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2008-01-02 4:10 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

With the new year and the nice white empty calendar it's a good time to set some goals for the year and some short term goals to help get us through the winter.  I know for myself I sit down in January and plan out all the races I want to  do for the year, and plan all the training I need to do to prepare, but when I get up in the morning and it' cold and windy  the last thing I want to do is get bundled up to out and run and freeze, or drive to the gym to swim or workout.  Luckily I have everything I need in my basement to run, bike, strength train or stretch.  So I really have no excuse not to train, but I do find excuses anyway some days.

This mentor group is meant to provide some information, virtual training partners, accountability, motivation, whatever you want from us we can try to provide (but don't ask me for money) - I see the group is checking on each other, inspiring and that is great.  Lets try to be supportive of each other and get through the winter, which can be the most difficult time to train. (at least for me it is)

Also we belong to an awesome site that has  so much  information, so many tools and so many knowledgable people.  Check out all the functions of the logs, read the articles, watch the videos, look at the training plans, ask questions in the forums, read other peoples blogs, send random inspires, take the time to explore the site and all  that is available here - it really is amazing.



Edited by cathyd 2008-01-02 4:15 PM

2008-01-03 6:34 PM
in reply to: #1129112

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: Spinning/bike training question

Because of that winter weather Cathy mentioned, I had my first experience with a spin class today.  It certainly was a lot different from the normal training I do on the bike.  I almost never get out of the saddle in my on-the-road training.  Plus I never get the super high resistance here because we have no hills.  The closest thing I have to a hill is slight rise as a bridge crosses a canal for about 10 yds. Wind is the only difference I have between a fast and a slow ride. Through the winter we almost always have a 15-20mph wind.  

It was definitely a hard workout, but what I was wondering is whether any of you have experience with how spinning class helps/hurts the bike training versus an hour ride on the road.   Will it help raise those mphs?  Should I try to keep one spin class a week intead of an hour on the road, or should I do the hour on the road when possible?  Will the strength built on the spin bike translate to faster road times? 

Edited by wyldrunner 2008-01-03 6:35 PM
2008-01-03 6:36 PM
in reply to: #1132204

Subject: RE: Spinning/bike training question
wyldrunner - 2008-01-03 7:34 PM

Will the strength built on the spin bike translate to faster road times? 

If you ask me: YES
2008-01-04 6:19 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

I enjoy spin classes. They can definitely be a good workout, and may do some to build your cycling strength. But I think an even BETTER way to build your cycling strength/power over the winter may be to do some specific bike workouts, similar to how you've structured your running schedule. I don't think anything prepares you better for riding faster on YOUR bike than training on your bike. No matter how hard you try, the fit of a spin bike is never going to be exactly the same as your own bike, so pedaling mechanics are likely to be slightly different.

So, you could try some drills to work on your cycling form (one-leg drills are good for this), do some high cadence spinning in a low gear to get your legs used to moving faster on the bike, and some power drills. You can do any of this on a bike trainier or riding outdoors (except the one-leg drills!! Don't try those outdoors!). When weather is okay to bike outdoors, try doing some interval work where you shift into a bigger gear that makes your legs work hardrer. Go hard for a specific period of time, then shift back into an easier gear to recover. Start with short work intervals and work up to longer ones and/or work toward being able to push a harder gear. If you have a bike computer, you can also do some short tempo rides, try to keep your speed up to some target speed for 15 or 20 minutes, etc.

Here are a couple of bike workouts you could try:

If you have a bike trainer, you could also buy some Spinervals or Charmichael Training DVD's. They have some good workouts for different cycling goals.

So, I think the bottom line is -- by all means enjoy your spin classes! I enjoy the music, the group atmosphere, and the hard sweaty workout I usually get from one. But don't let spin classes be your only or even primary way of doing bike training over the winter -- to get better, you really need to spend some time in the saddle of your own bike.

In the immortal words of Queen ... "Get on your bikes and ride!"

