BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-01-03 8:28 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Saddle

Originally posted by Mountaindan

I have been riding my Adamo Road saddle for 2+ seasons now, granted I have not put in a tremendous amount of consistent time in the saddle, but at what point do you decide that a saddle just isn't working for you? I have never really felt very comfortable. How do you go about choosing a saddle? I went on the recommendation of my Physical Therapist/ Bike Fitter, although it is better than my old saddle I still don't feel like I would make the Iron ride with out significant discomfort.

Thanks Dan

Hey Dan,

When your voice starts going up it is time to change!  Seriously though, yes it may take some time to adjust to a saddle, but we are talking weeks not years.

I am sure you have heard it said that a saddle that works for me, may not work for you.  So my recommendation may or may not work for you.

I ride a Cobb Gen2.  I absolutely love it.  The saddle was designed with aero position in mind and it works as a road saddle also.  I have one on both my TT bike and my road bike.  I first sat on it at the tri shop on a fit bike.  As soon as I sat on it I knew I had found my saddle.

Here is a link -

Cobb saddles has a dozen or so saddles and they have an incredible return program.  If you have a LBS that is a Cobb distributor, they will honor the return policies.  You can try a saddle for a couple weeks, if it doesn't work out, return it and try another one.  I am an absolute believer in Cobb now and would not consider any other saddle.

Edited by k9car363 2015-01-03 8:28 PM

2015-01-03 8:41 PM
in reply to: matrixband12

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by matrixband12

Hello Please add me to the group.

Thomas AKA matrixband12

Hi Thomas.  Welcome to the group!

2015-01-03 8:54 PM
in reply to: luvschips

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by luvschips

Hello! I would love to join this group if possible!

Did a 30 miler this morning and I am TIRED! The thought of running a half marathon after riding today is rather terrifying right now. Part of me is saying "what are you thinking"?


Donna, great to have you in the group.

You know those "What are you thinkin' thoughts?  I have those those same thoughts every day of my life, generally at the end of a hard workout.  You get used to it.  It's all part of this wacky world we call triathlon.

2015-01-03 11:26 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Name - George/Wenceslasz

Story - Lead a sedentary lifestyle, junk food junkie until I watched the 2010 IMCanada and decided I wanted to do it too.  I started running in April 2011 (couldn't run 2 minutes) then cycling in July, 2011 and started swimming Jan 2nd, 2012 (3yrs ago yesterday).  Prior to these times my only exercise was chopping wood (lived up north).  Retired in 2008 and moved south to have more summer/less winter.

Family - A very supportive wife (& great sherpa); 4 kids and 6 grandkids (4 boys/ 2 girls). A pretty good extended family of training buddies (64 to 75).

Training - Just started training yesterday for the 2015 season.  I swim 3 days a week(year round); bike 3days per week (my cycling coach is trying hard to kill me) and I pretend to run 3 days a week.  I feel I should add some core strengthening as well.  Don't know how I ever had time to work.  I'm pretty slow overall (definitely BOP) but I can swim pretty well and my cycling is slow but I can go long distances.  I'm hoping to make the run a bit less of an obstacle this year.

2012 - my first season I did two local sprints. Had a terrible swim in the first sprint.

2013 - A duathlon (just about killed me which made me work harder); Lake Stevens 70.3 (awesome race - loved the swim) and Cultus Lake Oly.

2014 - Victoria Olympic; Calgary 70.3 (another awesome race); and I returned to Cultus Lake (just a great end to the triathlon season.

2015 - planned - Oliver, BC 1km/54km/10km race; Penticton Mediofondo; ChelanMan HIM; Rattlesnake Island swim (3.1km); Challenge Penticton (I signed up for the half distance but I may opt to bump it up to a full distance nearer to the race).

Weight Loss - In 1998 I discovered I was diabetic and until last year was doing pretty well at controlling it but in November I started taking a small amount of insulin which I'm shocked to say is working out quite well.  I was up to 225lbs but I've gotten down to 183 just lately and I was down to 178 for most of the tri season last summer but I just can't break below 178 (I should be about 165-ish).

I hope I'll be able to add some good support and encouragement to the group.  


