BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2013-01-15 7:56 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Meant to say swim was 3500 yards lol

2013-01-15 12:16 PM
in reply to: #4578976

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Wow,great work out Jason! I thought easy sets of 350 sounded good!
2013-01-15 12:22 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Jason, when would you suggest I start truly training for an oly triathlon at the end of April? Do you have suggestions about how to go about it? I have just tried to get in as many workouts as I can in the past. I have looked at the one on this site but curious what you would suggest.
2013-01-15 12:47 PM
in reply to: #4579551

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED

My first "A" race is May 19th Columbia Tri; goal is to qualify for Hy-Vee Championship hoping for 1st or 2nd in Age Group. Obviously I have been putting in the miles on the bike and havent been swimming or running. Sunday started my "triathlon" training for the year. It give me roughly 20 weeks till race day. Gives me about 6 weeks of base training which will consist of mostly slower endurance runs and swims. My biking will be a mix of workouts as I race for a cycling team so I need to make sure come March I am in bike racing shape. If you start now that give you about 14 weeks till race day. Depending what your current fitness is I think this would be ample time to prepare yourself.

As far as some sort of training plan I feel everyone is different. A free basic plan from BT may be sufficient enough to deliver the results you are looking for. Are you looking for structured workouts on a daily basis? Or just how often should I SBR and when? For example I create my own training plan. I know my strengths and I know how far I can go and what needs to be done. If something doesnt feel right or doesnt work out I revisit and tweak. I do 75% of my training at easy-moderate pace and the other 25% or slightly more is a mix of speed work on the track, intervals, and tempo sessions. I have 5 key run sessions that I do and 3 key bike sessions I incorporate into my training. I typically do one track workout a week which will consist of one of the session (except tempo run). I give myself plenty of time to recover so that everytime I go into a track session I know I can give 100%. If my body aches I push the track session to another day. I wont gain anything from doing that type of workout at 85% all I will do is increase my chance of injury. I also tend to focus on swimming and biking. They are my strengths. I know I can be top 3 out of the water and I know in a 40K I can have one of the top 3 bike times. I am definitely an above average runner but I know i will never be a top 5 runner so I cut my losses and focus on my so that it is where it needs to be. I can hurt with the best of them, so chances are if you are trying to run me down during the run portion, you will have to work 10x harder to leave me behind. With a fast swim and fast bike I am normally out of sight and out of mind (works to the mental advantage). I can certainly copy in some detailed typical training weeks if that would interest you, but below are my key sessions...(remember Olympic Distance concentration)..


Key Run Session6x1 Mile Repeats @ 10k pace or slightly faster
Key Run Session4x(4x400;4x200) Rest 200M Jog, 5:00 between sets; slightly faster than 10k pace
Key Run Session5-10x hill repeats; jog to bottom
Key Run Session2x(2 Mile, 1 Mile, 1/2 Mile) :60 Rest between, 10K Pace, 5K Pace, faster than 5K
Key Bike Session2x20' with 5:00 Rest between 95% of FTP
Key Bike Session1x20' 100-105% of FTP; all out TT
Key Bike Session5x5' 110-112% of FTP w/ 3-5' Rest
2013-01-16 6:47 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
Thank you so much, Jason, that is awesome and even more than I expected! That is very helpful. How often do you do a brick? Also, do you do a practice race, like the whole thing SBR, the distance of the OLY before the race? My fitness is fair, mostly because of arthritis. I can run 9+mile for 6 or 7 miles but rarely do right now because of winter. The cold is really hard on me this year. I do more like 11 min. have not really timed myself on my bike or can't remember right not but I can ride pretty fast. The swim is fine just slow as a turtle! I can swim forever though. Well, a long time. My goal is to finish of course, but I would like to have a better time in at least one sport for this year as my goal.I have tried the sprints in the water but still need to build my fitness there, I am so out of breath. I have not tried breathing every other like you have said you do, that might help. I think I will try to build a plan using some of your suggestions.Thanks and off to work! Jan
2013-01-16 7:35 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED
I'm glad it was helpful! as far as bricks I don't do a lot of them but maybe one every 3 weeks or so. For me no more than 2 a month. I think it is important to do a hard ride maybe like an hour followed by an easy 15-20 min run. That is plentiful. The idea is just to remind your legs they don't get to rest after cycling.

