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2016-06-02 8:45 PM
in reply to: runmini

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by runmini

Definitely allowed to ride on the wide shoulders along 117, it is part of Quebec's Route Verte ( Still be mindful of gusts from passing logging trucks. 

I'll have to double check but the course is on 117 and the map it was showing me is not the same route as the race...though it's late and I could very well be incorrect. No worries! I'll certainly find out tomorrow!!

2016-06-03 7:11 PM
in reply to: #5184149

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
I rode Monte Ryan down to 117 than up Chemin Duplessis then a short 2 mile run to stretch out before the long drive home. I had to make my son's soccer game so I became very time limited. Montreal traffic was rough so almost 9 hours in the car for 1.5 hours of riding... But I'm so glad I did it.
2016-06-04 6:46 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by aviatrix802

I rode Monte Ryan down to 117 than up Chemin Duplessis then a short 2 mile run to stretch out before the long drive home. I had to make my son's soccer game so I became very time limited. Montreal traffic was rough so almost 9 hours in the car for 1.5 hours of riding... But I'm so glad I did it.

So, how was it? Your back doing well?
2016-06-04 7:44 AM
in reply to: #5185291

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Back started out well and was stiffening up by the end. I'll get it stretched and continue core work.
For anyone wondering between tri and road bike - bring the tri bike, I was in aero most of the time.
I loved having my new cassette.
Montee Ryan had a couple of long uphills followed by flying downhill on the other side - very fun. I found it easier going out than coming back but I also had a headwind coming back.
I actually found Duplessis fun. Yes there are short steep sections and I stood up twice just for a few pedals - understand that I am only beginning my third season as a cyclist so I don't have tons of experience/strength.
There was often a level off or even slight short downhill to recoup before the next segment.
Coming back down was a blast.
Doing it twice will be "interesting" and I know I need some serious hill repeats.
2016-06-06 1:11 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Nutrition topic: I'm trying to figure out how to carry all that I need (without having to go into special needs). I'm trying out Infinit and from what I've read, athletes should take in about 200 calories/hour roughly. I looked at last year's bike times for my age group and it ranges anywhere from about 6-8 hours on the bike. One packet/scoop per bottle = 200 calories. First of all, I don't think I could physically ingest that much of anything - I don't have the stomach volume (I've been practicing). I'm thinking of doing 3 bottles and using those Stinger Waffles to supplement (I believe they have them on the course). My bento box is built into my tri bike and it's tiny (good for salts or Gu's maybe, but that's about it). I've thought about taping something to my bike frame but I'm trying to get away from GU. One girl mentioned her coach is having her use concentrated Infinit and sipping water after - a few sips of each every 15 minutes or so.

I know nutrition is very personal but I am open to suggestions/ideas.
2016-06-06 1:19 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Our coach has us mix 400 calories per bottle. Over the course of the bike, we'll take in 4 bottles. PLUS, one bottle of water per hour. Mix up two bottles with water. Then make 2 ziploc baggies of the powder (400 calories each). When your two bottles of fuel are gone, stop at an aid station and mix up a new batch. You can carry the ziplocs in your biking jersey.

Also, make 2 more ziplocs at leave them in special needs. If you lose the powder during the first loop, then you know you have a back up plan.

Hope that helps!

2016-06-06 4:39 PM
in reply to: #5185323

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Thank you!! This helps a lot.
2016-06-06 10:44 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Great that you made up here, see told you the hills are not that bad!

Personally for nutrition I use Powergels and Gatorade. Alternate one gel, 1/2 bottle Gatorade, gel, gatorade every 20 min. This gives me 300-400 calories an hour but I'm 185lbs. I take 6,7 gels in the bento box/pockets and grab the rest at special needs. It only takes 30 seconds and you just might stop to pee there anyways. The Gatorade is a good source of calories and sodium, factor it in if you're drinking it. Whatever you do make sure you practice it on your long rides. What works at 3 hours could make you hurl at 6. And don't assume all products are about the same. They are passing out Clif gels this year, since I've never trained with those I'll stick to Powergels. Mixing up bottles on the go seems cumbersome, but that's personal opinion. But carrying 3-4 bottles from the start is heavy! (we were talking a few lbs between bikes but then you strap on 8 more in water which is available to pick up all course long??)

Think about and practice nutrition on your long runs or bricks too. Don't try flat Coke at 10K in Tremblant if it's your first time trying flat Coke. Again I use gels, gatorade and pretzels. I carry the gels but pick up Gatorade and pretzels. I also carry salt pills if its hot and sweaty, some Advils for inflammation and Tums for heartburn. (from 12 hours of eating pure sugar... haha)

Hope everyone's training is going well.
2016-06-07 7:31 AM
in reply to: maroose

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
There was a 15 minute queue at Ironman Louisville Bike special needs. It actually worked to our advantage to ride to an aid station, mix the bottles with a volunteer, and take a pee break. We were shocked to see how long the line was in special needs. Ironman Wisconsin wasn't like that, so it just helps to be prepared.

I carry 4 bottles on my bike....two fuel, two water. Then I make one stop for mixing fuel and peeing ... and I'm back on my way.

It really comes down to personal preference and where you want to use your time and what you think is the most efficient.

Good luck to everyone in the next few weeks. Stay safe and stay healthy!

2016-06-08 9:24 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

Mississauga, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread

I am a loyal Infinit user, and if you are careful you can mix up a very concentrated bottle. The key is to start with very little liquid, add the Infinit, and rhen stir with a knife or something like that, the add more liquid and stir again. I use the large bags with 2 scoops equal to ~ 230 calories (my specific mix), and I can fit in at least 6 servings, so around 1,380 calories. Then I sip a bit every 15 minites as was mentioned, and take in some gatorade to dilute/wash it down.

So one bottle for the whole ride, and I grab a gatorade at most aid stations. I may leave a second Infinit bottle in my special needs bag, just in case something happens with the first, but otherwise I don't stop at SN. No stomach issues as long as I take in gatorade or water with every sip of Infinit. This has worked so far at all my IM races.

2016-06-09 9:57 AM
in reply to: #5185604

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Did you have them reduce the flavor so it didn't taste so strong?

2016-06-09 7:06 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

Mississauga, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread

For sure, when I order the mix I lower the flavour to almost nothing. Still tastes a bit strong when so concentrated, which helps remind me to take in hydration at the same time. I have fruit punch flavour  but no matter what, by the end of 6 hours riding I am pretty ready to try some other flavour on the run. ??

2016-06-09 11:30 PM
in reply to: runmini

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread

I'm in for this year.  Not sure why I didn't catch this thread sooner.

Anyhow I live on the left coast so it's not really a convenient race for me, but one I've wanted to do for awhile.  Now let's just hope for good weather

2016-06-13 1:57 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Does anyone know how long the 8% climb is at Chemin Duplessis? Quarter mile? 1/2 mile? We will not be able to ride the course prior to the race, so would like a little background knowledge of that specific climb.

2016-06-13 4:04 PM
in reply to: cynner

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by cynner

Does anyone know how long the 8% climb is at Chemin Duplessis? Quarter mile? 1/2 mile? We will not be able to ride the course prior to the race, so would like a little background knowledge of that specific climb.


I just looked at my Strava map and it looks like they aren't more than 1/4 mile if that. There are a few steep sections but they are fairly short and you are rewarded with flats or downhills to gain speed for the next one.

If you are on Strava, you are welcome to find me (Jenn Hoy) and the ride is on June 3rd if you want to search and see the profile of my ride. (I am new and slow, so disregard the speed! hahaha) I rode from transition out Montee Ryan, back toward transition and up and down Chemin Duplessis. I did ride a little too far up Duplessis just for your reference. But if I can do it on my tri bike, anyone can do it.
2016-06-13 4:07 PM
in reply to: spudone

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by spudone

I'm in for this year.  Not sure why I didn't catch this thread sooner.

Anyhow I live on the left coast so it's not really a convenient race for me, but one I've wanted to do for awhile.  Now let's just hope for good weather

Nice! Welcome! It's a fairly quiet thread so any input is welcome!

2016-06-13 4:14 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread

Thanks so much for the information. I'm old, so I'm slow too. LOL!!! I do have a STRAVA account, so will take a look at the ride profile.

Really appreciate the help here. We've done Ironman Wisconsin and there are 3 killer climbs that you ride twice. I'll be curious to know how the 8% compares (in distance) to IMMOO.

2016-06-13 5:17 PM
in reply to: cynner

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by cynner


Thanks so much for the information. I'm old, so I'm slow too. LOL!!! I do have a STRAVA account, so will take a look at the ride profile.

Really appreciate the help here. We've done Ironman Wisconsin and there are 3 killer climbs that you ride twice. I'll be curious to know how the 8% compares (in distance) to IMMOO.


Oh gosh, you will be fine I'm sure!
2016-06-13 6:04 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Originally posted by cynner


Thanks so much for the information. I'm old, so I'm slow too. LOL!!! I do have a STRAVA account, so will take a look at the ride profile.

Really appreciate the help here. We've done Ironman Wisconsin and there are 3 killer climbs that you ride twice. I'll be curious to know how the 8% compares (in distance) to IMMOO.


Oh gosh, you will be fine I'm sure!

Lol...I am slow....usually in the 15hr IM time...however, coming from a very flat area to these HUGE hills I will not care if i am at 16:59 :-)

I have bee doing the MT route on virtual training but I am still having nightmares here and there of the hills. Why did i sign up for this? Hmmmm love the challenge and feeling what the body can do! :-)

Body is holding up well :-) . Doing a 5k swim in the ocean in 2 weeks! Wahoooo!

