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2008-01-28 7:20 AM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

Daily Water Consumption - Does anyone have any input?  Is it true that during peak training and/or competition season, we should consume around 100 oz. to 120 oz. a day?

Congrats on the 10k Dale!  I've got a 5k this coming Saturday.

2008-01-28 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1115197

Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
More questions and observations. Being a newbie I may be a bit defensive but I think ANYONE doing a triathlon is a winner. I don't think there should be class structure. You know from running a few road races there are always fast people and slow people but nobody cares. At the Peachtree Road Race the winners do it in under 30 mins but almost 3,000 runners take longer than 50 minutes and nobody cares. Do you think the 8 hour Ironmen make fun of the 16 hour ironmen? I don't. Anyway on another forum there were other newbies like me asking about getting into the sport and the people were telling them if they swam a 40 minute mile they shouldn't bother going to a race and then saying stuff like a 25 minute 5k is "pathetic" and that if you don't have a triathlon bike you will suck, etc. Most people, I assume, start with a Sprint because it is newbie friendly, family friendly, and a short distance. I don't think many newbies are swimming a mile - maybe 400, 500 or 600 meters. Anyway I just got up in arms and thought that type of elitist attitidue is what is going to ruin the sport and why half the field in he 1986 hawaii ironman wanted the aerobars made illegal. They saw a time in the future when the race would be won based on equipment rather than racing. If you followed Dave Scott's career you'd see him win, over an hour from his next compeitor, in about 9 hours and 10 minutes. Then a few years later you'd see him race in 8 hours and 10 minutes and come in 5th or whatever. He cut 45 minutes off his bike time the first time he used aerobars, etc. Lots of the age groupers wanted regulations put on bikes and they wanted aerobars outlawed because they saw pros with sponsorships breaking away from the pack of really good racers on a tight budget. I just wish people would be nicer. Not trying to be a hippie but I don't see the benefit of anyone in looking down your nose at people and acting superior because you have more disposable income or more free time to train. I sure as hell don't want to enter a race and then be laughed at because i run a 25 minute 5 k and ride a 15 year old road bike. I can swim a mile in about 35 - - 38 minutes and I am not ashamed about that at all. Why would anyone else care?
2008-01-28 6:37 PM
in reply to: #1179257

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
From what I have heard, it depends. If it's hot and humid you will need more. Also, bigger people (larger surface area) don't dissipate heat as well. If you don't urinate often, and it's not clear, you are under hydrated. So like nutrition, experiment during training and keep an eye on the heat index. HTH
2008-01-28 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1179615

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
In short, don’t believe everything you hear or read. Sprints are there for introducing people to the sport. My wife did her first sprint last year and she finished next to last. Her 5K times are 45 minutes. She had people cheering her the entire way. You will hear unless you do an Ironman you aren’t a triathlete. Then others say if you don’t do Kona, you aren’t a triathlete. WHO GIVES A S****. I have had people on my bike rack with a $10 garage sale special bikes that still finished with a smile on their face. I have had a few jerks in open water swims but I just blow by them on the bike. I tell people for their first race, don’t worry about what you have on or what your bike look like, ESPN won’t be there so just go have fun and celebrate that you have the ability to be active!
2008-01-28 8:41 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Dale - Congrats on the 10k!

I've got a question on indoor cycle trainers. LBS has cycleops trainers for sale. There are several different types though and wanted to get your thoughts on them. They have magnetic, fan, magneto, and fluid trainers. Do you recommend any particular kind, and is there anything I should definately stay away from?


2008-01-28 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1115197

Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
thanks dale. that made my day. i have a feeling this guy (3 guys actually) are a little insecure. seems they were trying to steer people AWAY from the sport. very weird.

2008-01-28 9:53 PM
in reply to: #1180820

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Northern NY
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Hey Tim,

We have a recumbant exercise bike (schwinn) that's magnetic and I love it. It's quiet and changes through difficulty levels quite easily.

2008-01-29 7:24 AM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

I think shopping is the key to find the type of trainer that suits you.  Recently I have seen some trainers on websites for around $79 now. 

One thing I learned at the expo last weekend is that the back tire should touch the trainer with the same force as when you are sitting on the bike and the tire is on the ground.  I have been keeping mine way too light against the trainer, thus allowing the tire to slip when I'm pedaling.

I 2nd the Carmichael DVDs that Dale mentioned.  I've had a couple for a while and they will get your undivided attention.

2008-01-29 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1115197

New user

Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Hi Everyone,

Sorry I have been MIA. My dad suddenly had a stroke and I had to fly back east. I'm back in SD now and I will try and catch up on all the discussions etc.

2008-01-29 12:09 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

Hey Elizabeth - I hope he is doing well and welcome back!

2008-01-29 7:02 PM
in reply to: #1181499

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Hi Elizabeth, glad you are back with us. I hope your dad does well on his recovery.

Fluid trainers are supposed to be more quiet. I have a buddy that had a fluid trainer that sprung a leak on moma's carpet. I've always used old school wind resistance trainers. If you can spring for it, get one that you can change the resistance without getting off of the bike. Check the bicycling magazine page. They have reviews and a forum. Do a search on the forum and see what others are saying. BTW, those of you up north, as it gets warmer down south, you will see more of these go for sale on Ebay in the next few weeks.

