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2007-01-16 4:48 PM
in reply to: #631977

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Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL

I'm guessing you guys may read the forums on the site more often than I do and may have already seen this, but looking around I just saw this one that pertains to running and where (which HR) to train. It reinforces the fact that you don't need to gun it every time out there. Included in the thread is another link to a thread called "The Cult of Kicking @ss" or something like that, which is success stories of BTers that have dropped time off their run splits by training in the proper aerobic zones (read: slower). Take a look if you have time, otherwise read thorugh Mike's (Ricci) initial response to the poster:


2007-01-16 5:03 PM
in reply to: #656707

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Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL

whoopekats - 2007-01-16 1:40 PM Sorry guys The cold Colorado weather has my damn trucks frozen up over half the state. Frist chance to sit down and see whats happening before I sneak off to the pool. Vacation: My choice would be around Orlando area with DisneyWorld and excellent fishing for bass this time of year. Movies: Just saw Invincable, an excellent football movie and worth watching. Also have just seen the Illusionist with Ed Norton. This is also a decent move. Beerfest was dumb but silly enough to keep my attention. The 2 Kill Bill films are fun and if you are reallin into something different Rob Zombie's Devils Rejects is a fun one. Now for another question: The seat on my bike is a difficult set up, I have moved it back, forward, tilted up and down and level and have also changed seat post elevation but the postion still seems wrong. Any suggestions wold be a great helpp

Fred - for your seat woes, have you considered taking your bike in to your LBS (local bike shop) and asking them to help you make the right adjustment? Without knowing much more, it's difficult to say where the problem is coming from and to be honest, outside of some general thoughts, I'm not qualified to make that assessment even if I were able to see you. There is a specific range of angles that your body should comply with (given your flexibility or lack thereof) to make the bike comfortable. My suggestion would be to talk to someone at the LBS, tell them you don't need a bike fit, but explain where there's discomfort and why and see if they can take a quick look at you and recommend a position (higher and back a little, etc. - or even position it for you) that feels better.  Aside from that, it doesn't appear that you have a lot of time in the saddle and a lot of the awkwardness can come from getting used to a new position. Once you talk to the LBS or find a position that feels okay, stick with it for a little while and build up the time you spend riding gradually so your body can adapt.

Is there any specific pain that you're feeling while riding? Or does it just feel a bit off in general?

2007-01-16 5:16 PM
in reply to: #631977

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San Clemente, CA
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
thanks for the info on the tri-zone equipment. Even thinking about buying some fins. I have a question that anyone may be able to help me with before I go out and buy them. Why should a person train with fins when we will be swimming without them on the tri? Am I not correct on that? I can see how it would enable me to swim longer and faster but what advantage do they have for training purposes. Maybe this should be an obvious answer but I havent quite figured it out yet.
PS Adam, I just ordered my first jammers. (they must have been out of the pink ones though). Chicks are gonna dig me now.
2007-01-16 5:27 PM
in reply to: #631977

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San Clemente, CA
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Another question regaurding training. I am currently trying to follow the 16 week sprint -3x balanced workout schedule. I am taking it slow in order to keep from burning out or injury. I am wondering however if I should be pushing it a little more. For Example week 3 tuesday shows a 14 min run (I ran yesterday so I swam today). When they say 14 min. do they mean 14 minutes of jog time and what if I am walking 1 min jogging 2 min? And is 14 minutes really sufficient for a workout? Dont get me wrong, its not like I can easily find more time in my day to get out to exercise I just want to make sure I will be prepared.
2007-01-17 10:53 AM
in reply to: #656932

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
himself - 2007-01-16 4:03 PM

whoopekats - 2007-01-16 1:40 PM Sorry guys The cold Colorado weather has my damn trucks frozen up over half the state. Frist chance to sit down and see whats happening before I sneak off to the pool. Vacation: My choice would be around Orlando area with DisneyWorld and excellent fishing for bass this time of year. Movies: Just saw Invincable, an excellent football movie and worth watching. Also have just seen the Illusionist with Ed Norton. This is also a decent move. Beerfest was dumb but silly enough to keep my attention. The 2 Kill Bill films are fun and if you are reallin into something different Rob Zombie's Devils Rejects is a fun one. Now for another question: The seat on my bike is a difficult set up, I have moved it back, forward, tilted up and down and level and have also changed seat post elevation but the postion still seems wrong. Any suggestions wold be a great helpp

Fred - for your seat woes, have you considered taking your bike in to your LBS (local bike shop) and asking them to help you make the right adjustment? Without knowing much more, it's difficult to say where the problem is coming from and to be honest, outside of some general thoughts, I'm not qualified to make that assessment even if I were able to see you. There is a specific range of angles that your body should comply with (given your flexibility or lack thereof) to make the bike comfortable. My suggestion would be to talk to someone at the LBS, tell them you don't need a bike fit, but explain where there's discomfort and why and see if they can take a quick look at you and recommend a position (higher and back a little, etc. - or even position it for you) that feels better.  Aside from that, it doesn't appear that you have a lot of time in the saddle and a lot of the awkwardness can come from getting used to a new position. Once you talk to the LBS or find a position that feels okay, stick with it for a little while and build up the time you spend riding gradually so your body can adapt.

Is there any specific pain that you're feeling while riding? Or does it just feel a bit off in general?

Ryan's on this one, so I'll just add the following link, which is a great article on how to properly fit a tri bike:

When you're done reading that one, browse around the slow twitch site, it's full of great info for triathletes.

The only thing I would add, for Fred specifically, but for everyone getting into the sport - some of the best money you can spend on cycling is getting a bike fit.  Being comfortable on your bike is paramount, and the only way to do that is to find an experienced bike fitter and have them size you up properly to get the proper seat height, reach, stem angle, etc.

Edited by Gearwhore 2007-01-17 10:54 AM
2007-01-17 11:00 AM
in reply to: #656943

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL

keith slattery - 2007-01-16 4:16 PM thanks for the info on the tri-zone equipment. Even thinking about buying some fins. I have a question that anyone may be able to help me with before I go out and buy them. Why should a person train with fins when we will be swimming without them on the tri? Am I not correct on that? I can see how it would enable me to swim longer and faster but what advantage do they have for training purposes. Maybe this should be an obvious answer but I havent quite figured it out yet. PS Adam, I just ordered my first jammers. (they must have been out of the pink ones though). Chicks are gonna dig me now.

Keith -

First, go read the November Chat with Coach Kevin Konczak here on BT:

After reading that, I would add that the purpose is to build kick leg strength.  The added resistance of the fins builds your legs, which is great for all around conditioning, but specifically helps prepare you for the rigors of open water swimming.  Having said that, triathlon swimming almost always means open water, in a wetsuit, and kicking is not a particularly useful component.  Kick for body balance, not for propulsion.  With that in mind, determine whether you really want the fins.  I have them, but I have every dumb training tool I can afford.  I do like getting through my kick sets faster though, for what it's worth.

Finally, don't kid yourself, the chics dig you already.  They're just going to appreciate how much more of "you" there is to dig in those jammers.  I recommend wearing them to work and asking for opinions around the office just to build your confidence.

2007-01-17 11:10 AM
in reply to: #656946

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL

keith slattery - 2007-01-16 4:27 PM Another question regaurding training. I am currently trying to follow the 16 week sprint -3x balanced workout schedule. I am taking it slow in order to keep from burning out or injury. I am wondering however if I should be pushing it a little more. For Example week 3 tuesday shows a 14 min run (I ran yesterday so I swam today). When they say 14 min. do they mean 14 minutes of jog time and what if I am walking 1 min jogging 2 min? And is 14 minutes really sufficient for a workout? Dont get me wrong, its not like I can easily find more time in my day to get out to exercise I just want to make sure I will be prepared.

This is the $64,000 question of triathlon: am I training too hard, not hard enough, or just right?  If you feel like you're not training hard enough, you might try bumping it up a notch and then monitoring how you feel.  If you get really sore or extremely fatigued, then you're going too hard.  If you ALWAYS feel fresh and well rested and never sore, you're not training hard enough. 

After you do this for a little while you start to figure some things out.  One of the things that you'll learn from experience is how you feel at the beginning and the end of a training cycle (the micro-cycles of 1 week, the medium cycles of a month, and the macro-cycles of a year).  From week to week, you'll have days where you feel great, and others where you're tired, and that will usually be tied to hard workout days.  In the medium cycle, you'll start a three week period feeling great, and then be pretty damn tired just before a rest week.  At the end of a season, you'll feel worn out and "thin" - and after a month off, ready to get back to training. 

I'm not trying to over-complicate the answer, but you've basically stumbled onto the triathlon equivalent of "what's the meaning of life?"  You have to be willing to experiment with your body to find the answer.  You have to be willing to push a little bit too far to find out how far is too far.  You have to vary your workouts, and adjust timing, and move schedules.  It's all part of the game and there is no easy answer.  If the answer was easy, everyone would be Peter Reid and the sport would be boring.

Sorry, I know that answer didn't help much, but that's about how I size it up.  I say try going a little harder and see how you feel, if you're not being challenged you'll get bored and you won't meet your racing expectations.

