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2013-05-16 7:30 PM
in reply to: #4724810

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open

great news, Pam!  Not selfish at all, its great to share good news.

I made it out on the road with my bike tonight, and it was fantastic!!! Warm night, beautiful roads along the ocean, low traffic. Just went out and had a blast. That is until some old guy a-hole in his crappy pickup decided it would be fun to pull up behind me and blow his horn, then rip by me about 2 feet away. I let him know what I thought of him, but he was already down the road. What a f'in jackarse. What a great way to get someone body killed. I was (AM) so PO'ed about it, I turned around, and just hammered home on the bike thinking I'd get in my car and go find him (I saw the street he pulled down). I even pulled out my phone and had the video ready to go in case he decided to repeat his performance. He never did, and I'd cooled down a bit by the time I got home, but wtf? First real incident I've had with a jackarse like that. GGrrrrrrr.... Runined a truly awesome time I was having. My bike felt SO good. It was Awesome.

2013-05-16 8:16 PM
in reply to: #4724810

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open

Pam, so glad you got a good report from the doc!  That makes my day!  And thanks for sharing re: the weird responses to vitamins.  It's good to have company in weirdness!  As for figuring out what to do when we grow up...I am less sure of that today than I ever have been .

Elena, yay, so glad the nasty stomach bug has left your house!  You guys are really getting me fired up about strength to actually DO it.

Mike, dang what a creepazoid!  Was I reading that correctly that he has done this before?  Having someone do that to you when you are vulnerable on the bike is really unnerving and sure has brought out the middle finger I thought was safely tucked away.  Glad you are able to hang on to the awesomeness of being outside after that.

Mitzi, agree with the others...making up workouts is a losing game.  Every day is a new beginning, and a new day on the training plan.  Hope you are enjoying Shavout!

Steve, I have no idea how you have jumped back into training so many hours so quickly.  I would be in a coma if I tried to do that.  Very glad you are back and setting the bar high for the rest of us.

No workout today...sore neck last night and today, and I was short on time anyway.  My FIL has been a handful this week, mentally and physically.  Vacation coming up, and hubby & I really, really need it.  I hope to come back ready to set some goals in terms of tri's and overall health. 

I wish I could do a better job on keeping up with everyone, but so very glad to be part of this active group!  You are all inspiring!


2013-05-16 9:05 PM
in reply to: #4724810

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open

Pam no problem at all glad things are looking overall well for you.  Training for a  sprint if you just want to have fun shouldn't eat  up all of your time.  It looks like a full sprint to me. 

The monthly numbers just helps me see where people are and what races they are training for so I know if they are slacking or on the money for their event.  It is also nice to see numbers go up from the previous month.  Not at all anything to worry about and you don't actually have to put  up your numbers if you don't want to. 

2013-05-16 9:06 PM
in reply to: #4724810

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open

Shin splints are often related to old shoes, too much speedwork too soon, or unusual impact type stuff (boot camp?).  To recover you don't run in the pain, avoid speedwork, new shoes are good.  It sounds like you got past the 1 month of walking painfree and the walk/jog build.  It sounds like you are in the residual stage.  So ya avoid speedwork and hills, keep your pace z2 ish with a comfortable (not overstriding) gate, do not use minimalist shoes, ice after every run, use a foam roller or better yet a marathon stick or piece of pbc on the affected area, stretch.  I like the one where you stand against a wall, put one foot tonails down (carpet not hardwood floor) and bend your foot a bit like a bow moving the heal closer to the toes.  Then you have other standard stretches that may include a reverse toe raise.  (once you are better toe raises will help).  You start on a step with your toes extended and then lower your weight until your heals are below your toes on the step and stretch that, repeat.  Also if you can run on dirt or gravel that will help vs concrete and blacktop.  A rubberized track might be nice if you have one.  I am not sure if compression tights will help shin splints or not.

