BT Development Mentor Program Archives » BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2014-01-03 10:51 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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, Washington
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by BrotherTri

OK So for a Group Question; Do you run year round outside and what are you wearing?


Ok, this is a bit geeky but when I first started I kept a log of what I wore running, cycling, backpacking, etc.  Basically what was the temperature and conditions outside, what I wore, and comments about the activity (feet cold, too hot, etc.).  If a long activity, how the day progressed.  This way, I wasn't wondering in the parking lot of the group ride as the whether I should bring the jacket, arm warmers, etc. I'd already know.  Also had this figured out for races to reduce any stress.  Over time it becomes 2nd nature and I don't need a log anymore.

I run both in and out depending on where I'm at in my training.  I'm in the PNW so we don't have snow or really cold temps to deal with, just the rain.

2014-01-03 11:05 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by BrotherTri

Do you run year round outside and what are you wearing?

I will run if it is above freezing, below that I hit the dreadmill. The main problem is that I sweat... a lot. If I start to run, I cannot stop without freezing
2014-01-03 12:08 PM
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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by BrotherTri

OK So for a Group Question; Do you run year round outside and what are you wearing?

Outside, but take this with a grain of salt, since I am in SWFl. I feel a little guilty even answering, knowing that some of ya"ll are in the snow and single digits.  Today was 50*, so shorts, LS tech shirt, calf sleeves. It'll get a bit colder next week, so I'll add gloves and maybe a heavier shirt. 30's means a heavier shirt or 2 shirts, tights and wool beanie. Wind is what gave me a pause this morning. I may have to rethink choices if it is cold and windy.

I do have a tendency to log clothing choices, temp, and humidity levels, as it helps me remember later in the year. Also, we get so little cold that I am never too sure what I did in the past and it is nice to have the reference. 

Edited by cdban66 2014-01-03 12:09 PM
2014-01-03 12:18 PM
in reply to: ghyoc

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
I run year round outside, now I can't wait until we have this discussion about summertime running

I do struggle w/ winter runs. If it is 40 or below I just can hardly make myself go outside. It is supposed to be 27 in the morning and it rained all last night so the trails will be wet. I hate it when it gets so cold you can't feel your feet or they feel like rocks. We don't have a lot of sub 40 degree nights and when we do, i normally ride my bike on the trainer and wait to run. The perfect running temp for me is 60 - 70.

OK if I have enough backbone to run tomorrow here is what I plan on wearing...please advise if this is wrong.

Shoes and socks, Compression calf sleeves, compression underwear, thick tights, runing shorts over that, just because it looks better, technical t-shirt and 2 technical long sleeve shirts, gloves, ear warmers and beanie. Should I try to find a face mask, I don't have one. i also do not have a compression shirt.
2014-01-03 1:54 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by BrotherTri


So for a Group Question;

Do you run year round outside and what are you wearing?

I will run outside in nearly any conditions. Generally I will wear layers up top but unless it's snowing or extremely windy, I prefer to wear shorts as opposed to tights. My secret weapon for really cold weather has been a pair of ski mittens. They make a huge difference when the temp gets below 20F or so.
2014-01-03 2:08 PM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by tedjohn
Originally posted by BrotherTri OK So for a Group Question; Do you run year round outside and what are you wearing?
I will run outside in nearly any conditions. Generally I will wear layers up top but unless it's snowing or extremely windy, I prefer to wear shorts as opposed to tights. My secret weapon for really cold weather has been a pair of ski mittens. They make a huge difference when the temp gets below 20F or so.

Good point on the mittens - forgot to mention that one.  I actually use my "lobster gloves" from the bike for anything under about 25*F or it it's about freezing but windy.  Anything warmer and I wear my windproof cycling gloves to about 40-42F.  Above that and I wear knit Mizuno running gloves (which I love).

I don't wear a balaclava until it's in the low 20's and a facemask only in the teens or down (or below freezing and whipping wind).


