General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2015-01-05 9:31 AM
in reply to: lisac957

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Whispering Pines, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
New Year, New Me...right?

Any resolutions? What's your focus right now? Lose weight? Swim/bike/run focus? Ease into all three? Change or improve (bad) habits? Sleep better?

I'm not a resolutionist (is that even a word?), so won't make any. I'm enjoying marathon training right now, but feel it's time to add/increase bike and swim training. Will add just enough that it won't impact run training much. Diet is mostly on target and I'll prob lean up a bit more as run volume increases, especially if/when I add more S/B.

2015-01-06 7:35 AM
in reply to: d00d

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
My New Year's resolution is to train less. I know, I know, I'm crazy. The training was too high on my priority list the last few years, and it really took too much energy away from other things. I'm looking for more balance this year. If that means a more minimalist IM training plan, then so be it

2015-01-06 11:43 AM
in reply to: d00d

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread

My fitness-related resolutions involve getting back to my happy weight (4 more to go) and eventually race weight (5 on top of that).

Also to PR at IM Louisville (under 15 hours is the primary goal) - this will mean more focused training, especially on the bike. I tend to lolly gag on the bike and not really "work" - and that has reflected clearly in my race times. I think I could knock off a good chunk of time if I just focused more and pushed a bit harder. 

2015-01-07 3:21 PM
in reply to: d00d

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Focus is to ease back into things after a fairly lazy December, which featured a 2 week vacation with no S/B/R at all. Also, because of nagging PF problems in one foot, I took 2 months off from running after IMFL. I just started running again last week, and will ramp up slowly.

The weather here in the Dallas area sucks - very cold, and nasty every weekend.

I'm registered for the Galveston 70.3 in April for some early season motivation.

I'm psyched b/c my tri club now has 18 people registered for IMLou.
2015-01-08 8:18 AM
in reply to: d00d

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, Ohio
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
No "resolutions" per se but since this is my first real season with IMLOU at the end, I don't think there's any more time/excuse for slacking. Plan on easing back into a normal training regiment to build some sort of base before starting Fink's 30-week plan in March!
2015-01-08 8:57 AM
in reply to: marathongirl11

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Fort Riley, Kansas
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by marathongirl11

Lisa! Jillian! I am in again, too!

I also did LOU in 2011 (& 2013). LOU will be my 9th (OMG, really!?!) IM and my 3rd time at LOU. Geez, has it been that long ago? LOU in 2011 was SO fun....remember our meet up at Starbucks? And the book that Tri Sam wrote? That was a fun year! I don't really post on here all that much anymore, but had to jump on and say HI.

We'll definitely have to meet up again this year!

Happy Training!!

Woot! Awesome to be racing with you again! 2011 was so much fun! Still have great memories from it We will be meeting up for sure, I am staying at the Galt House this year

2015-01-14 8:58 AM
in reply to: lisac957

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread

I am in for #3. Fingers crossed I do not end up in medical this year.

2015-01-15 8:01 PM
in reply to: runmini


Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Hi I'm new to this thread...
Considering IM Louisville, but one thing that is actually turning me off is the time-trial swim start. I am an ex-college swimmer, so usually have one of the fastest swim splits (not bragging, just being honest) and in mass-start races I enjoy empty bike course for a while (until everyone starts passing me). So any of you who have done this race before, whatever feedback you have regarding the swim start would be appreciated. Say I'm willing to get there at 5am to get near the front of the line. That's ok until I have to visit the port-a-john at least once or twice during those 2 hours, so would I lose my spot in line, which would defeat the purpose of getting their early for a good spot in line in the first place? Or do athletes save each other spots? If I just said to heck with it and got at the back of the line, that's not great either because I'd spend the whole swim passing people and the bike course would be more crowded. Seems ridiculous that I'm thinking at this level of detail, but want to consider everything before I pick my race (also considering IM Maryland and Beach 2 Battleship).
2015-01-16 7:26 AM
in reply to: apackard

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St. Joseph, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
I've done Louisville in 2012 & 2014 and swimming is my strength too, biking and running not so much. Each time I made sure to get to transition shortly after they opened, didn't really rush but didn't poke around either. By the time I was done and got in the swim line I was about 1/3 the way back each time. I don't think there is anyone in line that wouldn't save your spot. My experience was that everyone was very friendly and just as happy to be there as I was. Once they start, it goes fast. Each time I was in the water in under 10 minutes. On the upstream leg I found it a bit congested because I was passing a lot of people and was constantly course correcting until the turn out into the river. Once you're there then it opens up and you can get into a good groove. If you check on YouTube, there are a few good videos of the swim start and you can get a feel for it.

I would recommend this race, it is an absolute blast. I would go again but my son's football season is in full swing then. Good luck with whatever you pick!
2015-01-16 1:09 PM
in reply to: apackard

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Whispering Pines, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by apackard

Hi I'm new to this thread...
Considering IM Louisville, but one thing that is actually turning me off is the time-trial swim start. I am an ex-college swimmer, so usually have one of the fastest swim splits (not bragging, just being honest) and in mass-start races I enjoy empty bike course for a while (until everyone starts passing me). So any of you who have done this race before, whatever feedback you have regarding the swim start would be appreciated. Say I'm willing to get there at 5am to get near the front of the line. That's ok until I have to visit the port-a-john at least once or twice during those 2 hours, so would I lose my spot in line, which would defeat the purpose of getting their early for a good spot in line in the first place? Or do athletes save each other spots? If I just said to heck with it and got at the back of the line, that's not great either because I'd spend the whole swim passing people and the bike course would be more crowded. Seems ridiculous that I'm thinking at this level of detail, but want to consider everything before I pick my race (also considering IM Maryland and Beach 2 Battleship).