Safe training everyone!

2016-06-14 7:14 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Took a look at Strava....that was so helpful! Thank you so much.
2016-06-14 9:20 AM
in reply to: #5186145

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Excellent! Glad I could help!

2016-06-15 9:06 AM
in reply to: trirun26

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by trirun26

Originally posted by aviatrix802

Originally posted by cynner


Thanks so much for the information. I'm old, so I'm slow too. LOL!!! I do have a STRAVA account, so will take a look at the ride profile.

Really appreciate the help here. We've done Ironman Wisconsin and there are 3 killer climbs that you ride twice. I'll be curious to know how the 8% compares (in distance) to IMMOO.


Oh gosh, you will be fine I'm sure!

Lol...I am slow....usually in the 15hr IM time...however, coming from a very flat area to these HUGE hills I will not care if i am at 16:59 :-)

I have bee doing the MT route on virtual training but I am still having nightmares here and there of the hills. Why did i sign up for this? Hmmmm love the challenge and feeling what the body can do! :-)

Body is holding up well :-) . Doing a 5k swim in the ocean in 2 weeks! Wahoooo!

Safe training everyone!


15 hours is where I'm hoping to be - we shall see what the day brings. I've had enough injuries this spring that frankly I'll be happy with 16:59 too!!
Ocean swim 5K?! You rock! Holy smokes! - I'm landlocked here so all I think of are sharks. hahahaha
2016-06-20 5:52 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
I just signed up for the Toughman Tupper Lake Tinman this upcoming weekend...hey, it's in the plan, right?! haha

Bit it hard on a dropped chain today an hour into a long ride. Torqued my seat sideways and didn't have an allen wrench to fix it so I coasted down to a local gas station and called the hubby and got a coffee. Got home, worked on the seat, temps climbed into the upper 80's and it was only 9:00. "Ozone warning" here today. I opted to run 5.5 with pickups and will get the long ride in tomorrow. I may pass by my chiropractor's on my ride to get cracked. After the fall the back isn't too happy. Everything else is good, just a few bumps and bruises including my ego.

Have to put up a picture, just because.


field.jpg (43KB - 7 downloads)
2016-06-21 6:29 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by aviatrix802

I just signed up for the Toughman Tupper Lake Tinman this upcoming weekend...hey, it's in the plan, right?! haha

Bit it hard on a dropped chain today an hour into a long ride. Torqued my seat sideways and didn't have an allen wrench to fix it so I coasted down to a local gas station and called the hubby and got a coffee. Got home, worked on the seat, temps climbed into the upper 80's and it was only 9:00. "Ozone warning" here today. I opted to run 5.5 with pickups and will get the long ride in tomorrow. I may pass by my chiropractor's on my ride to get cracked. After the fall the back isn't too happy. Everything else is good, just a few bumps and bruises including my ego.

Have to put up a picture, just because.

Ouch! Glad it wasnt very bad! We are getting so close. Just ordered my long sleeve wetsuit, was hoping to be able to swim in sleevless but water temp is 62 in MT now and most prior racers have said their hands and feet were numb by the end. Any thoughts on this from prior racers in MT?

We never use wetsuits in the swamp land so one more thing for me to get use the pool at 5am so its only 85 degrees lol..

Love the pic!
2016-06-21 3:40 PM
in reply to: trirun26

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread

Originally posted by trirun26
Originally posted by aviatrix802 I just signed up for the Toughman Tupper Lake Tinman this upcoming weekend...hey, it's in the plan, right?! haha Bit it hard on a dropped chain today an hour into a long ride. Torqued my seat sideways and didn't have an allen wrench to fix it so I coasted down to a local gas station and called the hubby and got a coffee. Got home, worked on the seat, temps climbed into the upper 80's and it was only 9:00. "Ozone warning" here today. I opted to run 5.5 with pickups and will get the long ride in tomorrow. I may pass by my chiropractor's on my ride to get cracked. After the fall the back isn't too happy. Everything else is good, just a few bumps and bruises including my ego. Have to put up a picture, just because.
Ouch! Glad it wasnt very bad! We are getting so close. Just ordered my long sleeve wetsuit, was hoping to be able to swim in sleevless but water temp is 62 in MT now and most prior racers have said their hands and feet were numb by the end. Any thoughts on this from prior racers in MT? We never use wetsuits in the swamp land so one more thing for me to get use the pool at 5am so its only 85 degrees lol.. Love the pic!

I haven't raced in MT but I did Coeur d'Alene a couple years back when it was really really cold water.  53F at the shoreline and 47F at the turnaround point as I recall.  I'll be plenty happy with 62

Long sleeves are still a good idea; neoprene hat might be good too if you're not used to colder water.  I don't remember if it's a WTC rule or if it's per-race, but booties were also allowed at Coeur d'Alene that year.

I expect it'll probably warm up some between now and August, though.

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