2014-01-03 2:49 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

I run year round outside, now I can't wait until we have this discussion about summertime running

I do struggle w/ winter runs. If it is 40 or below I just can hardly make myself go outside. It is supposed to be 27 in the morning and it rained all last night so the trails will be wet. I hate it when it gets so cold you can't feel your feet or they feel like rocks. We don't have a lot of sub 40 degree nights and when we do, i normally ride my bike on the trainer and wait to run. The perfect running temp for me is 60 - 70.

OK if I have enough backbone to run tomorrow here is what I plan on wearing...please advise if this is wrong.

Shoes and socks, Compression calf sleeves, compression underwear, thick tights, runing shorts over that, just because it looks better, technical t-shirt and 2 technical long sleeve shirts, gloves, ear warmers and beanie. Should I try to find a face mask, I don't have one. i also do not have a compression shirt.


That looks like a good start for you. Based on what you have posted and if it is something you are comfortable with and have tested. Sure look warm to me. Have you run at that distance with compression calf sleeves before? If not I would not in run them.

The thing about training it is a constant test of equipment, clothing, nutrition and fitness.
2014-01-03 2:55 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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New user
Melbourne, Australia
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by BrotherTri

Originally posted by cadnams

Hi all,

Does anyone have any idea how to stop sea sickness during open water swimming?

Kwell tablets work for me but I have not tried them in training and I have no idea what impact they might have on performance.

I'd really like to avoid taking pills but I might not have a choice.


I have heard of people using ginger pills or crystallized ginger for two days before the swim. That seamed to help. btw ginger is natural.

There is Dramamine but I would not take that and exercise.

Thanks James. I can get ginger pills easily so I will try them. I tried the Kwells yesterday before I went surfing and had no side effects. I'll try them both during a brick session soon.

2014-01-03 3:41 PM
in reply to: cadnams

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New user
Melbourne, Australia
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Where I live (Melbourne, Aus) it doesn't often get much below 40 F. When it's that temp I will run in tights, shorts, long sleeved base layer, light weight and fitted fleece jumper, normal running socks and shoes. I swap the fleece layer as the temp varies. I never wear a rain jacket, I just let myself get wet. I never wear a beanie (touque) but will occasionally run in some light weight, full fingered cycling gloves.

2014-01-03 5:04 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Hi all! I much prefer a warm weather run, but I'm trying to make nice with the cold. I don thermal tights and gore-tex Brooks w wool socks, compression top, thermal running top and jacket. Running gloves included, and either a ear covering head wrap or hat a must. My fave run on really cold days is an indoor track. It doesn't account for hill work, but at least it gets the miles in!
2014-01-04 4:33 AM
in reply to: KTLiz

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
OK it is just 34 today and not 27...thanks!!! OK, no compression socks since I have not run in them that far, just up to 3 or 4 miles.

Changing the subject, I talked w/ a young guy yesterday at the pool, he is on a travel swim team, qualified for KONA thru the 70.3, race. He said he had a 4 minute start behind the pros. He passed several pros on the swim...

Then he told me since Dec 20, he has swam 115,000 meters and remember the pool was closed Christmas and New Years. No wonder I can't swim, I haven't swam that far my entire life...

2014-01-04 1:23 PM
in reply to: RandyP


Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
23F- Dressed appropriately:regular running shoes, compression socks, tights, shorts, compression short sleeve shirt, long sleeve technical shirt, gloves, hat, light wind breaker. Didn't overheat had liquids and hydrated around mile 4 an 6. very comfortable during run
2014-01-04 1:34 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Its so inspiring (and sobering) to talk to folks who qualify, have remarkable times, distances, etc!! It's a reminder of just how much work goes into the efforts!
2014-01-04 1:59 PM
in reply to: KTLiz

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
OK, I finished the trail, the roots were awful. There were lots of sharp turns, uphill and down hill runs, trees to jump over etc etc etc. The 1st mile or 2 it was single track and coldn't pass. I should have started out faster but I just didn't know as this was my 1st trail HM.