2008-01-04 12:56 PM
in reply to: #1132204

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Subject: RE: Spinning/bike training question
You can also get free bike workouts at  click on free workouts.
2008-01-04 4:16 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Okay, here's a new topic for discussion...

I'm trying to plan out my race season. My "A" race will most likely be Black Bear HIM on June 1. I would like to get some tune-up racing in one form or another in before Black Bear.

Here are some of the events & dates I'm considering as tune-up events:

Sprint distance duathlon (5K run, 13.1 mi. bike, 5K run) April 6
Longer duathlon (5K run, 29 mi. bike, 5K run) April 27 (I could also do this one as a tri, with a 1/2 mile swim, but the water will be D@MN COLD in April!!!)
10 mile running race or half-maraton May 4

I would likely not do both the longer du and a running race two weekends back-to-back. Any thoughts on which would be better prep for my HIM? If I do the running event, any better to go with the half-marathon or the ten-miler 4 weeks prior to HIM?

I think I'm leaning toward the longer duathlon being better prep, but could be persuaded otherwise.

What do you guys think??

Edited by jsnowash 2008-01-04 4:18 PM

2008-01-05 2:28 AM
in reply to: #1132204

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Spinning/bike training question
Cycling is my 'fix'-so I'm a little picky, but here's what I've found.  Spinning classes don't 'flow' like a real ride.  You do things in a spinning class you would NEVER do on a real ride; great big gears, seated/standing ONLY climbs, and that MUSIC (OMG!).  Go outside and ride.  Sprint between light poles, see how long you can keep up with traffic when you leave an intersection.   Find some rolling hills and power-up them in your big ring.  Then go home and watch "American Flyers".
2008-01-05 6:00 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
PS -- One more thing to add about spin classes, and stationary spin bikes in general... I don't know what your cycling background is, but if you're a relative cycling newbie, be mindful of your form on a spin bike. I see people in spin classes doing all sorts of wierd things -- seats way too low, bodies bobbing all over the place, and really mashing the pedals, rather than smooth, full pedal strokes. Try to set the bike up as closely as possible to what your real bike feels like.

I agree with Jeff that spin class doesn't really mimic how you ride outside, but I still think it's an okay substitute for a bike workout from time to time.
2008-01-05 6:32 AM
in reply to: #1135444

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Thanks for everyone's opinions on spin classes.  My knees and back are sore from the class, and not in a good way. (And yes, Jeff, the music did drive me nuts and if the lady next to me went "woo woo" one more time, I was going to have to knock her right off the bike!!)  I think I will try to stick to the outdoor riding as much as I can and keep the spin classes for "emergency" days.  

I do think I need some of the extra strength that would probably come from doing more varied workouts on the bike.  Jenny's suggestion seems like a good one.  I will look into varying up my workouts.  If I used my running template, I guess a distance ride, an LT ride, and an interval ride would probably make a pretty good week of training.

I do have an indoor trainer with a road bike on it out in the garage.  It is an old one, very noisy, and I hate to use it.  I like the new magnetic one I saw at the bike store, but I am not sure if I can justify a new toy to myself just yet.  In my newly single predicament, that is over two months of my running/tri budget.  That would mean no race entries and no new running shoes Cry  I may bring the old one in, though, and see how it might work with some cycling videos (thanks Cathy).  I use exercise videos of other types often, so it might be neat to try a cycling one. 

Anyway, thanks again everyone for the responses. 

2008-01-05 7:01 AM
in reply to: #1134511

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

jsnowash - 2008-01-04 5:16 PM    ...Any thoughts on which would be better prep for my HIM? If I do the running event, any better to go with the half-marathon or the ten-miler 4 weeks prior to HIM? I think I'm leaning toward the longer duathlon being better prep, but could be persuaded otherwise. What do you guys think??

Here is what I think, FWIW.  I think you are right about the longer duathlon.   It would probably be better prep.  (I don't blame you for not wanting to get in the brrrrr cold water!!)  I think you could run the 5ks at full speed and not worry about it interfering with the A race, and probably the same with the ride (although that is not my area of expertise). 

But, if you decide to go with the running, I would probably say do the ten miler at your expected half marathon race pace as a pacing exercise.  I don't think you should do either the half or the 10 miler at full race speed only four weeks out from an A race.  The longest I think you should race at full effort with an A race so close would be a 10k.   The reason I say that is that if you ran the half or 10 miler at full race speed, you would probably need to spend most of the next week letting your legs recover from the effort.   That would mean no long or hard running workouts that week.  That would leave you three weeks from the A race.  If you were going to have a two week taper, that really only leaves you one more quality week of training.  In my opinion, you would be better off training hard both of those weeks and then letting the taper kick in. 

But then again, this is based on my own old and much abused runner's body.  I don't recover from races like I used to.  I am not sure how you recover, how much taper you need before a race to feel good, how injury-prone you are, etc.  I just tend to be on the cautious side if the HIM is really important to you.

2008-01-05 11:42 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Thanks, Lori

I had pretty much the same thougths about 1/2 marathon recovery interfering with a pretty critical point in my HIM training cycle, so it's good to see that maybe I was thinking on the right track. I'm no spring chicken myself, so allowing myself a good taper (at least 2 weeks) will be pretty important for me.

I feel like my HIM training schedule is starting to come together pretty nicely. With 21 weeks to go before my race, my plan is basically:

Weeks 1 - 3: build base and distance, minimal speed work
Week 4: recovery
Weeks 5 - 7: more base building, continue to increase distance, still minimal speed work
Week 8: recovery
Weeks 9 - 10: continue increasing distance, begin to add in more speed work
Week 11: recovery
Weeks 12 - 13: increase distance & intensity
Week 14: recovery
Weeks 14 - 16: increase distance & intensity
Week 17: recover
Weeks 18 - 19: Peak
Weeks 20 - 21: Taper & race

I figure I might do better with a 3 week build/recovery cycle when the work gets longer and more intense, so we'll give that a go. Now I just need to fill in the details... Piece of cake, right??

2008-01-05 5:01 PM
in reply to: #1135741

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

jsnowash - 2008-01-05 12:42 PM ...With 21 weeks to go before my race, my plan is basically: Weeks 1 - 3: build base and distance, minimal speed work Week 4: recovery Weeks 5 - 7: more base building, continue to increase distance, still minimal speed work Week 8: recovery Weeks 9 - 10: continue increasing distance, begin to add in more speed work Week 11: recovery Weeks 12 - 13: increase distance & intensity Week 14: recovery Weeks 14 - 16: increase distance & intensity Week 17: recover Weeks 18 - 19: Peak Weeks 20 - 21: Taper & race I figure I might do better with a 3 week build/recovery cycle when the work gets longer and more intense, so we'll give that a go. Now I just need to fill in the details... Piece of cake, right??

Jenny, That plan looks sensible to me.  I would like to make two suggestions.  First, during that first phase, are you sure you want to do speedwork?   For me that would be to early in the season if I was trying to peak for a race. I would normally do no formal speedwork, maybe just some fartlek.  At that point, I just try to let the base build without a lot of worry about speed.  I would do mostly T2, with maybe some T3 and T4 mixed in on fartlek days.

During that second phase, what would you think about working in one day a week of hill work to strengthen your legs in preparation for the upcoming speedwork.  This would do two things. If the race has hills, it will help prepare you for them, and it will help strengthen your legs to handle the strain of the speed training.   If you worked in at least one day of strenuous hill training a week into that phase, it might help with the strength. 

Also, I am a big fan of doing training that simulates course conditions as much as possible.  Have you looked at the course profile for the race yet.  What I mean is that if the hills are late in the race, I arrange the courses I train on so that I face hills at the end of my runs when the legs are tired.  If the hills roll, I practice on a rolling course.  If they are steep, I practice that. If there is a lot of downhill, I practice that.  With the bike, I would imagine it is the same thing.  I do goofy things during the workouts like tell myself, "Here I am at that big hill by the bridge at mile 4 of the race.  Whew, look at me passing people on that hill.  I feel strong,"  while I am training.  I don't know if it works, but it keeps me entertained Laughing  That is just something I do that you might consider as you are planning the day-to-day workouts.