If you're going alone, and you get in line shortly after T1 opens, you'll be at least 1/3 to 1/2 of the way back. What ppl do for this race is pair up, get in line at 3AM, and once T1 opens, they take turns getting ready, so as to not loose their spot. I did this race in 2010, hurried through T1 to get in line, and was dismayed when I had to do a walk of shame to the back of the line.

After you're in line, as long as you leave your gear bag or other items there, you'll be fine. Just don't forget where you left them! Tons of ppl were frantic that morning, trying to find their stuff!

Some ppl didn't want to leave line, though, and you'll notice pee puddles dotting the line once you start moving. Don't step in them! :P
2015-01-16 1:46 PM
in reply to: #5078020


Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Thanks for the detailed feedback! That helps a lot so I know what to expect if I pick this race.

2015-01-16 1:57 PM
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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread

Since transition opens at 4:45 a.m. you'll have to set that up first and then walk the 0.75 mile to the water, so likely won't get to the line by 5 a.m. Even if you did, you wouldn't be very near the front of the line... 

My strategy was like someone else said... didn't rush but didn't lolly-gag. In 2012 I got in line about the halfway point. I had ZERO contact during the entire swim. Granted I'm a MOP/1:20 IM swimmer so a fishy like you will be passing a lot of folks. But the time trial start really spreads people out, and in my opinion there's plenty of room to pass in the water due to the start style.

And, for the record I'd hold your place in line if you had to pee. I think most people would.

Edited by lisac957 2015-01-16 1:57 PM
2015-01-16 4:24 PM
in reply to: lisac957

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Just signed up!!!! This will be my first full distance Ironman. I've done several half IMs, so I felt this was THE year to do the full! My twin sister is doing this race as well. She is an experienced Iron distance athlete, so I won't be alone in preparing for this challenging journey. I'm looking forward to sharing our experiences as the long training months go by. So exited, but nervous!!
2015-01-17 5:08 PM
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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
So I'm about to sign up ( I think). I did IMLOU 2013 with a bad knee injury and hoped to do it again last year, but the knee never got better. I had surgery this past August and I finally feel like things are on the mend. I called the other day and there are less than 600 spots left. I wish there were more because I would like to wait a few more months. I'm worried about it selling out. I'm about to pull the plug and register. Biking has been going really well again and am able to finally swim with out the buoy. I've gotten back to running a slow 3.5 miles. I think there is plenty of time to work on my run. I had a really long lay off, but I'm almost certain I'm ready to get some redemption this year. Every month last year I had hoped the knee would recover and be able to do 2014. Well I guess this year is the year I need some redemption. So who wants to give me that extra push to sign up? Sometimes peer pressure is good, I think

I ended up volunteering in the women's tent last year. So hopefully I have some good karma coming for this year

Edited by SEADOCHA 2015-01-17 5:27 PM
2015-01-18 5:18 PM
in reply to: lisac957

Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread

44 today and just signed up for Ironman Coeur d'Alene and Ironman Louisville!  These will be my 4th and 5th full IM distance races and am pumped for this racing year!

Happy training all!


2015-01-19 7:42 AM
in reply to: tbwilliams

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Well, I didn't have any peer pressure. I was sitting around bored last night and pulled the trigger. This will be my 3rd IM and 2nd time at LOU! whoa getting excited!!!

2015-01-19 8:00 AM
in reply to: SEADOCHA

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Whispering Pines, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by SEADOCHA

Well, I didn't have any peer pressure. I was sitting around bored last night and pulled the trigger. This will be my 3rd IM and 2nd time at LOU! whoa getting excited!!!

Originally posted by tbwilliams

44 today and just signed up for Ironman Coeur d'Alene and Ironman Louisville!  These will be my 4th and 5th full IM distance races and am pumped for this racing year!

Happy training all!


Way to go, ppl! It's always exciting to sign up for an Ironman!
2015-01-19 10:51 AM
in reply to: d00d

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
There are less than 500 spots left if ur on the edge
2015-01-19 12:37 PM
in reply to: SEADOCHA

Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread

How can one see how many slots are left for a race?

2015-01-20 9:19 AM
in reply to: tbwilliams

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
They used to not tell you, but I called yesterday morning and she said there was less than 500 spots left
2015-01-20 12:44 PM
in reply to: SEADOCHA

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Whispering Pines, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by SEADOCHA

They used to not tell you, but I called yesterday morning and she said there was less than 500 spots left

I keep hearing the same on the fb page...wouldn't surprise me if this race sells out by mid Feb, especially now that everyone knows that it's close to selling out.

2015-01-22 5:12 PM
in reply to: d00d

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, Ohio
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Participant list for 2015 IMLOU Seems more real seeing my name there!!

2015-01-22 11:37 PM
in reply to: lanzodt

Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread

I signed up on Jan. 18.  Does anyone know how often this is updated?

2015-01-23 8:49 AM
in reply to: tbwilliams

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
The list is updated as of January 12th. Not sure how often they will updated (Ironman Europe updates the athletes lists every couple of weeks, at least for IM Barcelona they did that); however, if you received the confirmation email, don't worry, you are in!
2015-01-28 2:38 PM
in reply to: lisac957


Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Well I am brand spankin' new to this board, and this is my very first post. I signed up for IM Louisville a few weeks ago and couldn't be more excited! First full IM distance after getting hooked on triathlon last year by doing a few, including the Muncie 70.3.

Anyways, I saw on Facebook today that there are less than 100 spots open for the race. Anyone still on the fence better decide soon!
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General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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I was not an official; I simply observed the race and the officials doing their thing. Here is what I saw: