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2014-01-02 8:44 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: help
I think that the three workout plan that gives a morning and evening option (option B) would probably provide people the most flexibility in scheduling while providing a level of accountability from the group. Sometimes people need a group atmosphere to motivate them and the more opportunities to see that group (i.e. the three workouts) the more mutual reliance and motivation between the group.

Just my opinion.

2014-01-03 3:51 AM
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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 Open
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by MOlsen

If you are having trouble remembering what beers you try, check out the phone app called "Untappd". It's like a social network for beer, you "check-in" to a beer and can give it a rating. With all the different beers I try it's handy for knowing if I've had one before and what I rated it.


I use an app called evernote to record my tasting notes in addition to being able to keep notes, I love the fact that I can search for beers Ive tried by location. I can also take a picture.

Enjoy your surfing!

I should get an app for documenting... I feel like it would be so much work to go back now and try em all again now.. lol. My system is any new bottles I get I save a cap. I have a gallon ziplock bag full of em. My plan is to glue those little disk magnets in em and put them on my beer fridge in the garage. The only problem with that is a lot of the best beers use blank caps!

Edited by Bradleykd 2014-01-03 3:52 AM
2014-01-03 8:30 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: help
Originally posted by thor67

Okay need everyone's opinion. My wife who is a group fitness coordinator at our gym is looking at doing a tri training program in the spring(alberta=long spring)

Her thoughts are more for triathletes getting together with her having workout for them to do. 


a)1 spin class, one swim with a workout, one group run.

b) same as above except one in morning one in evening your choice.

c)Just a swim and a spin.


Would it be something you would be interested in at your gym?

If so how much would you be willing to pay. Our gym/pool/class admission is $8. We are a city of around 25,000.

If none of the above what would interest you. All answers are welcome!

(1) First, look to see who the target audience is - are you looking for completely green beginners, weekend warriors, or the crazy IM folks? A workout program that would attract me is not the program that would attract my wife, for instance. You might even be best off by blatantly discriminating against the long-course folks - "If you have completed a half- or full-distance triathlon, this program is probably not optimized for your training needs."

The alternative is perhaps to touch base with local clubs or organizations (if there are any) and see what they're lacking - I bet a PBR that they'll jump at an organized core/stretch/weights session aimed at athletes.

(2) Find out what needs are being satisfied in the area, and either ignore those areas entirely or attack them full-force - don't duplicate the wheel. In my area, there are no less than 6 computrainer studios within 20 minutes of my house (and at ~$15/class, I'm not spending that money) - so I would not open or run a computrainer class here.

(3) Find a sprint or supersprint race and coordinate with that - it can be mutually beneficial for both programs; i.e., 12 week program running into a sprint race is a nice setup.

The problem with swimming and running is that different skill levels have dramatically different needs. I train around 10:00 flat for most base-building runs; running with guys who are clicking off 8:45 or even 9:45 miles won't help my training; the same goes for folks running 10:30 or 11:00 base miles to running with me.

Swimming is even worse - the other guys in my masters group run 1:45 or 1:50/100, and I'm running 2:15/100, and my wife is running 2:30/100, and the kids in lane 3 are running 1:30/100 - sharing lanes or workouts with that level of disparity leaves everyone feeling crumby. If we added someone running 3:00/100 or someone who can't yet swim a 400, it would be even worse for everybody.

I would look to do a spin + core/weights/yoga type session, if you're looking for a regularly scheduled "drop-in" program, especially if it has some balance - as in 30 or 45 minutes of weights and core, and then we go spin for 45 minutes. We all neglect core and flexibility (myself especially).
2014-01-03 10:17 AM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 Open

Originally posted by Bradleykd

Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by MOlsen

If you are having trouble remembering what beers you try, check out the phone app called "Untappd". It's like a social network for beer, you "check-in" to a beer and can give it a rating. With all the different beers I try it's handy for knowing if I've had one before and what I rated it.