I hope this gives you some things to think about.  I am just basing this on stuff that has worked for me.  Everyone is so different...

2008-01-05 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Excellent suggestions, Lori, thanks! When I said "minimal speedwork" during that first 4 weeks, I meant, well, almost nothing -- LOL! Maybe a moderately paced tempo run each week, and, as you suggest, a few fartleks thrown in here and there for good measure, but that phase will mostly be for base building & increasing distance.

I like the hill work suggestion, and will probably use that in my plan. I need to look into the what the Black Bear run course looks like. I know the bike is hilly, and I think there are some hills on the run, but I believe the run is flatter than the bike. Any of you other Black Bear racers know about this? Fortunately, I live close enough to the race site to get in a few training rides on the actual course, hopefully.

Happy training, everyone! Tomorrow's a day off for me!
2008-01-06 4:45 PM
in reply to: #1090940

Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Hey all I have a bike trainer question.

I got a second-hand Dick's Sporting Good's trainer. It is not fancy, but it's functional - I guess.

It is LOUD (aren't they all?) and it is shredding my back tire. I have fiddled with it but cannot figure out what to adjust to make it quit eating rubber!

From what I can tell this is not unusual - so do I go get a trainer tire for in-home use? And how can I tell if this one is no longer road-worthy? I am so not into getting a flat seeing as how I have yet to learn how to fix one. And isn't it hard to remove/re-install a back tire?

2008-01-06 10:32 PM
in reply to: #1137400

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

hi Barb.. I haven't had the tire shredding problem on the trainer but have seen a few posts about it.  Check these out :

 Also check out the video on changing tires and tubes:

Lots of bike shops have seminars on simple bike repair and maintenace, usually in the spring, which go over things like changing tires. 


2008-01-06 10:35 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: Jan. 7 weekly summary and goals
Wow, another week is over.  Sorry for my absense lately, my work schedule has been crazy but should settle back to normal now.  I'll update my week and next weeks goals later.

2008-01-07 5:38 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

You're right that it's not uncommon for the trainer to eat up tires, and you can definintely get a trainer tire. If you will be switching back and forth a lot between using the trainer and riding your bike outdoors, it might be worthwhile to actually buy a cheap wheel and cassette to use on the trainer, since, IMO, it's less of a pain to pull the wheel off and switch it out than it is to change the tire every time you want to hop on the trainer! Or you can do what I did -- get a second bike - LOL! I have my tri bike on the trainer, where it will probably stay most of the winter, and I'll ride my road bike for outdoor rides for now. That'll probably switch when the weather gets warmer and most of my riding moves outdoors.

And I think you should take Cathy's advice... go take one of those basic bike maintenance classes most local bike shops offer -- you really do need to know how to change a tire - 'cause it's gonna happen one of these days!!
2008-01-07 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1138070

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Subject: RE: Jan. 7 weekly summary and goals

Ok, I'll be the first to reply to my own post... lol.

Last week was rough for me with only one day off work...a 72 hour work week is not nice !

I only did 2 bikes, 2 very short runs and 2 core workouts last week  but I'm happy with that.  We're into a new week and a new year so I've got a whole 11 1/2 months before that dreaded holiday schedule comes around again.

My Planned training for this week:
today - long run, strength and core training
Tues - bike, swim, core
Wed - bike, run, swim, strength
Thurs-run, core
Fri - long bike, swim, strength and core
Sat - off
Sun - core

My goal for the week is to stick to the plan.

What's everyone else doing?  Do you have your race season organized?  Do you have any early season races planned?  What's your plan for this week?

We're missing a couple group members - Steve and Monica, where are you? Please come back to the group.


2008-01-07 1:43 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Last week was okay. I was just sort of trying to maintain....

I got in a day of skiing, a couple of runs, a couple of short trainer rides, and 1 swim.