People in cars an be jerks.  But they are driving 3500 pound of metal that squishes 18 pounds of metal.  Yelling at emotionally disturbed people with a 3482 pound advantage will not help the other person to stabilize.  If you are scuba diving and an orca cuts you off, do you press your right of way or do you let him pass and consider yourself lucky?  Please don't encourage roadraged folks to act more psychotic.  Be safe out there and don't ride near sunset, ask me and my old bike with lots of broken metal how I know.   

Ya well my first 2 weeks were perhaps not the recommended build cycle, but I used frequent short workouts rather than long workouts.  I started my bike at 15 miles, run at 2 miles and swim at 1500 yards which is what I was doing 2 weeks before the surgery.  I started with all walk and worked up to all jog and  I increased my long run by 1 mile per week, bike by 10 miles per week, long swim by 200 yards per week.  And ya I did take a nap between my bike and swim yesterday.  Next week is a recovery week and then I should be in sync for the rest of the build.  I am doing no intensity and no hills, just building endurance currently.  Ideally that first 2 weeks would have been a month... but was hoping I still had some residual fitness from prior to the surgery. 

Edited by Baowolf 2013-05-16 9:42 PM
2013-05-16 11:33 PM
in reply to: #4746270

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Baowolf - 2013-05-16 7:06 PM

Shin splints are often related to old shoes, too much speedwork too soon, or unusual impact type stuff (boot camp?).  To recover you don't run in the pain, avoid speedwork, new shoes are good.  It sounds like you got past the 1 month of walking painfree and the walk/jog build.  It sounds like you are in the residual stage.  So ya avoid speedwork and hills, keep your pace z2 ish with a comfortable (not overstriding) gate, do not use minimalist shoes, ice after every run, use a foam roller or better yet a marathon stick or piece of pbc on the affected area, stretch.  I like the one where you stand against a wall, put one foot tonails down (carpet not hardwood floor) and bend your foot a bit like a bow moving the heal closer to the toes.  Then you have other standard stretches that may include a reverse toe raise.  (once you are better toe raises will help).  You start on a step with your toes extended and then lower your weight until your heals are below your toes on the step and stretch that, repeat.  Also if you can run on dirt or gravel that will help vs concrete and blacktop.  A rubberized track might be nice if you have one.  I am not sure if compression tights will help shin splints or not.

Glad to say that many of your suggestions I have done/or am doing now!  (patting my own back )  Will try some of the stretches.  Shoes: I have a favorite shoe....a minimalist...Kinvara 2's that I LOVE! Before the Kinvara, I was in Nike Frees, also a minamalist.  Unfortunately or (maybe fortunately) when shoes change w the seasons the same shoe just does not feel like the old one did!  I hate the Kinvara 3's and the new Frees.  Good news is that I only run in the Kinvaras on shorter runs, under 5 mi.  Longer runs I wear a more cusioned shoe..a Mizuno Waverunner. Its definitely not my favorite!!  But the extra cushion is helping.  Been in the market for new shoes for over a month now!!!!  

2013-05-16 11:39 PM
in reply to: #4724810

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open

Dont know if you all saw this thread about a scheduled upgrade,,,


We will be upgrading the site Friday morning, May 17th.  This will take anywhere from 1-2 hours.  

Friday was chosen as we anticipate several 'issues' that we and our beta testers haven't caught yet, and pages will need optimized for speed.  This will give us the weekend (fewer online users) to iron out any remaining bugs and performance issues so come Monday, we should be back to normal.

Thank you for your patience!

PS - The new site will most definitely not be 'perfect', it's going to be buggy and slow.  The faint-at-heart may want to spend Friday and the weekend away from BT...maybe even swimming, biking or running.  It's going to be big change with plenty of 'going-live' issues - both anticipated and unanticipated.  I definitely don't want your expectations too high this weekend

2013-05-17 12:07 AM
in reply to: #4724810

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Quick post so I can get to sleep. Training is going relatively well. I'm a terrible judge of myself, so I'm just choosing to believe I am gonna be okay. In the big picture I've gotten all key workouts in with some minor bending of the "rules". I'm very tired and tired of training but that comes with the territory. This is another big weekend for me. 5k swim and 5 mile run on Friday. 110mile bike and 5mile run on Saturday. 3800 swim, 30-40 miles bike and 15 mile run on Sunday. Phew! Next week is recovery and a weekend trip to Canada to see a dear friend. I'm gonna try to get as much in as I can but y'all know the challenge of traveling and training. Then one more build week before I start taper. It's getting so close now.