I use an app called evernote to record my tasting notes in addition to being able to keep notes, I love the fact that I can search for beers Ive tried by location. I can also take a picture. Enjoy your surfing!

I should get an app for documenting... I feel like it would be so much work to go back now and try em all again now.. lol. My system is any new bottles I get I save a cap. I have a gallon ziplock bag full of em. My plan is to glue those little disk magnets in em and put them on my beer fridge in the garage. The only problem with that is a lot of the best beers use blank caps!

One limitation of Untappd is that it doesn't do a good job of showing your previous comments/thoughts on a beer, it just shows what you rated it. Handy for a quick glance to see if you've tried it before and if you liked it. The major plus to Untappd is the social aspect (see what your friends are drinking and what's being drank near your location) and it's ability to suggest beers similar to what you have drank recently.

Yesterday I did workout #1 of (at least) 20 for January with 45 minutes of cardio kick-boxing class (similar to "Tae-bo" without the brand name). I find it's a good way to get some cardio and break the monotony of the SBR routine. Today's workout will be running and maybe flag football with my co-workers at lunch if we can get enough players. Length of run depends on football; either medium run (5-6 miles) if no football or short run (2 miles) to the football field.

2014-01-03 10:26 AM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by kevinbe

Originally posted by thor67

2/30 with a run this morning!

For those in the 20/31 challenge, any workouts you get this week are bonus w/o's!


2/30 with a 40 minute cycle trainer workout.

2/30 as well, thurs night is the best tv night for me so rather then sitting on the couch enjoying, hubby got on the tready and I was on my bike and got through parenthood and big bang theory on the pvr! got me to an hour workout which is the longest workout in awhile. Was great!! Hoping to hit the pool tonight but we are getting puked on with snow again....the warmth of my house is much more appealing at the moment so maybe i'll just do a recovery run on the tready....
2014-01-03 10:40 AM
in reply to: rydergal

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Hit the pool this morning! 3/31. A true triathlon start for the year with  a bike day 1, a run day 2 and a swim day 3! 

Going to try for a bike or run this afternoon.

Good to see everyone getting in some workouts to start the year. Don't fall behind! 

2014-01-03 11:25 AM
in reply to: drewmarcus15

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Subject: RE: help
Happy Friday Everyone! We are currently up to 13 members of the BDAS. I'd like to close the group after we get 20 people. Does that work for everyone? Last year, we started with 20 and finished with 7. That's a 33% average, which is about as bad as the Cleveland Browns' win/loss record (Hey Kevin - how'd the 'skins do?). This year, I want to do better.

Remember this is the Beer Drinker Appreciation/ACCOUNTABILITY Society. Let us know how we can help you stay accountable. To help myself, I've shared my facebook info with certain members of this group so people can bug me when I fall off the deep end. I'm not saying you have to do this - but let us know how we can help keep you in the game so you can have a great year.

One way to stay in the game is to be a regular contributor to the BDAS. I'm not perfect, but I find that the more I contribute to the group, the more consistently I train. So, I make it my goal to post at least three times a day. Two of those posts/inspires are for cheering on the members/answering a question and the other is to let you know how my own training is going. Remember, we are all in this together and the more connected you can get - the better off you will be. To help - I've included a cheat sheet of the members so far.

Qua17 = David
Thor67 = Thor
mirthfuldragon = Charles
Kevinbe = Kevin
Burd = Alex
NeverTri'd = Bill
rydergal = Tera
drewmarcus15 = Drew
MOlsen = Mark
SportzVision = Cynthia
jimyak = Jim
Bradleykd = Brad
sma777 = Sean

2014-01-03 11:39 AM
in reply to: sma777

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by sma777

If you are still accepting members, I'd love to join, I was hooked with the name of the group alone.