I do not do a SBR "race" in training. I work on all my pacing during my individual training sessions and I go from there. We are people with normal loves and putting in a training race day like that can sometimes be a lot and require more recovery than some may think. During the real race everything will come together you just have to trust your training.

2013-01-16 9:38 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - CLOSED

Did my first super spin class this morning it was fun and challenging, which is good because I need to be pushed! This particular class is all interval training. Training is coming together slow but sure. I am looking forward to hitting the pool tomorrow to do my drills that I learned over the weekend. Really excited about improving my technique in the water!!

2013-01-17 1:42 PM
in reply to: #4544153

Bartlett, TN
Subject: Long Swims??

Should an occasional swimming session consist of one long swim without stops for the entire session?

2013-01-17 3:08 PM
in reply to: #4582915

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Long Swims??
Swimming is always broken into multiple sets. Does nothing to just jump in the pull and swim 2000 yards at a moderate pace then get out. It may help build some endurance but in my opinion wont make you a better swimmer. Just like any other sport...if all you did was run at a constant pace and bike at a constant pace you would never see any improvement.
2013-01-18 5:47 AM
in reply to: #4583117

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Long Swims??

A lot of people that were interested in this group when it opened but only about 5 of us here, so I am opening it back up to see if we can get some more people in here!

2x20 this morning on the bike! SO glad it is Friday!!!

2013-01-18 9:44 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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New user
Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

Getting in a lunch time swim today, and then planning a short run after work. (My first run in almost 2 weeks! Yikes!)  Got some long bike workouts planned for this weekend.


Jason, what kind of workout 2x20 is for the bike? Also, you mentioned earlier that you recommend we incorporate some strength training in our weekly routines.  Do you think it would be more beneficial to do a cardio-type workout like an Insanity video or to go lift actual weights?

2013-01-18 10:08 AM
in reply to: #4584265

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
morsebj - 2013-01-18 10:44 AM

Getting in a lunch time swim today, and then planning a short run after work. (My first run in almost 2 weeks! Yikes!)  Got some long bike workouts planned for this weekend.


Jason, what kind of workout 2x20 is for the bike? Also, you mentioned earlier that you recommend we incorporate some strength training in our weekly routines.  Do you think it would be more beneficial to do a cardio-type workout like an Insanity video or to go lift actual weights?


2x20 workout is a staple for cyclists trying to improve, especially in a TT. The workout I do is typically 10 min warm up, then 20 min at 90-90% of your FTP. I dont have a power meter but you my HR and percieved effort. You should not be able to have a conversation during the workout. Work hard enough to breathe heaving and hurt but not to hard that you kill yourself. The whole 20 mins should be a sustained power. Then take a 5-10 min easy recovery and do it again for another 20 mins. You probably wont want to do it the 2nd time cause you know how much it sucked the first but it WILL make you a better cyclist. I try to do it 1x a week.

2013-01-18 10:09 AM
in reply to: #4584265

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
And I recommend strength training with weights. Insanity is HIIT and can take a lot out of you and you may not recover fully to get the most out of your other workouts.
2013-01-18 2:26 PM
in reply to: #4582915

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Long Swims??
Day-Day - 2013-01-17 1:42 PM

Should an occasional swimming session consist of one long swim without stops for the entire session?


As Jason said - it wont improve your swim, I agree with that. However, I did a few longer swims 2000m in the pool to know that I could do it. While it may not have improved my performance it did tell me that I Could Do It and I felt a little better signing up for my first triathlon with included a 2000m swim. So I suppose from a confidence stand point its good but you arent going to see any real gains, athletically, from it. 