Steve- do you really think I'll be able to pull 15.5avg. On race day? And btw I'm pretty stoked to know your goal will be to beat my time. That will keep me pushing on race day. So, yeah, game on!

Pam- loved hearing your good health news! What a blessed relief for you.

Welcome to the other new folks. My posting is light right now because I'm pretty busy, but that'll change soon and I look forward to being more involved with y'all!

Happy weekend!
2013-05-17 4:24 AM
in reply to: #4724810

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open

Just finished a nice 4.25 mile run at sunrise, and I felt good. And for the first time in ages, it didn't hurt when I ran or when I stopped. Fingers crossed.

I  was a beta tester for the new site, and you won't believe what it looks like. Its great!!!

2013-05-17 6:27 AM
in reply to: #4724810

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Steve -- yes, you are 1,000%  right that a bike will always lose to a car, and despite my aggitated state last night, its one of the things I thought about as I hammered back home last night.

Was amazed at how fast I could ride with a combination of adrenaline and anger I was 23+ mph for the 3 1/2 miles home
2013-05-17 7:48 AM
in reply to: #4724810

Blairstown, NJ
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open

Mike - Don't let them take your mojo! The adreniline is more than understandable. I have had some close calls running but not as purposeful as your incident seems to be. Sometime I feel like throwing a waterbottle, or hat at them because they are usually going to fast, or not paying attention anyway. Yeah for warmer weather.

Samantha - Not sure what speed you are used to but 15.5 would not suprise me give all the miles you are putting it. I have notice a fairly steady progression in speed as more time is spent in the saddle. You need a good tapper to feel a bit more rested and you will do great!

Mitch - You look like you are recovering well. Hoefully you are getting more sleep these days.

Pam - Always good to here the Doc say everything is ok. I think the key to swimming like everything else is relax and enjoy.

Race day tomorrow and sooo much to do. Packet pick up on the way home, fuel the truck for the early morning ride, make sure the bike tires are pumped up, get some more gel/shot blocks, soo much stuff. I am very excited to see the results. The wetsuit test in the pool subtracted aboput 10 seconds off my 50yrds times. Very Cool. My bike speed is up. Went for a short tune up ride last night and even with some hills that I used to consider challenging managed 16.5 mph. Plan an easy 5K tonight but the run has progressed pretty well. Overall for the .6m/20m/4m I think a 2:08 might be in my future.

2013-05-17 8:36 AM
in reply to: #4724810

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open

Yea - it's Friday!  My husband has been away with my laptop, but he's back now so I've got my logs mostly updated.  I used to punch in each workout right after I got back (I typically run at lunchtime from the gym that's just a mile down the road from where I work).  Now, I upload workouts from my Garmin, but I don't have the software to do that here at work.   I still have a couple of race reports still to do...

Pam - glad you got good news!  It's always nice to hear when people get good news.  And no, I still haven't figured out what I want to do when I grow up either!

Carol - hope your neck feels better.  Glad you have a vacation to look forward to.

Mike - be careful out there!  I yell at cars a lot when running, probably shouldn't but I get crankier the further I've run and people really don't pay attention.  I try not to make any "gestures" when running at lunch because there are too many people that I know from work. 

Samanatha - you go girl! 

Joe - Good luck tomorrow!

Anybody else racing this weekend? 

Have a good weekend everybody!

2013-05-17 12:57 PM
in reply to: tribeagle

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
So, the new site is up. Need to relearn where everything is!