NAME: Sean

STORY: I blew my ACL playing soccer about 5 years ago and then got into Tri's because I "hated" running. I did a some sprints back in '10 and '11, then soccer took priority and my tri training took a dive. I had an achilles/calf strain that took PT and time off to recover from. Since then my training has tapered off to non-existent although I still play soccer at least 1x per week but I'm not anywhere near fit. The good news is that I'm without any injuries or excuses, so I'm free to train!

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 20 yrs, 2 children who are very active in competitive sports so we are very busy.

CURRENT TRAINING: Playing soccer 1x per week, will be hitting the gym today.

2014 RACES: I haven't figured it out just yet, but I'm thinking a 5k in April, Sprints June/July and maybe a half iron in Sept. I'll probably add a few 5k/10k's in as well.

BEER PREFERENCE: Just about any IPA, the hoppier the better. My latest favorite is Hop Wallop by Victory Brewing, but I've got some Lagunitas in the cooler as well.

WEIGHT LOSS: Uhhh, yeah. I had some injuries last spring that took me forever to recover from so I've put on most of what I lost a few years ago.

GOALS 2014:
1. Consistent Training
2. Remain Injury Free
3. Complete at least 3 Multisport events
4. Complete a half iron or half marathon

Sean - Thrilled to have you join the BDAS! You've got some pretty challenging goals but with the right planning and approach - you will be able to accomplish all of them this year. I think the most challenging one will be your quest to remain injury free. A bunch of us, myself included, had subpar years thanks to getting bit by the injury bug and we are all hoping to have better years in 2014. The best way of doing that is to train smart by finding a good plan to follow. There are a bunch of good plans on this site (here is the plan I used from for my first sprint will get you to the finish line of that 5K in April and an early summer sprint. You also need to listen to your body and take the occasional day off to let your body recover.

As always - let us know how we can help.

As for beer - there are a lot of hop heads in this group. Ever tried Two Hearted by Bells?
2014-01-03 11:54 AM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Bradleykd

NAME: Brad

STORY: I have never really been big on fitness. I played football while growing up, but always hated running at practice. I was an offensive lineman... big.. lol. I have always loved the outdoors and adventure though. For several years I was really heavy into building custom cars and trucks, and drinking beer while doing it. I can't fully blame the beer, but it did put some pounds on during that time. One day when I was bending over to tie my boots and sat up winded, that was the breaking point. I had to hold my breath to bend over! Something had to give...

I used to love riding bikes as a kid, so that week I went to Kmart and bought a clearance Mongoose 7 speed bike. I started riding everyday and started losing some weight. While on my morning ride one day I saw a huge crowd of people and bikes and rode over to find out that it was a triathlon. I didn't know people did small triathlons in the same way that people do 5ks and such, so I was intrigued. I decided in 2013 I would do a triathlon. The bike got better, the swim got better, and the run was something I didn't like to talk about... My work forced me to miss the first few chances I had to do a sprint tri, so I saw a weekend I knew I would be off and an Olympic tri, and decided to step up. My first tri was an Olympic distance and I finished in 3:10. I was so happy. I have done a few sprint tris since then and still love it.

I still hated running towards the end of summer, so I decided I would focus my training on that and run a fall half marathon. The training slugged on and I finally did finish my first half marathon in 2:33. I had a goal of 2:30 but missed it by so little, it kind of irritated me. I had never run that long before though, and I injured my left foot. This put me out of training for about 4 weeks to heal up, and I had a surgery on my back that put me out for another 6 weeks, then the holidays came, and now I've got to get going again!!

FAMILY STATUS: I am married for 2.5 years to my wonderful wife. She doesn't run or bike or swim with me, but she goes to all of my races, sometimes bringing our little Rat Terrier to dress up in costume with themed signs to cheer on all the racers! It is not uncommon for us to be walking after a race and have many people stop to talk to us about the dog and thank her for bringing him! A few locals even say hi to him by name now!

