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2012-01-09 12:11 AM
in reply to: #3978527

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
saraR - 2012-01-08 7:59 PM

Stoked about my workout today. Did my longest ride EVER - 75min. Woohoo! Week 1 - DONE!

Working on my next weeks schedule

You kicked butt in Week 1.  I can't wait to see what you do for week 2 !!!

Edited by DeputyDawg 2012-01-09 12:16 AM

2012-01-09 4:39 PM
in reply to: #3978584

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
saraR - 2012-01-09 12:59 AM

Stoked about my workout today. Did my longest ride EVER - 75min. Woohoo! Week 1 - DONE!

Working on my next weeks schedule

That's brilliant. Well done.


2012-01-09 4:44 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Sorry to hear you a bit under the weather Kim. However, on the bright side, more time for you to motivate us lot - when you're up to it of course.

I hope you start feeling better very soon.


Jennifer Smile

2012-01-09 5:16 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
Glad to hear you ladies are kicking butt already this week! How about posting your workout week? Love to see what everyone has planned. I will probably post mine around Wednesday...I plan to be back in action by then. Went to the clinic this morning and am on some meds. I had to chuckle, when the nurse took my resting heart rate she asked "is you blood pressure normally this low?" I said I'm pretty fit so I imagine it is! Thought that was kind of cool. Well I fully expect you ladies to get out there and kick butt for me...I'd love nothing more than to work up a good sweat right now!
2012-01-10 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Week 2 plan:       (Work: (D)ay, (N)ight x 2)

(D)Mon: Bike- 38min

(N)Tue: Bike- 40 min; Run - 27/3 (walk/run)

(N)Wed: Bike - 52min; Swim at least 500m. (sleeping most of day)

Thur: Bike - 30min, Run - 27/3 (walk/run)

Fri: OFF; Swim 1000m

Sat: Bike- 35min; Swim 1000m

Sun: Bike- 75min; Run - 27/3

Please hold me to this!! So far it's going well. I actually woke up at 5am yesterday so I could do my bike before work. YAY!

Can't wait to see everyone elses plan

2012-01-10 5:12 PM
in reply to: #3982179

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Yay Sara!  I am all about the early am workouts!  Didn't it feel great to get it done!?  What a way to start the day.

As for me, my head is in a bit of a whirlwind trying to get my life back on track...I am going to try and get myself centered and positive for tomorrow.  My workout plan for tomorrow morning is still a mystery.  Good news is I'm feeling better, bad news is my diet went to pot the last few days of being home sick.  I need to pull myself out of disorganized thinking and, like I said, get centered once again.  A good talk with the hubby will do the trick...he can always calm me down. 

Sara...your week looks great.

2012-01-11 6:59 AM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Happy Wednesday gals!  Ok, I am back to being focused again, hubby is so good at getting me to calm down when I feel overwhelmed--I have things prioritized and am ready to get back to business!  Here is my schedule for the rest of the week:

Wed:  5 mile run + Insanity Cardio Abs (done)
Thurs:  10 mile run in cold and dark!
Friday:  60 min spin + Insanity Upper Body Strength Training
Sat:  4 mile run
Sunday:  15 mile run

We are midway through the is everybody's week going?

2012-01-11 8:29 PM
in reply to: #3983384

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
ingleshteechur - 2012-01-12 4:59 AM

Happy Wednesday gals!  Ok, I am back to being focused again, hubby is so good at getting me to calm down when I feel overwhelmed--I have things prioritized and am ready to get back to business!  Here is my schedule for the rest of the week:

Wed:  5 mile run + Insanity Cardio Abs (done)
Thurs:  10 mile run in cold and dark!
Friday:  60 min spin + Insanity Upper Body Strength Training
Sat:  4 mile run
Sunday:  15 mile run

We are midway through the is everybody's week going?

Glad to see you're back in the game, Kim!

The week is going well so far...had my first "I really don't want to workout" moment today but I was luckily able to pull it together and head to the gym. Had a very rough night at work last night (several deaths, extremely busy, etc) so I really was pooped. Tonight will probably be just as busy but at least it's my last night so the rest of the week should be easier

2012-01-12 7:49 AM
in reply to: #3980620

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

ingleshteechur - 2012-01-09 6:16 PM Glad to hear you ladies are kicking butt already this week! How about posting your workout week? Love to see what everyone has planned. I will probably post mine around Wednesday...I plan to be back in action by then. Went to the clinic this morning and am on some meds. I had to chuckle, when the nurse took my resting heart rate she asked "is you blood pressure normally this low?" I said I'm pretty fit so I imagine it is! Thought that was kind of cool. Well I fully expect you ladies to get out there and kick butt for me...I'd love nothing more than to work up a good sweat right now!

Don't have any really rigid plans for this week.  Goals for the week include: finish week 2 of the c25k, 2 bike rides, at least one weight session and some type of activity on any day when I'm not doing any of the above.  I start back to karate tonite as well.  