Do the avatars look all squishy to everyone else?
2013-05-17 1:39 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

Blairstown, NJ
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Mike - The site is pretty sharp but will take some getting used to. The avatars due look off.
2013-05-17 1:45 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
I would like to join if its still open.
Name: Jared

STORY: I am 28 years old and have a background playing sports for a while high school and some college. I started riding road bikes in a local club for the last 3 years. Last year I slacked off the riding and focused on workouts such as P90x and Insanity. My wife and I started running in January to train for a half- marathon, only to find out one month later that we werePREGNANT!!!!!!!!!! So I started focusing on training for my first triathlon. I am really pumped about my first triathlon which will be in the morning, Memphis in May Sprint.
I am trying to build a strong slow base so that I can build up to a half Ironman in 2014.
FAMILY STATUS: My wife and I just celebrated our 2nd year of marriage on May 14th and we have a baby coming to us on October 7. I live in Corinth, MS where I have grown up my whole life.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been swimming 3,000 yards per week, biking 50 miles a week, and running 25 miles per week. Its a far cry shorter than your training for sure. I have been enjoying the endurance improvement.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I have competed in a 10k May 4 where I finished 2nd in my age group with a 44:03. I have my first sprint tri memphis in May tomorrow on May 18th. My goal is 1 hour and 12 minutes.

2013 RACES: May 18- Memphis in May (sprint), June 28- King of the Hill in Tupelo, MS, Sprint, and July 27 Heart O' Dixie, Louisville, MS Olympic

WEIGHTLOSS: In being 6'1 I weigh 172 lbs. I am not sure what weight I should be at when July tri comes a long.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I am really dedicated to fitness. Just a novice when I am trying to get max potential out of my body to train for longer distances. My goal is to be able to do an ironman by the age of 32 yrs old. I have found that I enjoy training so much, while letting my family still be number 1 priority.

2013-05-17 1:51 PM
in reply to: jhight

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Originally posted by jhight

I would like to join if its still open.
Name: Jared

STORY: I am 28 years old and have a background playing sports for a while high school and some college. I started riding road bikes in a local club for the last 3 years. Last year I slacked off the riding and focused on workouts such as P90x and Insanity. My wife and I started running in January to train for a half- marathon, only to find out one month later that we werePREGNANT!!!!!!!!!! So I started focusing on training for my first triathlon. I am really pumped about my first triathlon which will be in the morning, Memphis in May Sprint.
I am trying to build a strong slow base so that I can build up to a half Ironman in 2014.
FAMILY STATUS: My wife and I just celebrated our 2nd year of marriage on May 14th and we have a baby coming to us on October 7. I live in Corinth, MS where I have grown up my whole life.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been swimming 3,000 yards per week, biking 50 miles a week, and running 25 miles per week. Its a far cry shorter than your training for sure. I have been enjoying the endurance improvement.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I have competed in a 10k May 4 where I finished 2nd in my age group with a 44:03. I have my first sprint tri memphis in May tomorrow on May 18th. My goal is 1 hour and 12 minutes.

2013 RACES: May 18- Memphis in May (sprint), June 28- King of the Hill in Tupelo, MS, Sprint, and July 27 Heart O' Dixie, Louisville, MS Olympic

WEIGHTLOSS: In being 6'1 I weigh 172 lbs. I am not sure what weight I should be at when July tri comes a long.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I am really dedicated to fitness. Just a novice when I am trying to get max potential out of my body to train for longer distances. My goal is to be able to do an ironman by the age of 32 yrs old. I have found that I enjoy training so much, while letting my family still be number 1 priority.

Jarad -- welcome to BT & congrats to you & your wife!!!

You're currently doing 3k swim, 50 bike, 25 run every week? IMO, you are already set for the sprint -- but if this is really your first, don't worry about your time. Enjoy it, learn from it (practice those transitions!!) and have fun.

Also, come October 7th, your training life may be altered somewhat
2013-05-17 2:07 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Welcome Jared! I think you will like it here.