CURRENT TRAINING: About to do my first trainer ride of the year. Probably something short because I've had a nagging cough/ sinus/ croup deal that is kind of making me drag. I run/bike at least 5 times a week and am waiting to get cleared for the pool again from my doc after the back surgery wound fully heals. Hopefully the 13th!

2014 RACES: I'm not sure on every race right now. I will do several sprints, I plan to beat my time on the Olympic I did last year, and my A race is a Half Ironman, that my wife and I need to choose which one I'll be doing!

BEER PREFERENCE: Another big IPA fan! My favorite is West Sixth IPA from right here in my home town. I do love most beer though, and do my best to buy or order one I've never had before any time I go out. The only thing I'm not a fan of is Mexican beers like Corona, Sol, that kind of stuff... they just don't do it for me...

WEIGHT LOSS: I started exercising at the heaviest I had ever weighed, 255 lbs. I lost about 20 lbs on the Kmart bike and started training for my triathlon at about 235 lbs. I got down to 204 right before my Olympic tri and maintained that give or take a few lbs all the way through summer into fall at the start of my half mary. After all the downtime the last few months I am back to 220 and need to get going to get back down.

GOALS 2014:
1. Get under 200 lbs
2. Stay injury free
3. Half Ironman!
4. Drink a lot of new and wonderful beers!

Bradley - I loved reading your story. Congrats on some solid finishing times. I know you didn't reach your goal for the HM - but I'm sure you learned something that will help you break 2:30 this year. The key for you will be to start slow and build up making sure not to exacerbate your back injury. Once you get cleared to jump in the pool - you may want to do some aqua jogging to help you lose some of the weight and to allow your legs to recover from the pounding they will take. I wouldn't have made it through my first year without aqua jogging - while it's boring as hell, it's great for getting in a sold impact free workout.

As for finding good races to do - check out this site: I tried searching for a HIM and found that as of today there were no registered races for KY. I've done a few of the Rev 3 races and loved them. Rev3 Cedar Point in September is one of the best races in the country and great if you have kids. I did Rev 3 Maryland and loved it. Good luck finding a race that works for you.

As always - please let us know how we can support you!
2014-01-03 12:04 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Hi -this sure seems like my kind of group!
Name: Melanie
Story: I did my first tri to get active after having my last son in 2007. I had not been active for many uears and I loved the sport and met some fantastic people! I have done sprints in the past but I really want to bump up to olympic. For the past year I have been focussing on strength training looking to compete in figure class bodybuilding but the diet aspect of competing was killing me. I love to cook and I love enjoying a beer around the bonfire with friends, that can't really be part of your lifestyle with bodybuilding so I am back to triathlons! I was also kicked off the bike by my trainer becasue she felt it bulked up my quads the wrong way...
Family Status: 3 boys - 13, 11, 6 (the older boys have done kid triathlons)
Current Training: strength focused, lots of time on the elliptical - enthusiastically heading back to swim/bike/run
This year races: two olympic races planned June 21 & Aug 16
Weight loss: wouldn't mind losing 15lbs
Favourite beer: Innis & Gunn Blonde! but honestly I will take just about anything
What would make me a great mentee: I love exchanging ideas and learning from the experience of others. I read a great deal on the subject and love to plan and map out training milestones. I respond quickly to messages and have a real curiosity about other peoples approach to training and succeeding in triathlons.

I hope this group is still open to new members and I look foward to getting to know everyone.
2014-01-03 12:05 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by kevinbe

I just found out that the local HIM distance I did in 2012 has just added a sprint distance this year. The race is at the end of May. My wife may be interested in doing this as her first tri. If she does, I'm going to sign up and do it along side of her (hopefully, if she doesn't leave me in the dust.) She's a strong biker, easily as good as I. She did a 7K with me in 2012 and finished at a 9:00/mi pace, and she's never swam a lap in her life, which would mean she'd have to start swimming laps. That idea does not sit well with her.
I'm hoping she goes for this, because I think she would really grow to love tri's, (she's a wee bit competitive, though she wouldn't be the first to admit it.) I'd love to do it with her, because I think with my calf being all screwed up, I could shoot for a May sprint and just ease into running again by then. We have until end of February to sign up. Any words of wisdom on how I might be able to coax (gently) her into changing her mind on the pool?