My HIM training plan begins in earnest this week, and my goal is to try to stick to the plan as closely as possible. I have my planned training for the week posted in my logs, so you can look there to see what I'm working on this week...

My OTHER goal for the next - well - forever, is to do a better job of managing how I eat... I need to clean up my diet, and do a better job of eating less during periods when I'm training less!

Still thinking about exactly how my race schedule is going to look this year. That's another goal for me, figure out what races I want to do beyond the early season HIM.

Happy training, everyone!
2008-01-07 7:24 PM
in reply to: #1139341

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Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

hey, remember me?  I'm the missing one.   apologies for the extended absence, but it's been a bit nutty around here, and my home PC died so no BT.

anyway, you may remember that I'd hurt my hip a while back, and thanks to a crazy busy holiday season and a really bad cold, it's gotten lots of rest.  my plan is to start working out again this week, then try to get at least a couple of workouts in on vacation starting next week.

going back to the "what derails you" question -  I work standard hours, but I commute an hour and 40 minutes each way.  I just figured out that I'm going to have to make myself into a morning workout person if I'm ever going to have a chance to be consistent with training.

anyway, the plan is get back to things this week, don't slack completely on vacation, then start something more structured when I return (as to what that is... I'll be figuring that out from next to the pool while I relax.)

2008-01-08 8:07 AM
in reply to: #1140308

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

That sounds like a good plan monica.  Enjoy your vacation.

Your commute is awful.. and I complain about a 25 minute commute.  Just think of all the training you could get done in that 3 hours+ per day !!  Oh well, another 20 or 30 years and you can retire and have all the time you want for training !  LOL

2008-01-08 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1138991

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: Jan. 7 weekly summary and goals

Last week was a good week for me. I got in all the scheduled training and had a good race. 

I still haven't put together a training plan for next season.   It is hard for me to decide on what races to do, and it is hard for me to get focused on tri season now when I am really trying still to figure out what to do with my running.  I guess everything got derailed for me when I lost November as a training month (it was supposed to be all base building for running, but it didn't happen).  That put me off on my planned schedule for this part of the year, which has thrown me off quite a bit.  I will try to pull things together this week and get a plan that is more than one week at a time. 

So, I guess my goals for this week are to recover from the half last week and to get together some type of plan for the next season. 

2008-01-08 3:46 PM
in reply to: #1090940

Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
My goals this week are

to figure out how to deal with a busted a$$ - weather's nice so I am out riding. But running feels weird - like my left leg cannot swing up to where it needs to go. Seeing the PT on Thursday.

Whew! Did loose some condition over those 2-1/2 weeks - riding today for 1 hour and fifteen took the fight out of me.

Continue increasing swimming weekly total.

So this is what I am thinking about the bike trainer eating tires dilemma: get a whole 'nuther bike exclusively for the trainer. It's too much of a bother/expensive/annoying to be changing wheels or to stick the hybrid on it because my husband uses it (well, it is HIS bike after all). So I dug in the garage and found Grandpa's bike but it is in really rough condition. I may just haunt Craig's List and pick up a $100 old ten speed, and try to imitate the fitting that I have on my road bike that only goes on the road.

Oh and wyldrunner as far as getting a plan in place: I have just finished The Triathlete's Training Bible and am now on The Perfect Distance. They both helped get my goal-setting and plan-setting juices flowing. Have you read them?

Edited by BabsVa 2008-01-08 3:48 PM
2008-01-09 7:42 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Hello ladies and gentlemen!

My goal for this week and the next is to finish my 10 day prescription of meds to kill my bronchitis leftovers.

I went to my physician yesterday and she gave me the green light to do weight training, swimming and biking in a moderate fashion. As for running, I will have to hold off until I'm done with my prescription and will reevaluate the situation then.

Monica, Lori and Jenny... Many thanks for your inspires and support, they gave my mood a much needed boost. It's been a very frustrating month to say the least...

2008-01-10 5:01 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Glad to see you're getting a handle on your health issues! Hopefully those meds will take care of things, and you'll be back up to full speed soon. Take care of yourself!
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