BT Development Mentor Program Archives » HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2013-05-12 7:43 PM
in reply to: #4738521

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
shadow67 - 2013-05-12 8:54 AM

"As far as Heart Rate training, it can be demoralizing to feel like you are barely moving when you first start, but if you stick with it, you will find that you can run faster at a lower HR.  Unfortunately the 220 - age is not accurate, you need to do a Lactate Threshold test to determine your MAX heart rate"


Hilde I'm going to try the LT testing during a shorter run later this week. I have always been so slow that I just slog out my runs and don't really focus on improving my LT. This may be a break thru training tip for me. Today is a LSD run, 10 miles, as soon as this blackberry winter day warms up a bit. Me and the furbabies gave my partner, IronSherpa Pinky, a mother's ring and breakfast in bed this morning. The ring had all their birthstones and their names engraved on it, including our sweet Shadow, who is at the Rainbow Bridge now. I tested a multi-hour bottle of fuel while on my bike ride yesterday. It consisted of 3 servings of Generation UCAN and two scoops of Hammer Perpetuem. It went down easy and seemed to work really well. Supplemented that with my homemade Chia Seed gel and 40 oz of water in my Speedfil. Whewie! This Ironman training is so much more than just swim, bike, run, repeat! Pacing, fueling and hydration (including electrolyte replacement) seems to be the most important aspects to finishing. I have learned this by reading EVERY race report on BT all the way back to the first year of the race! I'm off to walk the canine fur kids now,and get this party started! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all our Beastie MOMS!!

I would LOVE the recipe for this!!

2013-05-12 7:49 PM
in reply to: #4724462

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

LaughingHappy Mother's Day Everyone!!!!Laughing

(I cant make it as pretty a Hildies)


Hilde: Thanks for the info on HRT I will check out the article. 

Sounds like you had an awesome mothers day!! How great to run with your grandson- "let's hold hands" SWEETEST WORDS EVER!!!! if I could only shrink my boys back just for a day....

2013-05-13 4:52 AM
in reply to: #4738995

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Okay girls, Mother's Day is over, back to work!  Ha ha, hope everyone had a good weekend... I get cut again today, 2 skin punches with stitches, so I'm getting my last swim in this morning.  The bike goes in for its tune up tomorrow and I have a feeling that I just might get a few runs in against doctor's orders... I'll have to see exactly WHAT those orders are!
2013-05-13 9:53 AM
in reply to: #4739241

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Hildebeast - 2013-05-13 4:52 AM Okay girls, Mother's Day is over, back to work!  Ha ha, hope everyone had a good weekend... I get cut again today, 2 skin punches with stitches, so I'm getting my last swim in this morning.  The bike goes in for its tune up tomorrow and I have a feeling that I just might get a few runs in against doctor's orders... I'll have to see exactly WHAT those orders are!

Hope everything goes smoothly at the Dr.s today & heals quickly and ocmpletely!!

2013-05-13 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4724462

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
I hope the Dr goes easy on you Hilde and just asks for a few days off.  Maybe the location of the stitches will allow for some running.
2013-05-13 10:58 AM
in reply to: #4724462

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

I'm so excited!  My DS (age 8) asked yesterday about doing a kids tri.  I looked around the internet this morning and discovered a new series of aquathon which includes a kids race.  I think that this is a great intro for him.  His biking is not great as he has trouble on slight inclines and needs work on tight turns.  He has "run" 2 5Ks with me, so the fact that this has a 1 mile run around some ball fields should be just fine for him.  The swim is not a problem as he does swim team.

It is run every other Monday evening June thru mid-August.  The 2 we could do look to be mid June and late July.  The adult race sometimes has a 3 mile run and sometimes a 4 mile run.  The course map is yet to be published.  The swim on the adult race increases over the summer.  Looks like 400 yd swim + 4 mile run in June and 600 yd swim + 3 mile run in July.

If I include a planned 5K in early June and a couple of charity-type bike rides during the summer, I might have my "race" schedule worked out.

2013-05-13 11:38 AM
in reply to: #4724462

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

I had a fun 5 mile run race on Saturday.  There were 9,000 women entered, all different ages, sizes and shapes.  I am always amazed at running events how many different body types there are and that body type is not always an accurate predictor of speed or ability.  I ran a 47.19 race (9:27/mile pace) and finished 32/199 in my age group.  The course was mostly flat and all pavement.  I was happy given that I haven't been outside running a great deal this spring.  I have some work to do to get to last years average race pace of 9:15/mile. 