Edit: - I followed the instructions on changing my profile photo but when it came to clicking on the "Go" button it wouldn't complete the change.  I'll try again later.



Edited by wenceslasz 2015-01-03 11:29 PM
2015-01-04 1:25 AM
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Sai Kung,
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Hey guys, I would love to join the group if there's room. I was working with a trainer for a while who is a really great guy, but I took some time out for an advanced course at work and I'm just starting out again in the world of tri'ing. I'm looking to give it another tri. (Cue the groans. )

NAME: Dangerus (Dave Baluk)

MARITAL STATUS: Happily Married 15 years as a couple of DINKS (Double Income, No KIdS)

STORY:While I was very fit and athletic in my junior days, playing semi-pro ice hockey, time has not been kind to me. After embarking on a career as a pilot in Canada I've moved all over the world in pursuit of my dream job. I've lived in Arctic Canada, Northern Manitoba, almost every major city in southern Canada, India, Qatar and I now live in Hong Kong, flying a B747 for Cathay Pacific Airways. Having not been good enough to make it to the NHL I left ice hockey in my 20's and really haven't done much in the way of athletics since. (I'm not making excuses but unless you can outrun a polar bear in -50C, running up in Resolute Bay, NWT, Canada is not really condoned.) I've dabbled with training programs but nothing has really stuck. The hardest part of training (besides getting older) for me is the bizarre hours I keep as a long haul airline pilot. Departing Hong Kong at midnight in the B747 and flying 16 hours to New York, Los Angeles or London and then trying to get a proper training session in has proven to be almost impossible on a regular basis.

After reading quite a few books on health and diet, and having taken a nutrition course online through Cornell University, I've become "plant powered". After reading the book by Rich Roll, "Finding Ultra" I've regained my passion and motivation for multi-sport. So now I'm a plant powered 50 year old looking to become a proper triathlete. I didn't give up meat because I want to hug a cow. I firmly believe that a plant based diet is the healthiest way to go. That and I REALLY enjoy answering the question, "Where do you get your protein?".

I'm hoping that joining up here will help tremendously with my motivation as well as enabling me to partake of the many great ideas that you may have for how to keep up with my training as I compensate for my flying addiction, and helping me with my insane choice of taking up the sport at 50 years of age. Of course, not wanting to seem like a late blooming over achiever, I would really like to make it to an Ironman one day, and the Speight's Coast to Coast race in New Zealand is my "bucket list event".

CURRENT TRAINING: Since I've started back to the sport I've begun my training again. I'm currently doing approximately 5-9 hours per week. I mostly concentrate on running as my access to pools and bike routes when I travel is fairly limited.

PLANNED RACES: Garmin Barcelona Olympic Tri on 21 June 2015 WEIGHT LOSS: I firmly believe that weight management is nothing more than calories in vs Calories Out. I believe tri training will help me get back to being fit as much as I believe that being plant powered will help me stay healthy. Definition of a Triathlete: Someone who's not smart enough to realize that one sport is hard enough. :D

Edited by Dangerus 2015-01-04 3:37 AM
2015-01-04 8:09 AM
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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: Saddle
Thanks Scott,

I will definitely check Cobb out, I was thinking along that line already, I love the 90 day guarantee and the bike shop 2 miles down the road from me is a dealer.

Starting off the new year with some snow finally in southern Maine, but now we have a light rain which should make for a nice run today, I have 8 miles on the schedule, slow, wet and slushy, but I will take that any day over running on the dreadmill!

Originally posted by luvschips


I have also lost 95lbs and have kept it off for 6 years now. Someone told me it was too late for me to do this kind of stuff - I was just too big and lazy. So I am more determined than most to compete to the best of my ability.


You have already done more than most people can ever do! Great job on the weight loss. I would write that comment on my mirror so I see it everyday, what great motivation, the world is full of people telling others that something can't be done, it will be so much fun to see their face when you prove them wrong.
welcome to the group


Edited by Mountaindan 2015-01-04 8:11 AM

2015-01-04 1:54 PM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Saddle
I am hoping I can join this group ! I came from the same group Brenda was in and need a new mentor home . I started reading Bios and thought I should post something before you decide to close cuz this sound like a great group. So if I am in I will post a Bio later.
2015-01-04 2:04 PM
in reply to: lutzman

Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
My name is Barry and I would love to be part of your group, if you will have me. I'm new to triathlons, in fact, my only experience has been doing the biking portion of a Sprint relay last summer. It was a blast. I have been running for a couple years, and triathlon interests me because it is not all running. I was frustrated this year because I had trained hard for a half marathon, and injured my L tibia 2 weeks before race time. I biked a lot during my 8 weeks off, and really enjoyed it. I am nervous about swimming, as I have never "needed" to spend any time on it or be good at it. My son has shown me some technique, as he is a very good swimmer. I can go about 50 yards right now.....breathing and relaxing are my challenges!!
Anyway, thanks and I look forward to learning and being a good member of the group if accepted!
2015-01-04 5:07 PM
in reply to: Danger

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by Dangerus

Hey guys, I would love to join the group if there's room. I was working with a trainer for a while who is a really great guy, but I took some time out for an advanced course at work and I'm just starting out again in the world of tri'ing. I'm looking to give it another tri. (Cue the groans. )

NAME: Dangerus (Dave Baluk)

MARITAL STATUS: Happily Married 15 years as a couple of DINKS (Double Income, No KIdS)

STORY:While I was very fit and athletic in my junior days, playing semi-pro ice hockey, time has not been kind to me. After embarking on a career as a pilot in Canada I've moved all over the world in pursuit of my dream job. I've lived in Arctic Canada, Northern Manitoba, almost every major city in southern Canada, India, Qatar and I now live in Hong Kong, flying a B747 for Cathay Pacific Airways. Having not been good enough to make it to the NHL I left ice hockey in my 20's and really haven't done much in the way of athletics since. (I'm not making excuses but unless you can outrun a polar bear in -50C, running up in Resolute Bay, NWT, Canada is not really condoned.) I've dabbled with training programs but nothing has really stuck. The hardest part of training (besides getting older) for me is the bizarre hours I keep as a long haul airline pilot. Departing Hong Kong at midnight in the B747 and flying 16 hours to New York, Los Angeles or London and then trying to get a proper training session in has proven to be almost impossible on a regular basis.

After reading quite a few books on health and diet, and having taken a nutrition course online through Cornell University, I've become "plant powered". After reading the book by Rich Roll, "Finding Ultra" I've regained my passion and motivation for multi-sport. So now I'm a plant powered 50 year old looking to become a proper triathlete. I didn't give up meat because I want to hug a cow. I firmly believe that a plant based diet is the healthiest way to go. That and I REALLY enjoy answering the question, "Where do you get your protein?".

I'm hoping that joining up here will help tremendously with my motivation as well as enabling me to partake of the many great ideas that you may have for how to keep up with my training as I compensate for my flying addiction, and helping me with my insane choice of taking up the sport at 50 years of age. Of course, not wanting to seem like a late blooming over achiever, I would really like to make it to an Ironman one day, and the Speight's Coast to Coast race in New Zealand is my "bucket list event".

CURRENT TRAINING: Since I've started back to the sport I've begun my training again. I'm currently doing approximately 5-9 hours per week. I mostly concentrate on running as my access to pools and bike routes when I travel is fairly limited.

PLANNED RACES: Garmin Barcelona Olympic Tri on 21 June 2015 WEIGHT LOSS: I firmly believe that weight management is nothing more than calories in vs Calories Out. I believe tri training will help me get back to being fit as much as I believe that being plant powered will help me stay healthy. Definition of a Triathlete: Someone who's not smart enough to realize that one sport is hard enough. :D

Dave -

Welcome to the group!

You're living my dream.  I had an appointment to the Air Force Academy back in the day with the goal of "flying jets" and ultimately flying the skies for a major airline.  That dream died when the AF doctor said during my Air Force entrance physical that  I was to colorblind to fly in the military.  Oh well, when you're given lemons, you make lemonade

I won't ask where you get your protein but I look forward to some interesting discussions on nutrition.

Love your definition of a triathlete, gonna have to steal that!

