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2007-10-08 6:03 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
WHOA BRITTANY!!!! We have a superstar on our team - way to go and congrats on your top ten!! You were flying! And then an 8+ mile recovery run - sheesh!

TEAM: I've pulled your miles from your logs for last week (through Sunday) except for JohnDeere cause I think he's still learning to log, but last report had 6 miles completed so I used that for now. Unofficially then, we are at 22.958% of our goal completed - which is pretty ding dang good!

Let's really get geared up to hit 50%+ by the end of this week - Why bike or swim in the fall, just run!!! LOL

As for me, I am hoping the toe is better enough to do a 6 miler this week. It's week 5 for it, so should be almost finished with hurting so much. I have an OWS coming up on Saturday, followed by a Trek Breast Cancer Awareness Ride, which is on a trail, where I just may stay after and run a bit to make it a mock tri...fun! DS and DH will be on an Indian Guides camping trip all weekend, the first one - I am excited and sad at the same time, they grow up so fast.

Ok, enough about me, time to start our busy days! GO TEAM BLACK MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!

(I'll post results later on so you can double check me)

2007-10-08 6:28 AM
in reply to: #995963

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Congratulations on the amazing run! You rock girl!

I'm on my official "2 days off of running to recover from the long run" time. So, no more run miles until Tuesday for me.
2007-10-08 8:49 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Preferably on my bike somewhere
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Hope everyone had a nice weekend, and gets back at it this week. Running is good, cross training is better, tri training is BEST!
2007-10-08 9:18 AM
in reply to: #984888

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
4.1 miles for me this morning. After that, my 6 yr old ran with me around the block. Yay!
2007-10-08 9:25 AM
in reply to: #984888

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2007-10-08 9:28 AM
in reply to: #984888

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(Black Magic.jpg)

Black Magic.jpg (46KB - 14 downloads)

2007-10-08 9:32 AM
in reply to: #984888

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
13.18 for the good guys, or is it bad guy us being evil and all?
2007-10-08 9:35 AM
in reply to: #996276

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2007-10-08 10:55 AM
in reply to: #984888

Preferably on my bike somewhere
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
4.5miles for me this morning.

2007-10-08 11:13 AM
in reply to: #996473

Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
7.71 miles for me last week.  I survived my Oly and my foot actually feels pretty good today.  THis week is about recovery and catchup at work so it'll be a limited week for WO's.
2007-10-08 12:30 PM
in reply to: #996518

Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

Donto - 2007-10-08 11:13 AM 7.71 miles for me last week. I survived my Oly and my foot actually feels pretty good today. THis week is about recovery and catchup at work so it'll be a limited week for WO's.

Woo-hoo!  Way to go on your race.  Now buddy, go very LIGHT for your recover but don't just sit there!   You'll seize up and start walking like a crab.    We are confident that you will start mashing out the mileage next week.


Hey hey hey i have good news too!  My long run this morning was about TWO MINUTES PER MILE faster than my other recent long runs - that slower pace was worrying me, it was so weird.  And yes I made my whole 9 miles, and I ain't dead yet!   

2007-10-08 12:31 PM
in reply to: #984888

Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

Eww.  My sports bra is so wet I can ALMOST wring it out.  It's wetter than it is after the spin cycle in the laundry, for sure.  Nasty!

But I earned my nasty sweaty sports bra, oh yeahhhhhhh.....    



2007-10-08 12:35 PM
in reply to: #984888

Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

Celeste- nice--way to push out those 9 and faster too!
Donto- Congrats on a great race as well and glad the foot isn't hurting much!
I appreciate all the encouragement and well wishes--new meaning to runner's high for me!
What does everyone have on tap for this week?
M: 8.3 (done)
T: bike/lift at gym:
W: Early morning Customs inspection of our stuff to go in the containers to ship home (one step closer to leaving!!)"
Th: Long Run day, 16 miles on plan
Fri: bike/lift at gym
Sat: Light Brick maybe
Sun: APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) 2 min Pushups/2 min situp/2 mile run)
This week got a little messed up with the Customs inspection and APFT.

2007-10-08 12:44 PM
in reply to: #996699

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Yay Donto on the race and not hurting too much.

Yay Celeste on the 9 miler.

Here's how my week is shaping up:
Today: swim/bike - short and fun. OWS in Wisconsin in October? Glory be! (Of course, now I'm soaking wet cause I got caught in a downpour on my way back from the gym.)
Tuesday: lift/run (about 4)
Wednesday: bike, if I get my azz in gear (for some reason I'm just not feeling the bike love right now)
Thursday: run (another 4-ish)
Friday: swim (for real, in the pool and all)
Saturday: long run - should be around 7 miles, but I'm going to be out of town and won't know where to run. So, I'm gonna shoot for time of about 75 minutes.
Sunday: rest day
2007-10-08 12:53 PM
in reply to: #984888

Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Hey Celeste: thanks for the heads up on the percentages, I'll verify and correct if needed.