I am a big proponent of the LT test for determining heart rate zones - especially for running and biking.  I think heart rate training for swimming is tough, because like the other post, I can only swim as hard/fast as I feel like I can breath.  When I did an LT test, I discovered my zones were a lot different than the 220-age calculator.  As it turns out, I needed to work harder .... dang.

2013-05-13 2:02 PM
in reply to: #4739241

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Northern Ontario (near Lake Superior)
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Hopefully everything goes smooth for you today
2013-05-13 2:09 PM
in reply to: #4739241

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Hildebeast - 2013-05-13 5:52 AM Okay girls, Mother's Day is over, back to work!  Ha ha, hope everyone had a good weekend... I get cut again today, 2 skin punches with stitches, so I'm getting my last swim in this morning.  The bike goes in for its tune up tomorrow and I have a feeling that I just might get a few runs in against doctor's orders... I'll have to see exactly WHAT those orders are!

Hilde - there's no need to go see a doctor.  I'm sure one of us would gladly punch you twice for much less money!  

Here's hoping the visit goes well and holes are in a good place, if such a thing exists for holes on your body.

2013-05-13 2:09 PM
in reply to: #4724462

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Here's also hoping all the moms, step-moms, moms of furry types and anyone else maternal like had a great day yesterday!


2013-05-13 2:11 PM
in reply to: #4724462

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Last but not least, my update:  I'm about ready to tear my own throat out because I am so sick of it being sore.  It took me nearly two weeks to kick this thing and then last week, a week later, my wife gave it back to me!  I'm planning to enjoy the weather and head out to pant heavily this afternoon.

2013-05-13 3:08 PM
in reply to: #4740279

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

A Shawn drive-by!!  Shawn has issues everyone, you all need to stop by his log and give him some encouragement...

Procedures went well I guess, I didn't feel anything so the numb stuff worked well.  I'll see how they look tomorrow afternoon when I'm allowed to take the bandages off and replace them with bandaids.  Stitches come out next Wed., so there should be some logging going on by Thursday!  And she didn't EXACTLY forbid me to do any training, I just shouldn't do anything to stress the stitches.  The bike will be in the shop, so no problem there, and I wouldn't dare swim, don't want the skin to soften up and open!  But running.... hmmm, I thinking it can be done if I wait 3 days or so.  The one on my back is the one that might stretch, but not like I'm bending all around when I run!  No sub showed up for me, so my teaching partner probably had to take all my classes along with his this afternoon... sucks, but I've done it for him.  What is stupid is that I HAD a sub in the system last week, but today when I checked there wasn't one, so she either bailed, or got pulled for some "more important" position, which is ridiculous since we teach the most students at one time out of everyone in the whole damned school!  Tomorrow I get to play gym teacher and help with the grade level Tug Of War competitions. 

And on a good note, daughter and I are going to look at a rent house when she gets off work tonight and she is anxious to put down a deposit... I know she wants to be out by June 1st and we wouldn't mind that either, although it's been going pretty smoothly...

2013-05-13 3:28 PM
in reply to: #4739929

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
jaykayjay - 2013-05-13 11:38 AM

I had a fun 5 mile run race on Saturday.  There were 9,000 women entered, all different ages, sizes and shapes.  I am always amazed at running events how many different body types there are and that body type is not always an accurate predictor of speed or ability.  I ran a 47.19 race (9:27/mile pace) and finished 32/199 in my age group.  The course was mostly flat and all pavement.  I was happy given that I haven't been outside running a great deal this spring.  I have some work to do to get to last years average race pace of 9:15/mile. 

I am a big proponent of the LT test for determining heart rate zones - especially for running and biking.  I think heart rate training for swimming is tough, because like the other post, I can only swim as hard/fast as I feel like I can breath.  When I did an LT test, I discovered my zones were a lot different than the 220-age calculator.  As it turns out, I needed to work harder .... dang.


Sounds like you had a really good race. 9000 women- that is a LOT of racers. 

I am dying to get under 10 minutes a mile but I dot think it will happen this year :/ 

2013-05-13 3:31 PM
in reply to: #4739822

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
rustymom - 2013-05-13 10:58 AM

I'm so excited!  My DS (age 8) asked yesterday about doing a kids tri.  I looked around the internet this morning and discovered a new series of aquathon which includes a kids race.  I think that this is a great intro for him.  His biking is not great as he has trouble on slight inclines and needs work on tight turns.  He has "run" 2 5Ks with me, so the fact that this has a 1 mile run around some ball fields should be just fine for him.  The swim is not a problem as he does swim team.