It was a 6.7 mile loop, the 1st loop, I ran in beanie, ear covers, 2 long sleeps tech shirts and a tech t-shirt, thick tights and compression underwear, gloves, socks and shoes. The 2nd I took off the ear warmer, beanie and 2 long sleeve shirts and wanted to take off my long pants. The 2nd loop pretty much had it to myself.

You couldn't just run like in a road race, set up a pace and go, you had to watch every step here. I see why Xterra races are so popular. I think if I told my wife I wanted a mountain bike..she might shoot me.... It was a blast and so glad I did it. I am sore now though, ankes and such were twisted so many times. Wife ran too and she fell 3 times. I saw a man fall 2X and a lot of people were coming in very
2014-01-04 2:26 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by KWDreamun OK, I finished the trail, the roots were awful. There were lots of sharp turns, uphill and down hill runs, trees to jump over etc etc etc. The 1st mile or 2 it was single track and coldn't pass. I should have started out faster but I just didn't know as this was my 1st trail HM. It was a 6.7 mile loop, the 1st loop, I ran in beanie, ear covers, 2 long sleeps tech shirts and a tech t-shirt, thick tights and compression underwear, gloves, socks and shoes. The 2nd I took off the ear warmer, beanie and 2 long sleeve shirts and wanted to take off my long pants. The 2nd loop pretty much had it to myself. You couldn't just run like in a road race, set up a pace and go, you had to watch every step here. I see why Xterra races are so popular. I think if I told my wife I wanted a mountain bike..she might shoot me.... It was a blast and so glad I did it. I am sore now though, ankes and such were twisted so many times. Wife ran too and she fell 3 times. I saw a man fall 2X and a lot of people were coming in very

Awesome!  Congrats - sounds like a very fun race for you both (assuming no one got hurt!).

So, was the gear about right?  Would you have done anything differently?

I did a long slog on the dreadmill this morning.  -10F out, with lots of snow on the roads, so it was veeeery dicey out there… and I wound up in the basement.  Thing was, it was pretty cold there, too!  About 50, and I never took off my gloves.  

Again, congrats on the HM!  Sounds like it was a hoot!!


2014-01-04 2:34 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Mapped out most of my season yesterday.  A lot of races (run and tri - no bike only this season… yet), but only a few for which I'll peak/taper (short taper for a March HM, full peak/taper for a June 8 HIM, and a peak/taper spread across AGN and Timberman in August - a week apart from each other).

Haven't thought about the fall too much.  That would start to bake my noodle!

Basically, I have one more week of "Base 1" then a "rest and test" week.  3 weeks each of base 2 and base 3 with r&t weeks after each block.  A 2 week build 1 and 2 x 2 weeks of build 2.  After each block of build is a "rest & test" week (although that still is between 9 and 13 hours, just less intense except the tests).

I try to line up the rest and test weeks with a race, but I have too many races planned to do that for all of them.  At least that gives me something like a short taper for a few races.  

Last year, I tried to do too many mini-tapers last year and wound up with too many weeks of peak/taper and not enough volume during a couple of key build weeks ("too much thinky, not enough runny" - as has been said).

How's the planning going for everyone else?


2014-01-04 4:15 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5


Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Since I'm new to tris, I'm only signed up for one Sprint in May so far. I'm pretty sorely tempted to sign up for the Hilo HM in March we'll see.

Karl, that trail HM sounds challenging, but a whole lot of fun! What HM was it?
2014-01-04 5:42 PM
in reply to: HakunaMatata

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
This was the 1st annual trail marathon and HM in Tally. It was called the Swamp ??????. The race director said it was going to be held again next year it sold out so fast this year and had such a good response..

As far as tapering, I know it is good to do that and i ran my PR for a HM by 18 minutes after a week of agonizing I know it should be done, I just like training to much and feel like I'm losing fitness (see I'm not wrapped tight) lol

If anyone wants to come to Tallahassee to knock out some rust, we are having a sprint tri in March and another in April, they will be wetsuit legal, if you want more info go to .Tthey do close out fairly fast.

I really don't make plans for the year..I just do the local ones and normally when I get a wild hair pick out one to do. If I can get my swim down, I may do a HIM in April. Talking about swimming, I'm learning to bi-lagteral breathe..why do I get so is kicking my butt... however when I go back to breathing on 1 side, I see how inefficient (out of balance) I am..however most competitors that are placing breathe to 1 side..see I'm confused too!
2014-01-05 3:44 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

OK, I finished the trail, the roots were awful.

Awesome job, congrats!!
What shoes did you use ? Trail or normal running shoes ?
2014-01-05 5:13 AM
in reply to: ghyoc

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Thanks Chip,
The shoes were worn out running shoes as I was expecting lots of mud. It wasn't muddy. I also do not own trail shoes.

My hips are SO SORE today, not sure if I'll get a run in today.
2014-01-05 1:28 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

OK, I finished the trail, the roots were awful. There were lots of sharp turns, uphill and down hill runs, trees to jump over etc etc etc. The 1st mile or 2 it was single track and coldn't pass. I should have started out faster but I just didn't know as this was my 1st trail HM.

It was a 6.7 mile loop, the 1st loop, I ran in beanie, ear covers, 2 long sleeps tech shirts and a tech t-shirt, thick tights and compression underwear, gloves, socks and shoes. The 2nd I took off the ear warmer, beanie and 2 long sleeve shirts and wanted to take off my long pants. The 2nd loop pretty much had it to myself.

You couldn't just run like in a road race, set up a pace and go, you had to watch every step here. I see why Xterra races are so popular. I think if I told my wife I wanted a mountain bike..she might shoot me.... It was a blast and so glad I did it. I am sore now though, ankes and such were twisted so many times. Wife ran too and she fell 3 times. I saw a man fall 2X and a lot of people were coming in very

Congratulations Karl! Sounds like a fun a interesting race. Great experience for gear. So will you do something like that race again?

2014-01-05 1:34 PM
in reply to: HakunaMatata

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by HakunaMatata

Since I'm new to tris, I'm only signed up for one Sprint in May so far. I'm pretty sorely tempted to sign up for the Hilo HM in March we'll see.

Karl, that trail HM sounds challenging, but a whole lot of fun! What HM was it?

Sounds like a plan for a early Sprint tri. So Hilo HM, do you live on the Big Island?

2014-01-05 2:36 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri


Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by BrotherTri

Originally posted by HakunaMatata

Since I'm new to tris, I'm only signed up for one Sprint in May so far. I'm pretty sorely tempted to sign up for the Hilo HM in March we'll see.

Karl, that trail HM sounds challenging, but a whole lot of fun! What HM was it?

Sounds like a plan for a early Sprint tri. So Hilo HM, do you live on the Big Island?

Used to (and I miss it!!). I'll be on Oahu around that time though, and it's just a short flight between the two.
2014-01-06 7:34 AM
in reply to: HakunaMatata

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Question(s) for the group:

What's your favorite sport of the three?  Is it different each year or does it stay consistent over time?

I'm really digging swimming at the moment, but I think running is still my favorite.  Year before last it was riding, as that was my first year back on a road bike in almost 20 years - and I was besotted by all that carbon (instead of all the heavy steel in my old bike!).  Last year it was definitely running.

I'm trying to balance my training based on a plan, rather than just what I like best, but I admit that my race schedule has a bunch of running races - and no swim or bike races!  So, there you go - the plan has more running in it as a result.  



2014-01-06 7:43 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Question(s) for the group:

What's your favorite sport of the three?  Is it different each year or does it stay consistent over time?

Coming from a running background, I'd guess that's still probably my favorite of the three. It's simple and easy to get ready to do. This past summer I really enjoyed cycling more and felt like something finally "clicked" on the bike. Swimming is probably still my least favorite although I really enjoy the OWS. Unfortunately, the nearest place to OWS train is about 2 hours away, so I don't get to do that much!
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