My suggestion would be to delay the swim training until later in the year once you get closer to the race with the hope that getting a good base/building up some excitement will make jumping in the pool easier. Swims for sprints are notoriously short, so she could probably start pool training in April and be fine. She could then spend more time focusing on the running/biking.

Another option is make her an offer she couldn't refuse - like doing the laundry or changing diapers for a month.

2014-01-03 12:10 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Well isn't this a kick in the pants. 2014 is starting off with me finding my way to the injured reserves. My ITB is killing me. I made it .75 miles and couldn't stand the pain. It took me 20 minutes to walk home before the pain started to let up. I had an existing PT appointment on the 17th so it looks like I have something to talk to her about. I refuse to let this rain on my parade so I went for a ride and had no problems. I am redoing my training plan to eliminate the run until I can get it under control and focusing on swimming and running. No sense and rushing the run when I can still train and improve my fitness. I will just add in some yoga or core work on the run days which may help it rehab faster anyways.
2014-01-03 12:14 PM
in reply to: ripariangal

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by ripariangal

Hi -this sure seems like my kind of group!
Name: Melanie
Story: I did my first tri to get active after having my last son in 2007. I had not been active for many uears and I loved the sport and met some fantastic people! I have done sprints in the past but I really want to bump up to olympic. For the past year I have been focussing on strength training looking to compete in figure class bodybuilding but the diet aspect of competing was killing me. I love to cook and I love enjoying a beer around the bonfire with friends, that can't really be part of your lifestyle with bodybuilding so I am back to triathlons! I was also kicked off the bike by my trainer becasue she felt it bulked up my quads the wrong way...
Family Status: 3 boys - 13, 11, 6 (the older boys have done kid triathlons)
Current Training: strength focused, lots of time on the elliptical - enthusiastically heading back to swim/bike/run
This year races: two olympic races planned June 21 & Aug 16
Weight loss: wouldn't mind losing 15lbs
Favourite beer: Innis & Gunn Blonde! but honestly I will take just about anything
What would make me a great mentee: I love exchanging ideas and learning from the experience of others. I read a great deal on the subject and love to plan and map out training milestones. I respond quickly to messages and have a real curiosity about other peoples approach to training and succeeding in triathlons.

I hope this group is still open to new members and I look foward to getting to know everyone.

Melanie - We would love to have you!! Welcome back to the world of tris - where bike riding and drinking good beer is ENCOURAGED! With all your experience doing sprints and with your willingness to exchange ideas - you are the kind of person we want in the BDAAS. Ramping up to olympic distance can be challenging but I found that my first OLY to be even more of an accomplishment! Let us know how we can help you!
2014-01-03 12:25 PM
in reply to: ripariangal

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by ripariangal Hi -this sure seems like my kind of group! Name: Melanie Story: I did my first tri to get active after having my last son in 2007. I had not been active for many uears and I loved the sport and met some fantastic people! I have done sprints in the past but I really want to bump up to olympic. For the past year I have been focussing on strength training looking to compete in figure class bodybuilding but the diet aspect of competing was killing me. I love to cook and I love enjoying a beer around the bonfire with friends, that can't really be part of your lifestyle with bodybuilding so I am back to triathlons! I was also kicked off the bike by my trainer becasue she felt it bulked up my quads the wrong way... Family Status: 3 boys - 13, 11, 6 (the older boys have done kid triathlons) Current Training: strength focused, lots of time on the elliptical - enthusiastically heading back to swim/bike/run This year races: two olympic races planned June 21 & Aug 16 Weight loss: wouldn't mind losing 15lbs Favourite beer: Innis & Gunn Blonde! but honestly I will take just about anything What would make me a great mentee: I love exchanging ideas and learning from the experience of others. I read a great deal on the subject and love to plan and map out training milestones. I respond quickly to messages and have a real curiosity about other peoples approach to training and succeeding in triathlons. I hope this group is still open to new members and I look foward to getting to know everyone. Cheers Melanie