2012-01-12 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3982179

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
saraR - 2012-01-10 2:46 PM

Week 2 plan:       (Work: (D)ay, (N)ight x 2)

(D)Mon: Bike- 38min

(N)Tue: Bike- 40 min; Run - 27/3 (walk/run)

(N)Wed: Bike - 52min; Swim at least 500m. (sleeping most of day)

Thur: Bike - 30min, Run - 27/3 (walk/run)

Fri: OFF; Swim 1000m

Sat: Bike- 35min; Swim 1000m

Sun: Bike- 75min; Run - 27/3

Please hold me to this!! So far it's going well. I actually woke up at 5am yesterday so I could do my bike before work. YAY!

Can't wait to see everyone elses plan

I bow my head to you.  Any advice on how I can drag my sorry butt up that early to get a workout in other than HTFU?  Can't wait to read about your bike and run workouts today.

2012-01-12 7:59 AM
in reply to: #3985162

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
saraR - 2012-01-11 9:29 PM 

The week is going well so far...had my first "I really don't want to workout" moment today but I was luckily able to pull it together and head to the gym. Had a very rough night at work last night (several deaths, extremely busy, etc) so I really was pooped. Tonight will probably be just as busy but at least it's my last night so the rest of the week should be easier

Sorry to hear about your crappy nite.  I hope last nite was better for ya.  Good for you to drag yourself to the gym.  I find that a workout or even something as simple as a walk with my dogs is a good way to clear my head after a bad shift.

2012-01-12 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3946139


Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Hello ladies! I am back from outer space... or San Jose, actually. Had a quick work trip earlier this week - 4 plane rides in 2 days, 5 hours of sleep spaced out over 48 hours, and I am WIPED!

I had best of plans - took my running gear with me in hopes that I'd have some time to get to the hotel gym and at least hit the treadmill or ex bike, but alas, I was working from the moment I hit the ground until I took off again, so no dice.  Terrible stormy weather when I got back yesterday, so no run again, and I'm one sad puppy.

I am itching to hit the road again, especially after Saturday's wonderful run/walk, and am frustrated that my schedule hasn't allowed me to get out there at all.  Good news, I bought a bathing suit on my trip - been needing a new one - and will get in a swim this afternoon.  If the weather clears, I'm at least doing a few laps at the park with the kids.  If not, I may take them grocery shopping and run around the store a few times!!! Seriously!  I am considering a treadmill after this week.

Also, Hubs is traveling all week next week, so I will have the kids non-stop. Not real conducive to training.  I may enlist my MIL to watch the older one for a bit several nights so I can run with the baby in the stroller.

Other good news - my eating "plan" has been good this week. I'm down 3 lbs, so trying to be excited about that.  I would be more excited if I could get out and run to keep it that way!

Plan for the week:

Today: Swim- 25, Fri: Run 20, Sat: Run 45/Bike 15, Sun: Bike 30, Mon: Run 20, Tues: Swim 20

2012-01-12 11:47 AM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Hey Ladies!

Another sick one checking in. I slacked off the week before because I wasn't feeling great, and now I'm thinking that was the onset of whatever I have in my head that won't go away. So I'm down on the ill list, and then tomorrow I'll be on the vacation list... off to sunny mexico with my hubby and withOUT the child! WAHOO!

Hubs got into the Bay Swim (Chesapeake Bay 4.4 mile swim) so I'm sure there are some open water swim workouts in my future while on vacay.

Just wanted to send a quick hello, since I've been gone and will continue to be gone until about the 24th.

Happy training everyone!


2012-01-12 3:44 PM
in reply to: #3986011

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Welcome back Bonnie!  Sounds like you have had a ton of stuff going on and will continue to have a ton of stuff going on!

Congrats on being down 3 lbs!  Especially when traveling...that is remarkable!

I would totally suggest a treadmill. Nothing beats an outdoor run, but with kids,weather, etc.  my treadmill has been a saving grace.

Your week looks great!

2012-01-12 3:45 PM
in reply to: #3986365

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Aw Kelly...sorry to hear you're sick--having just been in that boat, I feel for ya!

Get better and have a wonderful vacation...I'm jealous!

2012-01-12 4:01 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Hope all your goals are being met today Krew!

I had a wonderful 10 mile run this morning!  Left the house at 4:15am with my running buddy and our headlamps.  We worked our way over to a quiet highway that cuts right through the desert--it was fabulous!  With the almost full moon and bright stars against the black sky and highway, it was most peaceful!  The occasional semi broke the mood a bit, but for the most part it was excellent.  My running buddy is one of my cross country runners, he chattered the whole way about upcoming finals, video games, Yu-gi-oh cards--kept me entertained the whole way (except for one climb between mile 8-9 where I told him to please just stop talking and let me concentrate on getting up the darn hill!)  What a great run.  Oh, bonus points, ran this ten miles 6 minutes faster than last week's.  Yay!

2012-01-14 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Hey Ladies!  It's Saturday is everyone's weekend shaping up?  Mine has been fabulous so far.  Heading out to take our dogs for a walk through the frosty desert.  Had an easy 4 miler this morning, gearing up for a 15 mile run tomorrow Surprised!  It'll be the longest run I've done for about 6 years.  I. Can. Do. It.   lol!