2007-01-17 12:51 PM
in reply to: #631977

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Media, PA
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL

 Is this the professional way of getting the "LT" test???

2007-01-17 12:55 PM
in reply to: #657938

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
ajfoster02 - 2007-01-17 11:51 AM

 Is this the professional way of getting the "LT" test???

Yep.  Those VO2 numbers would be interesting too.  Not much help in training, but interesting to show genetic capacity.

2007-01-18 10:40 AM
in reply to: #631977

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Hey Guy's - A bit perplexing really, I received the below mail from my Triathlon coach who reviewed my BT logs...

"Good job on logging your workouts and everything!

For your goals, and for sprint and Olympic distances if you can fit:
3 swims a week
3 bike, 2 shorter, 1 longer (does not have to be longer than 2h30mn to 3h in the Spring, Summer really)
3 or 4 runs with 1 longer (does not have to be longer than 1h30mn max really). You might want to start including some hill repeats for leg strength and turn over.

In you race program try to include some 5ks, they are great to prepare for 10ks. There is a 5 mile in Milford coming up worth doing, than quite a few around. I will remind the group.

In late Spring and Summer we will start to train at the track."

How on earth do I fit all the above in? Currently I am averaging 300 mins a week and will add another 1 hour to this going forward as I am adding back a short cycle a week. (I dropped short cycle when weather got cold and replaced with Strength, now have a trainer so no excuse.)

So my current training is 2 x all disciplines a week 1 long and 1 short session + 1 Strength i.e 7 sessions a week, I want to keep two rest days a week if possible.

No way I can manage this workload, I can't train in the weekday mornings I have conference calls in the morning at 7.30am and I can't get out of bed before 6am, I have to average 8 hours sleep a night. At the moment really loading myself up in the Weekend by doing long run and long cycle on Sat/Sun, I could possibly fit another swim in on my long cycle day.

Any advice would be appreciated...............I am almost coming to the conclusion that after base building period and race build up around March time, I may have to go to one rest day and put a cycle and swim on what used to be other day. I am not worried about my run to much as it is my strong leg....and reckon I can get by on two sessions a week..

Btw - Not having a dig at my coach here, she is very good and I like her except for the fact she is French....

2007-01-18 11:13 AM
in reply to: #659215

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL

To put things in perspective for you a bit, 5 hours (300 minutes) of training is really the very least training you could do to comfortably complete an Olympic distance race.  My average training load this year will be something like 11-12 hours/week, with some weeks approaching 16-17 hours.  Now, that represents sort of the heavy end of the scale for training, and the only folks who would train much more than that (20+) are getting ready for an IM, are VERY serious about their racing, or just have too much free time.

As to days off, the norm is one day/week.  Two is really more than you need, assuming you are otherwise healthy and can get more or less normal sleep.  I can understand the attraction to 2 days off, my only point is that you don't NEED two days off. 

The basic structure of any triathlon program is 3x/week in all three sports.  The literature repeatedly says that to make progress in all 3, you need to hit all 3x/week.  I would even go so far as to say that this basic structure has reached the level of common knowledge within the sport.

So, what your coach is telling you is all by the book stuff, nothing unusual here at all.  Still, that doesn't mean you have to adhere to this advice 100% and follow the rules absolutely.  We all have other commitments in life, most notably family commitments and professional obligations.  I would never presume to make decisions for you about what is "right" and "wrong" when it comes to sacrificing time with your family or for work obligations.  If you can only get 5 days/week of training in with 2 days off, and a total of aound 5 hours of training, that's fine, keep up that program.  You might consider readjusting things a bit so that you get more quality out of your shorter sessions, maybe consider giving up the weight lifting, and it sounds like a serious discussion with your coach is in order.  But don't let the way that everyone else trains control the decisions that are unique to your life.

Having said that, I think there are obvious consequences.  Unless you're just plain physically gifted you're probably not going to be winning your age group on 5 hours of training per week.  After all, there are plenty of guys like me out there putting in more than double that volume, and it's almost inconceivable that they won't be faster.  But there are all kinds of athletes on the course.  Some are there to cross the finish line no matter how long it takes.  Some train to go a little faster than that, but realize they're not challenging the leaders.  Others push themselves to complete exhaustion and love the physical challenge of race day, even though they're just competing against the clock.  And, it goes without saying, there are plenty of athletes trying to beat the other competitors and pick up some hardware on race day.  Every one of these athletes is out there for a good reason, none of them are right or wrong, and they all deserve at least some recognition for tackling the challenge.