Yes, Mike, squishy avatars is right. I think BT added the 10 lbs I have gained onto my old profile pic, so it's actually just about right . How did they know that? Weird...I went in straight to my log after the upgrade, and was obviously logged in since I my log. But when I went to the forum, there was no reply button. Looked everywhere for it, and thought maybe this was a subtle hint for me to listen more and speak not at all. Then I got the brilliant idea to login again, only to find I wasn't really logged in to begin with, and presto, there is the reply button.

2013-05-17 3:16 PM
in reply to: tribeagle

Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Hi all!

I've been MIA for a while but I try to read and catch up on posts when I can. I've been busy coaching runners for the Peachtree Road Race here in Atlanta and training myself for Iron Girl this weekend. I backed out of the Nashville Rock n Roll half so this will be my first big race of the season. Hope all is well!

2013-05-17 3:41 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Hey Steve,
I'm going to try to answer your questions about my marathon training (in hopes that you have some good suggestions for next time!). Remember the goal for this fall is something in the 4:00-4:05 range (~9:10-9:20 pace).

I ran the Little Rock Marathon on March 3rd so that meant a winter training cycle. Winter is much more tricky because if something happens where I can't get away from work to go to the gym at lunch, there really aren't many other options. In the summer, I can run before or after work. Anyway, here's the story of that training cycle...

I ran the Harrisburg Marathon on Nov 11 (4:15 - also pretty happy with that time). After a week off, that left me with a 15 week cycle. I had planned on a peak of 45 mpw with an 11 week avg (not counting the last 2 weeks of taper or the first 2 weeks of building back up) of ~37 mpw. I ended up doing something to my knee in December which delayed the build and prevented more than one 20 miler. I’m not sure where you got the mileage that you listed, but 6 weeks before my taper were 34, 34, 36, 21, 36, 30 - which other than that 21 was pretty consistent for me. No, I did not do any speedwork.

I typically run 6 days a week, but one of those is typically a shorter run so that I can do some strength work. If I pick Hartford (Oct 12), the middle of June would be a 16 week cycle. I plan to get back up to 25 mpw consistently soon and them build from there. I will likely shoot for three 20 milers. I will use your suggestion to try to get at least some 800 repeats in there. Got any other good tips?

2013-05-17 5:02 PM
in reply to: tribeagle

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Welcome Jared.

Marathon running comes down to getting up to 50-55 miles per week in your peak builds, getting your 800 yard repeats to your desired race pace (12-15 of these as you peak). So if you want to run your marathon in 3:45, then you would run each of your 800 yard repeats at 3:45 total time with 400 yard recovery at any pace (usually really slow for me). Getting in 1 tempo run per week getting to 5k pace at the top of your pyramid and getting in hill repeats at least every other week once you have a strong enough base. You will be unlikely to hit 3:45 for your 800s for a while, just get close. If you have a HR monitor your 800s may be close to or at LT and the pace will just improve at that intensity. Remember to run your recovery run (the one following the long run slow). Also for your best marathon you are looking at 6 days a week with maybe 1 bike and 1 swim per week for cross. You can't do a perfect marathon while doing full tri training. Ideally once you are about half way into your build you can do 1 mile repeats at race pace one week and hill repeats the next or however you want to work it. Did you see the workout chart I put up for you on what I do for run training? Did you have any questions from that? In your last mary it was your lower weekly miles that caused your last 6 miles to take a pace hit. And that totally makes sense based on recovering from knee thing.... that's where I am right now. Hit me with specific questions if you have any at the moment.
2013-05-18 4:40 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
First, welcome to Jared. Glad to have you and congratulations on the pregnacy.

Best of luck to both Jared and Joe this weekend in their races. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Nice to see you back Cheryl. One day I'm gonna get myself together early enough to sign up for Peachtree.

Ok, I'm off to a "local" 10K. It's actually a little further away than most of ours. Superman hubby left a few minutes ago because he is biking the 31 miles, running the 10K, and then biking home. I'm lazy and I'm driving up there.

Carol, hope your hubby is feeling better. Enjoy the ride if you decide to go alone.
2013-05-18 6:20 AM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Good morning everyone!