Hey Melanie, good to have you aboard...I have had some of your Ft. Garry Brewery beers. Have not been able to find their IPA in Alberta but I will eventually!

Make sure you have a wetsuit if you are doing the Oly in Manitoba....especially the June 21 is probably just coming off the lakes...

2014-01-03 12:34 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Thanks for the welcome - happy to be back! I am quite excited about the jump to olympic - I came across a great quote "A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot" that sums up how I am feeling.
I already have plans with my old group to head out for beer and wings after a spin session, just about brought a tear to my eye. So happy to leave behind the percent body fat obsessed crowd!
I am going to scope out posts and get my feet wet again (literally and figuratively) then I will start bugging people for help and see what I can bring to the group.
2014-01-03 12:36 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
I had a similar problem when I started to run a few years ago and what I did was use a small trampoline that had a support on it and I just jogged. There was not jarring of the joints with the trampoline. I also was able to do the elliptical which kept the run motion.

2014-01-03 12:37 PM
in reply to: thor67

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
It sounds like we may need to work on an exchange program for beer
You are spot on about the need for a wetsuit - I couldn't do the open water swims without one! Even in August wetsuits are key in Clear Lake at the Riding Mountain tri.
2014-01-03 12:37 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Burd

Well isn't this a kick in the pants. 2014 is starting off with me finding my way to the injured reserves. My ITB is killing me. I made it .75 miles and couldn't stand the pain. It took me 20 minutes to walk home before the pain started to let up. I had an existing PT appointment on the 17th so it looks like I have something to talk to her about. I refuse to let this rain on my parade so I went for a ride and had no problems. I am redoing my training plan to eliminate the run until I can get it under control and focusing on swimming and running. No sense and rushing the run when I can still train and improve my fitness. I will just add in some yoga or core work on the run days which may help it rehab faster anyways.

I had a similar problem when I started to run a few years ago and what I did was use a small trampoline that had a support on it and I just jogged. There was not jarring of the joints with the trampoline. I also was able to do the elliptical which kept the run motion.

i"ll figure out how to use this site again.
2014-01-03 12:52 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
2/31 done, treadmil for 40 minutes. I ran 1 min, walked 3 min and felt good so I will increase next time. I tend to burn the candle at both ends so I need to slow myself down a bit until I am in better shape. I like the 31 day challenge! It will be a great start to my training this year.
2014-01-03 12:59 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Burd

Well isn't this a kick in the pants. 2014 is starting off with me finding my way to the injured reserves. My ITB is killing me. I made it .75 miles and couldn't stand the pain. It took me 20 minutes to walk home before the pain started to let up. I had an existing PT appointment on the 17th so it looks like I have something to talk to her about. I refuse to let this rain on my parade so I went for a ride and had no problems. I am redoing my training plan to eliminate the run until I can get it under control and focusing on swimming and running. No sense and rushing the run when I can still train and improve my fitness. I will just add in some yoga or core work on the run days which may help it rehab faster anyways.

Sorry to hear about the ITB issues... But as you and I both learned last year - a sore ITB means we've been overworking those legs. I took a look at your logs and it looks like you are over due for a rest week. The soreness may also stem from your new love for speed, which can be rough on the legs. I liked Jim suggestion about the trampoline but you can also try integrating some aqua jogging workouts into your week. Aqua jogging is great because it will help you maintain your level of fitness without exacerbating the ITB soreness. Once the pain goes away - slowly ease back to running on the road and don't forget to ice. Its amazing how good a cold beer can feel on a sore knee. I think doing yoga is a great idea. The pigeon and fire log (check out this page for poses that will stretch your ITB will help. And don't forget about rolling.
2014-01-03 1:09 PM
in reply to: ripariangal

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by ripariangal

Thanks for the welcome - happy to be back! I am quite excited about the jump to olympic - I came across a great quote "A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot" that sums up how I am feeling.