Anyone heard from JohnDeere since the first day? ERIC where are you?

My week -

Mon - park workout and 2 mile run
Tues - Pilates
Weds - 20 mile bike + 2 mile run
Thurs - may have time for a 2 miler
Friday - 4-6 mile run
Sat - 1K OWS + 10+ mile bike (Trek ride) + possibly a run if it's not too late/tired/hot
Sun - longish run (6 miles)

Shooting for about 15 miles of running this week to make up for small deficit last week.
2007-10-08 2:15 PM
in reply to: #984888

Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread


Brittany, awesome race and fingers crossed that the customs inspection goes well. Donto, glad you had a good race!  Beach is wicked down here.  Ken, cute about your little one.  Celest - you're going to rock your race.

My training is going to be sporadic based on weather and my training partners schedule.  We are looking at another 6.2 mile run tomorrow and I plan on at least 10 miles this week to keep myself on track. He's working Wednesday, so I might be able to squeeze a few more in that day.

Otherwise - my first product for TriPrincess comes in tomorrow, so I'm working at getting the web site up.    Fingers crossed, please! 

2007-10-08 9:09 PM
in reply to: #996955

Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

foolproof - 2007-10-08 2:15 PM


Otherwise - my first product for TriPrincess comes in tomorrow, so I'm working at getting the web site up. Fingers crossed, please!

TriPrincess, intriguing!!!  Give us a heads-up when the site is ready.

2007-10-09 7:59 AM
in reply to: #984888

Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Morning guys and girls!

I'd like us to try to rally those folks we haven't heard from in awhile. We have a day or so to figure out if they are still part of the challenge and if not, remove them from our roster. Otherwise we are going to need to get them going or they count against us in the totals.

JohnDeere/Eric: this is a brand new guy, (EDIT: Just got a PM from Eric, he's going to figure out the logging and was offline for the weekend, he's IN!!!) (last thread post 10/5)

Lobstergirl/Katherine: She introduced herself and hasn't been back on the thread, but I know she travels and is still logging runs. Let's stop by and say hello to her! (last thread post 10/2)

Offthecouchandtri/Mary: Let's give Mary some extra love and coax her back into our thread, we need to remember that ALL of us, regardless of our level, can improve together as a team. (last thread post 10/4)


(as for me, got DS home from school today so no running but will be well rested for the rest of the week!)

Edited by annabananamc 2007-10-09 8:01 AM
2007-10-09 8:08 AM
in reply to: #984888

McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
My plan for the week:
Monday 4 mile run - done
Tuesday swim or bike trainer (depends on wetsuit arrival)
Wednesday 6 mile run & possible swim
Thursday swim
Friday 4 mile run
Saturday rest
Sunday Olympic Tri
2007-10-09 8:27 AM
in reply to: #998092

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Inspires sent (except to JohnDeere, but now that I see he's in, I'll go ping him, too.)
2007-10-09 8:37 AM
in reply to: #984888

Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

Thanks for keeping track of us all Anna.

 The rest of my week looks like:  2 miles with Liz Wednesday night for sure, then a tempo run and one other short run, probably Friday & Saturday.  So that's maybe 7 more miles total this week.

2007-10-09 10:51 AM
in reply to: #984888

Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

Hey team--let me second the "thanks" to Anna for keeping track of all of us.
Sounds like many of you are doing well, I'll try to stop in and inspire some of the more quiet of the group. Oh, I hadn't said welcome to Jszat yet! Welcome welcome! 

Off day tomorrow for the customs thing--should be no issue at all...I snuck back everything I wanted to last time I was here, haha (j/k).  Hang in there all, 22 days of the month left to hit our goals! WE CAN DO IT! GO TEAM GO!

2007-10-09 10:58 AM
in reply to: #984888

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
I will be better about the inspire rounds but had a busy weekend especially with Columbus Day and all!  Seems I get more BTing done at work than when I am at home.  Whowuddathunkit?  I hope to take a big chunk of my goal out this Sunday with my first 50k.  Not so sure I am ready for it but will try my damdest.  Just hope the legs work after that for the runs for the rest of the month!
2007-10-09 12:06 PM
in reply to: #998546

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
jszat - 2007-10-09 10:58 AM

I Just hope the legs work after that for the runs for the rest of the month!

He says all humble like. This is a guy that just did IMoo. He's gonna rock his 50k and smash his goal for the month. Or, so I says, anyway :P

Go Black Magic Donkey Go!
2007-10-09 4:10 PM
in reply to: #984888

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Soooo.....the chatter had died down cuz everyone is out running and not doing work or anything stupid like that, right?
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