2008-01-29 7:11 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Welcome back Elizabeth! I hope your Dad is doing well.

Thanks for the info on the trainers everyone. It looks like I have a bit more surfing/shopping to do.
2008-01-31 6:57 AM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Best of 2007 - I spun thru the message board last night (after a crazy, busy day!) here on BT and looked at "The Best of 2007."  There is a lot of good input from BT'ers on bikes, tires, equipment, gels, powdered drinks, shoes, etc.  Some of that input could save us some research time over the winter as we get things "dialed in."
2008-01-31 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1115197

Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
I finished January with 42 miles run, 96 miles biked, and 1.4 miles swam. Is that enough given the fact that I really only want to do Sprints right now?

2008-01-31 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1186231

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Northern NY
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Hi John,

Those look like good numbers to me though I'm probably not the one to ask

My numbers aren't nearly as high but I'm really happy with where I'm starting. I don't think I ran/biked this much in high school...

January's totals:
Bike: 2h 00m - 31.4 Mi
Run: 2h 22m - 11.2 Mi
Swim: 10m - 600 Yd

2008-01-31 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1186231

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
It sounds like you have enough in to finish. How do you feel about your training? On a weekend, try doing the race distance. If you feel good about your training , do all three on the same day, if not spread it out over 2 days. Don’t worry about the time in between events for now if you are doing them all the same day. When you’re done, evaluate how you feel. If something hurts, stop!!!!!!

2008-01-31 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

Great numbers John!  Do you have another tri coming up?

There are several in East TN and SE TN, 100 or more miles away in the next several months, but with the price of gas, I'll pass.  My 1st tri this year isn't until July 4th weekend, then I want to try a couple Olys in Aug/Sept.  Have several mtn bike races before then tho!

Numbers for '08:

Bike:6h 23m 41s  - 108.85 Mi
Run:1h 30m 13s  - 15.31 Mi
Swim:49m 40s  - 3940.42 Yd
Strength:4h 05m
Jump Rope:35m 19s
Stretching:1h 34m 30s
Walking:2h 21m 16s
Yoga:1h 27m

I may be in the market for an inexpensive treadmill.  I have a manual one, but I don't think I can run on it.  I guess Feb/March will be a good time to check out CraigsList for the New Year's Resolutions that fell through.

Anyone have a brand they can reccommend?

2008-02-01 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1115197

Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
January's totals:
Bike: 5h 30m - 97.9 Mi
Run: 6h 09m 48s - 42.08 Mi
Swim: 57m 12s - 2300 M
Strength: 4h 35m
Tennis: 3h 10m
Walking: 1h 23m 40s

Orange - you are fast as hell on the run man. Impressive. That's about a 2:40 marathon. Sweet.
2008-02-01 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

I've only been running between 2 and 3.5 miles a pop this month due to knee problems and that trip to Pluto last month.  That is why my time is so low.  Yes Virginia, Pluto is a planet; been there.

I'll run in the Predators 5K tomorrow morning in downtown Nashville.  Usually 2000 - 2500 there.  Temps should be in the low 40s and sunny.  Queue up the Linkin Park on the iPod.

2008-02-02 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

Wow, learned a few lessons today.  I ran in thick bicycling tights because the temp this morning was 27 degrees.  Run time was in mid-30s maybe?  Sunny though.  I don't think I have ever run in those tights, but it was cold!  I felt like I was running with a wet quilt around me.  I had no kick at the end.

Also, what are those quick-lace thingies tri folks put on their shoelaces?  My right one came untied twice!  Trying to retie with knit gloves was impossible!

I ran it in 28 last year.  I'm thinking a 25 or 26 this year.  I set the stopwatch on my watch, but I forgot to turn it off at the finish line.  They should have the chip times posted this evening or tomorrow.

2008-02-02 5:52 PM
in reply to: #1191093

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Yep if you ran in fleece lined tights, I bet they got a bit wet. What you are talking about are generically called speed laces. There are a many different kinds. I like these ez laces.

Here are a few more types

At least you were able to get out and blow off some cabin fever

2008-02-02 6:26 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL

Thanks for the links Dale!

Spouse took the youngest (after her powerwalk) to get our taxes done at her mothers.  Other son had a 2 hour lacrosse practice.  The temp hit a balmy 56 degrees with sun!  I thought I'd bike 10 easy to moderate miles in the neighborhood.  That 10 turned to 15, which turned to 20, then 25... at 27 I called it quits (2 hours) because son was due home from lacrosse.

THIS was my kind of Saturday!

Chip times are posted.

I did a 25:25, 15th out of the 59 runners in my 45-49 agegroup, the highest bib I saw on the list was 1783 and I placed 230th overall with an 8:12 pace.

If I didn't have to tie my shoe twice and didn't have the tights on, I'm sure I could have gotten down to a 24 and some change.

Edited by orange223 2008-02-03 12:23 PM
2008-02-03 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1191395

New user
North Carolina
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Nice job particularly running in a crowd!
2008-02-03 8:38 PM
in reply to: #1115197

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Terry, congrats on the race! Sounds like you had a good one.
2008-02-03 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1191395

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Northern NY
Subject: RE: TRI4ALL - Is Now FULL
Nice Run!
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