2015-01-04 5:22 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Saddle

Originally posted by Jo63 I am hoping I can join this group ! I came from the same group Brenda was in and need a new mentor home . I started reading Bios and thought I should post something before you decide to close cuz this sound like a great group. So if I am in I will post a Bio later.

Hi Joanne,

Glad to have you in the group.  We have a couple people, myself included, that are working towards an Ironman this year so looking forward to hearing about your IM and HIM experiences.

Please post up a short bio when you get a chance so we can get to know a bit about you.

2015-01-04 5:27 PM
in reply to: Burchib

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by Burchib


My name is Barry and I would love to be part of your group, if you will have me. I'm new to triathlons, in fact, my only experience has been doing the biking portion of a Sprint relay last summer. It was a blast. I have been running for a couple years, and triathlon interests me because it is not all running. I was frustrated this year because I had trained hard for a half marathon, and injured my L tibia 2 weeks before race time. I biked a lot during my 8 weeks off, and really enjoyed it. I am nervous about swimming, as I have never "needed" to spend any time on it or be good at it. My son has shown me some technique, as he is a very good swimmer. I can go about 50 yards right now.....breathing and relaxing are my challenges!! Anyway, thanks and I look forward to learning and being a good member of the group if accepted!

Hello Barry!

Welcome to the group.

I heard North Dakota and minus 40 degrees in the same sentence on Weather Channel this morning so I am guessing you aren't running outside at the moment!  I have lived in cold climates but never had to deal with the kind of extremes you deal with.

Post up a bio when you get a chance so we can get to know you a bit.

Oh, and I think we might be able to help with the swimming just a bit!

2015-01-04 5:52 PM
in reply to: luvschips

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by luvschips Hello! I would love to join this group if possible! I joined another group last year and they helped me get through my first OWS triathlon successfully! I made several great friends and found it an awesome experience. I am back this year with 70.3 Barb's Race in July. I turned 50 in December. I am very slow but very dedicated! I have completed 7 marathons in the past couple of years and have cultivated a love for biking - I hated it last year. I have also lost 95lbs and have kept it off for 6 years now. Someone told me it was too late for me to do this kind of stuff - I was just too big and lazy. So I am more determined than most to compete to the best of my ability. I am coming off a "rest" month after a marathon in November - just been doing some runs, swims, bikes and enjoying not "training". Did a 30 miler this morning and I am TIRED! The thought of running a half marathon after riding today is rather terrifying right now. Part of me is saying "what are you thinking"? Then I think of that person who told me it was "too late" for me.... Any suggestions with a training plan would be greatly appreciated! I look forward to working and getting to know everyone in 2015! Donna

Donna, I know this feeling exactly!  I'm semi-planning to try my first 70.3 in October of 2016 (I need 22 months to learn to swim decently).  I keep going back and forth between thinking I've got plenty of time and I can do this if I put my mind to it and thinking that I've totally lost my mind.  I know I can do both the ride and the run with the right training but putting them together (especially after a swim) is a bit intimidating to me.  Hopefully with the right training, motivation, and advice I'll actually make it to race day!

2015-01-04 6:09 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Hey all!  Back to work for me tomorrow.  I've been off since Dec 19th so getting up early tomorrow is going to be interesting to say the least, especially since the arctic cold is making it's way to us this evening/tomorrow morning.  I am going to try to get back to the pool this week - hopefully Tuesday morning before work.  I haven't been in the water since July so I kind of feel like I'll be starting over.  I printed out the novice program from Scott's website so will start off with that and see how things progress. 


2015-01-04 7:16 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Weight Loss Challenge!

Hey everybody!

I've been keeping track as we've added members and it seems a significant number of us are hoping to lose some weight in the coming weeks and months. Steve and I have talked about it and we think we should maybe dust off a weight-loss/workout challenge we had a couple groups back. James, jredfly, gets ALL the credit for this challenge as he is the one that came up with it back when we first did it. We've modified it a bit, but it remains James’ idea.

Here’s a quick run-down on how it works. Every week, you get 5 points if you did not gain any weight. You also get 1 point for every pound of weight you lose, or you subtract one point for every pound you gain. Then to make it really interesting, you get 1 point for every 30 minutes of workout time.  Really, it's not as complicated as it sounds.