It is run every other Monday evening June thru mid-August.  The 2 we could do look to be mid June and late July.  The adult race sometimes has a 3 mile run and sometimes a 4 mile run.  The course map is yet to be published.  The swim on the adult race increases over the summer.  Looks like 400 yd swim + 4 mile run in June and 600 yd swim + 3 mile run in July.

If I include a planned 5K in early June and a couple of charity-type bike rides during the summer, I might have my "race" schedule worked out.


Sounds like fun! I ran a 5K with my youngest son and loved it.

Aquathon is a great option too because A bike is a big expense when they may or may not keep interest in the sport.

I'm trying to talk all three of my boys (27,22, & 15) into doing a Tri with me next year. 

2013-05-13 3:32 PM
in reply to: #4740279

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Sulcus - 2013-05-13 2:11 PM Last but not least, my update:  I'm about ready to tear my own throat out because I am so sick of it being sore.  It took me nearly two weeks to kick this thing and then last week, a week later, my wife gave it back to me!  I'm planning to enjoy the weather and head out to pant heavily this afternoon.


Hope you feel better!! Are you taking some vitamin C?

2013-05-13 3:35 PM
in reply to: #4724462

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Nice job on your 5 mile race, Janette!  That is a great pace for not having run outside that much  this year. 

Hilde, glad it sounds like you'll manage to squeeze some runs in later this week!  That stinks that there was a sub mix-up at school...  Good luck with scoping out the rental house with your daughter, hope it works out!

Shawn, hope you feel better soon!  My husband and one of my kids are sick with sore throats and a cough.  I am freaking out that I'm going to get their cold and be sick for my 10K this weekend!

Andrea, that is so awesome that your son wants to do tris!!

I celebrated Mother's Day yesterday by volunteering at the Season Opener sprint tri in Hopkinton, MA (about an hour from my house)!  It was very fun and got me pumped up that tri season is now officially here in New England!!  It poured buckets for about an hour - there were some nasty spills on the bike course - but then it cleared up.  My husband was a trooper and took our 3 kids into Boston to the aquarium so I could volunteer at the race and then come home to some peace and quiet - that RARELY happens, so I really appreciated it!

2013-05-13 6:51 PM
in reply to: #4739929

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
jaykayjay - 2013-05-14 12:38 AM

I had a fun 5 mile run race on Saturday.  There were 9,000 women entered, all different ages, sizes and shapes.  I am always amazed at running events how many different body types there are and that body type is not always an accurate predictor of speed or ability.  I ran a 47.19 race (9:27/mile pace) and finished 32/199 in my age group.  The course was mostly flat and all pavement.  I was happy given that I haven't been outside running a great deal this spring.  I have some work to do to get to last years average race pace of 9:15/mile. 

I am a big proponent of the LT test for determining heart rate zones - especially for running and biking.  I think heart rate training for swimming is tough, because like the other post, I can only swim as hard/fast as I feel like I can breath.  When I did an LT test, I discovered my zones were a lot different than the 220-age calculator.  As it turns out, I needed to work harder .... dang.

nice run Janette.  9:27 to 9:15/mile is easily achievable with your drive

2013-05-13 7:04 PM
in reply to: #4740279

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Sulcus - 2013-05-14 3:11 AM Last but not least, my update:  I'm about ready to tear my own throat out because I am so sick of it being sore.  It took me nearly two weeks to kick this thing and then last week, a week later, my wife gave it back to me!  I'm planning to enjoy the weather and head out to pant heavily this afternoon.

that's bad.  i hate being sick.  i usually have to be off 2-3weeks before i can really recover.  hope you get well soon Shawn.

2013-05-14 5:50 AM
in reply to: #4738988

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Meljoypip - 2013-05-12 7:43 PM
shadow67 - 2013-05-12 8:54 AM

"As far as Heart Rate training, it can be demoralizing to feel like you are barely moving when you first start, but if you stick with it, you will find that you can run faster at a lower HR.  Unfortunately the 220 - age is not accurate, you need to do a Lactate Threshold test to determine your MAX heart rate"


Hilde I'm going to try the LT testing during a shorter run later this week. I have always been so slow that I just slog out my runs and don't really focus on improving my LT. This may be a break thru training tip for me. Today is a LSD run, 10 miles, as soon as this blackberry winter day warms up a bit. Me and the furbabies gave my partner, IronSherpa Pinky, a mother's ring and breakfast in bed this morning. The ring had all their birthstones and their names engraved on it, including our sweet Shadow, who is at the Rainbow Bridge now. I tested a multi-hour bottle of fuel while on my bike ride yesterday. It consisted of 3 servings of Generation UCAN and two scoops of Hammer Perpetuem. It went down easy and seemed to work really well. Supplemented that with my homemade Chia Seed gel and 40 oz of water in my Speedfil. Whewie! This Ironman training is so much more than just swim, bike, run, repeat! Pacing, fueling and hydration (including electrolyte replacement) seems to be the most important aspects to finishing. I have learned this by reading EVERY race report on BT all the way back to the first year of the race! I'm off to walk the canine fur kids now,and get this party started! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all our Beastie MOMS!!

