatever it takes to form the habit I say. I had a friend who started running and after each run he got chicken wings. Like plates full right. Like he was doing couch to 5k and after each run eating 1500 calories in wings and beer. Ha, okay maybe not after each but after many runs. But the thing is, he didn't drink beer or eat wings unless he got the run done. Eventually he found he didn't need that motivation to get the run done. I frequently bribe myself with beer in order to get my yoga done at night. eta: oh, I have much more to say about beer. I love beer. I drink it without regret. I drink cheap beer. I drink expensive beer. I have a weakness for darker and bitter and Hoppier. I will not drink light beer except if no other options are availabe, and then only with clamato juice so it at least tastes like something. MMMMMMM, beer.

Might have to add beer lovers  to the accountability!Smile

IPAs love 'em.

Cheap? Have you tried the Co-op Premium brewed by Big rock?

no I haven't. I am more of a brewhouse guy, 24 for 20 bucks on a good day. But I will give it a try.
2011-12-31 10:38 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Extreme Veteran
Munich, Germany
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Hey guys. Yeah I like the "beerlover" idea for our groupname

As for the reeses - I found a great solution. The groom at the barn where one of my horses lives will take good care of them. And feed me one a day after exercising the horse. She loves anything peanutbutter too so they won't go to waste. And I don't have them around. Because we all know what would happen then...

Didn't get in my run today though. First ist was snowing like crazy and then it started raining And I can barely move. Glad I got on my horse. Wasn't so sure about that to be honest. hehe So I'll just do a new year's run tomorrow.

I wish you all an guaden Rutsch!

2011-12-31 10:44 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Went to a New years eve eve party last night.  woke up this morning to a 3 pound weight gain.  Oh well, can't take that back.  Time to hit the bike.  Hope all have a Happy and Safe New Year's celebration. 
2011-12-31 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3963594

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Hi everybody! Lots of new faces... welcome to you all... I wasn't in the forums yesterday, early work start and a scheduled rest day for me. I'm off for a long run in a little while, but "long" is relative these days. I'm just building base as a lead in to formal training plans this spring.

Weekend plan: run in a few minutes, set up the trainer this afternoon (still haven't gotten to that!) swim tomorrow depending on the status at my pool plus a trainer ride during football (go Jets! 6% chance of making the playoffs, LOL!) run and maybe a weights workout on Monday.

Beer talk everywhere! I gave up drinking entirely several years ago, but I can still practically taste a nice cold one ... Stella Artois ads practically kill me, ha ha!

2011-12-31 11:18 AM
in reply to: #3962928

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
BigDH - 2011-12-30 9:16 PM
swimmindy - 2011-12-30 11:53 AM

NAME: Melinda, but my family calls me Mindy or Mel

STORY: I was a D1 swimmer and "retired" in 2008.  I have a love hate relationship with the pool.  I started looking into triathlons because a teammate of mine was doing them and planning on an IM.  I needed something to use as a goal, especially since I'm so competitive.  I have a M.S. in Sport Psychology.  I have about 40 more lbs I want to lose after successfully taking off 20 over the past 3 months.

FAMILY STATUS: Single, living at home, in-limbo

CURRENT TRAINING: Mostly on my own, sometimes my dad will swim or bike with me.  I couldn't afford to renew the BT silver membership so I printed out a couple sprint and sprint-oly transitions to make a plan.

THIS YEARS RACES: I'm hoping to make the Marineland Sprint my first tri in March/April.  The swimming and biking are right on pace, but I am so not a runner.  After 2 knee surgeries (1 on each knee) I stopped running in college.

GOALS for 2012: Lose 40lbs., complete 1 sprint and 1 oly, begin my Ph.D. program

I'm currently not able to train bc I have exercise induced asthma that was diagnosed in college and I don't have an inhaler  I have to wait until I can get into a doctor probably early next week to get back into it, so I start posting training sessions when I can.  Until then, I plan on doing a lot of stretching and maybe some low impact core work.  

And of course running after my 2 year old niece!

Ahhhh Melinda, awesome, WE HAVE A SWIMMER. Ha. Think I already said welcome but I will say it again. How far are you into setting up a plan?


The original plan was to compete in the Ocala Sprint on March 24, but I've decided to go for the April 15 Marineland Tri (it's cheaper and probably a better, less competitive, first triathlon).  And because of the inhaler issue I can easily push back the couch-2-sprint plan or change it to the beginner sprint plan.  

The only issue I have with the beginner sprint plan is the running.  I may take the running from the couch-2-sprint and do the swimming and biking from the beginner sprint plan.  Has anybody gone from no running to a 5k?  How long did it take to build up?

2011-12-31 12:45 PM
in reply to: #3962015

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business

BigDH - 2011-12-30 11:46 AM well thanks guys for giving me the motivation to get out there and get those 2.5 hours of running in. Try it, post that killer workout you are fearing, it will give you that added boost to get started and keep going (both of which I needed today)

Great job!

~Pauline  Smile

2011-12-31 12:55 PM
in reply to: #3962954

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
BigDH - 2011-12-30 9:35 PM
kevinbe - 2011-12-30 1:12 AM

Hope I'm not too late!

Name: Kevin

Family status: Married to wife (going on 10 years) Sarah, 2 daughters Esther 6, and Mercy 2.

Story:  I was very athletic growing up.  I have a wrestling background.  Running was always a natural supplement to wrestling training and weight cut.  I did my first half marathon when I was 20 to make a college wrestling team.  I started marathoning after watching the biggest loser t.v. show.  I figured if they could do it, I could.  I finished my first marathon in May of 2009.  I have done 3 since then.  I now have a goal to do an IM.  I love seeing the Kona wrap up show each December and have a goal to one day complete that race.  My goal is to do HIM this year, full IM next year, and KONA qualifier in 2014.  I am finishing up grad. school, a full time special ed. teacher, a hockey coach, father, husband, and fanatic of training.  I could use an accountability group to push me towards meeting and exceeding goals, and get me off the couch during holiday season.

Currently training for 2(A) races in 2012.  Windermere Marathon (5th marathon) in May.  Troika HIM.  (1st triathlon) in August.  Many other runs, and maybe 1 other tri in-between.

I am 5'6".  I have trained with weights off and on for last 20 years, and have built a stocky frame.  Now that I'm 34, the evening barly pops and snacks are taking a toll on my body as matabolism is slowing.  currently weighing in at 195 and hoping to drop 20-30 pounds this year.  I've been saying this for a year now, and could use help with changing eating habits.  HELP!

Hopefully you have room.  I know I would benefit from accountability as I have not built any contacts in tri since starting training last fall.




Hey Kevin, dang, you go big or go home huh. Kona in 2 years. That would be wild. that 35-40 age group is a hard one to get through on. Wow. What type of plan are you following?

So how DOES one get into Kona? Occasionally you'll see people from the Biggest Loser, and some other peeps who may have got in because they have a good story (woman who beat cancer).


2011-12-31 12:57 PM
in reply to: #3963099

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Emmanem - 2011-12-30 11:09 PM

Planned races for 2012:

February 19 Frostbite 5k (registered last night!!)

March 31 Cooper River Bridge Run 10k

April 22 YMCA Sprint Triathlon

May 12 Clemson Sprint Triathlon

July 8 You Go Girl Women's Mini Sprint Triathlon

Aug 12 Greenville Sprint Triathlon

Aug 31 Midnight Flight 5k or 10k 

Oct 7 or 8 Rev 3 Oly or HIM

Great goals! You're doing something almost every month!


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