We don’t need to know your weight, just how much you lost . . . or gained, and how many minutes you trained. Training is limited to swim/bike/run and any other training that directly benefits triathlon, so shoveling snow, while strenuous exercise wouldn’t count, while strength work at the gym would count. Playing golf, for those of us in the southern half of the country, wouldn’t count, a spin class at the gym would count.

If there is interest, I am thinking we weigh-in and start next Sunday and run through March 31. The “Winner” will get a coffee mug from San Diego, the birthplace of triathlon. Sorry, that’s all that remains in the prize cabinet, the triathlon bike is gone!

This will provide some motivation and support for those looking to shed a few pounds and it will promote consistency in training plus encourage all of us to keep an accurate training log so we can answer the how many minutes question.

So who’s in?

I will post up a more detailed summary of how the points work once we have a better idea how many people might be interested.

2015-01-04 7:37 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: Weight Loss Challenge!

I am definitely interested. I love these types of challenges to help keep me focused.
will there be a spread sheet or just keep track on our own?

This was my the good part of my morning run, side walk was cleared of snow, but covered in ice. Stepped in an ankle deep puddle at about mile 3 of 8, made for some cold feet, gotta love training outside in the north


IMG-20150104-00049.jpg (232KB - 4 downloads)
2015-01-04 8:10 PM
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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
Originally posted by wenceslasz

Name - George/Wenceslasz

Story - Lead a sedentary lifestyle, junk food junkie until I watched the 2010 IMCanada and decided I wanted to do it too.  I started running in April 2011 (couldn't run 2 minutes) then cycling in July, 2011 and started swimming Jan 2nd, 2012 (3yrs ago yesterday).  Prior to these times my only exercise was chopping wood (lived up north).  Retired in 2008 and moved south to have more summer/less winter.

2015 - planned - Oliver, BC 1km/54km/10km race; Penticton Mediofondo; ChelanMan HIM; Rattlesnake Island swim (3.1km); Challenge Penticton (I signed up for the half distance but I may opt to bump it up to a full distance nearer to the race).


George--Hopefully we can meet up at the ChelanMan race. With a little luck I'll be racing there as well...although I only plan on doing the Oly.


Edited by lutzman 2015-01-04 8:11 PM

2015-01-04 8:14 PM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Weight Loss Challenge!
Originally posted by Mountaindan


I am definitely interested. I love these types of challenges to help keep me focused.
will there be a spread sheet or just keep track on our own?

This was my the good part of my morning run, side walk was cleared of snow, but covered in ice. Stepped in an ankle deep puddle at about mile 3 of 8, made for some cold feet, gotta love training outside in the north

Dan--I can empathize. My long run yesterday was 14 degrees. The good news is the trainer ride on my bike this afternoon was 80!

2015-01-04 8:23 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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New user
Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
Hi Everyone,

I'm actually not 50 yet, unless like cars, we all age up at midnight on New Year's Eve. I'll be at that magic age in October. I do have a few gray hairs, though...

My name is Kathy. I've been married to the same guy for 25 years, we have 2 daughters, 2 cats, 1 dog, 1 turtle and several fish.
I've been running for years, but recently added swimming and cycling as cross-training, so I decided to try a tri. I'm scheduled for a mini-sprint in April. I look forward to posting with y'all!
2015-01-04 8:38 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
Hey Janet,

Glad to see you're back. I'm facing a similar wake up call tomorrow after 2 weeks away from work.. Reality check dead ahead!

The swim is on my mind, too, since I'm leaning towards doing some longer distance events this season. With that said, I'm more concerned about remaining injury free while building up my biking and running distance. The good news is that there is enough time and lots of great support here.

Looking forward to keeping tabs on our shared progress and learning from the group again this season.


2015-01-04 8:49 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Weight Loss Challenge!
I"m in, Scott.

Knowing the level of competition here, I'm going to buy my own coffee mug or just drink more water.


2015-01-04 8:59 PM
in reply to: k9car363

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Weight Loss Challenge!
I am all in for the Weight Loss Challenge too!