I would LOVE the recipe for this!!

X2 on the recipe.
2013-05-14 7:32 AM
in reply to: #4724462

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!


Happy Belated Mother's Day to all you Mom's!

I think I have caught up on the entire thread.

Sounds like there were some fun races, good training, a bit of throat scratching, surgery, and more over the past few days!

Getting rid of the scratchy throat -- I am a fan of Emergen-C.  Whenever I start feeling the onset of a cold or something, I use one or two packets of these a day.  They seem to work for me.

Gadgets - I run with an iPod.  Bike with just speed/cadence bike computer.  Use a basic Timex watch.  I have used a Garmin to track pace but found I didn't enjoy my runs as much as I was always worried about my pace.  So I have ditched it.  Same with the HR monitor.  So almost all of my training is by 'feel' and perceived effort.

OWS - I am jealous of those who can do this regularly!  I do have access to the Delaware Bay on many summer weekends but it is just too murky.  Murky as in I can't see beyond my forearm.  I haven't tried a training swim since I swam face first into a jellyfish.

My training has really fallen by the wayside over the past few weeks.  Something had to give and training was it.  I am hoping that things will lighten up a bit after the 1st week in June.

I do have a race this weekend.  The Columbia Triathlon.  I had hoped to do better than last year but that is not going to happen.  So I am just going for the swag and relaxed day of exercise.  Goal is to finish with enough energy left to commute to work by bike the next day.

2013-05-14 11:52 AM
in reply to: #4724462

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
I need an opinion from the BeastiesSmile.  I'm supposed to be just doing easy workouts this week with my tri coming up this weekend.  I signed up for summer speedwork with the LRS (this will be my 3rd year doing it) and the first session is on Thursday.  Not sure if I should go.  I know it's "speedwork" but the first session is an easy one, just getting us into the groove of running on the track. It's 8x400 at 10k pace - which for me is about a 3 min loop, so no real speed involved.  I don't really think that it will hurt me for Sunday's race but thought I'd see what you guys think.  Would you do it or skip it?

2013-05-14 12:00 PM
in reply to: #4739929

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
jaykayjay - 2013-05-13 11:38 AM

I had a fun 5 mile run race on Saturday.  There were 9,000 women entered, all different ages, sizes and shapes.  I am always amazed at running events how many different body types there are and that body type is not always an accurate predictor of speed or ability.  I ran a 47.19 race (9:27/mile pace) and finished 32/199 in my age group.  The course was mostly flat and all pavement.  I was happy given that I haven't been outside running a great deal this spring.  I have some work to do to get to last years average race pace of 9:15/mile. 

I am a big proponent of the LT test for determining heart rate zones - especially for running and biking.  I think heart rate training for swimming is tough, because like the other post, I can only swim as hard/fast as I feel like I can breath.  When I did an LT test, I discovered my zones were a lot different than the 220-age calculator.  As it turns out, I needed to work harder .... dang.

Congrats on your race - great job!

I found the same thing when I did an LT test for running - my zones were way off what I originally thought they were.  I haven't done an actual LT test on the bike yet but I estimated my zones based on the run test.  Turns out I wasn't working nearly hard enough on the bike (I was lucky to get into Zone 1Embarassed).  I get into Zone 2 most of time now and feel like my biking has improved.  Guess I'll find out for sure this weekend!

2013-05-14 12:02 PM
in reply to: #4741947

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
I think you should be okay if it's on Thursday... don't go full out, and then take it easy or take 2 rest days before Sunday and you should be fine.  I have a hard time taking things easy, so if you kill it, you might end up paying for it with tired legs for the race!
2013-05-14 2:08 PM
in reply to: #4724462

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Do you all log other types of workouts?  I am thinking like the soft sports that I do:  yoga, golf, and stretching.  What about lifting weights or power walking? 
2013-05-14 2:30 PM
in reply to: #4724462

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Northern Ontario (near Lake Superior)
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
I would log any sports that I do. 
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