2013-01-18 2:32 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Mixing up the schedule - I just started my program which is the OLY Run focused program. I find that I am shuffling work outs around to fit my schedule and even my mood. I just "felt" like biking yesterday instead of doing my run. The run will be done tonight and I am careful not to put 2 runs back to back. My overall goal at this point are merely to regain a decent level of fitness. Any reason for concern or can I shuffle away?
2013-01-18 3:02 PM
in reply to: #4585054

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

DAve, definitely agree from a confidence standpoint it can be a good thing!

Go ahead and shuffle all you want. I lay out my workouts but we live in the real world and things will come up and change. There are days I just dont want to run so I will bike and pick up with a run another day of the week. Unless your shifting causes two hard days back to back or on not enough rest then it is fine.

2013-01-20 9:54 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Great 2 hour yesterday and a 50 min run this morning. Wife wanted me to stop and get.milk on way home. It is very akward to run with a half gallon milk
2013-01-20 1:04 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
but you did and showed up at home with a milk shake, thats got to count for something!
2013-01-20 6:06 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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, Washington
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

Got about 50 minutes into what was supposed to be a 75 minute run when I started feeling some pain in the top of my right foot.  I kept running for another 7 minutes, but it didn't really improve, so I cut the run short.  Didn't want to hurt myself.  I feel like a knucklehead now.  I think my laces were just too tight, and my feet were swelling a bit.  I was researching top of foot pain, and it can be a metatarsal stress fracture, a bone spur, or even shoes that are not wide enough or laces that are too tight.  It's not a stress fracture... pain is completely gone.  I'm not used to running longer distances (for me, that's anything over 3 miles), and apparently your feet swell on the longer runs.

Still having a reasonably good time training and learning rookie lessons!

2013-01-21 1:56 PM
in reply to: #4544153

Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
2013-01-21 1:56 PM
in reply to: #4544153

Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN


You would probably feel like a bigger knucklehead if you had kept going and it turned out to be something physically wrong going on.  Good news that there was no real issue.  I get a foot pain that comes in for a few minutes about 5 minutes after I start and then a two-minute knee pain at about the 45 minute mark.  Who needs a watch?

Edited by Day-Day 2013-01-21 1:59 PM

2013-01-23 6:41 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Hi, sorry I have been absent. Work has been very busy, so has home life. I have been getting some workouts in though! I have lost 4 lbs with the biggest loser contest. Only 6 more lbs to go.Be in touch more l later but wanted to say I am still here!Jan
2013-01-23 7:32 AM
in reply to: #4590615

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Well we have hit a bit of a cold spell here in PA. 8 degree this morning and high of 18. supposed to be like this all week. Monday I got a good bike ride in outside in the 27 degree weather with some wind to add to the chill. I will NOT be venturing out in this temp though! So this morning was an hour in the pool some weights and a 35 min run. Threw in a could 3 min tempo surges to shake the cob webs from the legs. Ill do some core tonight and then back to the pool tomorrow morning!
2013-01-23 10:27 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Jan, that is fantastic!!! I haven't weighed myself this week yet but I doubt much has changed. Did my super spin bike class this morning...brutal is the only word to describe it!! Last week was tough but doable today got it...brutal! haha We did some TT stuff and then what the instructor called jumps so for two minutes we sit for two seconds stand for two seconds then one minute recovery we did this three times/sets and then some TT stuff and then back to jumps again for another 3 sets! Well my legs were on fire and the sweat was literally pouring off me! I simply couldn't do the 5th and 6th set it was more like stand for two sit for ten!! haha I wonder what my heart rate was, probably don't want to know! Nice to be pushed though! Will hit the gym for strength training tonight!   Howard
2013-01-23 12:10 PM
in reply to: #4591016

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Howard great work! Keep pushing yourself to find that place where you can go when you think you cant possible do anymore and you will be suprised how much that helps! But way to enter the pain cave!
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