Hope everyone else is off to a great weekend start!

2012-01-15 3:20 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Not a great week. Did nothing I'd planned but swimming. Had the perfect opportunity to go out on bike on Friday. Day off work - bright day, no wind. But - cause my plan said 88 mins I couldn't do it. Don't know why. I knew it would hurt, i'm afraid of traffic, looking a twit etc etc. So, now plan for this week consists of more frequent biking/trainer but for shorter - and see how that goes. I will put up my plan tomorrow but I'm off to bed now. Getting to bed earlier is also on my plan for next week.

I'm glad so many of you are doing so well. Just gotta keep on keeping on I suppose.


2012-01-15 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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New user

Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Hey Krew,

Well it wasn't an amazing week as I missed two swims and a bike ride but overall it was ok. Today I pushed myself pretty hard and burnt about 800 cal. I went to boxing on friday and hurt my shoulder which is why I took the day off yesterday (and I felt a bit lazy).

This week is going to be tough as I start my work set tomorrow so it means two days in a row of waking up at 5am and going to the gym after a 12 hour day. Yikes!

Hope everyone had a great week! Lets rock week 3!!


Jennifer, I agree with your plan to do shorter rides. It's better to get out and do something than nothing at all! You can do it! Week 3 will be awesome for you

2012-01-16 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Hi Krew...we are still plugging along!  Looks like a few missed opportunites for workouts over the last week.  Let's talk about why.  Was it poor planning?  Lack of motivation?  Plain old stubborness (I'm not gonna, no one is gonna make me...).  Believe me, I have been through all of those.

The worst excuse for me is when I don't have an excuse. That always leaves me feeling angry and frustrated with myself. It's a perfectly nice day, I'm perfectly capable of the workout, I just don't do it.  What I've learned is to just buck up.  I tell myself 'fine.  I don't want to do 60 minutes.  I'll go out for 20 just to say I did.'  By the time 20 mintues has passed, those endorphins have kicked in and I end up doing much more than I thought I would.  I never finish a workout feeling worse than if I never would have started.

What are some strategies we can help each other with?

2012-01-16 4:03 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED



Could one of you just come round, knock on the door and say, hey jennifer - got to run/cycle/swim now? I think that might help me. Smile



2012-01-16 8:46 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED
Jennifer...would love to show up on your doorstep--I'd make a vacation out of it!
2012-01-16 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Since today was a day off, I honestly did space out that it was Monday!  Here is my training schedule for the week:

Monday:  70 mins/21 mile on the trainer, followed by 25 mins Insanity Upper Body Training
Tuesday:  9 mile run/ 4 miles @ race pace (on treadmill...uuuugh!)
Wednesday:  5 mile run + 25 mins Insanity Upper Body Training
Thursday:  10 mile run outside
Friday:  OFF...completely.  Have to head into Salt Lake City for a mammogram--my first.
Saturday:  5 mile run + Insanity Upper Body Training
Sunday:  17 mile run

Looks like a good week of training for me!  I welcome the challenge!  What's everyone else got going?!

2012-01-16 11:01 PM
in reply to: #3994002

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Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

Hey Kim,

I totally agree with your comment about always feeling better post workout. I find the hardest part is always getting out the door. Once im at the gym im quite motivated.

I started the week off well...woke up at 5am to do my bike and ate very healthy at work. Prob burnt some extra calories from +++stress and busyness.

My plan for the week:               Work 2 days, 2 nights.

(D)Mon: Bike 40min (easy spin)

(D)Tue: Bike 33min; Run 24/6 (walk/run)

(N)Wed: Bike 56min; Swim 600+ meters; Strength (upper nody)

(N)Thur: Bike 40min; Run 24/6

Friday: OFF - Swim at least 1000 meters

Sat: Bike 35min; Swim 1000m; Strength (upper body)

Sun: Bike 80min; Run 24/6.

Hopefully this will be a better week!


PS: Kim, can you tell us what your upper nody workout consists of? Thanks!

2012-01-17 4:02 PM
in reply to: #3946139

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Kim's Krew of Newbs CLOSED

I'm in same boat.  The hardest thing for me is to get going.  What's that law of physics:  a body in motion tends to stay in motion, a body at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force?  I always have to dig deep to find that force to put me in motion and then I feel so good once I start.  I am finding, however, that I am not having to dig as deep to get started with my runs lately.  Got up today after 3 1/2 hrs sleep and had no problem going downstairs to run on the treadmill.  In the past I would have just turned off the alarm and gone back to sleep.

It's my last nite of nites tonite and then I'm off for four.  We are supposed to be heading back to the cottage as soon as I get off work though I just checked the weather and there's both heavy snowfall and freezing rain warnings where we will be going.  I have my run stuff packed and will get at least one if not both of my runs in while I am up there.  Will have dogs out for long walks too.  So not an exciting week of workouts planned but at least I am planning to do something every day.

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