One of my goals for this year is my first Olympic distance as well and that quote strikes a chord in me. Even after running a couple half-marathons at the end of the 2013 season I still have some trepidation regarding my legs coming off the bike. At the sprint distance I don't really feel like my legs get into "running mode", hopefully the longer distance will give them time to get into gear.

2014-01-03 2:40 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: help
Originally posted by thor67

Okay need everyone's opinion. My wife who is a group fitness coordinator at our gym is looking at doing a tri training program in the spring(alberta=long spring)

Her thoughts are more for triathletes getting together with her having workout for them to do. 


a)1 spin class, one swim with a workout, one group run.

b) same as above except one in morning one in evening your choice.

c)Just a swim and a spin.


Would it be something you would be interested in at your gym?

If so how much would you be willing to pay. Our gym/pool/class admission is $8. We are a city of around 25,000.

If none of the above what would interest you. All answers are welcome!

Thor - question: is it $8 per class? That might make an morning/evening class expensive. Could you sell it as a 2 for 1 to do a morning AND Evening workout on the day of the week when most people could come. I would think that one of those workouts would be a swim since that is where most people would need coaching. I would also lean towards having a group cycle session because that works better in a gym environment and frankly I like running on my own.
2014-01-03 3:02 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
A roller is the gods gift to anyone who exercises - you don't even need a fancy expensive roller, rolling pin works in a pinch. But if your ITB issues are chronic that roller is worth its weight in gold. When I started to use one it just about made me cry but it didn't take long to really see a huge change.

On the workout front - I love the idea of the 20/31 challenge! But I am on a modified program for the next month, the pool is insane with the resolution crowd (small town with very limited lap swimming hours) so I am staying clear until the surge tapers off, not to sound mean but it won't take long... My gym treadmills have been moved for renos and it is -25C for the next week here so I am subbing in the elliptical for the run. I hope we keep up with the challenges - I am 100% in for the next month
2014-01-03 5:33 PM
in reply to: ripariangal

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Jackson, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Wow! The group is growing by the day. Welcome to all the new members!

Got #2 of 31 done. Didn't think I would today. Been installing new tile in our master bath. I've spent the past 3 days on my knees and my back was pretty tight. The wife talked me into getting my run in. I needed the nudge out the door. Had a pretty good run too. 4.06 miles in just under 35 min. Will probably get on the bike trainer tomorrow.

Sorry to hear about the ITB, Alex. Hopefully it won't linger very long. I've had mine flair up for no reason and go away just as quickly. I hope yours will too.

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. Keep nursing those injuries and get a workout where you can. Later.

2014-01-03 5:33 PM
in reply to: ripariangal

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by ripariangal

A roller is the gods gift to anyone who exercises - you don't even need a fancy expensive roller, rolling pin works in a pinch. But if your ITB issues are chronic that roller is worth its weight in gold. When I started to use one it just about made me cry but it didn't take long to really see a huge change.

On the workout front - I love the idea of the 20/31 challenge! But I am on a modified program for the next month, the pool is insane with the resolution crowd (small town with very limited lap swimming hours) so I am staying clear until the surge tapers off, not to sound mean but it won't take long... My gym treadmills have been moved for renos and it is -25C for the next week here so I am subbing in the elliptical for the run. I hope we keep up with the challenges - I am 100% in for the next month

Agreed foam rolling especially for the ITB and glutes is's definitely helped me and after every workout I crave that 'good pain' of rolling it out.
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