2015-01-04 9:06 PM
in reply to: kszelei

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by kszelei

Hi Everyone, I'm actually not 50 yet, unless like cars, we all age up at midnight on New Year's Eve. I'll be at that magic age in October. I do have a few gray hairs, though...

Hi Kathy,

We will be happy to have you in the group!  And yes, we all share a January 1 birthday!

Please post a short bio when you get a chance so we can get to know you.

2015-01-04 9:20 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Weight Loss Challenge!

MARITAL STATUS: Married for 31 years, we have 3 kids ages 30, 28 and 27. Our oldest son is a lawyer, my daughter works with me as an estetician and my youngest son is a financial advisor. yes I am very proud of them

STORY: I am the owner of a salon and have 12 employees which keeps me busy.
I, also after seeing Julie Moss told myself that one day I would do triathalon. I did my first race a sprint in 2006 and continued off an on for several years until I decided to do my first half in 2011in preparation for doing a full on my 50 birthday in 2013. Until recently I didn't realize how much I had under trained, under nourished and under recovered. Every race I did I typically finished last, exhausted and frustrated. For the 2013 IM I was really sick and only made it to mile 83 on the bike. It took me 3 months to recover so i thought after being diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. Fast forward to 2014 and i signed up for another IM I thought I had been training properly, following plans etc i even got a coach in May after going out with a group on the course and I was struggling to keep up, I did a HIM in July and actually cut 45 min off my previous time I was feeling pretty good although I had been having trouble with a foot issue on the bike, when i got home from the race i was told that one of my sisters had died unexpectedly that morning, and i did what I do and just pushed thru work and training, without taking some time, as I continued to train for my Full, my foot became a huge issue and ended up being diagnosed with a neuroma, and the dr thought i would benefit from orthotics but I believe it was 2 weeks before the race, and there was no time to get them so we improvised, race day came and I did mty best but had to stop several times to eleviate the foot pain and I missed cut off by 5 minutes. I put on my game face and sucked it up but another diassapointment that I didn't address was stirring trouble.....I kept training as I had a half marathon scheduled and as race day came closer I was becoming more and more exhausted I had another disappointing race as I ended up walking quite a bit. After a couple more weeks my coach told me I had to go get some bloodwork done and results came back with adrenal fatigue again. So this time I am really taking this serious I am learning what I have to do and not do in order to get healthy, how to deal better with stressful situations etc, and right now I am on a VERY limited training schedule., which is hard. But I still have Kona on my bucket list and I WILL some day get there!

CURRENT TRAINING: it is slowly increasing and i got to bike yesterday right now it is mostly walking, stretching, yoga

PLANNED RACES: It's hard to plan anything right now but I did sign up for a Sprint in June, but was told no long course racing this year

WEIGHT LOSS: I am defefnitly in for the weight loss challenge as I have 20 pounds to lose I seem to be able to drop 10 and that last 10 just seems to hang on so I am hoping this will help me to do it!
2015-01-04 9:25 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Weight Loss Challenge!
I apologize I don't remember who posted about Trainer Road but I wanted to tell you I used it all last winter and loved it I also have a Kurt Kenetics and found the power to be pretty accurate for me, I actually looked forward to the "indoor" rides and there are hundreds to choose from.
2015-01-04 9:25 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by soccermom15

I printed out the novice program from Scott's website so will start off with that and see how things progress. 


Hey Janet,

Maybe we should have a chat.  You're first Sprint Tri was in 2009 so you have been swimming for at least 5-6 years, yet you still refer to yourself as "a horrible swimmer."  That pretty clearly says to me that there might be a technique issue.  As you have undoubtedly already read at the top of my Novice Training Plan, you can put in lap upon endless lap, but if your technique is flawed, you are wasting your time.  Beating the water into submission isn't the answer and it's not going to get you faster so I am happy to talk about improving technique if you like.

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Started by playmobil31
Views: 65 Posts: 1

2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31

Mentors Needed - INSTRUCTIONS

Started by Ron
Views: 11077 Posts: 1

2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : March 10, 2011
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 1
Tinley on triathlon, aging, and the attitude of a masters athlete