So, this AM seemed to capture my spring training quite well. Take a large dose of good intentions, mix in some problems, add a couple new & troubling aches and pains, and voila, my 2013 season so far.

I was up at 4 AM and got ready to start my long bike for the week. Gathered a couple pre-made bottles, my laptop etc and headed down to my bike torture chamber in the basement. No quite sure what happened, but I ended up sliding/skidding/falling down the final 3-4 steps. I stayed upright, and didn't drop the laptop, but did bend/land awkwardly on my right leg. Hurt for a bit, but seemed OK. started my ride, and felt fine...until about 30 mintues in. Ache oninside of the right knee. OK, I'll ride through it, and thats that. 10 min later, its still there and becoming more annoying. stop for a second, stretch the leg, give it a rub, and keep going. Coming up on an hour, its at the point where I'm stopping every couple minutes to give it some attention, and it just does not feel good at all. stop for 5 min, put a bit of ice on it, and try again. nope, this is not going to work. GRRRR!!!

So, of my planned 60 mile ride, I did get 13 miles in about 45 minutes of actual riding time. Great.

With my first race of the year just 4 weeks from today, I'm taking a real honest look at things and see this being a good/great swim, an OK bike, then a 13.1 mile death march to the finish line. Assuming all is OK with the knee, I'm still doing the race, and will continue to train as best I can, but my level of frustration, disappointment, and just disgust is nearing all time highs. Honestly, I'm just trying to have some fun, get in some exercies, and keep going forward, but it seems theres always something going the other way.

OK, pity rant over, thank you for listening, if you made it this far.

2013-05-18 10:18 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
New site is looking cool. Going to take some getting used to!

Welcome Jared. I haven't had a chance to catch up yet but will soon.

Off for a 6 mile run with my running group. Have a great day all...
2013-05-18 12:02 PM
in reply to: Mitchparadise

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Mike, so, so sorry about the knee. Take care of it. It does always seem that things start going wrong near the end, doesn't it? Ice, rest, and try again in a few days.

Back from the 10K. South Ga is NOT supposed to have hills; where did they get those rollers? I did ok but definitely not great. Got 3rd AG but I wonder if there were any others in my age group there. My hubby, dang, I'm so proud of him. He got lost going there so ended up with around 35 bike miles, might have gotten a PR (Well, I'm not counting his old college PR), got 2nd in his AG, and then he rode most of the way home. And he looked good the whole time doing it too.

Ok, off to grocery store with my nasty ole self and then I'm gonna come back, shower, and crash for a while. Have a good weekend everyone and best of luck to Joe and Jared.
2013-05-18 12:18 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
BT is very nice!! Hi Jared! Samantha, all's I can say is WOW! What #'s!! Mike, hope the knee's better today. Pam, awesome job & high-five to your hubby! Yesterday eve I took my dog up to some property that we have. He's a 6 mo German Wirehair pointer- a bird dog. No, We don't bird hunt. But man, get him in that wide-open space & those instincts come out and he- is- GONE!! chasing birds. Thought I lost him 2x. Did a heck of alot more hiking than I thought I'd do tryig t keep an eye out for him. So much so that my hips are actually a little sore this morning! Heading out to packet-pick up for tomorrows sprint.
2013-05-18 1:11 PM
in reply to: EV3110

New user

Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
So my 20 mile planned bike ride turned into a 30 mile at 15mph! Carol, I should have just joined you at Cross Timbers!

My history is that I just got my road bike last June. I topped off my mileage at 32 last summer. Did a sprint tri in October, and went into surgery to repair the tear in my hip one week later. So this was really my first ride of the season, (other than one 20 miler about 6 weeks ago) and it ended up being 30 miles, which is a pretty huge deal for me! It felt good, nothing is sore, and I am wondering if it would be wise to do a 20 mile ride on Tues with that same group. I am VERY careful about overuse injuries, bc of my hip experience, so thoughts? Suggestions?
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