So, instead of setting rigid time goals, you might just aim to finish an olympic distance race.  You'll get in good shape, you'll be healthier than you were before, and this provides a great way to lose weight.  But you'll most likely be racing toward the middle or back of the pack.  And that is perfectly acceptable, just be realistic about the choices you are making.  I'm one of those people who is all about recognizing and living with the choices and sacrifices we make.  In that regard, I don't question people who make informed decisions and accept the consequences.  So, for you, I think it's just fine to keep doing what you're doing, so long as you don't get done with a race and complain about how slow you were going, not winning, feeling mediocre during the race, etc.  Train as much as you can, have fun and get in good shape, and enjoy race day with no rigid expectations.

2007-01-18 11:33 AM
in reply to: #631977

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Adam - Thxs for your advice this is much apprecaited, and of course you are right. What you put in, is what you get out and unfortunately no I am not a gifted athelete.

From Febrauary - I think I am going to go down to one rest day and add another couple of sessions, but ultimately as you say I am probably going to be able to commit only enough time to become a mid-packer at best that will have to do for now. Given I have two young children and demanding career. But thinking back to my original objectives I set in September when I started back again, "Loose Weight", "Get Fit", "Become a better Person" which I am all on the way to achieving. No where in that lot did it mention becoming Simon Lessing.

2007 year for me is all about getting back into it. To be honest If I lose 20 pounds in 2007 and look and feel better and finish last in every race that is good progress compared to what I have been doing for the last decade.

2007-01-18 12:18 PM
in reply to: #631977

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Media, PA
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL


It's good to see your reply from Adam. As long as you are meeting the goals you set forth for yourself then you are accomplishing what you set yourself out to do. I do find it easier getting an extra workout in each morning. I'm not sure on your family siutaion and if you need to be there in the morning but if you can spare the time that is where you may find the additional time to get out there. It is hard getting up extra early when you arent used to it... its just like getting into the routine of training. It will take some time but it will be second nature after a while to get up that early. I need to be at work at 7am every day so I get up pretty early! On the other hand I do not have any children so it's not like I have many other obligations in the morning. Just keep up with what you are doing now. If you want to cut back to one rest day a week later on then go for it. If not then you are still accomplishing your goals. After that you are only exceeding them so there is no need to get down about it. Keep up the good work, we are all on the same ship here. Also thanks for all the support you have been giving us in the inspirations, its good to see we gained a positive player to the group. Have a good afternoon boys!

2007-01-18 12:45 PM
in reply to: #631977

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Thxs AJ - Every day I feel like I might cut out some training I always go and have a look at one of your guy's sessions and see what you have done, that get's me off my Ar*e and motivates me.

All - Think this time next year if we continue to crack on with this, we will all be on the channel talking about what a fantastic year we have had doing races and what races we did in 2007, and how we only need to loose a few pounds (Instead of multiples of 10) to get back to race weight for 2008 season. We may even have a few tips for Adam on our racing experiences..

You guy's all inspire me, it is the least I can do to try and inspire you in some small way...


2007-01-18 1:09 PM
in reply to: #631977

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Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
We can't all be like Morris Day and have the "TIME" ( is that a cool 80's reference ) to do it all. The whole time managment thing (IMO) is an often overlooked factor in any type of training. The one thing that has to happen is that a person keeps everything in balance. Our family life, professional obligations, training and "me" time has to be balanced out. I am no expert on time management but from personal experiences I have found that I did an still do waste alot of time. Just remember that a minute or 2 of time conserved over the course of 24 hours can be the difference in a 20-30 minute workout each day ( quality over quantity).

Keep up the good work and keep stay focused on your goals!

2007-01-19 9:01 AM
in reply to: #631977


Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
All right folks- anyone have a prediction for this weekends playoffs. I am in the running for the $$$ with my fantasy team but am unsure how to pick. Looks like and interesting weekend. The treadmill and trainer will be put to use this weekend without much concern for boredom.

James on your training question, while I am not really as qualified as most of the other people here I think everyone else has hit the issue on the head. Stay focused on your goals and just push your comfort zone a little each week. If you are wanting to just finish, as is my case, you accept that and work toward that. That in itself will be a major accomplishment. If you want to place high ramp up for that. Just stay focused on what it is you wish to accomplish and stay focused on the big picture. Just stay consistant.

Everyone have a good weekend.

2007-01-19 9:21 AM
in reply to: #631977

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Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
I have got to go with the Colts.

The treadmill thing might get a little dangerous on my end - I have a fridge full of "coldies" just waiting on the game.
2007-01-19 9:25 AM
in reply to: #631977

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Patriots for me............They are my second team after the Jets. Seeing as I technically live in New England but am closer to NY.

I do like the colts though as Payton Manning is an awesome player.

I am having a couple of friends around so will be beers on Sunday.....

I do hope Chicago get knocked out they are pretty boring...
2007-01-19 10:27 AM
in reply to: #660489

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Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL

jamesG - 2007-01-19 8:25 AM Patriots for me............They are my second team after the Jets. Seeing as I technically live in New England but am closer to NY. I do like the colts though as Payton Manning is an awesome player. I am having a couple of friends around so will be beers on Sunday..... I do hope Chicago get knocked out they are pretty boring...

I'm not sure what you mean about Chicago being boring - I mean really, is there a more exciting team in the NFL? From week to week you never know what you're going to get. Grossman could throw for 300 yards and 5 touchdowns or he could throw 4 INTs and have 2 fumbles. If that's not excitement, I'm not sure what is! Still though, I may be cheering for the Bears even though it pains me to do so as a Packers fan. I'm indifferent in the other game but I think the Patriots will pull it out in the end.

2007-01-19 10:34 AM
in reply to: #660621

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
himself - 2007-01-19 9:27 AM

jamesG - 2007-01-19 8:25 AM Patriots for me............They are my second team after the Jets. Seeing as I technically live in New England but am closer to NY. I do like the colts though as Payton Manning is an awesome player. I am having a couple of friends around so will be beers on Sunday..... I do hope Chicago get knocked out they are pretty boring...

I'm not sure what you mean about Chicago being boring - I mean really, is there a more exciting team in the NFL? From week to week you never know what you're going to get. Grossman could throw for 300 yards and 5 touchdowns or he could throw 4 INTs and have 2 fumbles. If that's not excitement, I'm not sure what is! Still though, I may be cheering for the Bears even though it pains me to do so as a Packers fan. I'm indifferent in the other game but I think the Patriots will pull it out in the end.

I'm reconsidering whether we really want Ryan in our group.  How can a Packers fan root for Da' Bears?!  That's blasphemy!  And the Pats are going down, down, down!  There is no way they can hang with the Colts in the dome.  I also like New Orleans, just as a feel good story in football.  Should make for some interesting games. 

Everyone have a good weekend, I have friends in town and won't be online until probably Monday (although the last time I said that I was checking BT in 12 hours, so whatever).

2007-01-19 11:02 AM
in reply to: #631977

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Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
I live about 40 minutes drive from Indy so all my local news-stations are broadcast out of Indy. They are saying that the game between the Colts and Pats will be one of the highest viewed playoff games ever.

We came closse with Harbaugh against the Steeleres a few years back ( remember the hail mary and the questionable call in the endzone?). I really think that the Colts have a good shot at winning this game IF the defense shows up like it has the past 2 games. I think we have only allowed something like 120 total running yards over the past 2 games. Stopping the run has been the key. Now we have to stop Brady - we need pressure , pressure, pressure on him to force him into mistakes like last week.

2007-01-20 5:17 PM
in reply to: #631977

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Hey Chaps - Had my tri-group cycle this morning. The tri coach imparted a very interesting story.

He had watched a training DVD, and a consulting firm had done a study of a huge nation wide Real estate firm and their sales people. This is what they established....

1/ 87% of the people hadn't thought of objectives or targets on their years performance.
2/ 10% Had thought about objectives/targets what they wanted to achieve etc...
3/ 3% had thought about them and documented them and monitored performance against them.

These were the results.

The people in group 2/ sold 300% more than people in group 1/
The people in group 3/ sold 1000% more than group 1/.

My us all documenting our objectives and progress on BT put us in group 3/. Keep up the good work....

Happy training next week.


2007-01-20 7:18 PM
in reply to: #631977

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Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Great point James. Kind of shocking to see those numbers though! I know that on a monthly basis Adam puts in his Short-Term Goals section of his log what he wants to get out of the month. Although I don't put it in short-term goals, I will typically list in my Long-Term Goals what kind of volume I think I can get in for the year. For example, last year I wanted to ride my bike 3000 miles, swim 240,000 yards, and run 350 miles. The only one I missed was the swim and it was by 1200 yards. Plenty of other BTers do this as well. I'll wait until the end of January to see what kind of time/numbers I'm posting and then project it out from there, maybe adding a little bit more where necessary to make it a little challenging. So with the point you're making, I think it's a good idea to put in your log what you want to get out of the week, month, year, etc. - whatever works best for you.
2007-01-22 5:12 AM
in reply to: #631977

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Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
What a game! Finally the Colts are able to get the Superbowl monkey off their back.
2007-01-22 7:32 AM
in reply to: #631977

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Awesome game - Well done to the colts.......I think they will win teh suoer bowl, can't see Chicago beating them..
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